The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 05, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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The Babbage Flat on Exchange
Street Is Threatened.
Basznent in Home of Rev. L. D. Mi
hue the Scene of Trouble An Epi
swde Bucket Brigade and a Chemical,
Adjust Things Quickly.
Tor a few momenta yesterday even
log it loked a though the pretty home
Rpt. Luther D. Mahone, pastor of the
Rrst Congregational church, in the Bab
fcage flat, at 580 Exchange street, was
to be sacrificed to flames and it is safe
to assume that but for the instant aid
f neighbors, marshaled in a bucket
brigade, and the quick arrival of chenv
ical engine No. I, the worst would have
The Are originated in the basement
and apparently, within the crosswall
casings, and was first noticed by-Mrs.
Jlahone, who was at home alone, with
ler infant child, by means of the' dense
volumes of smoked permeating the whole
louse. Confiding her baby to the friend
hands of a neighbor, Mrs. Mahone,
who k a small and delicate woman, be
gan at once the task of removing her
household goods, beginn with two large
and heavy trunks, neither of which she
could have moved, except under the
tress of unusual excitement; these she
ueceeded in moving clear across the
Street, and before she could attempt
anything further in this behalf, was
jivea assurance that all danger was
pawed, and so desisted.
Fire Chief Foster was "on the spot,"
as usual, and in a short time had every
thing safe and in good order. Rev. Mr.
Ifahone was busily engaged in his study
loom at the church and knew nothing
f the mater until all was over.
Just a few moments before the alarm
Foard & Stokes to
nisi mam
Our Elegant Sample Line of
fafliiiuiiin Suits
If you intend to purchase
a suit this season, it will do
your heart good to see the
new styles we are showing
We are showing an un
usually nice assortment of
Misses' Coats. Bring along
the girls, mothers, and take
a look; we've lots of new
things to show you.
Astoria's Greatest Store
was turned in. John ami George Malai
were in the same basement removing
wood, and w no sign of danger.
Contractor Ferguson has a crew of
men at work on the Firt M. E- church
making extensive alterations, which
when completed, will nuke it one of the
mot attractive appearing church edi
fices in the city.
The building will be enlarged in many
ways, a new front, surmounted by
cupola, i being erected flush with the
street; the old front and gallery will
lie removed, and an entrance hall and
vestibule will take their plat while in
the basement a large refreshment room
is being fitted up. The work will be
completed by the middle of September
and will cot about $2,500.
Miss May Harvird, the 16-year-olJ
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C Havird,
formerly of Sveusen, is dead of diph
theria at the family residence in Port
land. The bereaved parents have been
very unfortunate with their children, as
they lost a son by drowning near this
ity some seven year ago, also one in
the same manner at Portland about
one month ago.
The funeral services will be held to
day at Portland and the body will then
be brought to Knappa for interment
Henry Weyman was arrested yester
day and arraigned in the justice court
on a charge of criminal assault, filed by
Cenneal Hamilton.
After a short preliminary hearing he
was released under $130 bonds, to ap
pear at 2 o'clock today.
The complaint says the assault was
committed with an iron poker, break
ing Hamilton's jaw in three places.
As the West Astoria Baseball team
lost tiie game to Fort Stevens Sunday
by a score of 4 to 2 they must defeat
the Cathlamet team, which they play
on their home grounds next Sunday, in
order to cinch the Lower Columbia cham-
A Prime Success In Every Par
ticulars-Attendance Flattering.
One Hundred and Ten Couples Availed
Themselves of the Dance at Logan
Hall Pretty Faces and Costumes the
Rule of the Evening.
The third annual ball given under the
auspices of the Astoria Central Labor
union at Logan hall lust night, to mark
the passage of Labor day, 11)05, was an
unqualified success in every particular,
attendance, floor, music, refreshments,
management, everything. Nothing was
lacking to contribute to the comfort and
pleasure of the guests, and the commit
tee in charge is entitled to thanks and
credit for the very satisfactory discharge
of their duty in the premises.
The doors were opened promptly at
9 o'clock and by 10 the event was in
full swing with 70 couples on the floor
and more awaiting their turn. The floor
was in beautiful condition, the dance
program was long and varied, and the
inspiring &tfains of Johnson's orchestra
gave constant invitation to indulge in
the gaiety of the hour.
Floor Manager Otto Grimes of the
Mail Carriers' union had things well in
hand, and he and his corps of assistants,
Messrs. V. Adams, Frank Lenweber,
Frank Kinkelley, Charles Petersen and
E. J. Lyman saw to it that no one lost
any of the pleasures provided.
The refreshments were served in an
annex of the ballroom, and were de-
lieinlla in nutititr anil nmnlv )iini1t,tit
' , , 1 '
tn quantity for even a larger concourse
. . ' . , , 1
than WM An ITuil IMism ti. nnr4al-a i.f
, I
them. .tflStn
There was a veritable host of pretty
women in the assemblage and the cos
tumes were fresh and dainty, stylish
and gracefully worn, the many colors
present offering a kaleidoscopic effect
in the brilliant lighting of the hall.
One hundred and ten couples partici
pated in the program, beside many oth
ers who were present ns simple sjiecta
tors. TIip gentlemen re-pon-Pile to the Cen
tral union, as its special committee,
were; Messrs. C. K. Lancaster of tiiP
Cigarmakers' union, Edgar Lawrence of
the same union, and John Sargres of the
Longshoremen's union, and they are ful
ly entitled to the promptest ami fullest
endorsement by their principles and by
the public for the masterly manner in
which they disposed of a big and oner
ous task.
Again be it said, the third annual ball
was a genuine success.
The Accident on the Launch Trifler as
It Really Occurred.
An Astorian reporter called upon Mr.
Louis Hartwig at his rooms, 241 Ninth
street, yesterday, and found that gen
tleman "somewhat disfigured, but still
in the ring," and hopeful of taking up
his dailv business routine todav. Mr.
Hartwig was lmdly burned across the
nose and mouth, from one cheekbone to
the other, and his right hand was in
volved in the scorch, by the accident
which befell the launch Trifller on last
Saturday evening.
He says he was not guilty of the
idiocy of investigating the gasoline tank
on his boat with a lighted lantern as
has been claimed for him, but did put
the lantern in-ide a locker ten feet away
from the tank, for the purjrose of get
ting out the funnel which was kept
there, and the explosion was due to the
fact that gasoline had vaporized on the
funnel in such quantities as to set up
the explo-ion, and the fire ran along
tue sides of the launch in such vol
ume as to force all hands, to-wit, Messrs.
Chester Winkler and Reese Einroerson,
his guests, and himself, over the side.
The two former left the boat entirely
and were lucky to find shallow water
to stand in, while Mr. Hartwig, not dar
ing to leave the launch altogether,
clung to the brass handrail, and as soon
as he had doused the fire on his clothes,
climbed aloard, hailed ' his friends,
fetched a "Commodore's sweep," picked
them up and returned to the city. The
accident occurred on the sandliar oppo
site the city, in the dark, at 8:15 o'clock,
and wa, mot happily, not productive
of any worse results. Messrs, Winkler
and Kmmerson suffered nothing further
than some scorched garments. The
party had intended going across the
river to Knapton.
The Astorian, 75 cent a month.
Steamer Tatoosh, from the Isxrj the
l.urliiie, from Portland, and the Nah
eotta, from noith shore poiut, all
docked here, simultaneously, at 5
o'clock yesterday evening.
tJcrman ship tregon passed up yes
terday morning early, in tow, to Portland.
Steamer F. A. Kilburn paed the bar
yesterday morning at 6 o'clock and con
tinued on to Portland direct.
Steamer Columbia arrived down from
Portland at 0:30 yesterday morning and
left out at 11 o'clock for San Francisco,
with every room and berth filled.
Steam schooner W. Kruger passed
outward, San Francisco bound, with
lumlier, at 6 a. 111. yesterday.
Steamship Ciarina arrived up from
the bar at 2:30 o'clock p. 111. yesterday
with Captain Duggan in command. She
left for Portland at once, and will load
grain for San Pedro. She hails from the
Bay city.
Steamer Jordan departed for Cathla
met with a big list of passengers at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon.
The dredger V. S. Ladd leaves this
morning to resume her work at Buoy
No. 4, near Alton.
llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea never
fails to tone the stomach, regulate the
kidneys, stimulate the liver and cleanse
the blood. A great tonic and muscle
producing remedy. 35 cents, Tea or Tab
lets. For sale by Frank Hart.
Bids will W ojiened by the street
committee this afternoon for the im
provement of Seventh street, between
Niagara and Bay avenues, and of Kighth
street, between Grand and Ixxington
New York, Sept. 3. It is reported in
. , . .....
Tientsin, savs a I-omhm dispatch to tne
Herald, that the dissent in Japan over
the concessions granted to Russia in the
pace treaty is so deep that it is feared
that a revolution will break out through
the empire.
Autumn Goods
Fall Jackets
Today we shall have them ready
and on sale. The best line of gar
ments, the nobbiest styles and the
lowest prices for the highest values
you will sec in this city.
The Empire and
Paddock Coats
us' Li ciin
At Very Cheap Prices
Ranging from
Fine Line of
In Chiffon, Broadcloths, Mohairs and
ranamas. Come early and make your
-Jy tohe gsj
In Session Lait Night Matters of In
terest Discuaied and Executed.
A meeting of the Astoria chamber of
commerce was held at the rooms on
Dnane street last evening, at which
quite a number of the leading business
men were present, notable among whom
were noted J, W, Surprenant, Samuel
K.lmore, A. It. Cyrus, Judge- J. Q. A.
Itowlby, A M Smith, President James
V Welch and Secretary C. It. Iliggins.
The following matters were preeuted
for consideration and were disposed of
by the chamlier: The committee here
tofore apxiinted to provide a safe and
suitable enclosure for the McTavlsh
monument repotted tlmt they had de
cided upon, and had ordered, iron net
ting of sufficient caliber to amply pro
tect the monument and that iiton its
arrival the. work of enclosing would ls
carefully finished. The r oit was in all
things approved.
Judge Bowlby made an Interesting
statement in regard to the Country Fair
exhibit, and in the course of his re
marks ic was suggested, and unifoimly
agreed that some of the grains, grasses
and other lasting displays now in the
fair, should be transferred to the chain
1"T of commerce rooms, when the exhi
bit ion shall have closed. Incidentally,
a cordial vote of thanks was extended
by the chamber to the original coin
mittee in charge of the Country Fair,
Judge Itowlby, (!. W. Umnslicrry and
O. I. IVtersen, for the masterly fashion
in which they had organized, arranged
and conducted the exhibition to date.
Discussion ensued as to the best meth
ods of preserving such of the displays
as it may be possible to keep for future
use, and the mater was left ots-n until
the date of final closing.
Mr. F.lmore, who reprinted the City
of Astoria and Clatsop county as a dele
gate in the recent National Irrigation
congress at I 'or tin ml, made a verlwl re
port of the transaction of that body
and his part in the same, concluding with
an expression of regret that the con
gress liecamn so factional over certain
of the issues pending as to quite nullify
the work of the convention as a whole.
The report of Mr. F.lmore was adopted.
Thee matters dispensed with, the
iitemlsTs indulged in an informal dis
cussion of certain conspicuous) local
questions, such as the momentary build
ing boom now apparent here, ami it
was particularly noted tliat the big in
vestment represented thereby were,
I each and all, purely Astoijati, no out
, side capital figuring nnywlime. The
question of the erection of a new hotel
in Astoria was also debated, in term
jthut indicated a warm endorsement of
1 the shrieking iiceeity for such an im
provement, and there ua not wauling
Isoine pretty plain evidence that the gen
tlemen involved in the discussion would
J lend a prompt and helping hand if the
project slioiihl present itself in tangible
1 form. -
Adjournment w-as then taken.
Attacked by a Mob
And beaten, in a labor riot, until covered
with sores, a Chicago street car con
ductor applied fiticklcn's Arnica Salve,
and was soon sound and well. "I use
it in my family," writes O. J. Welch of
Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect."
Simply great for cuts and burns. Only
25c at Chat. Rogers' drug store.
Astoria, Ore.,
September 705
San Franciscoand Portland
These Eminent Electro Medical Phyti
dant and Surgeons Will
V.'sit Our City.
Occidental Hotel
Thii being an advertising trip to intro
duce a New System of Treatment, they
will give to all commencing on above
date Consultation, Examination, Advice
and all Medicine necessary to complete
a Cure Abtolutely Free.
It will only be exacted of all patients
taking advantage of this offer to state
to their friends the result obtained by
his new svst"in of treatment. They
You will lie sure to 1 suited if
you come to us for your fall and win
ter suit. Our Varsity Sock will turn
he trick or some other of our famous
makes of high grade Clothing at
New pood arriving dally in browns,
green and gray mixtures for fall
and winter.
Fancy Vests
The Dreary Shop for Pretty Ken.
It i my M'ldom that ailing pcopttf
nave the privilege of consulting uh re
nowned specialist, who are in constant
attendance to wait uisin oii. iIiuk-
nose vour case, and give you t ic 1-eiiWil
of their medical knowledge. There i 111
experimenting or guesn woik. You wilt
N told wlicl her you can be cured or not.
If your case is ctiralile they will treat
you; it incurable, they will give you
llch advice a to Is' Is'tleflcial to you.
They treat deafne with an entirely
new method. Hearing restored to many
at once. ( atarrh in all its varied
form cured so that it will never
return by bcakiug up the rold catching
tendency by KLKt'Tllll'AI. IMU'CTION
of medicine.
Men suffering from fieiieral N'ervons-
ne. Weakness, l.ot Memory, Strength,
Weak Hack, Kidney Trouble, Ithctiiiiatic
I'ain. Lumbago, Sciatica, Torpid Liver,
Indigestion and )yticpsin here can find
a cine lliut H-riualienllv restores them
to their original strength and uianaood'.
without loading their stomach with pel- '
soiioit medicine.
If you have weak lungs or consumption
lo not fail to Is' examined.
Their new discovery of Kntuphoresi
In patulysis, and nil disease of the ner
vous tem, including F.l'ILKI'NY and
S T. Yltrs DAXCK. I a godsend to suf
fering humanity. Medical men stand
amazed at the wonderful cures that are
Is-ing effected wncrever i.iis system
has liccn introduced. Thousand who
have given tip all hojie of U-ing nrred
now have an opportunity of a lifetime
to consult, without charge, doctors of a
knowledge of inediciuc combined with
electricity give them control of disease
that others do not posse. If you have
weak eyes, headache or dunimss, this
new system will cure yon quickly.
Don't fail to call on these eminent
specialists, as n visit costs you nothing,
and it may save your life.
If you susjM'ct kidney troubles, take'
a two omice vial of your urine for chem
ical and microscopical analysis,
(Jo early as their office are always
crowded. If you are improving under
your family physician, do not go and
take up their valuable time, They wish
to give each one plenty of time, but can
not listen to long stories not talning
to your ca-e. The rich and the poor
alike treated. ,
Eyet Examined FREE By an Expert
If your vision is not good or yon have
eye squint, headache, ili..ines, nervous
and can't sec line print or do line work,
eyes pain or water, call on us and we
will help yon out of your eye troubles
with n pair of glase that are ground
to fit you correctly by an eye siecialist
of merit.
Women who suffer from the many
nervous derangements and oils peculiar
to their sex quickly cured without an
operation by this new met.iod.
Out of Ave hundred case of Rupture
treated lust year by their induction
method there were cured 08 percent with
out an ojH-ifttioa or detention from bus
iness. X. B. Cancers, tumors, wens, goitres,
all blood, skin and scalp discuses cured
by this new method.
Piles cured in a short time without
the knife. They make n specialty of
all chronic diseases peculiar to cither
sex, and cure where others faall. This
is a treatment that can be used at home.
. .Remember, not one cent will be charged
for all the medicine required to make a
permanent cure to all thote commencing
their new tyitem of treatment on th e,
their firat advertising trip. . . . .
..NOTICE Married ladies mutt be ac
companied by their husbands. ,
Office Hours:
Regular Visits Made,
Remember the Date and Location.
9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Cheap Tickets to Philadelphia and Re
turn. The 0. R. & X. Co. will sell roundtrlp
tickets from Astoria to Philadelphia,
Pa., on September 7, 8, 9, 10, at a rate
of $89.50.
For further Information Inquire of