MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1 903. 111E MOKNIPsG AS10RIAN, ASTOHlA, GRlXiOa PORTLAND MARKETS Latest Quotations in the Portland Produce Markets. Complst Mirkit Btporti Corrected Each Dy Giving the Wbolesalo Prices of Commodities, Farm Produce and Viff tables. lVrttuud, H'it. 3. For the llrfct time In several uionths, olil (unit have mM for the same lrk as spring. Grain lag, which have Iteen ware all harvest, ruv plentiful ruough at lliit close of tlio thieslilng seuaon. Fresh tiiirli rgga are at a premium, ami omn dealer report sale of out ium lot at 23 rent. Under of all grades i eoasldered llrm today end 'ilT are stuady. Flour mal front new wliwt sella fur e. tlmn that made from old, but in not so satisfactory. llnpgrowrr ieMirt the condition of the cro alwut to axled n lent, and think Oregon' out put thi year will be uniform liifih grade. Sweet potatoes arrived from Merer J, Co I., In Mrk today, for tliu Ilrt lima tlii inon. Price lmve gone down to $2 to i23 per 1K) pound. Craln, Produce, PeeS. Wheat-Walla Walla, iWcj valley, 72c j dueieia, 72c; red, Hoc. I MaWhile, I'JIOO; gray, lUrky-Ilrewlng, t22.00; feed, $21.00; rolled, S2I.50. Hay-Timothy, fl2.Mffi l1.00j clover, t.50''ifi.K; cheat, $74UftH.OO; alfalfa, flO.00. MiIIvmT Middling, 24.no323.fHi; chop, tn.OO; bran, $l9.OO(S20.00j short, ?2l.00ft2.(K). Flour Hard wheat, atent, fl.5ni i.Vit Lrai(!ht, ?WiW03: grulmm,?3.;.i; rye, SjJlO; whole wheat Hour, RUM; Valley flour, 3.fHti.M.0O; Dakota, t0.5oi 753 j Eastern rye, fi.sU Corn Whole, t29(W; cracked, $211.(4) per tan. Kyefl.30 er wt. Sutter, Eu;s,:Puttry, Etc Butter .Fancy creamery, 232 oily creaiaery, 23f?3)c; dairy, 16 l-2rj , 17c j .tore, U 1-2(3 Mc. t'heeae Young Atavrs-a, 13cj Oregoa full cream, 13 1 2c. FgifOwgoii ran4i,.24(T' 23c; Eastern egg, 2(21. Poultry -Stuotters, Ilk-; hen, l -2 (t LVj iryer, Yifa Or; broiler, I3(i 14o; geee, ve, Ufa ft 1 jjrj dri'HM-d, 9m Vk-i tut key , live, )HM ; dressed, 20 toiSie ducks, old U(nll 1 2c lb; spring clucks, I2r.'l3 lb; pigeon, per dorm, fl.nort? 1.25; , !l,wlu $2.0Hff.3. Honey Dark," 10 1 2 We; amber, ?13cj fancy white, 12 l-23c. fruits and Vejetiblaa. JM.jxil-30.frt,iL50. C:Hfornia grape f 1.50 box. Caslas $2.00f2.2J dog. (anLrioupes-Crata l.25l.. MuskkMilons Per docen, $1.30. I'luma Oate, WGZbo. Peach a Oregon Orawfords, 75(&90c. AppWs Green, $l.0(hl.50. firape fruit Crate, (1.50(5,3.00, WatermeVun-85ern Mi3 per 100 pound. HurkleVni JVr lit, J0c. Tropical fruit Lemon, fancy, ffl.00; choice, 13.50 fr Itox ; irtiige, $4.00(3; 4.30; bananaa, So per lb; pineapple, t3.304.00 per Aoten. rotatoea ew ijregon, W(jSOcj on ion t, 73(n00a M-r 1 00 11); totuatoea crate, 23 r 40e; new Califonda turnip. aack, fl.23; cabbage, per lb, 1 1-4 1 1 2c; bend letttiee, 13c doeet; hot liouxe, $1 box; celery, dozen, 83c($l.O0; radiHhe, dozen, 12 1 2c; greeu onion dozen, 10 12 l-2cj rlmUirb, lb, 2(r 2 1-2 t cucumber, box, fife; beet, 11.50 per nack; carrot, ?5o per aack; green ea, l(52c; green bean, 4(J3j wax, 4c; garlic, 12 l-2c; egg plant, 13e per lb; green corn, 12 l-2c doien; aweet poUtoea, t(Z l-4. Freah Meats and Fiib, Frenh meat Veal, amall, 7 l-2Re; large, S l-2fnScj park, 7 lffSe; beef bulla, 1 1-2$: 2c ; cowa, 3 l-24c; ateera, 4 1-2(73 1-2 mutton, f (0 1 2c; lamb, 77 l-2o. Oyatera Shoalwater bay, per gallon, $2.23; per aack, $3.73 net; Otympla, per ack, $3.23; Eaitera transplanted, $1.60 per 100 Ibe. Clam Hardshell, per box, $2.00; razor clam, $2.00 per aack. FUh Craba, per dozen, $1.50; Shoal water bay oystore, per aack, $4.00; eyi tera, gallon, $253; halibut, 7e; black cod, 7c; bate, per lb, 12 l-2c; herring, 5c; flounder, So; catflih, 6c; lobtten, per lb, 12 l-2e; allver imelt, Sgoc; shrimp, 10c; perch, 5c ; sturgeon, 8c; chinook aalmon, e; ankfyea, Ovj sea trout, 12 1 2c; steelheadt, 7 12c; bUck Ua, 20&23C. Groceries, PtcvIsIom, Etc Sugar, aark baie Golden C, $4.00; extra C, $3,00; powdered, $3.50; patent cube, $3.73; cane, J), O., $3.50; fruit sug ar, $3.70; beet sugar, $3.40; barrels, cwt 10c; keg, cwt., 25c; boxea, cwt., COo ad vance over aack basis (leas l-4o per lb. if paid for in 13 days). Salt-Hales of 75-2, bale, $1.00; bales of 30 3, bale, $1.00; bales of 40-4, bale, $1.00 balea of 15-10. bale, $1.60; bag, 50i, fine, ton, $11.00; bag, 50 lb., genu ine Liverpool, ton, $17.00; bags, 50 Iba., 12 ground, 100, ton, $7.00; K. 8. V. P., 20 6-lb, cartons, $2.20; It. fi. V. P., 24 3-lb. carton, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton, $18.30. Wee Imperial Japan, No. 1, $3.37 1-2; Southern, Japan, 4 l-23c; broken, 3 3-4; head, fancy, 5 3 4c; head, choice, 8 1 2c. Coffee Mocha, 24(2Scj Java, fancy, 2(1320; Java, goml, 20(24c; Java, ordi nary, 17S20c; fota Itica, fancy, Wi 20c; Coata P.ica, good, I41cj Ar buckle, 10c per lb.; Lion, 10o per lb.; Columbia coffee, 13 l-4c; Balvador, 11 13c. Provision Hams, to size, 13 1 2cj hsuis, picnic, lc; Ucons, regular, 11 3 4cj bacon, breakfaxt, 13 1-219cj dry alt iile, 10 3-4e; back, dry salt, K)c. Nut Walnut, Ko. 1, soft shell, 14 3 4e; No. 1, hard ahell, 13 3 4; Chile, l.Vj almond, 20c; filbert, HlV-j Itraziln, 15e; pecans, 13 1-21 13c; hickory, He; Virginia jeaBut, 7(t7 1 2c; Jumlo Virginia peanut, flc; Japanese peanuts, t 1 2 fte; clrelnut, Italian, 14c; cocoa ant, dozen, (Mtc. Ufa White, lb, 5 l-2 black, 6 G7c Iatea CJoldi-n, AO lb. lioxes, 6(S 1 2c; Mb. 'packagen, (-; FarJ, 13 lb. boxea, $1.10 box. Itean Small white, 4 I 2c; targe white, 3 -2c; pink, 3c; bayou, 4 3 4c; Lima, 7c; Mexican, red, 9c. Pickled good-14ckled pig' feet, 1-2-barrels, $.V00; 1-4 barrels, $2.73; 13 lb. kit, $1.23; 4.tk1ed tripe, 12 barrel, t.VfKlj 1-4 Uw.U, $2.73; 15 1b. kit, $1.23; pickled pigs' tongues, 12 barrel-., $ti.0; 14 barrel, $3.00; 13 11). kit, tl.AO; pickled lamU' tongue, 1 2 bar rel, $9.00; 14 barrel. $3.50; 15 lb. kit, $2.73. Jjird Kettle-rendered t Tleree. lie; tub, 10 l-4c; V, 10 1 4c; 20. 10 3 4c; h, U 3-4c; 5, 11 7-flc; KUndstvl pure; Tierces, 10c; tabs, 9 l-4c; 60s, 9 l-4c; 20, 9 3 So; 10a, 9 3 4c; 6, 10 3 4c; 5, 9 7-Pc. . Compound: Tierces, 7e; tub, 7 14c; 50a, 0 3-4 c; 10c, 7 L-4c; 5. 7 3 4c. Sausge Portland ham, 3 1 2c per lb.; minced ham, 1ft-; summer, choice dry, 17 12c; liologna, long, 5 1 2c; wiener wurt, 8c; liver. JSc; porV, 9c; blod, 6c; eadcheese, 12 1--V; bologna aauRgc, hnk, 4 1-20. Hainins Iooae Muscatels, 3rown, 7 l-2c; 2 -crown, C l-2c; bleached seed less Sultana. 7('l2c; unbleached seed mi Sultanas, fl 34c; London layer, 3 ecn, whole boxes. of 20 lb., $1.87; 2 etvmn, $1.73. Uied fruit AppV, evaorated, 10c per lb.; sundried, ak or boxes, ntnej aprirt, lift 12 l-2c; peache, 10t2c; peara, 0(n 2 12c; psvnes, Italian, i 1 2c; French, 3 l-2c; figs, Cat. black, 3-4e; do, white, none; Smyrna, 20 ; Fard. dMte, Or; plum, gutted, 0c. Cereal foods Rolled sjnts, cream, 90- Ib. aackc., $0.75; lower .grade, $3.00(3 EverlaMing fruit jftrsHalf gullon, $12.50; quart, $8.50; pints, $7.50; extra cap, gla, -$2.50. Feathers Geese, white, 35(?40c; geese, gray or mixed, 23(30c; duck, white, 13&20c; duck, mixed, 12113c. Beeswax Good, clean and pure, 20 22c per lb. Hides Drjr hides, No. 1, 10 lbs. and up, 10 10 l-2o per lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 13 lb., 14 13c per lb.; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 lbs., 17(3 18c; dry salted, bulls and stags, one third lea than dry flint (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, . scored, murrair., hair-slipped, weather-beaten or grubby, 2(33c per lb. lets); salted bides, $055; oatmeal, steel cut, 501b. sacks, $9 per bale; 10 lb. aacks, $4.25 per bale; oat meal (ground), 5p-lb. aacks, $7.50 per bale; 10-Ib. sacks, $400 per bale; split pes, $4.00 per 100-lb. sack; 23 lb. boxes, $1.15; pari barley, $4.23 per 100 lbs.;' 23-lb. boxe, $153 per box; pastry flour, 10 lb. sacks, $2.50 per bale. Canned salmon Columbia river, Mb. tall, $1.85; 2 lb. tall, $2); fancy Mb. flat, $2.00; 1-2 lb. fancy flats, $153; fsncy Mb. oval, $2.73; Alaska tall, pink, 83(390c; red, $1.50; nominal, 2s, tall, $2.00. Mason fruit jars Half-gallon, per grosr $1.00; quart, $7.60; pint, $0.55; extra csp, per grois, $2.35. fonomy fruit jsrs Half-gallons, per groM, $135; quarts, $10.G0; pints, $SJ82; extra cajm, $1.85. oteer, sound, CM lb, and over, 9(3 10c per lb.; 50 to 00 lb., 8 1-2 9c per lb.; under 50 lb, and cow, 8ft9c per lb.; aalteJ tag and bulls, Round, 0c per lb.; salted kip, sound, 13 to 30 lb., 9c per lb.; salt- led veal, sound, 10 to 14 lbs., 9c per lb.; salted calf, sound, under 10 lb., 10c per lb. (green, unalt-d, 1c per lb. lei; cull, Ic per lb. less). Sheep skin; Shear ling, No. I butcher' stock, 23300 each; ln.rt wool, No. I butchers' stock, 40 6c each; medium wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, OOft MK-; long wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, $1.001.30 each. Murrain pelt, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 12&14c per lb.; hore hide, salted, each, accord ing to size, $1.50(52.00; dry, each, ac cording to size, $1.50; colts' hide, 23(3 50c each; goat skin, common, 10(5 15c each; Angora, with wool on, 25c ( $1.50 each. Oils. Turpentine -Cases, per gallon; barrels, 80c per gallon. White Lead Ton lots, 7c; 500-pound lots, 7c; less than 500-pound lota, 8c Caroline Stove gasoline, cases, 23)c; iron barrels, 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; iron lrrels or drums, 20c. Coal Oil Caws, 20e; iron barrels, 14c; wood barrel, 17c; 63 deg., cases, 22c; iron barrels, 15Jo. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lot, 62e; l lmrnl lots, 03c; case, 68c. Roiled: 5 barrcl lots, 04c; 1 -barrel lots, 63c; cases, 70c TRAVELER? GUIDE. Steamer Telegraph LEAVES CALLEKDEB DOCK, As toria, for Portland, daily except Fri day at s P. M. Arrives in Portland at 1:30 P. M. LEAVES AST0BIA FOR POST LAKD oa Sundays at 1:30 P. M. Ar rives in Portland at 9:00 P. M. Leaves Portland, Alder St Dock, daily except Friday at 7:30 A. M. Leaves Portland on Sonflays at A. M. 0. W. S. Nsvteatlon Co. Main Office: Alder St Dock, Port land, Oregon. " Astoria Office: Callender Dock. Hops, Wool, Bides, Etc Hops 16($!rio per lb. Clrnin bags ?alcutta and iomestic, 7 l-2c Wool Valley, 50Q27 l-2c; Eastern Oregon, 18(S20c. Tallow Prime, per lb., 3(3 3-4c; No. 2 and grease, 22 l-2c. Mhair Choice 3032c. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Forth Form and CmBlxlon Hoa keen aacttaalally a4 by l4laaj ictrMiit, )! aa4 si lasUaa fori or uisa m raaea. wstitw akail thre(h tkSMra pli4 H la laataatty itarM 1 tM aata aaa 11 wa 4mii aTaatrtUMS Inda U w lnf Utwu, RCMOVINa WRINKLES ss If Vr aria, ee apfHeaUaaaf laa skowtai a rtaarkabls lfnnnt Dr. Chwlaa Fltsh Voe4 la Bawlthrety lb if vraparauva imwi vm mwrrn 1 matnm ikst will rid eat hellawata Ike ack aad aeaaaoa frv, SMlur BaM tola abaaka, trBit aaaoa. Fer Dswaloptas tb Boat r bmtta, shraabaa frtn srdiri k bat the SlfhMl ladarMatni ! Ttteuas. , 1W fcoiaa ar eltaa ntftctt u ssaks Uafcaat tkaa, Urf aaa boMiUfaJ. SOLD BY DJtraATalJUrT STOasi AkTX oaooouTS. Rejclsr prica, 0 SS a b. bat Sa ad whJ tti oiitaaug of mia iriuAi, orraa ad atd a on dollar, wa will aaa4 Iwa () onan, im piaia wrappar. FRFF AsasioisaisarWab,MArar ntfc auiuta," AiliylllaiMM, wffl I Mit frt Smk Uiv Maaiaa VI caaai a) ur fx caw Of Miuag Mras. n DR. CHARLES CO. UNOF THE MILWAUKEE "The Pioneer Limited" St Paul to Chi cago. "Short Line" Omaha te Chicago. "South-West Limited' Kansas City to Chicago. No trains in the service of any raL' road in the world that equals in equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee a St Paul Ey. They own and operate their own sleeping ant dining cars on all their trains and give their pationt an excellence of service not obtainable else where. Berths on their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than in similar cars oa any other line. They protect their trains by the Block system. . Connections made with all trans-con tinental lines in Union Depots. Her tales Dansk, Svensk og Norsk nier wird dcutsch gesprochefi. n. S. Rowe, General Agent, Portland Oregon. 134 Third Street, corner Alder. California! ill, l1f.;,li TRAVELERS' GUIDE. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED' WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your tickets read over the Dea rer and Bio Grand Railroad, the "Scenic Lin of the World. BECAUSE There ar so moor acenlo attrac tions and point of lotsrtat atone the tin between Of Jen and Dea rer that the trip Barer become tiresome. It yon ar going East, writ for In formation and get pretty book that will teU you aU about it W. C. MeBrlde, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Far including berth and meals, $15; Round-trip, $25. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, em California. 11 B ASKAIIY1 TRAVELER and ha will tell yea tbo II III Electrio Lighted. Is tbe Crick Trail of tkem tit fir COMFORT lid ELEGANCE Thejticket office at Portland is 5S Morrison St, Cor. jd. t A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger A gent PORTLAND. 0REG0H." O. W. KOHEIITS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. ' A. O. D. KERPELL, Gen. Pas. Agent San Francisco, CaL ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKET5 YIA The land of frulta. flower and aun- snine. where all the summer aporta may b enjoyed In winter. 55 PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES ANO RETURN. 1 reach via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated bookleta and folder, descriptive of tbe many charm Inf winter reaorts. may be aecured from any Souttoern Pactdo Agent or 1 12 J Third Street Portland. Or. Te Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis, Ouluth, Chicago, St Louia, and all point east and -south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q Tbe Flyer and Tbe Fast Mall Z SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYE Daylight trip across the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For ticket, rate folder and full in foraaatton call on or address H. DICKSON. City Ticket Agent address W. E. COMAN, G. f. K, Portland, Or. TIDE TABLE, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER, 1905. SEPTEMBER, 1905. . High Water. A M. PM. Low Water. A. M. P. M. Dale. h.m. ft? h.m. ft Date. h.m. ft. h.m.ft ptiday 1 1:49 8.9 2:22 8.9 Friday 1 8:11 -0.2f 8: S3 0.7 Saturday 2 2:87 8.5 3:02 8.9 Saturday 2 8:82 0.3 9:83 0.1 SUNDAY 3 3:29 8.0 3:44 8.7 SUNDAY 3 9:35 1.0 10:11 0.1 Mondny 4 4:25 7.3 4:30 8.8 Monday 4 10:22 1.7 11:18 0.1 Tuesday 6 8:81 4.7 8:25 8.2 Tuesday 8 11:22 14 Wednesday 6 6:44 4.3 6:30 8.0 Wednesday 6 0:25 0.7 12:30 2.9 Thursday 7 8:06 6.3 7:42 7.8 Thursday 7 1:38 0.7 1:47 8.4 Friday 8 9:20 6.4 8:61 7.9 Friday 8 2:60 0.6 2:04 8.3 Saturday 9 10:20 6.8 9:66 8.0 Saturday 9 3:65 0.3 4:11 3.0 SUNDAY 10 11:10 7.2 10:64 8.2 SUNDAY 10 4:61 0.0 6:09 3 6 Monday 11 11:57 7.6 11:42 8.3 Monday 11 6:39 -0.1 6:66 2.1 Tuesday 12 12:28 7.8 Tuesday 12 6:20 0.0 6:39 1.8 Wednesday 13 0:25 8.3 1:01 7.9 Wednesday 13 6:68 0.2 7:16 1.1 Thursday 14 1:04 8.1 1:32 8.1 Thursday 14 7:29 0.6 7:60 1.6 Friday 15 1:39 7.8 2:00 8.0 Friday 16 7:68 1.1 8:20 1.4 Saturday 16 2:14 7.6 2:28 7.8 Saturday 16 8:23 1.6 8:61 1.4 SUNDAY 17 2:49 7.1 2:64 7.8 SUNDAY 17 8:43 S.O 9:20 1.4 Monday 18 3:25 6.7 8:20 7.8 Monday 18 9:07 2.4 9:55 1.4 Tuesday 19 4:04 6.4 3:65 7.6 Tueaday 19 9:40 2.7 10:39 1.4 Wednesday 20 4:50 6.0 4:35 7.4 WedneadoT 20 10:19 rill:29'1.6 Thursday .. 21 6:48 8.7 6:29 7.2 Thursday 2111:10 3.6 Friday 22 7:05 6.7 6:37 7.1 Friday 22 0:31 1.6 12:23 8.7 Saturday 23 8:24 6.9 7:67 7.2 Saturday 23 1:43 1.3 1:64 3.7 SUNDAY 24 9:29 6.5 9:11 7.6 SUNDAY 24 3:64 1.1 3:14 3.4 Monda 25 10:20 7.2'10:15 7.9 Monday 25 3:58 0.7 4:13 2.7 Tuesday 8C 11:05 7.8 11:10 8.3 Tueaday 26 4:49 0.6 6:07 2.0 Wednesday 27 11:48 9.4' Wedneaday 27 6:36 0.3 6:65 1.2 Thursday 28 0:01 8.6 12:28 8.8: Thuraday 28 6:20 0.2 6:41 0.8 Friday 29 0:49 8.7 1:03 9l Friday 29 7:01 0.3 7:28 0.0 Saturday 30 1:37 1.7 1:43 9.2 Oregon Short line and UfllQNPACIFIC 71 hours from Portland to Chicago. No chang of car. . O. YERKES, A. O. P. A, Corner First avenue and Yesler way. I Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR 6HIPMENT8 VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. Th World Pale Rout. "Best ? by Test" A trans continental trav eler ,gays: " I've trie! them all and I prefer the North Western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Before stattlngon atiip no matter wbei-a write for interesting wAmaov Uon about comfortable ravelins. H. L SlSLER, General Agent 132 Third 6t Portland, Oregon. T. W. TIA8DALE, General Passenger Agent, Bt. Paul, Mian. A. & C. R. R., TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE JUNE 24, 1905. vkMM. 50 YEARS ; EXPERIENCE V I Depart Chicago Portland Special :!. m. via Hunt-) . I ugton TlilEHCHEDfLES From PORTLAND Hall lake. Denver. Ft Word). Omaha. Kan- aa Clt. Ht Loula, uiicago ana tne East Atlautlo hxprena ,alt Lake. Denver Vtl kioi. m. I v orui, umaiia. Ran ?la Hunt- Ma Cite. Mt Lonla. 4 Leave PORTLAND ArrfY 8.00 a.m 'Portland Onion 11.20a. ra 7 00p.m. depot for Astoria 9Mpj T2.30 p.m Lear ASTORIA Arrtr 7.4A a m j for Portland sd ll-Lflaia 6.10 p.m way points . 10SQ p-ni SEASIDE DIVISION Lear ASTORIA Ante 11 35 a. m for Seasiii Direct Leave ASTORIA. Artie 8.15 a.m ( for Warrenton J 10:45aua llOs.m. 1 Hammond, Ft 11.00a.m. 5.50 p.m (Stevena. Seaside) 7:40 Lear SEASIDE Arriw 5 .-00 p.m for Astoria Direct 1 12, Leav SEASIDE. Arrtr 6.15 a. m t (or Wan-enton Ft ) 9 25ajaj 8.30pm. Stevens. Ham- V lJ0p.m. 9.4(Ja.m I mond.Aatoria ) Arrive :2Spsa Tradc Mams Designs Copyrights Ac Anrmie aendtng a sketch and dcacrlpetnn mar QMrklr aarartaln rir opinion frse ahattaar an wninn pnmanif paienirie. lomrounlPH. tonii nnctlrennBilenltal. HANDBOOK oa Fatanu lug ton 8U Paul faat Mall s:lp. m. viaepo kaoa Culoagoand tbe East Walla Walla, re wl. ton.Mpokane.Mlnne- lapolla. r4t Paul. Dulutlil Miiwauaee. uniearo. and aat Pally ex- eept Hun day arrant 7:16a n sent free. Oldest avaiir? tor (wcTinni paianta. ratenia taken tbrouah Muna A Cg. raoairt tTKial notice without chanra. la tba Scientific American. naif lllnirtratwl waektr. tareart ele. f any arientldo tnornaL Tarma, SS a f'ntba.Sl. 0oia brail nawadealara. Co.38,t. New Tori OBIoa. 6S&F8U Wartlaliti; 1X5.' Branob 8:00 pm Columbia Rlvtrto r-onmna auc Way landings 4am Daily es ceptMou THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Maintains unexcelled service from the west to the east and south. Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are riven their choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to .the far east Prospective travelers desiring Infor matlon as to the lowest rates and best routea ara Invited in PrtD TT TTT 1 -I,-. ... I " " nlku cw cunnecung mere wi the followln representatives: trains for Long Beach, Tioga anOjB. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent isonn iseacn polnta. Returning ar- 142 Third St, Portland, Ore, rtv at Astoria same wenlng. J. C. LINDSET, Trav. Passenger Agent Through tickets to and from ail pria- 141 Third St, Portland. Ore. clpal European cities. I PAUL B. THOMPSON. Pass'gr. Agent I O. W. ROBERTS. A (ant, u f assenger Agent Astoria. Ora. I nl oriiana, or. 1 STEAMER NAHC0TTA Leaves Astoria on the Tid DAILY Saturday only. 4 DaLj except Sat-' urday. Through tickets and close connection via N. P. Railway at Portland and Gobi and O. R. & N. via Portland. J. C. MAYO, General Freight and Passenger Ageaat SCHEDULE OF T. J. P0TTE1. For August 19V5. DATE i ti M l! Aug. Sat. Sat. Sat Sew. sai. . 9 9 40: 3 k 8 00, 10 4.45 a.flo 11 U SD 5 Si) 8 00 12 1.14 7 IS 13 S.30 14 14 MS 8 15 9 16 9.00 8 00 10.SU ir s.oo s ou 4 00 1H 9 0U SOU 4.40 19 10.40 4.40 6. 1 22 S OW 3.00 1.S0 S4 9 00 8.00 S S.30 1.00 7 00 S.OO. 2 2 t.W 1.15 30 10.46 81 S.15 9.15 1 12.15 10.00 4.00 ... 11.15 fi e a I DAT !.. 4 IS Aug. I 91 IU "9!4i"i:4iJ li oo tM 11. 4& S 4M 6 15 12 l .V ; u.55 I... ill 1.4.4 J.45 9.15! i aaa ii'ii 1.31) 9.43 'i'ia 701 n i u 14 U SS o IS Bept y KErlMOWOMll. V S. 1 CatBitSlforaaaataiaS k) I S Hwkr.laS)aiiaiiaa, f anaw M IrriUUoaa ar alniimana f "f HUmiMn" cf aatoll wiiaikiaaws FiiitM. aaft a i iTnEiusCiaisicMCs. (..i or mm , nmsun.1 sva a mrmt yii SISS.artanlUraSS.ia, ' SS CixcaJai aal aa aaaaaat.