The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 04, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, SEPTIMBia 4) 1905. fT
Cloom CWri by
Little Girl Is Killed By i Stone
Thrown for Spite.
Father Had Driven Band of Hoodlums
Away from Hli Stott When Murdertr
Returni and Hurla Stont at Him
Striking Girl in Temple.
Nrw York, N-pt. 3. ltllin lur ! 1 1
in tier arm, Hunt (irilK 14 yrnr
ttlil, waa limtantly kllli'il yrtirday n.r
lur home in Went Kifty-nitiili atrrrt. by
a alone albjrd to have lain liuihil l.y
Clmili' Ciktto, an I tn linn of n year.
'Die Iniy rwajN-d. Mill tli
dull, the body of tit little iil wa
takt-n to liT home and detm-tivrs were
Marching for the boy all iibhl.
Cilt-tto I the leader of 'a land of
young Italian who have given Hit-
much annoyan. For a l'Ui time
they have aumyid the keeer of a small
Ktore, who finally gt a olivman to
drive them off.
(iiletto returned a few minute after
mid crept up near the atore. Roie (Jrif
fo, who waa a favorite in the neigh
Imrhood, aat on the step of the atore
kinging to her doll. MuM-areJIo, the store
keeM-r, at near her, armed with a
liirgc ft one. (iiletto, it i said, crept
Kteallhily along the opponlle hide of
the street and when Miiaearellu'. head
wn turned threw it with all hi fori.
The in I wile struck the little girl
uurely in the temple and he fell to
the sidewalk, dying iti-Untly.
A crowd of several hundred quirk ly
gathered and gave cha-, hut t iiletto
vmled them and I still at large. Neigh
bor nay iSiletUi wa engaged to marry
the dead child' sl-ter.
Several good anerdotra are current
in the foreign, pre concerning t'ue tier
nmn frown Print a a ly. Aimrdlng
to one of theite, say lslie'e Weekly,
shortly after Prim ItUmark wa di
iiiUmmI, the liyle l.y wa talking to
hi father, and in the murae of the con
veration said with childWh naivette:
"Father, they say that now yon will
I ahle to tell the people what to do all
by yourelf. You'll enjoy that, won't
yout" rnfortunately history ha not
recorded the Kalser'e reply j or, if it
lini, not for publirtitjon. Every one
know the remarkably clone intimacy
which hna alwaya existed Mween the
Kaiwrin and her children, and how fully
the feeling wa reciprocated wu shown
one day when the crown prince wa told
that all jMople were ainner. "My fath
er may le a ainner," he replied hotly,
"hut I know my mother ia ntM j
A Considerate Fellow
Wat Inventor Fixem
""THERE aw Flxem, tbe colcbrat
I od Inventor."
"Who? That little man acroaa
tho atreptr
"Yea. Tli' ono with tho dent in lit
Lot. Ild you ever hear about bla cua
jdderntlon for bla wlfoV"
"No, but of course bo would be. kind
io her."
"Sure. Hut she coiuplnlned he atflhl
out ni) Into nt nlKbt nnd caused her to
lose mIih'J) waiting up for him. 80 he
invented n phonograph nttnrbineut for
the clock ao that every hour after ruld
night It would recite for fifteen mlu
utca: 'John Henry Flxem, thla la
pretty time of night for a respectable
Iicrtoii o Ik coming borne! Where in
tliM world have you lieenf Don't toll
tue that. I know you haven't Ihm?u at
the otllce. If you ever dure to come
homo 1 1: 1.4 wny ngaln I ahnll go homai
to my luotu ir.
bora any?' And a wholo lot tnoro like
tlmt." Chicago Tribune,
Sleepy Hollow Jta
YLD- Eupoc doet not teem to be
Terj wall acquainted with hla
mother tongue.
Mack-I'U bet be la with bla mother
Honeety ia tbe beat policy, and a
man who takea out each a policy find
It difficult to keep up tbe payment.
Dyer What waa the can of pour
uncle'a death)
Duel I doa't remember tbe doctor
A man may know hla place, but It
doean't prevent bla wanting tbe other
Dyer II work harder and baa leaa
to abow for It than an mau I know.
Duell-Wbnfi bla bualueeat
Dyer Dill collector.
Whon a bank gea on buat It la the
depoaltors who loae their balance.
Chappie The ahock made me unron
acloua. Mlaa rTt-And you never regained
your aenaeaT-Tarrytown (N. V.) New.
Bkpln Voe Ik Flralkora.
It waa In one of our dry good atorea,
and tho man had the air of one who
waa umd to aliopplug. Bald bo to the
aatoulahod aalcuwomnn, "(ilre mo a
yard of maroon colored flannel to
match a bahy, pleaan." Correcting
blmavlf haatlly, be beguu again: "I beg
pardon! 1 mean a yard of Annuel to
mutch a uiurouu colored baby. Here
jrolucliig a hit of flu unci from bit
rcat pocket), I want a yard of that!"
Itoaton Trancr!it.
Up (0 Da.te S&yings
By BrijHt Little Toll
LITTLF. Miriam, aged three, la ee
pei-lully foud of her bath and nl
tiiuat dully put the qucatlou.
"Aiu 1 to have a Imth. mamiuii?" One
duy hIio chuuceil to hear mamma auy
that alio wa ulitit to take a Imth, at
which alio exchilmed, "Why, uiiimina,
do you have bathe too?" "Certainly,
Diy dear." Then In aatoiilahmeut, "Who
Hobby bad the primeval Inatlnct of
aelf defouae ailfl would bite when dla
pleaaed. All hi mother' effort to check thla
tendency failed o algnally that at
length abe told him that whenever he
bit anybody abe would bite blm.
For aom little time he restrained
himself, but one day in a paaalon be bit
bla nuree aavagely,.
Ill motlier came In and took up the
chubby little finger. "Take out your
teef, take out your teetT cried Hobby
pleadingly, with a reminiscence of
what he bad aeeo the evening before.
One aumnier evening little Dorothy
waa alttlng on the platta with a friend
of ber father's.
"Oh, Mr. tirlawold, look at tbe pretty
"Yea, Dorothy, but that la only half
of a moon. Where do you auppoae the
other half lar
For a minute the little bead aeemed
punled, but a happy thought came, and
abe anawered brightly: .
"Why, Mr. tirlawold, I think we bad
the other half luat nlgbt."-New York
The Reprobate's Wlak.
"Here," aald the trainer, "take off
thoae trunka. They're too tight to ran
"Gee," aald the athlete who a one
time worried hla trainer by going tn
for dlsHlpnthm, "I wlah pollccmnn
I mot laat week had thought that about
"Had thought what about you?"
Baked the trainer, wh) waa of F.ujrllili
"That I wa" too tlglit t; run In," re
plied the? Ktudcnt regretfully. Bn'tt.
more Amerl-:in,
Astoria National Bank
At A tor la, in the State of Oregon, at
the rhwe of buine, Augut 20th, 1003.
Loan and dineounta $370,509 21
Overdraft, aecurrd and un-
secured 3)52 18
U. 8. Honda to aecure circula
tion UfiOO 00
Premium on I'. R. fiond... 00
Honda, aecuritiea, rt-. . . .. . . 34,494 03
Hanking iioime, furniture and
fixture 4.407 75
Other real etata owned .... 4j 00
Due from National Rank
(not renerve agent)... . C70 M
Due from State Itanka and
Ranker 430 79
Due from approved renrrve
agent 123.032 20
Che;k and other cadi item 3,013 40
Note of other National
Rank 1W 00
Fractional tiaiicr currency.
niekelit, and cent...' 1,242 00
Uwful Money reserve in
liank, viz:
S ie C2.123 53
Redemption fund with L. H.
1 re nirer (.1 er cent of cir
culation n a 00
Total fo44,15 59
Capital tork paid in 50,000 00
Nurplu luiul 10,000 00
I'ndiviiled profit le ex-
ienie and taxe paid.... 32,003 13
National Rank note out
ntumliiig 10,800 00
Imlividual dcjKinit uhjeet to
check 1306.515 Ml
Demand certilleate of de
posit 33573 47
Time certificate of de-
ponit 198,003 11 540,450 44
Total ?C44,159 59
Mat of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ms
I. J. K. lliggin, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly a wear that
the alxive lu teuton t i true to the beat
of niv knowledge and belief.
SuhwTibed and aworn to liefore me
thi lt day of Si'ptemlier, 1003.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
oEonriE h. c.EonoE,
First national Ml
At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at
the close of buoiness, August 25tli, 1006
Ioan and discount $372,201 35
Overdrafts, secured anu un
secured . 5,035 04
V. S. Ronda to aecure circula
tion 12,500 00
Honda, securities, etc 73.380 00
Other real estate owned.... 0.000 00
Due from National banka
(not reserve agents) .... 30,433 41
Due from State Ranks and
Banker 81,487 17
Due from approved reserve
ffnt v 137,550 87
Checks and other cash itcma 1,618 70
Note on other Natioual
lnk 2.5S5 00
Nickels, and cents 22 89
Uiwrul money reserve in bank
'Vri' 118,000 00
Redemption fuad with V. H.
Treasurer (5 per cent circu-
lon 625 00
Pmetlenl Ctrl.
Thj llls," be fxela!!..i'J, ' I le you,
I plnco my l:npp!uea In your hands"
"For g:).i;ncnH' aala dout do It
now." kIio I: i.iti iied to beg.
"Why not ;"
"Rccauu I'l l Hiiro I'll nood lio'h
bnuda In a inl :to or nt tt keep ymi
from kissing nie."-rhlhidclphla Press
Total ?851,070 29
Capital stock paid in S 50.000 00
Surplus fund 50,000 00
Undivided profits, less expen
se ana raxes paid 33,4(18 54
National Rank notes out-
Standing 12,300 00
Individual deposit subject
to cheek $333,130 55
iViiinml certificates of do-
"it 147.0OS 20
Certified checks .. 00 0ft "03,110 75
Tidal $831,079 20
Bbrw4 store.
Mrs. Fox-Creat newsl George ia en
gnged to Mlaa ltoxley.
Mr. Fox What! Our eon engaged to
Mis ltoxley? I must object!
Mrs. Fox Nonsense! Are you out of
your mind?
Mr. Fox-Not at all, but if we don't
kick a llttlo tho ltoxley will think we
don't amount to much, nnd they'll prob
ably cnll It all off.-CatholIc Standard
and Times.
Hunting M Iloll.
"Does your wife ever look under the
What will tho neigh- ld nt night?" nuked tho inquisitive
gentlemnn whose better half wa very
"Oh, yes." replied hi friend, "ever
since I tried to hide my rest undor
there one nlght."-I)etrolt Tribune,
llopsless Ca.
Mr. Bnppbcdd Cbarlea Illroll ha
actually disgraced hi family by going
Into trade.
Miss Bulfurlc-Let me Bee. lie had
Already committed forgery, embezzle
ment and one or two other things, bad
be not?
Mr. Sapphedd Yes.
Mis Sulfuric Well, what could yon
expect of a fellow like that? Pittsburg
The A. i, C. R. haa announced a round
trip rate of (3 between Astoria and
Portland, taking effect the fifth and con
tinuing until the close of the exposition.
Ticketa good for 30 daya.
Enjoy .Columbia River Scene
On the deckt of the fast steamer Tele
graph, learing Callcndcr dock, Astoria,
for Portland, dally, except Friday, at 2
P. M. Sundays, at 2:30 P. M. You
reach Portland in ample time for a stroll
or for an evening's visit at your friend's
State of Oregon, County of Clntsop,s:
I, S. S. Gordon cashier of the alxive
named bunk, do solemnly swenr that the
aUne statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and lielicf.
Subscrilied and sworn to before me
this 30th day of August. 1003.
Notary Public.
Correct Attests
(. C. Fl-AVF.L,
Got Off Cheap.
He may well think, he has got off
cheap, who, after having contracted
constipation or indigestion, ia still able
to perfectly restore his health. Noth
ing will do thia but Dr. King'a New Life
Pills. A quick, pleasant, .and certain
cure for headache, constipation rtc.
25c at Chas. Rogers', drug store; guaranteed.
Cheap Ticket to Philadelphia and Re
The 0. R. 4 N. Co. will sell roundtrip
tickets from Astoria to Philadelphia,
Pa on September 7, 8, 0, 10, at a rate
of $89.50. . .
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in AH the Latest and
Best Styles of the Ait . . .
S& S8 JS
We take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, febind them and return
to you good as any new book.
Let us figurcwith you on fixing up your
& & &
The J. S. Dellinger Co., j
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street
A&soluh Purify, flrvtsr Flivor.
Grt&tnr Sfrtnfh. PeuorviJile friers
in life is yours if you meet us halfway
in your work. Our graduate "are all
employed. We will place you in a po
sition upon graduation. We have the
reputation of being the leading Busi
ness College on the Pacific Coast, and
the most thoroughly equipped west of
Chicago. Open all the par.
Business College.
Stearns Building, Portland, Oregon.
Send for illustrated catalogue. Free.
Your Prescription:
Rock Island
If you are going East, I would appreciate
your consulting me. I will gladly help you
plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island
service. Just drop me a line consultation
I will show you a Rock Island folder and our
publication entitled "Across the Continent in a
Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable
importance that you select the rftf route
there are many different ways to go. I'll tell
you of the superior points about the Rock
Island way.
a. h. Mcdonald,
General Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
If Tf j4
I mis 1$ Tiie
kiwi of a,
Sioi for
is pacing
Is a reutytftnto too wWra 'tt rrtad
bouo4 fim old Qtwlwr (pastar mm Say
tuadMl rtt urrl. el ktr (fimlMplwv. t
rMCf pcrmi lw fca la Um mtm o hu twrnty.
oaennnetni mack anilid todpUa. U ,
1 Tim fid Mi ni al tm (ml w ttili SmMt
ocmion. umI t pauw In lb. wMlnrbttul
f" JMi.t rrlaun tookMl mc al in ua a
m I wr a mm. kulnil.
yt I fhal to imi. told, V, mti U M Qua.
rrvwk fimif. "ii wa. orcaut. i waa aw ai
T plaHl m Bit "mt."
know of
ateiier one
Wa want Bttle stories, anecdotes, bits cf
ert ny clipping from a newspaptr.
Euguina or book Uut hat nude you
Think, Laugh or Cry
J40 prizes will be giren for the rist irWc-
as the first ten successful competitors art
The onlj condition for entering this com
petition is that you send with ourclittin
f nr. fnr a u. mnM.k.t ...I . . . Z
to the Natloami Maosxias, Address,
For further information inquire of
0;W. ROBERTS, Agent.
" THe Astorian, It cent a month.