HIE MOHNlNtJ ASTOMAfS. AbiOlUrt, o Uj SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER t, igoj GUARANTEE OUR Dependable Mocha and Java Coffee h especially put up for our fam fj trade, to be equal to the best in the stufcet, and second to none. One Pound 40c B jh tn canning fruit this year, II rritx that we sell the famous XE03QXY JARS. ASTORIAGROCERY 6ZJ Cteasnerciat Si Phono Main 681 TO BREAK STRIKE afternoon. It was generally conceded that the roup was most successfully managed one since that on King Adam, Smith, (Pittsburg Phil) 14 year ago. Chicago Typothetae to Organize Strike BreaKers Union. MANY ARE EAGER TO JOIN Persuade Special Deputies and Police men to Form Union at High Wages to Take Place of Union Strikers in the Large Printing Establishments. Its Food Value of a SIGH GRADE COFFEE is little appro eaM ey the average drinker of this anrSrat Vssakfast beverage alwsys ex tikat, if tsa. uur . High Grade I!oGba and Java Coffee at 35c a Pound Caai Coffee has both a stimulating and s Nutrient Quality. TESIS TEE WEEK FOR PRESERV ING PRUNES AND PEARS. Chicago, Sept 1. Blieving that er .ices will soon be in demand owing to the printer' strike the. special deputy sheriffs and policemen held a secret meeting yesterday and organised strike breakers union. A scale of wages if not less than $3 a day and $0 if it an be secured, was fixed. Charles E. Turk, a idseherged police man was elected president, then each of the 110 charter members paid 25 cent for expenses. Turk produced a book and said that every one present must sign it, the idea being that the first man that signed was to get the first position. A large number fell over each other in their haste to reach the book. MAKES GREAT WINNING. Nos and WWB THE GROCER. Ttatk and Commercial Streets Branch at Unlentown. SPECIAL REGATTA SALE ThM more a song is sung the more pefokr it becomes and the more we seR. To introduce four really GOOD SONGS the publishers will allow us to seB TXFT7 COPIES only at a 'special 2pa vL, only 15c Each J. N. GRIFFIN See the Window Display. A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Bare LaznrUat aa Glo7 Ilalr, V Hatter What Color. I Tbe tout contour of a female face, the weetest smile of a female mouth, loses BSMtlimg If the head Is crowned with Rant hair. Scant and falling hair. It is aew known, is caused by a parasite that Intnn Into the scalp to the root of the :ttr, where It saps the vitality. The llt ik'Wfaite scales the germ throws up In Sorrowing are called dandruff. To cure -Sandrvff permanently, then, and to stop A'J&Bff hair, that germ must be killed. Xewhro's Herplclde, an entirely new re volt f the chemical laboratory, destroys abc dandruff germ, and, of course, stops the falling hair, and prevents baldness. Sold ky leading druggists. Send 10c. In wtaKjH for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detraii. Mica. - Eagle . Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St., twl Urog Store, 54? Com. St, T. F. tsturia, Prop. -"Special Agent." Famous Filly Leads Field Cleans Betting Ring. New York, Sept. 1. There was joy unconfined in the "Lobster Palaces," of the Broadway last night, especially in the theater district over the victory of Killkare at Sheepshead bay race track The chorus girls of the company, whose reason jut opened on 42nd street, have more money than they know what to do with, and some of the principals big increase in their capital. From all accounts the coupe on the horse was the greatest in many years about New York. The filly was backed in many books at 200 tp one and was ham mered down to sixty. Between $90,' 000 and $100,000 was taken from the betting ring by far the greater part of which went to a clique of Boston horse- men. Tbe filly once belonged to the Late Fred Hamlin, the Chicago theatrical manager. That is how the "killing hap pened to be so genera ly celebrated on the rialto last night. Surviving part ners of Mr. Hamlin's firm were notified in good season that Killkare was ready to make her maiden effort and the word was passed around. There was a good sized pool made up by members of the chorus, and placed in the hands of a commissioner. The principals hurried around the betting ring for themselves and one succeded in getting down $200 to win almost the top price. Meantime betting commissioners, representing tht stable and a few friends were busy ai beavers. Owing to a tremendous plunge on another horse in the race they were able to spread a goodly amount of mo ney around the ring before much thought was given to their co-operations. Then the bookmakers woke up to the fact that their sheets were becoming very much onesided and they niarked down the price against Killkare, many re fusing to accept any beta against her. Although the filly had never before faced the barrier, and was ridden by a comparatively unknown jockey, she mped away in the lead and stayed there to the end, winning by a close mar gin from August Belmont's Bivouac. There was a wild demonstration by the lucky ones, but in the betting ring gloom reigned for the remainder of the Take nutmeg; one Is not as food as another. Schilling's Best, in nutmeg, is ground fine from difficult nuts to grind be cause full of oil ; the oil is their virtue. There are dry nuts; there are wormy nuts. We are no more careful in nutmegs than all through. Your grocer's; money back NEW YORK WINS THE NATIONAL RIFLE TROPHY The Great Shooting Contest at Seagirt N. J. is Ended. Seagirt, X. J., Sept. 1. New York captured the national trophy for rille range firing after a four days struggle. The second prize went to the infantry branch of the United States Army and Ohio finished third. The fourth prise was won by the United States marine corps, the fifth by the United Slates navy, and the sixth by New Jersey. CONSULTING BOARD OF ISTBMAIN CANAL MEETS. President Assembles Distinguished En gineers From Europe and America. Washington, Sept. 1. A board of dis tinguished engineers are assembled in Washington today upon the retiuest of the president to determine the relative feasibility of a sea level or lock system at the Isthmus Canal. The men constituting the consulting board of engineers for the canal pian are gathered from both America and Europe. A REMARKABLE CASE Mother Hears of Daughter Kid naped Nine Years Ago. BOY'S AWFUL DEED Roasts Young Companion Alive in Burning Gasoline. EG ATT A NOTES I HIS INJURIES PROVE FATAL Boy After Threatening to Roast Com panion Alive Empties Contents of Gaso line Can on Him and Touches It with Lighted Match. PARTIES MAY WANT RANSOM Man Calls Mother to Door, and Throsts Photograph of ChiM In Her Hand and Warns Her That All attempts to Find Her Will Be TJseles. New York, September 1. There has been a strange sequel to the mysterious kidnapping, nine years ago, of pretty Rosie Cohen, an East Side girl. The girl's mother lives in Orchard Street, and was surprised yesterday by tlie visit of an unknown man who rated the motlter to the dor and after telling her he knew the present whearabouts of the daughter, thrust a recent proto graph of the girl into her hands smf, with the remark " she has changed her name it is no use for you to try to find her," disappeared. In the winter of 1890 the girl, nearly five years old, was playing on the street in front of her home when a man was seen to creep up placed his hand over the child's mouth caught her up in his arms and fled. The police worked on on the case for a long time, without sue- ees. The mother was heart broken and gave up hope of ever knowing her child's fate, - When the man visited her yesterday she pleaded with him for knowledge of the girl's hereabouts but he refused. She would not be happy here," he said. 'She is doing all right and has forgotten you. She lias changed her name. Now, just forget her and don't try to find her. It won't do you any god." The poliece were at owe notified and are inclined to believe that the man, having found the mother, intends de manding a ransom. RUUSSIA EUOL0GIZES PRESIDENT. Moscow, Aug. 31. The 'Tluskie Slove" publishes an eulogly on rresmeiu Rosevelt and the part he played during the last three months saying; "To the memories of tbe Russian and Japanese peoples, the personality of President Roosevelt is crowned with a halo of peace and good will that will last for ever. 930$QQ000'0000090000000 A MSI ft We Sell 1. L DOUDlOS Shoes g - o The bcit in the q market q Try them, O Op?. RHiggins ft Co. . 1 ,.rr, O-r ;..- au.n nt I n ' U "Kiwi fffreeh Q. (it It.? t':;u'J m ' SoTAt'OlMRE BASEBALL SCORES. Portland, Sept. 1. Portland, 8; Oak land, 1. Tacoma, Sept. 1. Io Angeles, 0; Tacoma, 1. San Francisco, Sept. 1. -Seattle, Oj San Francisco, 1. Regatta Flags S AND 10c EACH. All Films of any size developed at 10 cents a roll of six. Take pictures with any camera and bring your Films to. us. We save you the, trouble of developing. View Work and Enlarging Done Ilcre. We carry all kinds 0' Photo Supplies. WOODFIELD'S ART STORE, 51O Bond St., Astoria. Chicago, Sept 1. A dispatch to the Tribune from Hannibal, Ma., says Charles Christian, 11 years old, son of Lee christian, was roasted alive Union street last night by another boy named McLain, who dashed a can of gasoline over the clothes of young Chris tian and then applied a lighted match Christian was playing on the street with several other boys when Mt-Lnln after twice threatening . to roast the Christian boy alive, finally made bis word good. He unscrewed the cap of the ran, rushed upon Christian and drenched him from head to foot with gasoline. Before the unfortunate lad lad could get away be touched lighted match, to his trousers which were soaked Iwth the gasoline. Instantly the boy was enveloped in flumes He fell to the ground screaming in agony aim fight ing the fire. Many persons ran to his re cue an succeeded in extinguishing the names, r.very stitch of emitting was burned from young Christian's hack The boy will die. RKtOKT OK THK CONDITION Or iHr Firs National Bank' At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, August 23th, 1003 RESOURCES. Loan and discounts $372C1 33 Overdrafts, secured aim un secured 5,033 04 U. S, Bonds to secure cirrula tion 12,800 00 Bonds, securities, etc 73,380 00 Other real estate owned.... 0,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) .... 39,433 41 Due from Stste Ranks and Bankers 81,407 17 Due from approved rewrve agents 137,550 87 Checks and other cash items 1,018 70 Notes on other National Banks 2VW 00 Nickels, and cents 22 00 Lawful money reserve in bank vis: Specie 118,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (0 per cent circu lation 625 00 Total $851,079 29 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in- $ 50,000 00 Scrrplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 35,408 54 National Bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject ' to check 5.5,1.W 53 Demand certificates of de posit 147,908 20 Certified checks .. 60 00 703,110 75 Total ...$831,070 29 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop.ss: I, H. S. Gordon cnsliiT of the above- mimed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. tf. !S. f.UKIKt.N, Cashier. SuWriled and sworn to before me Uhis 30th day of Aortist, 1005. V. isokixi.no, Notary Public. . (Seal) Correct Attest; W. F. MeORKOOR, C. C. FLAVKL, JACOB KAMM, Directors. STATEMENT OF Astoria Savings Bank At the close of business August 10, 1905, RESOURCES. Loans and dis counts $507,809 70 County warrants 18,130 40 City warrants .. 43,449 82 $029,389 02 Real estate Hw n from banks 01.910 73 Cash on hand.... 65,93d 00 147,802 73 Total 791,742 66 LIABILITIES. Capital paid In $100,000 00 Surplus . 35,000 00 Undivided profit 14.927 21 Dividends Unpaid " 120 W' Subject to check$389,704 31 Time certificates. 237,130 12 Demand certifi cates I.801 01 Mm 44 Total $701,742 65 4efs4s4.ses4e4-s4s4ss4.sfs4es4s4ssts4ss4s4ssetsv t ALL THE OFFICIAL NEVYS e? Watch This Space Look Here and Keep Posted Seventh Annual Regatta, August 29-31 f tTtT4tOWTTTTt NOTICE. All personal who hive legal claims against the 1903 Regatta company will please present them, together with the requisitions signed by the undersigned, at the office of the secretary of this com mittee, by Saturday evening, September . 1903, at $ o'clock p. m. HERMAN WISE, President. FRED J. JOHNSON, Secretary. .AAAAAAAAAAAatA4AAAAAiaiSiiiSiSiAiSiSftSiaiaftasaista The SEASIDE HOUSE Clatsop Beach, Orcgon. Is now open for guests. This fine old Resort, situated on the banks of the N cunicum river, oily a few rods from the ocean, offers to its patrons the Only Ideal Spot On The Coast for fresh and salt water bathing, fish ing, boating and hunting. Free 'bus to alt trains. Address all communications to The .Seaside House Seaside, Oregon. e4T-T-------TTeeTt4e I You Can Save Money If you buy your Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Rubber Goods, Confectionary, Tobacco, Cigars, etc at E. M. LALLY'S Loot for big "changes that are to take Jplace jhortly in our big, new establishment. Larger Store, Larger Stock, Best Goodu at Uwest Prices. WATCH US GROW E. M. LALLY, Hammond, 930000000S0S0f 00000000$0C