The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 28, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY, AUGUST il, 1905.'
State's Great Show
Willis E. Brirtdley Writes on County
Displays at Portland.
Portland, Ore., ha proved to the world,
or at least to that generous part of the
world which is visiting the Lewis and
Clark exposition this summer, that the
hostess state has agricultural resources
which place it in the front rank of com
monwealths that are dependent for their
wealth on the richness of the soil As is
natural, Oregon occupies the command
ing position in the Agriculture and Hor
ticulture building, the grain and forage
crops displays being arranged about a
central pyramid, which towers toward
the lofty dome that crowns the build
ing. The pyramid contains a represen
tative showing, and has been much ad
mired. Ceres, the goddess of grains,
done in staff, occupies the top of the
lofty pedestal.
The fruit-showing made by the state
middle of last February. A long show
ease of curios and Indian relies is an
attractive feature. Some fruits, both
fresh and preserved, are shown, but no
effort hit been made to gather a display
representative of the county's resources.
Xew wheat and erasses seven feet
high, big potatoes, luscious red apples,
walnuts, cherries, currants a host of
vegetables, building stone, mineral soap
these all are exhibited in Columbia
county's booth as evidence of the varied
resources of the county. Lincoln coun
try, whose booth is next to that of Co
lumbia, shows rock ovsters and other
sea food in great variety, onions ami
turnips and other vegetables, wood
both in the natural state and as they
come from 0. R. Altree's mill at Toledo,
and some very fine fleeces. The grain
.. .. ... 'exhibit is eood. especially the showing
occupies a large space just Bonn 01 me
r t , . : . ; plav la first claw.
part on plates,
eets every one.
ind the display inter-1 Marion' county occupies a large spare
Southern Oregon, and 1 with a most attractive display. The
Wasco and Marion counties have con
tributed luscious peaches. There are
plums and prunes from Marion coun
ty, strawberries from Clatsop and Ash
land, and nectarines from Umatilla.
Cove, Union county, has sent some beau-
hop industry is illustrated by a hop
bale, and the insertion of a piece of
glass in one side permits visitors to see
how hops look when they are ready for
market. All along the front of the
booth prunes are shown under glass and
tiful cherries and there are Bartlett some dried apples and dried papers are
pears from Jackson county, prunes from similarly displayed. Plums and apples
Polk, Bed Astrakhan apples from Co-and other fruit, products of the woolen
mills, lap robes made from Marion coun
ty mohair, threshed grains, a pyramid of
preserved fruits, an attractive display
of garden truck and a beautiful piece of
maple burl are among the other attrac
tive exhibits.
Clackamas shows the largest roll of
paper ever manufactured and many smal
ler rolls, cloths and blankets from the
Oregon City woolen mills, gold ore and
nuggets from Ogle mountain, vegetables
in great variety, beautiful peaches,
blackberries and green plums, canned
fruits, threshed grains, alfalfa and many
other products, the whole composing a
most attractive display.
lumbia, two branches heavily loaded with
prunes from Eussellville, and apples from
all parts of the state that were collect
ed last year and preserved by cold stor
age. The county displays occupy most of
the west half of the Palace of Argieul
ture and Horticulture. Harney county's
display is the one first encountered on
entering the building from the south,
and a big mounted elk constitutes the
most striking feature. Harney has gath
ered a display that attracts much in
terest. There are many stuffed birds and
animals in the cases which line the
walls, all killed and mounted since the
Qur Dry Goods Department has undergone a great many changes for
the better of late. $10,000.00 worth of new merchandise has been added
to our stock, making the departmentiltogether the most up-to-date in the
Everything is New and Strictly ia Keeping With the Present Vogue.
Linn county looth Is in itself an
exhibit of :IS kinds of wood native to
,the county. Two decorative pyramids
show this year's grain in straw, and
Centennial wheat more than seven feet
tall is displayed. Other exhibits include
gloves from the Rrownsville glove fac
tory, S2 varieties of new grasses, im-hid
ing vetch 12 ami a half feet long ami
third-crop alfalfa, an SO pound pump
kin and many vegetables, fruits both
fresh and preserved, leather from four
tanneries, and product of the Browns
ville woolen mill.
Two tall stalks of bamboo and a dis
play of figs and tobacco with rye in the
straw ten feet tall, luscious peaches, and
copper and gold ores tell of the versa
tility of Douglas county, Mrs. K. K.
Hoswell of Boswell Springs has on vx
hibition some paintings of decided merit,
and the mineral spring are exploited.
Lane county has a hig booth filled with
exhibits, fruit and grain displays pre
dominating. Wheat in the straw six
feet eight inches tall and rye eight feet
tall are striking displays, and other ex
hibits include all kinds of threshed
grain, wool, prunes, nop, corn, canned
gixnls and vegetables.
Benton county's booth, recently re
modeled, is now one of tlie most attrac
tive, the decorations tieing especially or
iginal and effective. Oats and wheat in
the straw are used effectively In panel
decorations, and other product of the
county are attractively displayed. A big
assortment of ores constitute the strik
ing feature of Josephine's exhibits, which
include also marble, furniture made from
wood native to the county, and a ease
of big nuggets that have been much ad
mired. Yamhill has a great variety of
lisplays, which include good showings of
hops, ran nod goods, fresh fruit of many
kinds, honey and dried fruits.
Umatilla county has some big water
melons on exhibition. The best onions
seen anywhere are exhibited by I'liia-
ilia, and the other displays include wool
grain iu the sheaf, and a pyramid of
'Tain in straw. A mounted deer is an
attractive feature. Threshed grains tin
der grass, arranged in attractive design,
are pleasing features of Polk county's
bowing, which includes also a pyramid
of canned fruits and vegetables, an at
ractive display of potatoes and garden
truck, some big peaches, and a large
flour display.
Inspects Life-saving Station at Fott
, Stevent- Will Leave Today.
Captain A. F. Tosicr, t S. It, C. S.,
late of the revenue cutter Grunt nnd now
life-saving Inspector, arrived in the city
yesterday after an inectloti of the life
saving station at Fort Stevens. Ho was
accompanied by Captain Wick hind, who
I ay a the new in-pei-tor Is so well liked
by , the crew that they got up at 4
o'clock yesterday morning to dig clam
for him.
Captain Toiler was visibly impressed
by the city and regretted that hi stay
was so limited. He leave this morning
for Cape Disappointment. He will pay
Astoria a visit every three month.
Fairly Good Game of Ball Played at A.
F. C. Ground.
The Kast and West Astoria baseball
team met yesterday on the A. F, C.
Steamers St. Paul and Elmore in
From 'Frisco and Tillamook
Busy Day Along the Waterfront Roa
noke, Kllbura and Alliance Leavs Out
Lighthouse Tender Leave Today for
Southeastern Alaska.
Steamer Roanoke sailed yesterday aft
ernoon for !San r ram-two via r.ureka.
She carried passenger to her limit and
full cargo of freight. The cannery
ground and played a fairly good game crew of oo Chine of the Alaska Flh-
of 111, the East Astoria aggregation ' VtMng wrtlt ,,ow
piuviiiu iiif victors wim a score 01 u , , ,
iwi muiu iirir, in jmiMiug r"iHmijr
to 4
This week we are making our first formal showing of
The member of tlie Hoys' brigade ex
pros themselves as delighted with their
week's stay at the Lewis and (lurk ex
position, and say they were shown every
courtesy by the fair iniiiiia'cim-nt.
There were 42 in all that made the
trip, and the entire amount expended
whs $!0.!.. This includes fares, board
for six days nnd admission to nil ex
hibits nnd eoncesion while there.
The brigade was iniot irrnpli'-il in full
uniform by the olhYiul photographer
while there, and present a veryiicat and
soldierlike appearance.
Autumn Dress Fabrics
Come in and see the beautiful new styles that DAME FASHION dic
tates for the coming season.
You've juBt a few more days to take advantage of our GIGANTIC UN
Tremendous Price Slashing is the Or
der all over the Store Come and See
foard j
$ Stokes Go.
The huge grandstand on the Flavel
wharf is now ready for the decorutors,
Mayor Surprenant and his force of men
having practically completed the strut'
ture Saturday afternoon. Yesterday the
stand was put to good use by a large
number of persons, who found deligiit in
whiting away the hours watching pass
ing steamers and sailing craft.
The Occident.
M. R. Klepper, Portland.
C. E. Palmer Morgan, Portland.
d. A. Cooper, Portland.
Lyle S. Mefalf, Portland.
Marie Larkin, Portland.
Frank O. Davis, San Francisco.
A. Osier, Xew York.
E, C. Frost, Portland.
William J. Parker, San Francisco.
O. B. Bass, San Francisco.
Your family will need a tonic. Why
not give them Mollister's Ibsky Moun
tain Tea? Nothing equals it as a brac
ing, life giving remedy. 35 cents, Tea
or '1 ablets.
A force of men tinder Street Super
intendent Kearney this morning ut 2
o'clock began flushing down the streets
id cleaning them up preparatory to
the regatta.
In this manner the superintendent can
get the work of his department com
pleted Rnd the streets fresh and clean
before the crowds begin to throng the
T. S. Billings and wife of Lewiston,
Idaho, arrived in the city yesterday on
a visit to friends. Mrs. Billings is a
sister of Mrs. M. J. Fox.
If you want the family to lie healthy,
strong and active, give them Holliater's
Rocky Mountain Tea this month. Makes
rich, red blood, bone and muscle. 35
ants, Tea or Tablets.
I .1. .!!.. i.. 1... .1.. .
Through some miundertandin the , . "
game was not aunouueed and the crowd. of tht wutract with them they are to
was not so large as it should have been, be returned to their homes. The
The game was marked with fast playing Roanoke also took down from here a lot
and iu one or two Mance. the plays ' ,,HHlk ,nJ nlwttni0(
leaned to the spectacular. I . . . .
Lighthouse tender Heather ha re
ceived tinier to proceed to Southeast
ern Alaska. She will leave out today
and will not participate In the regatta,
a was originally planned. The Heather
will probably call at the Sound.
Steamer Newport arrived in yester
day from Cocuille river via Coo Bay
and Yaqiiln. She brought up a lot of
freight from below, some of which wa
reshlpped on the steamer Itoanoke to
San Francisco.
Jt J;?."jp y
Or. Bayli II, Karle returned Saturday
night from a trip to Southern Oregon,
where he accompanied hi brother, John
II. Kaile, aboard the sjiecial train of the
National Railway Commissioners' asso
ciation. Ir. Karle left the train at
Junction City and caught the northbound
train back to Portland. Friday night
he attended Coventor Chamlierlaln'a re
ception to visiting executive of sister
Enjoy Columbia River Scene
On the decks of the fast steamer Tele
graph, leaving Callcnder dock, Astoria,
for Portland, daily, except Friday, at 2
P. M. Sunday, at 2:30 P. M. You
reach Portland in ample time for a stroll
or for an evening's viit at your friend's
J$ 13Ke Ssilr
Good News for
Ve are showing the latest
In Chiffon and Braids.
Fall Novelties in
Dress Goods
Are arriving daily. The patterns are
exquisite, while the prices are low, as
Bee Hive price always are, consider
ing good quality, etc,
DRESS GOODS are alio in stock.
Are Ready for Yonr Inspection. '
In order to close out some remnants
quickly, we have started a
Remnant Sale of
Calico. Percales
and Outing Flannels
Take advantage of this opportunity
to get some bargains for house
dresses, wrappers, etc.
Steamship St. Paul arrived In yester
day from San Fram-Uco with the usual
crowd of passenger and a full cargo of
Steamers F. A. Kilburn and Allinn
sailed yesterday, the former for San
Francisco, via Coo bay and Kureka, and
the latter to Coo bay and F.urrka. A
the steamers both left' here the same
time a lively race I in prospect to see
which will get to Coo bay Hist.
Steamer F.tmore arrived in yesterday
afternoon from Tillamook. She, like all
the other steamers ocrating from the
Columbia river, Is carrying all the pas
sengers her capacity will permit.
Steamer Aberdeen arrived ia from San
Francisco last evening, and after dis
charging passenger and freight, left out
for (irays harbor, where she will load
Steamer Telegraph brought down a
large crowd of excursionist yesterday, a
great many of whom stayed over and
will go to Seaside, returning by rail.
Since the Telegraph went on she is di
verting lots of the traffic this way, which
formerly went on the tipcr Columbia
river route.
Copyright 1 90 bjr
Hart Schaffner U Marx
We are opening case after caae of
Modern Clothing
For the Fall
At prices that will tempt the most
careful buyer. "We would be pleased
to have you come In and look over
our pattern and style.
Our prices will 1 sure to please,
as they are the lowest pomibki for
honest merchahJiiiMi,
We fan offer you good, reliable
suits in dozen of pattern at
$10, 12.50 and
You will get the best in the land at
$15 to $30
Perfect fit guaranteed or money back.
The Dressy Shop for Dfeny Men,
Maintains unexcelled service from the
west to the east and south. Making
close connections with trains of all
transcontinental lines, passengers are
flvn their cholc of routes to Chicago,
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans,.
and through thana nnlnla In lha far
The theater going jieople of Astoria lnt.
will be pleased to learn that the Me- prospective travelers deslrlna- Infor-
Cowell Pyle company will play an en- matlon as to the lowest rat's and best
gngtnKiitat Fisher's os-ra house four Routes are Invited to correspond with-
night, coiiiiiieiii-ing Wednesday, Auurtst ,,n" following representatives:
.10, presenting some of the latest and
mot successful plays now on the road.
Tin- management knows what play the
people of Astoria want, having played
here a number of times with the Mar
garita Fischer company, They intriHlm-e
a novel feature hi -their plays, giving you
no waits between acts. They carry a
number of clever speciality people so
that you sco a continued performance.
Hie company is just fresh from their
summer slock engagement at Lewiston, 1
Idaho, and can guarantee a first class
n-ifiiiinance at stccial reduced prices.
They will open with the funny comedy,
'Captain Racket." Change of program
nightly. Prices: Reserved seats, 25
cents; gallery, 10 cents. Seat sale ociis
at tiriffin's Wkstore Tuesday morning.
B. II. TRUMBULL Commercial Agent,
142 Third 8t., Portland, Or.
Public Is Aroused.
The public is aroused to a knowledge
of the curative merits of that great med
icinal tonic, Electric Hitters, for sick
stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary h.
Walters, of fi4fl St. Clair ave., Columbia,
O., writcst "For several months, I was
given up to die. I had fever and ague,
my nerves were wrecked j I could not
sleep, and my stomach was so weak,
from useless doctors' drugs, that I could
not eat. Sppn afbpr beginning Jo take
Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and
in a short time I was entirely cured."
Guaranteed at Chas. Rogers' drug store.
Price 80c.
The Astorlan, 75 cents a month,
Don't Belay
If you want peaches. The crop this
year Is le.s thun one fniutli of its
regular size.
Commencing Monday, 'August UH,
if you are In the market for them, call
on us for
Fine Large Lemon
Cling Peaches and
Late Crawford
Sweetest and best for canning pur
poses. Damson, Hrndshaw and Peach
Plums, Florence and Siberian Crab
Apples, Black Prince, Muscat, Tokay
and Sultana Grapes, Fine Gravcnstein
BARTLETT PEARS are fast com
ing In, but will soon be out of sea
son. Leave your orders now and we
will supply you with the best only
at lowest prices. -
Foard QStolIes Co.