mE MORNING ASTOK1AN. AblUKiAru.'Ut SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 190s. WE GUARANTEE OUR Dependable Alocha and Java Coffee Which is especially put up for our fam ily trade, to be equal to the best in the market, and second to none. One Pound 40c OPPOSE BEEF TRUST NEW INSURANCE COMPANIES TO BEGIN BUSINESS "Kosher" Butchers Erect pendent Abatoir. Inde NO HOGS TO BE KILLED If yon are canning fruit this year, Remember that we sell the famous ECONOMY JARS. 4ST0RIAGR0CERY $23 Commercial SI Phone Main 681 Cheese That Will Any Palate Please We hare just received a fresh supply of various kinds of Fine Cheese. Our foods in this department is sure U suit the most fastidious taste, both as to quality and flavor. Limsarger, the brick 35c Just the thing to go with crackers and beer. Swiss Cheese, the lb 30c Makes a delicious lunch dish. California Cream Cheese and Tillamook Brick, each, pet lb sot Just the finishing touch as an after dinner delicacy. We also have some delicious Pineapple Cheese which puts the correct finish on any good piece of pie. Each.... 50c Also Edam Cheese. Each fixo Come in and sample our stock. Capitalised at Three Millions and Backed By Well Knows Financiers, New York, Aug. Sti. According to re port circulated yesterday in the finan oiul district a new life insurance company is Wing organired and more Uian .'1,000,' 000 already ha been subscribed. Non 000 already has been subscribed toward it eapitalination. The lint of men who have signified their intention of taking stock includes some of the wealthiest and best known financiers in the coun Plant Is Finest in the Country and Cost I try It ,500,000 Every DetaU 01 Mosaic u U understood the promoters will Law Is Carried Out-Capacity Is Four t take definite steps toward beginning Tnousand Beeves a week. business until ttt.txio.000 ha Wn tuli scribed. Xon participating policies will he issued aud it is planned to make the leasn values 01 these policies practically New York, Aujj. 2C-Retail "Kosher the fu" . In other word, if I policy holder live to realise on hi poli cy during hi life, the ful legal reserve will be paid to him less five percent. READING GOES UP Week in Stock Market Is Sensation al One. butchers of this city, who recently formed an organization to act independ ently of the Western packer, have opened their new abatoir. On the opening of the latter yesterday, 500 head of prime Western cattle were slaughtered, dressed and carried into the refrigerating rooms, there to remain until September 4, when the stockhold era, who are also to be the customers of the concern, will be allowed to come in and buy. The new concern was organized three years ago and the plant just completed at a cost of $1,500,000, is declared by the promoters of the scheme to be the most complete affair of its kind in the coun try. The main building of brick and iron, is six stories high. It is connected with the company's own piers at the foot of West Thirty-ninth street. Xo hogs are to be killed in the new plant, as the whole establishment is carried on in "Kosher" fashion. The killing is done by eight licensed slaughterers under the supervision of the Rev. Philip Klein, 2fr York, Ang. 20. The week iu the who sees to it that every detail of the I s,0l'k market was notable for the estab Mosaic law is carried out. Ilishment of new high records in a number In the near future the company in- of important stocks and for a sen NEW HIGH RECORDS MADE The Steady Upward Tendency of a Num ber of Important Stocks During Past Three Months Is Checked by the Read ing Movement . .. , THE GROCER. Tenth and Commercial Streets Branch at Unlontown. Decorate for Regatta Thousands of visitors and home people will see your Show Windows during Re gatta and if you have an attractive and seasonable display you will be amply re paid for your trouble and expense. See our display ofDECORATIVE MA TESIAL, CREPE PAPER, FLAGS, PEN NANTS, STARS, ETC. tends to receive carcasses from inde. pendent packers in the West and dis tribute them on commission. The ca pacity is now 4.000 carcasses a week, al though but 2,500 cattle will be slaught ered for some time. NO WIGS ALLOWED. tional movement upward movement in Heading. The steady rise of the lut three month continued with slight in terruption, but was checked by the lead ing movement, which excited fears of a corner in that stock and that produced general declines. Trading during the greater part of the week was large in volume, with a broadening tendency, out became dull and featureless at the end. The improved tone of steel and iron, cereal and copper stocks reflect' the uniformly excellent conditions FRAUD UNEARTHED t4t KM UA I I A IVJf 1 I M Officers of Vessels Return Their Naturalization Papers. SECURED THROUGH FRAUD Also Return Their Licenses as Seamen on American Vessels Acts Are Vol untary and Result of Investigations by Secret Service Officials in the Bay City. San Francisco, Aug. 2d. TotoM Quayle, first otlloer of the steamer City of Sydney; William Dcveridge, chief en. gineer of the steamer Redondo, and Hugh Auld, chief engineer of the Algoa, have voluntarily surrendered their naturalization papers, on the ground that they were- obtained illegally. Co incident with the surrender of their citi zenship paper they turned over their licenses as seamen on American vessel. This is by far the most sensational de velopment that ha yet occurred since the unearthing of the fraudulent citizen by the secret service agents, t ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS ... , ; Watch This Space Look Here and Keep Posted Seventh Annual Regatta, August 29-31 1 4t(aa He who Is not a Astoria's enemy. This is not Jones' Regntta, nr Smith's Regatta. This Is the "Astoria" Regatta. o friend of Astoria Is j Swing your partner at the. Country Dance, ' , 'x for lie 1. 1 lue for All, and All lor Astoria." MONSTER EAGLES TERRIFY CANTONS. Beat Kin to Death and Attack Children Terror to the Country. Berne, Aug. 2fl. A sory of the raid of three great eagles come from Muhle bach, county of Valoi , Switzerland. bird of prey have made many at tacks uMn ratle and animal. Itecently they have even attacked person. a snort time ago they attache,! a On for All, sod At! for Astoria. M o The Crar, St Petersburg: Xo use to remain at Portsmouth more fun at Astoria Regstta; naval parade; no danger there, ' WITTE. "' 0 " Say I It's bad enough If you don't help Astoria. It's worse still if you knock. On for All, and All far Astoria. The Mikado, Tokloi Russian envoys bound for Astoria Re. t Farmer Uowlliy's show at Iledrlck'a theater will pie all th farmer, the merchant .the young and th old. 0 ' . , Koine of th Portland yacht, under command of Commodore Cake, hav al ready arrived. "On for All, and All rnr Astoria" has been, I, and shall remain our motto. Mr. I). A. llrown has presented th committee with a S3 gold pier, mad In 1HM. Thanks, your nam is Dennis heifer, continually striking it with their Shall I follow them! Possibly but J'our '""t ''h- Regatta hilarity will indue Witt and Von Itoen to accept our term. KOMl'RA. re Judge and Counsel in British Columbia Liable to Arrest ietoria, B. C, Aug. 20. A strange conflict has occurred in connection with the trial of the American fishing schoon- ported in these various industries. Crop er Xorth C today, ordered to be con- advices were of favorable tenor ami fiseated by Justice Martin in the ad- rroad returns satisfactory. The peace miralty court for fishing within British negotiations at Portsmouth were partly Columbia waters. At the lat session of factor though some disappointment the legislature an enactment was made I wa expressed at the lack of progress prohibiting the wearing of wigs in anv reported. British Columbia court. Today Martin and counsel before him wore wigs as a foretime, the judge contending the en actment did not apply to the admiralty court, which has federal jurisdiction. Legislators, however, contend the enact ment affects any court, which sits in British Columbia and say the judge and counsel are liable to indictment for in- ANNTJAL REPORT OF SECRET SERVICE BUREAU, Arrests Relating to Counterfeit Currency Predominate. J. N. GRIFFIN HEALTHY PLANT8 Require the Most Carefal AttfBtloa as Well as Good Soli. Did you ever see a rosebush which despite the most beneficent environment of soil of sunshine and of atmosphere, -seemed never to achieve a healthy growth. A ton of manure will not help a plant that has a canker eating; out its heart Tou must destroy the cause before yotf ean remove the effect. Tou cannot cure Dandruff end Bald ness by rubbing on hair lotions, and rubbing In vaseline, etc. Tou must look to the cause of th trouble it's a germ at th roots of your hair which causes it to fall out. Newbro's Herplclde destroys the germ, and healthy hair Is the sure result. Sold by leading dnigslsts. (Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St., Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St, T. P. Laurin, Prop. "Special Agent" Washington, Aug. 24. The annual re port of Chief Wilkie of the secret serv fringing .the enactment prohibiting the '-e "'mws a total of 512 arrets, of which use of wigs in British Columbia courts. related to counterfeits of currency. 52 to altered obligations, 344 to the coun SERIOUS FOREST FIRE terfeiting of coin and the others in con I IS FINALLY CHECKED, nection with various violations of the federal statutes. It was Feared That Last Years Conflaera- The nationality of the defendants rep tion Would be Repeated. resented the most of the civilized coun- San Rafael, Cal., Aug. 20. A forest 11 hllt native born offenders led with fire started last night on the Xorthern 'm- Itn'y MnK aecond with 42 and Aus Mope of Mt. Tamalpais, between Wil- tria t,lir1 wih 13. liams r;ulf and the Kent property. In geographical divisions of prosecu- For a while the fire raced fiercely and it '" Pennsylvania led with 1)4. Xew looked as though last year's irreat con-1 Vork had 77, Ohio 35, California 29, Mis flagration which swept the western slope 23. All of the states and terri- of the Bolinas range from one end to tor' except Alaska lieing represented. the other was about to be repeated. One case was prosecuted in Cuba, coun I . . . . Prompt and vigorous' work, however, terfeit notes confiscated by the service checked the flames, and at a late hour aggregated $3,!I34 against 11,350 the the blaze was well under control, with previous year; while the coins secured the prospects good for it being promptly aggregated $24,110, against $10,419 for extinguished. SIERRA LE0ENA ARRIVES. Now Does NotSight the Ship Deccan Overdue From Same Port ictona, 15. C, Aug. 20.-British ship Sierra Leoena arrived toniirht. 50 the previous 12 months. There were cap tured Jo., plates of various descriptions for the making of counterfeit notes and 454 dies and moulds for coining. A very large proportion of the counterfeit coins was captured in the hands of the mak ers Wore being placed in circulation. Arrangements have Ix-en made for the ...... 11!. I ... esuiuiisiiincni oi uram-ne ol the service abev iav irm jiongKong in ballast, having left ten days later than the ship Deccan, at Honolulu, where indications which has been reinsured at ten percent Panted to the developments of coining because of her long voyage. The Sirra enterprise Lucena did not sight the over due vessel. REST YOUR FEET In a Pair of 3SO0OSO0$OSO000090000000 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 543 Bond Street O Dr. A. Reed's Cushion Shoes o o o o o Don't limp. Don't complain of sor feet But get a pair of these shoes at once. S Si A. GIMRE 0pp. Ross, Higglns & Co. Specially made for tender feet, Don't say: "Oh, my corn I" What makes the world go round in business; almost tha most serious work of man ii business; and business aver ages rather crooked. There is no straighter 'thing in tha world than Schilling's Best; J four grocer a. They then almost entirely devoured It. nil . . k a . cnoriiy aietrwaru a new,, exploit was reorrded to their credit. The three ter noie uinis inrew inemseivrs tllKin a magnificent bull. The animal defended himself with courage. But its head and neck were so terribly ripped and torn for Japan, by their powerful beaks that a veterinary surgeon was called in to kill it. Don't flmir how muoh wilt tl. fle place. All persons having rtsmis or bed to 'rent during the regatta week, will pleas Why do th Japs win 1 tne number room ami the prrre lleeaute they are "One for All, and All ,or M, h to lh' wT HegattA .company, Mgn your nam ami aiuirea for use on the room register. I o rinaly they attacked a little girl wholgatt help you. Rither, say how much i happened to be alone on the mountains will you help the Regatta. Her terrified scream were, however, hap pily heard, and help came in time, no greater misfortune befulling her than the loss of a few tresses. The eagles have liecome the terror of the entire country side, and hunters are everywhere on the lookout. A similar combat between a boy and a powerful eagle is reported from (Jesteig, ISeme, The blue and the white, And "MOWN" art atl right 0 i REGATTA NOTICE. J Notice Is hereby given that th As toria Regatta company wil not be re- i sponsible for any bills contracted by any jerin or person unless accompanied by On to th Regstt boulevard, wher requisition signed by the president and ther I a "CASE" full of show. .secretary, which requisition mut b re- o turned with the bill. All claims contract- The IJnen Twine company, through n,"t " presented' to the committee near their local agents, the Fisher Bros.' Co;,",,n tr" 'rom nuT "d The lad wounded on the check offer four package of twine as a prize) n(l claims will I paid on demand. ami hand contrived to drive the eagle to fishermen. against a cliff, dealing it blows until his umbrella broke. As the eagle made the third attack, the boy drove his pocket knife into his eye. With loud cries it then returned swiftly to the mountains. . Hy order of committee. Princess Racajawea will wear an ele gant Indian outfit, especially made for i her. FRED JOHNSON, Secretary. HERMAN WISE, President. CHINESE BOYCOTT PARALYZES TRADE. No Wheat Shipments on Pscific Coast Ports to China Orders Canceled. (Seattle, Aug. 20. Advices received tO' day by the Hammond Milling company of this city from its agent in Hong kong state that the Chinese ls-iycott of American goods has completely paralyzed the flour trade between Pacific coast ports and China. No sales have been made since July IU and all orders for September shipment have ls-en canceled. The company's agent writes that the bread-makers in the bnk shops of Can' ten and Hongkong refuse to handle American flour and the small dealers dare not purchase it for this reason. The trade with the straits settlements and Indo China is also threatened by reason of the fact tha the flour supply for these 'countries is controlled wholly by Chinese merchants.' 1 The SEASIDE HOUSE! Sea Side's Most Progressivs Firm F. Dresser &Co's Mammouth Store Conducted on high business methods, Employs 15 to 20 people. Building covers about 25,000 square feet of floor space; has large show windows. Everything arranged In departments Wool dress goods, silks, wash goods, men's shoes, ladies' children's and misses' shoes. Clothing, hata, men's furnishings, notions, fancy goods. Groceries, hardware, tinware, glass ware, plumber and builder supplies. Hay, oats am) grain. EDWIN C. JUDD, Manager. Seaside, Oregon. - Clatsop Beach, Oregon. Is now open for guests. This fln old Resort, situated on th bank of th Ne canicum river, only a few rod from the ooean, offers to its patron th Only Ideal Spot On The Coast for fresh and salt water bathing, fish ing, boating nd hunting. Free 'bus to all trains. Address all communications to The .Seaside House j Seaside, Oregon. You Can Save Money If you buy your Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Rubber Goods, Confectionary, Tobacco, Cigars, etc at E. M. L ALLY'S Look for big changes that are to take place shortly in f1ir Th'or f nr f ihlJaThm T Ci. T n. v wkM4.auuivuk. xvaigci vJiure, larger stock, Best Goods ftt Lowest Pn'ruc tlTATrtT TTO rvnrwtt - - IJ .7J IiIVI ivv O$0O$0OSO$OO0OSO00000000? E. M. LALLY, Hammond.