The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 27, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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North Shore Doing's
The Week Across the River by Our
Staff Correspondent
Long Brack., Wash, Aug. 20. The
past week on the beach ha ten some
thing glorious. After the raiti of
A party "on pleasure bent' lcj't The
Breaker about 10 o'clock Mondav and
drove to North. Head. The trip was made
day the weather cleared up ami at no doubly interesting' by the fact that Y
time during the season have conditions , K. Scott-carried ft large nvcgHphone and
been more perfect and satisfactory in
every way. Kvery one seems to be en
thused with the true spirit of the beat
month of the year, and countless picnics,
which seem to lie the favorite amuse
ment, makes every day a busy one. The
crowd does not seem to be diminishing
and the rumor that the Potter is to re
main on her run for two weeks longer
is hailed with delight by every one, as
the season will undoubtedly extend
much later on account of the thousands
of yisitors to the fair.
The lighthouse is being greatly ap
preciated as a picnic center. The ad
vantages of early athletic training, such
as football and basketball, are demon
strated daily, when the steamer Nah
cotta, which carries 125 passengers, is
met by some 250, would-be passengers, i
each of whom is determined to get down
the gangplank before the clicker regis
ters the fatal number. The chagrin of
later comers is somewhat soothed by the
fact that a tug which carries the over
flow occasionally reaches Astoria ahead
of the other boat, which makes two steps
on the war.
announced all point of interest as they
were Wing passed. Luncheon was served
in The Cove, after which an explora
tion tour was made around the point
A picnic from the Sea Craft visited
North Head Tuesday and spent a pleas
ant day in that favorite spot. By
happy chance they took their bathing
suits and arrived just at the right time
for bathing in the cove.
A oonnre and marshmeiiow toast on
the beach at Ocean Park Wednesday
night was one of the pleasant affairs of
the week."
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Daly gave a candy
pulling at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. I.
Sehacht Tuesday evening, which was
very much enjoyed by those who at
A party front Hackney cottage spent
a delightful day at North Head Monday.
A delicious luncheon was one of the im
porta nt features of the occasion.
The day is now upon us when the
"speir of the 'barker'' is heard abroad
over the city and the guilable, of which
there are many, are relieved of their
loose 50-cent pieces. In return for which
they receive $18 worth of diamond shirt
studs, rings, pencils and many other
things thrown in with a fountain pen of
priceless worth?
This seems hard to the legitimate mer
chants of the city who pay taxes, but
they should be consoled by the thought
that suckers will bite and that in biting
they are invariably bitten.
The preliminary examination of John
Henrickson, charged with selling liquor
in violation of the law in Astoria Pre.
cinct No. 1, was called for hearing in
Justice Goodman's court yesterday.
Hendrickson admitted his guilt and was
held on bail of f 100 to await the action
of the circuit court. A number of wit
nesses were held on bonds of 925 each.
Samuel Elmore going surety. Bench
warrants were issued for some witnesses
who were subpoenaed and did not ap
pear. The case will come up in the cir
cuit court September 18.
All boats participating in the uuuiuc
parade will be furnished with Japanese
lanterns free of charge on the night of
the parade by applying to Chief K.ngi
nevr George T. (ioodell, who is an aide
to -the commander-in-chief.'
The advance guard of confetti throw
ers have already commenced operation
to the discomfiture of many and it l
to W hoied that those indulging in this
questionable form of amusement will 1
few and far between.
In his hurry to accompany his brother
to Portland, Dr. Bay lis II. Earle was
forced to leave the city precipitously and
did not have time to remove his uni
form. Before his return here yesterday
Dr. Earle was walking through the ex
position grounds. He was suddenly ac
costed by a prominent minister, who
Young man. When doe the Royal
Hawaian band commence playing?" Ir.
Karle blushed and hurried away.
In Durance Vile.
Little Happenings in the Local
Police Court.
W. K. Cole, who expected hi mother
here from Tulare, Cal, was keenly dis
appointed when informed yesterday by
sister aud niece who arrived without
the grand old lady, that she was too
II to travel, when they started. The
grandmother's arrival had been anxi
ously awaited and all of ber relatives
here feel their disappointment very much.
although the coming of the other rcla-
ives has somewhat brightened the sad
ness, expressed by Mr. Cole in tear at
not meeting his mother.
Attorney Frank Spittle was out of a
job in the police court yesterday. A
new deputy city attorney proved an able
prosecutor. C. Nostrum a the cul
prit. It seem that Nostrum abhors
Mine ami after giving vent to hi wrath
m an unoffending kitten, be wu nr
rested and bulged in the city prison
with the charge of disorderly condmt
against him. Frank Spittle w as -in a
quandary when the case came tip yes
terday. In his experience a prosecutor
of this modest commonwealth he coiihl
not recall an offense so heinous a for
midable looking specimen of physical
manhood had abused tiny kitten The
kitten was of the deny re feline class, one
of those wee bit of autiual life which,
through devotion and eutenesa, win it
way to the heart of a child. There i
hardly a man who, at one time during
his life, ha not loved just such a kit
ten a Nostrum " abused. So Spittle
wracked his grey matter-he wa de
termined to tirade this man sufficiently
to give mm hi due. But he was mm
phased. There were no means, in his
mind auftlcient, at which human Inge
nulty could arrive. The day wu saved,
however, Unexpected, without prece
dent, td the amusement if the ieet
tor and the consternation of the mutt
occupying the box, the jail cat meand
ered into the tribunal. With unfalter
ing step this precocioim feline stalked
to the judge' bench and made mute ap
peal for justice. The situation was emi
nently dramatic. In no courtroom ha
o impressive scene transpired. Judge
Anderson, a best he could, discussed the
matter with Deputy City Attorney Mob
lybriiiacr. Judge Anderson could not re
sist the appeal and after giving Nostrum
a severe lecture sentenced hltn to a fine
of 10 or five day. With the cln of
the proceeding Spittle shook hand with
hi colleague and offered hltn partner
ship, which the feline declined with dig'
nity becoming hi position.
Our Dry Goods Department has undergone ft great many changes for
the better of late, f 10,000.00 worth of new merchandise has been added
to our fcUxk, making the departmentaltogether the most up-to-date in the
Everything ia New and Strictly in Keeping With the Present Vogue.
This week we are making our first formal showing of
Autumn Dress Fabrics
Come in and see the beautiful new styles that DAME FASHION dic
tate for the coming season.
You've just a few more days to take advantage of our GIGANTIC UN
Tremendous Price Slashing is the Or
der all over the Store. Come and See
8 Stokes (0
The game lietneen the West Astoria
and Seaside lsehall teams, scheduled
ofr today, has lieen declared off, owing
to the fact that the Seaside team has
Tailed to come to the scratch. Thev
claim that they are unable to get their
men together for the game. ,
A game has been arranged, however,
to take the place of the one scheduled.
West Astoria will cros bats with the
Owapunpun club and these teams being
evenly matched an interesting game i
promised. '
Secretary of State Dunbar and Mrs.
Dunbar are in the city nml will re main
during the regatta the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Dunbar.
Miss Powell, who has la-en visiting
her brother, Manager A. R. Powell of
the Western Union Telegraph company,
left yesterday for South Bend, where
she will spend the winter.
Dr. F. C. Mahn left last night for the
Exposition city, where he will attend the
Norwegian saengerfest.
E. B. Rutherford, cashier of Bhike, Me-
Fall 4 Co., Portland, was a visitor in
the city yesterday.
J. M. Lamanon of Portland was a visi
tor in the city yesterday.
A. S. Froslid came up from Seaside
yesterday and registered at the Oei
dent. F. Godring wag a visitor in the city
Ellen Bjorndal was a guest at the Oc
cident yesterday.
H. Kirsch was a Portland visitor in
the city yesterday.
Joseph C. Whalen of San Franeitco
was in the city yesterday, registering
at the Occident.
U. E. Hyatt and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Beal of Boise were in the
city yesterday.
W. K. McAfee and son returned yes
terday from a two weeks' outing enjoy-
ably spent at Cascadia, a pretty rc-ort
situated in the Cascade mountains,
W. J. Callahan of Seaside was in the
city yesterday,
Mrs. .James W. Welch is in Portland
for a few days' visit.
W. C. Miller and wife of Los Angeles,
Cal., are in the city. Mr. Miller is an
old Astorian, having lived here for a
number of years, at which time he was
connected with the Morning Astorian.
This is his first visit here in eight year
and he notes many changes. He is now
in charge of the Mergenthalcr linotype
exhibit at the Portland exposition, lie
is accompanied by Mr. A. Ross and wife
of Luverne, Minn.
Mrs. J. M. Rodger and 'son of Port
land, who has been visiting her mother,
Mrs. Charles Hejlborn, for the past four
weeks, left for home this morning.
Messrs. Russell Walker and Warren
Smith, both of Portland, are visiting
at the home of Mrs. D. K. Warren of
Miss Nellie Brown of Los Angele,
Cal., is a guest of Mrs. C. R. HicL'ins.
The Astorian, 75 cent a month.
The I'nion Gas Kngine company ha
sent t erack speed boat to Messrs. J.
M. Arthur 4 Co., who will send the
iMMtt to the regatta to show her speed
and Mr. B. (arrington, their local agent,
who is in charge of the boat, Invite the
public to inspect the 43-horsepower, 4
cylinder engine, which wa built special
ly for the boat. The hull is 40 feet long
and five feet beam.
It is built of veneered mahogany, Sim
luis been tested over the measured gov
ernment course at San Francisco and de
velops easily IS miles an hour. The
value of the boat is .1,0tMl.
Enjoy Columbia River Scene
(m the deck of the fast steamer Tele
graph, leaving Callemler dock, Astoria,
for Portland, daily, except Friday, at 2
P. M. Sunday, at '2:30 P. M. You
reach Portland in ample time for a stroll
or for an evening's visit at your friend's
X5he L.
"City by th Sea" Prorea Attractive to
Visiting Coloradaa.
A. J. Dickenson, editor and proprietor
of the Post, at Glcnwood Springs, Colo.,
spent a few hour In the city yesterday.
Mr. Dickenson wa a delegate from
bis section to th national Irrigation con
gre at Portland and after finishing hi
labor in that city decided to add the
finishing touches to a mot interesting
sojourn by taking a trip down the Co
lumbia and visiting Oregon' far-famed
He expressed himself as highly pleased
with tilt section of the Northtvet ami
favorably commented on the appear
ance of the "lit by the Sea."
Good News for
Wa are showing the latest
In Chiffdb and Braid,
Fall Novelties in
Dress Goods
Are arriving daily. The pattern are
exquisite, while the price are low, a
Bee Hive price always are, consider
ing good quality, etc,
DRESS GOODS are alio in itock.
Are Ready for Your Inspection,
In order to close out some remnants
quickly, we have started ft
Remnant Sale of
Calico Percales
and Outing Flannels
Take advantage of this opportunity
to get some bargains for house
dresses, wrapper, etc.
Mary K, Stanley (rrle II. Camp
bell, lot S, block 4, Crime' annex to
Ocean Grovej consideration, 2)0.
United State to Julius Roshalt, M0
acres iu section 17. townshio 8 north.
range 9 wet patent.
I'nited State to Walter C. Ml, east
half of southwest one quarter of section
23, township 6 north, range It) westj
Anna Kriise and husband to Tom
Woollen, lot N, lit), MeClure'sj
consideration, HV),
Arthur N. Barton ami wife to Herman
Johnson, lot 8 ami 11. blink 1, Kindred
Park; consideration, 7(W.
The Occident.
A. 8. Frosted, Seaside.
J, Govrig, Seaside,
II., Portland.
Joseph Whalen, Kan Francisco.
B. C. Hyatt and wife, Jloise, Idnho.
If. (i. Ileal and wife Boise, Idaho.
W. W. McUtighliii, Washington, D. C.
Anna Klisson, Logn, Wash,
H. A. Powell, Ing Bench,
George Solomon, llwaeA,
AhVrt ltiddell, Long lte,h.
C. C. Wilson and wife, Boise, Idaho.
J. Johnson, Chinook.
A. Graham, Chinook.
'William Reld and wife Baker City,
lien Davis, Pendleton.
W. C. Dickson and wife, Pendleton.
X, P. Sorenson," Portland.
Ft H. Hayes. Portland.
F. W. Roliertson, Portland.
Hoy Richards, Butte, Mont,
Cameron C. Burns, Portland.
Fred Berg, Portland.
Copyright I 94 y
Hrt Schaffner Mtr
W are opening eae after cast of
Modern Clothing
For the Fall
At price that will tempt the most
careful buyer. We would be nleased
to have yon come in and look over
our patterns and strle.
Our price will be sure to plea,
a they are the lowest possible for
hont nierehanjtie.
W can offer you good, reliable
luiti In dozen of pattern at
$10, 12.50 and
Yon will get the best In the land at
$15 to $30
Perfect fit guaranteed or money back.
The Dreaey Shop for Dreny Men.
Tacoma, Aug. 20. Taentna 3, Sun
Francisco 2.
San Francisco, Aug. 20. Oakland 6,
Seattle 2.
Portland, Aug. 2(1. Portland 4, I)
Angeles (I.
Hodge ha committed suicide by tak
ing esrlHilic acid In his room at the Pa
cillc hotel. He staggered downstair
after'swallowlng half a tumbler of th
sttilT and fell unconscious. He had made
three attempts, on his life previously,
having slashed his throat with a razor a
month ago. Ha had just gotten out of
the hospital. 11 has a brother at Km
melt, Idaho, l)espondi'iiey over sicklies
was the cause of his net.
Wai Leading Lady at Globe Theatre
When it Burned In 1874.
New York, Aug. 1 2(1. Mr, William
Redmond formerlyRedmond formerly a
Redmond formerly a well known actress
died yesterday at her home in Piedmont,
N.Y., from a complication of diseases.
She was known by her stage mime of
Mrs, Thomas Barry,
Mrs, Redmond for many year was
connected with the Boston Theatre. She
was born In England and came to Amer
ica in i854. Mrs. Redmond was the
leading lady of the Glolie Theatre in
Boston when it burned in 1874.
William Hodge Succeed in Committing
' Suicide After Three Attempt.
Boise, Idaho, Aug. 20. William
Don't Delay
If you want punches. The crop this
year is le than one fourth of its
regulur sixe.
Commencing Monday, August 28,
if you are in the market for them, call
on iis for '
Fine Large Lemon
.Cling Peaches and
Late Crawford
Sweetest and best for canning pur
poses. Damson, Riadshuw and Peach
Plum, Florence and Silierian Crab
Apple, Black Prince, Muscat, Tokay
and Sultana Grapes, Fine Gravonstein
BARTLETT PEARS are fast com
ing in, but will soon be out of sea
son. Leave your orders now and we
will supply you with the best only
at lowest price. ,
Foard $ Stokes Co.