SATURDAY, AUGUST afl, 1905. M 1J1F, MOltNIM. aMORIaN ASTORIA, OREGON DON'T BE FOOLISH Ami waste your money and Jeopardize your health by buying poorly pro cessed Olive (HI, ( heap Oliv Oil do inor iiatm than almply wale the money you pay (r, them. " EIIMAN OLIVE OIL IS PURE" Ami U In teillled bottles end ha. that delicate flavor that 1 only found In strictly pure oil. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGEHTS. ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. WE SELL CHASE It SANBORN'S BOSTON COFFEES. COMPLETE CENSUS Assessor Cornelius Announces Re suits of His Efforts. 11,045 POPULATION OF CITY Figures Will Surprise Those Who Be lieved Astoria a City of Fifteen Thou sand Census, however, Makes Credit able Showing. LOCAL BREVITIES. The family restaurant of Astoria is reunited a ths Haas restaurant. The best msale and tha best service In As toria. 120 Eleventh itreet. new Inspector arrives. Captain Toiler, the new life-saving serv ice ii.H' tnr, ha arrived and Mill in-1 Assessor Cornelius yesterday complct ix-i-t tli statliftu at the mouth of the led the census for 1!K5 and tin figures di- river. Competent (III wanted for general houseworkwag 128,00 per month, Ap ply Sim. D, K. Warren, Warrcnton or Astoria National Hank. I am glad that ladles' astride aaddlrs art becoming fashionable!" flrat, be causa it is alcr on tha boras second, because it is a safer and ea-ler way for a lady to ride. If you will rail at my harness shop, IDS Fourteenth street, I will show yeu tha latest and tha best. It. M. OASTO.V. Tha Palace Catering company's din ing room Is again open under tha am management. Everything first class, Cuisine and service unexcelled. Private dining room for ladles. - A dance will i given Saturday even ing at 1'ai-ilk' ball, t'nloiitown , by fa il lU- orchestra. AdmUsiun .Vic, ladk-s frce.s ORDER FOR DISTRIBUTION. vulged easily explode the theory that Atoiia i a city of 15.000 or leople, a some iieonlo are wont to believe, a population of 11,045 being shown. The population of Clatsop coun ty U 10,043. Notwithstanding, the census thows an English Damson riuma. Hie Mii!iili iarnon plum are nue for putting up in jars. We have Jut received a shipmrnt. Step in and them More they ar all gone. A. V Allen, the (irwr, Truth and Commercial trcrt. Hoy wanted, store, Apply at C, H. CoojK-r' This ia tba season for Canning Peaches and Pears Leave us your order now and we will see to it that you will be supplied with tba best fruit the market affords, at the lowest possible prices. m We have received shipment of OreJon Strawberries An order was yesterday Issued by the court for the distribution of the ctule of F.rucst Stoll, i1i-iVm-i. Th estate consists of .',7ti.3H, The heir are Will- I increase over the covcrniiicnt fiiiures of 1 In in Ktoll, Carl Stoll and Mrs. Wilke, l!Mi, wlii.U gave the city a population who will rexlve 1150 each, of 8..1HI, of 82 w-r cent and an Increase f over 20 per rent for the county, which ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED. wa. credited with a population of 12, "113. The following tabulated statement The court today granted the etition shows the l iilxlin of Astoria and vari of Ethel May Sabine and Amilv Cecelia on communities and dittict in the Sabine, daui(htcrs of Mi. Mary K, h.-oimty Siiliiitc, de-eail, (hat U-mi Man-nr be I'mm inct npHiinel aiiiitiltralor of the i-lutc of Atoiia their mother, The estate coii-itt ot !HXI M-Uilli. in -ronl property, lihawala Clmdtteii TO ADOPT BABY. KImc ex-r An order a iue. by the coiilt ves- 1 Jewell triday allowing .li-ph T, Ib-aley ami l'n hU wife. Amy I., llealey, tn ailoitt IVir- I Si-aside ri Adella Fanner, the bal.y Uniiiitr-r of lOliicy Thelr( Kariuer, Vouncs P.ier ItHl.) .11, or. . o: 41 . 229 . 71 , 53 . 113 . M , 852 , 225 , 2MI 1!MKJ 100 III 240 77 139 143 Walliiskl 120 TO MEET MONDAY. Svei.M-n 202 John Day 10H The county board of eiiiiliMlion will Westport 250 meet Monday to set for one week in I Kunppa 321) order to Iw-ar olje lioii from the ax-1 Clifton 41 pavers to the assessment roll of I'Mt't. I New Astoria 433 Toit Steu-us 441 STATE LAND AGENT HERE. State Ind A'tit Oswald West vaa in this city yesterday from Salem and re port that a niimVr of eople from thnl city will attend the regatta. Clatsop 205 Warrenton 323 417 217 203 138 227 in:- " , 400 425 :tc8 204 405 s PERSONAL MENTION. ) Cyrus V Palmer with his wifo went to Sea view yesterday, where- he w ill re main until Hutuhiy, returning to bis home in Portland 011 the Potter. (J, R. Inglea of Kaua City was a visitor in tiie city ycsterdny, J, m Tlml wan a San Frar'ico visitor yesterday. Frank K, Hart arrived in the city yenteiday from Portland, regi-teriog a the Oi-eioPnt. (,'. W. Jleppner of Portland was In the city yenterddy. (ieorge U, Wine and John It, Wis of San 1'iam-iseo were in the city yester day. C. A, M'-Cowen wa a Portland visitor in the city yesterday. P. Coiiius and A. Matthews registered at the Oi-eidnit yesterday from New York. Charles Hoy wa a visitor in the city yesterday. Nellie Omdoiff was a guest at the Oc cident yesterday. f ieorge V. Dii-liii-ll of Potomac was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. It. 8, Khenoard reir FIGURED AT 303,000 f stimate on Salmon Pack For Season Just Closed. COLD STORAGE IN THE LEAD Pickled Chinook Takes 33,000 Cases from Cannerymen Pack for Season Estimated at 303100 Cases, on Basis of Pound Talis. Three hundred and three thousand cases of salmon were tacked on the Co liimbia river thw year, according to figures given by some eannerymen for the Associated Press and entimatcs made by persons so closely associated with the industry that their fkmrea cannot istcred at the Occident yesterday from qtlMtlollwL Conslering that the rea son closed only yesterday at noon it is by far oo early to give accurate figures Portland. M. M. ib'dgpith of San FFranciaoo was in the city yesterday. I ... . , as 10 me aggregat jaeK or tlie outniits If. H. Marlow wan a visitor yesterday . e 0 ' 1 v from the Kxpositi.m city. I m ll,e '"""vmuai canneries, uut u is Chiudine Nordwick came over yester-! reasonable to assume that the above esti- day from Hwaeo. " niato will not vary 5,000 caes one way EXAMINED TODAY. The preliminary examination of John Iteudriikson, who is charged with vio lating the lis-al option ordinance, will Is. held tliis afternoon, A large numlx-r of witnesses have U-en summoned and the hearing will prolmtily eiiusuine some tune. NO PERMITS ISSUED. A number of ranchers are applying to the court for permits to burn slashing. hut none will be issued until a fire war den has been appointed in this district. This precaution I taken to prevent the spread of (Ire in the tiwlvcml sect inn Totals 10.045 12.703 The foit-igu population is shown as fid- lows: I inland, 2.122; Norway. 153ti Sweden, iHMi; China. 757; Italy. (U; Austria, 204; ticrmany, 4iHi; Knyhinil, 2X0; Japan, 2ti.'t; Ireland, 140; France, 40; Scotland, (17; Portugal, 3; Swilwrhind. 3; (ireeee, 75; Spam, 3i Mexico. 3; Canada, 107; Den mark, 155; Holland, 25; l.-claud. 10; 1VI- tti in . (i; Hungary, 1; Prussia, 5; Russia, 24; Africa, 2; Wales, 4; South America, I; Afghanstnii, 11; At Sea. 4; total, 0,'.tS. Anent the products of the county the census report invcs tile out nut ot the salmon fi-liciics during last year as 72, barrels of .'UNI pounds each, and the liim her cut during the year as 17.130.000 feet. JOHNSON BROS., GOOD GOODS iil-iaa Twelfth St., Astoria. P. S. Just a few more of those nice borne put up, wild blackberries in half gallon Jars. Parties holding fish receipts issued by which have in the past la-en the cause of f.indlicrg's scow, IH-sdcmoua Sands, have much damage. same cashed at I.indla-rg's cold-storage, Atori. PACK ANTON AMUSEMENTS TO BEGIN. SINGING SOCIETY LEAVES. The memlM-rs of the Norwegian Sing ing society Iclt last evening on the Milcr to assist in the sangcrfest at the Coloqel Case, who has charge of the amusement for this year's' regatta, has arrived with shout 70 people and para phernalia for several shows. The various features w ill Im located (exposition next Sunday. throughout the city today and the shows will open tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The colonel had the misfortune to lose some of his outfit during the recent lire at Portland. CATCH MARKED SALMON. larly life Are Going to Move It costs money to move goods, partical- a 'store full, and it resolves itself down to whether we hold up the prices ani pay the drayman or to sell the goods at a sacrifice and give our customers and friends the benefit. We believe the reduc tions will be appreciated the most and the stupendous bargains now offere are at your command. ,ysv . .. "'XSSSSSSSSSSK, urn nr - M ,s w 1 a ff ' nn t w : m 1 1 n;. .11 m sua a msmm the Miiicr-Niuu fisinug commny have taken a nuniWr of marked salinou this season, some 30 in all. The ma jority of them Imh the mark of the Chinook hatchery of 1!)02, while some were from the Kahuna and Clackamas Jiatcherics. They "had attained a con siderable size, ranging from 18 pounds for the smallest to 40 pounds for the largest. A Touching Story Is the saving from death of the baby girl of Goo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. Ho writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health, with serious throat trouble, and two physicians gave her up. We were al most in despair, when we resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief. After taking four bottles she waa cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At Chas. Rogers' drug store. 50o and $1 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. Living' Scow for Sale Cheap. Living scow for sale. Sixty feet long, 17 feet wide; good house, ceiled inside; good range and pumps go with the seowj suitable for residence or aeinlng outfit. Inquire Astorian office. The Misses Sophia and Evylin (irom- mel of Klsie were in the city yesterday. May Piola-rtson was a visitor yester day from the Exposition city. Lillian Mahoney of San ranciseo was guest at the Occident yesterday. It. W. Villihmd and W. M. Welch were Portland visitors in the pity yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Henry of Portland re in the city yesterday, rcgi-tering at the (Jcciilent. I. V. Kadderly of Portland was fn the city yesterday. C. J. Wellman dropped In ye-terday from the Exposition city. The Mi"-es Mary and Ruth Garner re turned last evening from a pleasure trip to liritish Columbia aijd Alaska. Mr. C. It. Haraden and children, who (have Ism-ii visiting with friends in the city for some weeks, have returned to their home in Seattle. Mrs. Rhodie York of Urant Pass is in the city for the regatta, the guest of Mrs. R. M. tiaston. t F. N. O'Conner arrived in this city yesterday after an absence of two year in the East, He rejiort having arranged to read law in the office of Judge F. D. Winton. It. Vnn Lhison, accompanied by hi wife and mother and Mr. Stmbridge of California, spent the day at Seaside yes terday. Rev. William Seymour Short returned ycsteiihiy from a three weeks vacation sja-iu at Seaside. Dr. and Mrs. Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Met.'oiinell of California, the mother and father of Mrs. Finch, returned lust night from Portland, where they have been taking in the exposition. BUSINESS RUSHING AT WESTPORT. 'John W. Palmer and J. R. Stoddard of the West port I.umla-r company w ere in the city yesterday. They report every thing prosperous at Weslport and Hint they are making lots of IuiuIkt and the mill is running steadily. The only thing that handicap them is that they are short of men. The steamer South Hay has just been loaded there with a half million feet and the schooner Alpha is loading now. Messrs. Palmer and Stod dard arc enterprising gentlemen and we predict a splendid success for the West port Lumber company under their man ngemcnt. or the other While there are some who figure the pack as low as 250,000 cases, the ma jority of the cannerymen are sanguine as to the year's output comparing favor ably with, if not equalling, lasti year's pack of 350,000 case. That the canner ies, without exception, have oversold and must pro rate their packs is assured, this being due to the fact that every concern had at leant 40 per cent more I gear in use this season and to 1,000,000 pounds of fish in cold-storage. Another factor lo which may be traced the short age is that a number of gillnetters used a small mesh, accepting hist year's ab sence of large fish as a criterion. The return this year of the normal run of Urge fish resulted naturally in fair catches for the gillnetters with wts of the size which has heretofore been in Use on the Columbia. Exceptionally good catches have been reported from all traps and were it not for these the year's pack would fall con siderably below 303,000, as the sein er, like the gillnetters, have not en joyed even an average catch. AH in all, the season has been neither a sum-ss nor a failure,' and w hile it cer tainly has not been so good as last year, from the standpoint of the cannerymen, it is to be considered fair. Buvershave had a tendency to cater to red fish, the sockeyes of the Sound and the Alaska packers' product meeting with rapid sales, but at low figure. Columbia river salmon has been sold at a good rate, and it is to Ire regretted that sufficient fish was not packed to fill the orders. With every cannery figuring on a big run and an' increase in output, extra gear was placed in use, and prepara tions made for packing with the coiise. quenee that thousands of cans will have to be carried over until the fall neason. Early in the season fishermen were being paid 6 cents, but during the last five or six weeks they have received 5 cents. An estimate of the individual catches on the basis of full cases ia as follows: Columbia River Packers' associa tion (5 canneries) 108,000 MctiowanV (3 canneries) 30.000 IN YOUR RUSH For The Regatta Don't forget that our Special gale on all of this season's Shoes i at its height, while PRICES ARE LOWEST Just a few of those tans and browna left. Better step in and get your size! whilo you can, at these unmatched prkes. Ladies' Tan, Champagne and Chocolate Shoes, selling regularly at $4,00 ani (VI nmr ... , All Our Tan Oxfords reduced, regardless of former price, to f 1.95 Other style at pricea that compare favorably with above. QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO. SEE OCR SHOW WINDOWS. a 1 1 iiMTninTi iiiiiiiJiiilM'illlli1''' 53 Commercial Street. Regatta Flags 5 AND ioc EACH. All Films of any size developed at 10 cents a roll of six. Take picture with any camera and bring your Films to as. We save, you the trouble of developing. View Work and Enlarging Done Here. We carry all kinds o Photo Supplies. , WOODFTELD'S AST STORE, 518 Bond St, Astoria. BehDRe-Waffier Business College If you are thinking of attending bus iness college you can not afford to ig nore the best in the northwest. Our equipment is unsurpassed west of Chi cago. On account of our rapidly increaa ing attendance WE WILL MOVE October First to our elegant new quar ters in the Elks Building now being completed at Seventh and Stark streets. Our graduates are all employed. Placed 207 pupils ia lucra tive positions during the past year. Send for our handsomely illustrated catalogue. Free. Address all communi cations to our present quarter in the Stearns Building, Portland. Accordion, Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons, No Burning of Goods. Miss O. Gould Enghth Floor, Maarquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Given td all Out-of-Town Orders. I'ackin g company (2 can- HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Occident. tl. K. Ingles, Kansas City; J. L. Thai. Sun Francisco; Frank E. Hart, Portland; (ieorge D. Wise, John 11. Wise, San Francisco; C. A. McCowen, Portland; P. Collins, A. Matthews, Charles Hoy, Nellie Orndolf, New- York; "(ieorge F, Dashiel, Mr. and Mra. R. IS. Shepard, Portland; M. M. lledgpith, San Fraucisco; II. S. Mailer, Portland; Claudine Xordwich, Ilwaeo; Sophia lirownel, Evylin Grownel, EUie; May Robertson, Wincfred K. Chance, Portland; Lillian Ufa honey, San Francisco; R, W. Gilliland, W. M. Welch, K. llcney and w ife, J. Y. Kadderly, C. Willman, F. M. Fry, R. G. Durban, F. O. Robertson, Portland; W. R. Will iams, Chinook; K. O. Wilson, E Stephens, Portland; K. W, Stuart, Akron, O.; W. 11. Wilcox, Port Townsend; F. E. Homer. lolm 11. llarker, W. A. dimming, A. K. Manii. C. E. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E Hart, Portland. GRAND BALL At the Waldorf Concert hall tonight. Everybody invited. Admission, f 1. Warren neries) t . . Saiiborn-Ciittitig ,, ... Tallau-tirant Fishermen's Co operative A. Booth company .... 23,000 23.00v 22,000 20,000 20.000 Pillar Rock ." 1S.0O0 Altoona Packing company 12.000 J. C. Megler 10.000 Seaborg 9000 Seufert Total 303.000 There is a noticeable increase in the cold-storage pack of pickled Chinook, the aggregate lieinjj approximately 8.0M) tierces, nearly 2.000 more than last vear. These figure account for about 33.000 eases of fish that might have been packed. FIREMEN PRACTICE. The members of the Astoria hoe team made several practice runs last night aliout 8 o'clock on Commercial street. The boys wore their running suits and attracted quite a large crowd. If thev run as well during the regatta as thev did last night they will doubtless pull ilown the purse. Fast Trip by Telegraph The fast steamer Telegraph leaves Cal ender dock, Astoria, for Portland, Ore., daily except Friday, at 2 o'clock P. M, arriving in Portland at 8:30 P. M. No better way to see the sights of the Co lumbia river than on the decks of the Telegraph. 1111 MAKES OLD THINGS NEW Liquid Center instantly restores the brilliant newness and finish of Pianos, Furnifcrre, Picture Frames Interior Woodwork, Hardwood Floors, and all polished, varnished or enameled surfaces. It renews and redresses every thing' it touches. Revarnishing is unnecessary, becauses scratches, Stains and dirt instantly disap pear, leaving a smooth, brilliant surface. Liquid Ucncer is not a varnish, but a surface food that is absorbed by the old finish, instantly restoring the bitter to its original bright ness. Easy to use only a piece of cheese cloth ia necessary. Dries instantly. One delighted customer writes that It is worth $100 per bottle. The price is only 60 cents. Sold by B. F. Alftn & fen Wall Paper, Paints, Etc, 365-367 Commercial St, Astoria.