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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
THE .MORNING ASTOM ANY ASTORIA, ORE. SATURDAY, AUCUST iO, 1905. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1S73. ruWished Paily hy THE J. S. BELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year .... By mail, per month.,. By carrier, per month. ;.oo .0.0 .73 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance.. $1.00 Entered a feoond-clasa mutter June 28. 190S. at the poslortlce at Astoria. Ore gon, under lht act ot Conereas of March S, ITilnVn for the deUTerws of Tat Hour nte varoaiAX to eitlx naktooce or plc of busineaa oar be nude by postal card or through ete done. Any Irrtwilaxity In de li wr aboiild be au&ediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. Apparently they have been having warm time in Tabasco. Gnat Britain is more successful in killing Japanese than the Russian. A British steamer collided with a Jap anese transport 116 invalided soldiers were drowned. There are, of course, a few who will be interest ed on hearing that Professor Merriam, paleontologist of the Univer sity of California, ha discovered a new and peculiar specie of the canidgenus hygaenognathus. It is reported from Dublin that Irish men in the United States are writing to inquire about alleged gold discoveries in the "old sod." The ouly gold that an Irishman i likely to see in hi own coun try i in the form of a disc bearing the British mark and obtainable only by mighty hard work. The creditor of the Continental Fi nance company; a "get-rich-quick" con cern of Chicago, according to a statement just issued by the receiver will get "whatever is left." They will doubtless realize on reading the figures on the : cheeks they receive that they 'got left" before they "got 'whatever was left. " usually because public opinion has been thoroughly aroused. So great has this evil become that a judge recently sug gested that it would lie a good, idea to do away with appeal altogether in criminal case," We cannot shift respon sibility for tin condition of affairs on foreign immigration. On this subject. MoClure, .referring to the foretgn-born population of the country, according to the last census, says: "Of these 10, 3.V.tVU people only those from K..ssia (42-t,05Hj) came from a country where tiiere are more murders and homicides than there are here, and even in TvUssin the percentage but slightly exceeds ours. The other ,1K2.548 came from countries no one of which has half as many mur ders and homicides ncr million of point- latum a we do. And 2.783.314 of them (those from Wales), came from countries where murders and homicides are less than one tenth as common as they are here. Furthermore, American states in which American blood Js purest, Ken tucky for instance, have their full share of crime. So the records of murders and homicides in the various countries seem to show that fore itners in the United States acquire most of their dis respect for law after they come among us." One of the leading causes of crime mav undoubtedly be found in the pass ing by states and municipalities, of a myriad of laws, tunny of which do not have the endorsement of a majority of the people. A soon as a law is winked at and disregarded, the seeds af law lessness begin to sprout among the people, with dangerous results. If a law is bad, the best way to do is to enforce it strictly, then there will be a general demand for its repeal. To permit a law to remain on the statute books and to fail to enforce it is to hold out a danger o object lesson to the growing generation. HIM CATARRH u If I suffered fort long titut with a bad case of Catarrh, and took a great deal ol veutctne without any benefit. I had a continual headache, tnr cheeki had grown purple, my nose waa alwavt stopped up, in v breath had a alckenlmr ami disgusting odor, and I coughed inctssantli ucmu m your o. o. 0. ana wrote you. I commenced to use it and after tali no several bottle I was cured and hart never since had the slightest symptom of me unease. - miss MARY U STORM. use. 7ta a Ttux fit., St Joseph, Mo. Reeling, W. Va., Nays toot. I Bad Nasal Catarrh for veara for which 1 nsed S, S. S. with very gratifvingrtaulta, I tried local application for some time. nu geiung no permanent relief I cametc the conclusion that the seat of the trouble va in the blood. Knowing S.S.S tahi a good blood medicine I began It use, and after twin it for some little while il am away entirely with the offensive mu given their choice of route to Chicago, eni in the nostril, and I did not have t Louisville, Memphis and Xew Orleans, I Pi,t Iill In the moralnf, and through these points to the fr "X, , r 1 ,, O SPICES, 0 BAKING POWDER. FUVOn!r.CQCTPACT$ AiiofuffPurffy, finest Flavor. OreaMSfrwfh. rework Prknl CL0SSET&DEYER5 rwn I ww vigors. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unexcelled service from th west to the east and south. Making close connections wl'-h trains of all 1 transcontinental lines, passengers are Prospective travelers desiring Infor matlon as to '.he lowest rat's and best routes are invited to correspond with the following representatives: B, H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent. HI Third St.. Portland. Ore. kfcMMj 50 YEARS . . f EXPERIENCE . w "a. ar I 1 ai i The filthy secretions and foul uncus thai ire continually dronnino- back into tha throat, find their way into the stomach isd are absorbed into the blood. Catarrh then becomes con titutional.and the only way to get rid of it is through thi blood. Write ns il you have Catarrh, and our physici ans will advise yoe without charge. The Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, fit The Astoria Restaurant. If you want a good, clean meal or if you are in a hurry you should go to the Astoria Restaurant This fine restaurant in thoroughly up-to. tiute in every detail. EXCELLENT MEALS. EXCELLENT SERVICh ASTORIA IRON WORKS J( ill N FOX, Pres. and Royt. "A. L. FOX, Vice IVs. r h uisuw. socre tary A8 AbTOKIA 8AV1SU3 UANK.Treaa Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IXH'HOYKD Canning: Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE: SOLICITED. ' Foot of Fourth Blreet Public Is Arouses. The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great med icinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary II. Walters, of 540 St. Clair ave., Columbia, O., writes: "For several months, I was given up to die. I had fever and ague, ' my nerves were wrecked; I could noti 1 sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured.1 Guaranteed at Chas. Rogers' drug store Price 50c. Anton seninnf a kstrn and doaerlptlnn mar 1 lk o koni.irtcOrroniMtutui. HANDBOOK etWcklr aarartain our orniu fr wh(hf n romminiU" 1 an Paimuu int froa. i)ltM umtrf for iwcuniit palvnis. t iw, ncairt Faicnu taken Ihnniih Muna h i uridi aotfea, wllhoul cnarna, in Iba Scientific .American, A hnitninlf lltnmratiMt klT. lanrMt nr. tuUthiii anf M-tvntLilr tourual. Tvmi.. SH a Bum sj ail Nnmiin. CoB' New York p-nni-ti omen, 3yt. WsuMmiun, I. C. STATEMENT OF Astoria Savings . Bank At the dose of business August 10, 1003. The San Francisco grand jury has just filed a report in which it recites that "violation of the law is open, notorious and flam-ant: it meets with the ac quiescence of the mayor, receives the ap' proval of the police commUnion, etc, And then the caustic declaration that punishment overtakes "only such of the vicious and criminal who cannot pay the price of huinanitv." There was no such showing in San Francisco half century ago, in vigilance committee days, Johan Hoch has been given a third stay of execution, and areview of the ease will take place in the supreme court durinr the October term. If there is the slightest possibility of the man being innocent of the charge of umrde. we are glad that Justice Magruder has seen fit to issue a supersedeas. The victims of circumstantial evidence have been too many, not alone those who have come to the hangman's noose, but those who have been freed with the stigma of suspicion that years cannot eradicate. On the other hand, it would seem that stronaer case could not be made than that against Julian Hoch. From lin ning to end all evidence ban pointed to his absolute guilt. Still the point has been raised that he is innocent and we accept the decision of the Illinois trib unal. We hope the new trial will dem onstrate without fear of doubt that Hoch is cither guilty or innocent and that the public at large will forever be free from apprehension as to the possibility of 'Bluebeard" and hi operations being given further publicity. . A few months ago, in MeCliire'a mag azine. there was published an article by K. S. McCIure, on the increase of law Jessness in the United States. The startling fact was brought out that there are at present four and one half times a many murders and homicides for each million of people in the country as there were in 1881. The mere statement of this fact should certainly be sufficient to cause even a superficial thinker to paue and reflect. In seeking for the vauses of this UimeiitaUe condition of affairs we run, first, against the delays of justice. Apjieals are allowed on the most trivial technicalities, so that it is proverbially difficult to convict a man who has plenty of money at his com mand to hire able lawyers. When a conviction is reached, in such cases, it is EMPEROR GRANTS AUDIENCE. Diplomatic Corps Received by Korean Emperor. Seoul, Aug. 25. The emjieror of Korea iiMin the occasion of his birthday, whic was celebrated today granted an audi ence to the diplomatic conw, and distin gui-hed foreigners, residing in Seoul. A popular demonstration took place in front of the palace. Do You Suffer p LOSS OF SLEEP INDIGESTION TORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS BEECIIALTS PILLS will quickly remove the cause ol these distressing complaints and restore healthy action to every organ. You will feel like a oew person after taking a few dose of Deecnam s ruia. 1 bey rid the system of impurities, improve the digestion, banish headache and Give Positive Relief in all cases of Biliousness, Coniti pation, Indigestion and Disordered Liver. The excellent results obtained by the use of Beecham's Pills have proved them worthy of the confi fn hY "joy. They have helped thousands and recommend themselves. Sold Eferrwhw. In boxes lte. and Be. LICK San Francisco's leading con venience and family hotel centrally located. Con venient to all car lines, and places of amusement and in terest. Cafe and Grill at tached. Rates $ 1.00 per day and up. Street cars direct to hotel from and to all depots. ' HOUSE San Francisco, Cal. You May Want A furnished house, rooms or store. Make your wants known to the readers of this paper. If you want a tenant for a bouse, some reader may be the desired party. Obtained bv Advertising In the 4 Want Columns of the Morning 2 Astorian. RESOURCES. Loans and dis counts ? 307,809 70 County warrants 1S.130 40 City warrants . . 41,440 f? $G29,3)9 02 I Ileal estate 14,500 j Due from banks 01,910 73 h on band.... 53,030 00 147 AV2 73 I PRAIl 0 EIGNER TRANSFER C0.I Telephone) SDL D RATING S EXPRESSING LIVERY STABLE All good (hipped toourcsre will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. The MORNING ASTORIAN 75ICTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper I Cash DAILY 7,000 READERS Sunday Excursion to ITortb Beach. The Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Company are selling round (rip ticket every Sunday from Astoria to all cotta, at a rate of one dollar for the points on Long Beach, including Kah- round trip. jasaijhat-di This Is ho Kimt ox a, Story for NATIONAL MAGAZjNE is paging 10,000 Total 791,742 03 LIAMLITIK. Capital paid In 1100,000 00 Surplus 33,000 00 L'ndivi.l.'d profit 14X7 21 Dividends unpaid 120 Oft Subject to check3S9,704 31 Time certificates. 237,130 12 Demand certifi cates 14,861 01 041,003 44 Total 1791,742 03 Weinharcrs r Beer. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:sT.m.isin:i jkjmi. Capital and Surplus $100,000 TOO DirT!CUl.T fa a FMaarlnala Im wftn 'tlx Frttndi 1 EUwM a prim old Qualur tptiuur om tty UUBtti ttw Banian at tut (rmlrwptiw. a yoonf pama ao bm la u eoai m of hit tw.nty oea Tari recited Bock wadtt dlKlpUaa at at, uaadi. 1 Th M larfjr wu at hr on Uili f.rti., r-Mlo, and at a pauw In Iha wMltii-l)rfkll iK-r put rbHte sk4 erer al aim a loTOlli'ij mil ten u on; im n-iet Mamaa, Aiiat ttr in-ir Iwanld. kMlnidr. aM UMoMQua- am ai wnrT' hft Mid. "TliMI Is lorril UM. V.llll.m rM, f!rol "Il u tmrauM I naa f SOUVENIRS Of all kinds can be found here in I choice assortment, rv sr i rwser -1 ntuAl 1 A VISITORS And others are welcome to itjx-i't our stock at any time. I J. Q. A. IIOWI.HY frmlilfiit U. I I'ETLIihu.N,. Vlco-ITlleiil 8trtst, Yokohama Bazar ';Commcrclal Street, Astorl Do know of ateiter one We want little stories, anecdote. tit ?erf,e any clippiiiK from a newspiper, Think, Laugh or Cry 840 prize will be given for trw best selec tions, 'len pile cf silver dollars astiih SMiie firt ten luoessful ctimpttitors ast t.ic lirt awarils. llKcnly condition for entering this com petition is that you send . ith yourclipuinff 50c. lor a six montfia' trial subscription to the National Magazine. Address, JOE CIIAPPLE, Editor M DOBCKESTEB AVENUE, BowtoSa Maaa. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD 11 1 68 Tenth I. Jim xzMMth ataaafaaaW I I - lLillr l mum. III I. rtlXK FATTON, ('at-lilrr J. W, UAUNKK, Aaalataul Caaiiler Astoria Savings Bank Capital raid to in0,ocn. 8tirilu and t'lirtivlited I'n.rtia i.t',,(e. TruHcu a Oi-neral Bun king !)ulma. nu-rcl I'uld on Time Dealt ASTORIA, OREGON. A Mark of Refinement. Forth Form and CompUxlon Has km aacecsafally Baad tnr laadiarJ actraaass, aa weaua at uaaioa 101 aaora tbaa 96 ynr. Watrmr apsU4 It Is UaUatly absarlaH tm(B sat ftp i aaia aaa m was darfal astriUaa laeda Us waatlng llaaaa. RIMOVINQ WRINKLES as tf W ssasla, aaa tppUoatlaa af Ua showlai Mkirkaaia ImaffwraaaanL Err. Ctaarto Flaaa vaoo, is fMMtivaiy IB al awl orepafatlea koawa to medioal adaa that Mil mad ant holjaw la Ua aaek sad aradaee Urai. haaltay Hash aa lata eaaaai am aaa aaada. ' For Davaloplog tha Boat ar braaata, saraakaa I real aaftiari II aaatbc ladaraaHaat ai envalcuaa. iwa botaa are altoa Waal I aaake lbs kwatl tlraa, lart aad kaaatlfal. aotD by DirAaTataitraTOXMAirr) DRCoauTa. trotar arica, ffl OO kosi, Vrrt ta tl t.k. aaaataaa af iala aiHCXkL f) ad wad a aaa dollar, wa will as ad Iwa (1)1 boa aa, la puua wrappatv CDF C A aaaiala bat end ear taak, "Art rnL.U Masaaa' ill IM.rtralW. nU ant If la any Uir awialaa ilt euai St say far cait of aiiiiiaf. Aaaraaa, fm DR. CHARLES CO. "WKtf wfcel 8 OcanlincM of person is one of the most distinguishing marks of refinement, and commands at sll times the highest respect, a w ... .... io promote clcsnlmeii, InsUII la your - sleeping spartment or dressing room a snowy white, one-piece "ibsdasHT Porcelsin Ensm. eled Lavstory, provided with an abundant flow of hot snd cold running water. Our plumbers sre skilled mechanics and do satisfactory work. Let us quote you prices. J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria Or. I AN ASTORIA PRODUCT 1 Tale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest 5 :3 . . . I jt North; Pacific Brewing Co. Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121