THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1905. IJiE MOItNlMi aMOUjaN ASTOKIA, OUEGlW .5 IT IS PURK AND FINE EhmaniYs Olive Oil It makes aud keeps you well. Physicians all over the United States use aud recommend it. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. WE SELL CHASE & SANBORN'S BOSTON COFFEES. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamwmnmmmmmm&mMHm LOCAL BREVITIES. LODGE MEETINGS TONIGHT. , Charity lodge, No. f.3, Degree of Honor. lb-aver lodge, So, 35, I. O. o. F. ' llambien camp, No. '.'Hi 5, It. X. of A. Nancy IMiliniHiii Welch Cabin, No. 0, N. D. of 0. The family restaurant of Astoria It recognised at the Ile.s restaurant. The best meals and the best service In A tori. 120 Eleventh street. C'vnietiit girl wanted for general housework--wag's :'3.00 "-r month. Ap ply Mm. D. K. Warren, Warrenton or Atorla National Haul. I am glad that !!!'' atrMe taddlcs r becoming 'fashionable) first, be cause It I rser on the horaei second, Wauae It i a aefer and ! r way for a lady to ride. If you will rail at my hrwe bnp, 10J Fourteenth street, I 111 show yen tha !atet and the kit. It. M. OASTON. The Palace Catering company's din lug room i again open under the same management Everything flrtt elans. Cuisine and service unexcelled. Private dining room for hi J lee. W. C. T. U. Jffeeta Today. The V, C. T. l will meet at the Hap. tit church thU afternoon at 2 : .10 o'clock. ThJg is the leaton for Canning Peaches and Pears Leave ui your order now and we will lee to it that you will be supplied with the best fruit the market affords, at the loanttt possible prices. We have received a ihipment of Oregon Strawberries JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS ' ji8-jj Twelfth St., Astoria. P. S. Just few more of those nice bom put up, wild blackberries in half gallon Jars, We Are Going to Hove It costs money to move goods, partical larly a store full, and it resolves itself down to whether we, hold up the prices and pay the drayman or to sell the goods at a sacrifice and give our customers and friends the benefit. We believe the reduc tions will be appreciated the most and the stupendgus bargains now offered are at your command. Mirm li ia i m, Compute ,Honit A meeting of the W. t'. T. I', will I held at the Fitt liupllst church thl afl ernooii at 2:.'W o'clock. LEAVES WITH BRIDE, lv. Ihwnr Oslrnm left lat ti Ifti t, fur hi linn in Idaho Springs, Colo,, wilh hl yoilng biidr, formerly Mis Marie I.ynduUt. FALL FISHING TALE. Talk in regaid to fall dulling has al ready n.mnieneed and Miiowatt has an nounced that he will operate oie of IiIh canneries on the Columbia river and one on fliiiltt't-r Lay. RUN REPORTED IMPROVING. Ib-potts rredit the fishing to lj some what hitler ill Naiul island, the seines there having taken in 011 the aggregate uf Ml ton of ilh, hut no rim i repotted above the ilnd. Most f the linkers hay o-ratioii have craned ond many nf the Iniidx trupii taken out, HERE SPIRITUALLY. W. K. Paifff they all know him reg ieie. at the (hideitt vestcrdav live hours Mora hi arrival from Portland. Mine ll'it Wright i worried- he in en deavoring to discover jul how a It'll was forced to scrawl Paige's iinme on the register when the man wIiomi cog iiomen npieari was in Portland. TO RECOVER DAMAGES. A uit ha Wen filed In the Multno mah circuit court by W. (), Week againt the Northern Pacille Itailway nmipany for damages rcct-itcd in the wreck on the latter' loud Augfist 23, Pmi.'I, on the occaaion of the Elks excur sion from Portland. The unit is for fnljaiii and cot. TELEGRAPH DELAYED. Jut Wore it depart ure from the Ho- city yesterday the steamer Tele graph took aboard an extra ton of freight in the person of lllake, MeFall'a elephantine repreaentative, Cyrus K, iralimr. Thia aililitioii to her already Inrifo eoiifinment eaiKed the Tele (,'raph'a fender to touch water and Cap tain Scott accredit the delay in reach iiiK nere ro xne task hi enuiiunt were put to. Fait Trip by Telegrapt. The fut fteamer Telegraph leave Cal lender dock, Astoria, for Portland, Ore., daily except Friday, at 2 o'clock P. M arriving in Portland at 8:.K) P. M. No la-ttcr way to ce the ainlitn of the Co lumbia river than on the deck- of the Telegraph. Enjoy Columbia River Scenes On the deck of the fuat ateainer Telc grah, leaving Cullender dmk, Aloria for Portland, daily, except Friday, 11 1 2 P. M. Sundays, at 2:110 P. M. You reach Portland In q'uiple time for a (droll or for an evening' viait nt your fiiend'a home. rtjisHtwsf;;ii; mJT WILL BE BIG SAVING Installation of Beet Sugar Mak ing Device Profitable, IDAHO FACTORIES BOOMING A. Heath of Kcxburg, Idaho Visits City and Describes New Method of Refin ing Beet Sugar Greatly Impressed by Attoria's Splendid Climate. A. Jl at h of Ui-xta-rg, Ida., waa in the city yesterday coining up from S-anhie, where he ban lieen hp)-ndili a few days. .Mr. Heath i -oitnty treasurer of re uiout County, and ia ali interested in the Idulm t'oiKoliilated Sii'ar company, of Hufntr City, Idaho. In H-ukiiiff alxmt the general proa-n-rity of the Mute, be naid Idaho wa In a IIoumkIiIiik condition and the beet aiiur liiiiin-.a waa in fiin lme there, U'lnj; now thn-e Inr'e fuctorie in the atat, Ica-atcil at Hiifjwr city, llluckford and Ida ho Falla, and fadoriea building at Naiiipit and Payette, all pructii-ally owned by 0110 company. The factory at Suyar city hm a capacity of HM ton of la-cta per day, and they expect to handle Mt,(Hai ton- of la-ct thia year. The makiiiK of aiifiar from la-eta ia a teryH-h-iitille matter, and jut,h'w to Hie nil the aiijjar lui la-eu ft acrioiia problem, thia factory ia now itmtalliiiK the Steffen'a ytem at a eo-t of fllMI,- m), by which prraraa they will be able to Hive hIioiiI t'7 Jfl' et-nt of the anjrar. blaho i 1 'cinlK' ndiiptnl t the prow- f ti of la'el, the percentage of aiijfar runuiiifr from 14 to SO. Mr. Heath luck on the Atoria climate and aaya be wihe be could transport a little of it to Idaho. ADMIRAL BROWN GIVES PERSONNEL OF STAFF. Selects Number of Aides from Among Residents of Various Cities. Admiral Charh-a V, Itrown yenterdav aniiouix-cd the ta-raonncl of bin atari, which i a follow: Admiral -Chnrlea V. Jtrowu. Mee-Admiral tihwabl Wcat. Hear Admiral Captain KicharJaon Captain tiicvoiy and Captain Hynie. ComiiKKlore and Chief of Staff John C. MiCue. Comnianderalr. Frank Vaughn, J. II. Seymour, T. F, Ijiurin. M.ili-om Par ger, C. II. Ala rciombic, Dr. Karle, W. E. SdiimpJT. F. D. Keiittner, W. It. llunie, Frank 1,. Parker, Y, I,. Kobb, John Fox. C. II. Cnllender. Lieutenant A .1. Cimper of Atoria; A. M. William, L. E. Crowe, Paul J. Sullivan, fleorge C. Klakclv of The lul1en; J. F. Hughe, S. W. Tlutmp on, l)r. Thomn Smith. Hay D. Gilla-rt, (Jeorge of Water of Salem; II. II. Trum bull, C. W. Han-oiu, J. A. Waddell. W. A. Storey, J. IT. Uurghard, George Hoy t, Ted Sweek and Admiral A: N. Smith, re tired, Portland. Aduiiiul Itiown will have conimnnd of all water port .anil, although matter generally will la- left to hi Hiilioriliuatc, in cae of emergency, he will be re ferred to. BODY NOT RECOVERED. The body of Clmrlc Pennon,' the fish- eriiinn who fell off the A. A. & C. train Monday evening, has. not la'cn recovered. Jlenon wa under the inlliietuv of liquor mid wa trying to paxs from the mokcr to the day conch when he fell off 011 the east side of the train. The train waa stopped and a search wan made by the paascugcra and train crew. Imt owniir to tlie darkness and heavy uiiderliruli at the foot of the em bankment hi body wa not found. Henaon was a single' man mid 27 year of ago and was en route to Grays bar bor. INCIPIENT BLAZE. An incipient blaze on the roof of David Shaminuu's house called out the fire de partment yesterday afternoon nt 3:45 o'clock. Tho fire was extinguished be fore any damago resulted. A Touching Story Is' the saving from death of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health, with serious throat-trouble, and two phyaicians gave her up. We were al most in despair, when we resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief. After taking four bottles she was. cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to rcliove and cure a cough or cold. At Chas. Rogers' drug store.- 60o and $1 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. PERSONAL MENTION. . ('. 1), Wbltj. anived in the city ye tcrday and made a brief bilftiueaa viait to Olney, T. (i. ('olcmaii nan in tbe city yetter day, rcginlciing at the Occident from P01 Hand. r i. I.. (iVavin of Stamford, Colin., wa a visitor in the i-Uy yexterday. Ow-ar Cain ami wife and 11. C. Pry on and wife were paiM-ngcr to thi city on the Nahcotta yenterday. F. A. Clarke wa a Portland visitor yefU-rduy, Thomas and It. K. liootb mine down from the exposition city ycntcrday. F. O. l!olrtoii of Portland waa in the city ye-terday, regiutcring at the Oc; cidnt. Mr, ll, I), lather and sin of .Brem erton, Wa-h., are the gnet-ta of Mm. leathers' patent. Mr. and Mr. K. 1j .IcfTlie of thia city. Hubert M. O-tro-ki, who ha visited Astoria for the pat five suinincrs and who ha Ix-eu viiting hi aunt, Mrs. I. Cdicii (bin mnmicr, left yesterday for California to resume hi studies at Stan ford university. I. Ib-rgiiniii and wife returned yester day from their Cray river ranch, where. they bate M-nt the summer. m . It. Home, inannger of the Tongue Point Lumber company, returned yester day from a viit to San Francisco. Mrs. (;, L. J, Zicgb-r and children k-ft yesterday for a year' trip to Europe. They were acnompaiucd a far as Port hind by Mr. Xieglcr. K. H. Scott was in the city yesterday on biMiiess conia'ctcd with the steamer Telegraph. He report the steamer doing a very satisfactory business, a great deal better than they anticipated. Mr. .1. II. I). Gray and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Hartman, Harry and Charles Gray returned yesterday from a week's outing on the Nehalem. They report hav ing a pleasant time and report every thing proHpcrous there. ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED. In the probate court tialay Frank Spit tle was apaiiuted administrator of the etatu of Mary Ann Adair, deceased. MEETS TOMORROW NIGHT. .The city council will hold an adjourned seion in the council chamla-r of the city ball tomorrow night. The ordi nances for the improvement of Eighth street and Irving avenue will come up for final action. EQUALIZATION BOARD TO MEET. The county board of equalization meets next Monday and though the assessment mil will show the value of the property of caeli taxpayer yet it will not lie com pleted, so that the totals can lie secured J till the latter part of next month. ' CHURCH PICNIC. Tlie l iiiiii-h Lutheran church will hold it annual picnic on Deep ruer next Sunday. Thn-e steamer have already Wn en gaged to carry the crowd over and from the numlicr desiring to go it is prob able that some barge will be required. The pionic is one of the principal events of the Finnish opu!atioii. D'lES OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. L E. Larson, a member of the local Modern Woodmen, w ho resided on Hlind Slough, died yesterday nt 4::tt o'clock in the North Pacific sanitarium at Port land of Plight's dieiise. He was 45 years of age and leaves a wife to mourn him. The funeral will occur this afternoon ut 2:30 o'clock from llolman's undertak ing parlors. A Beautiful Display., Apropos of the approaching regatta, an excellent and appropriate di-pluy may be seen in the west window of Peter sen & Brown's store. Tho decorations are dainty, while the picture, showing a large herd of tine cattle going to the stream to drink, is one of the most at tractive works of art ever seen here. The display of fall styles of shoes is up to the standard of this popular firm. Go and see tho picture, even if you have to go out of your way td do it. FISHERMEN ROBBED. Two of the Warren Packing company fishermen, Al Sanborn and J. P. Hall, ar rived up the river yesterday morning and after delivering their fish moored their boat tb the railroad teestlo at the foot of Tenth street and went to sleep. When they awoke they found they had been robbed of $(W in money and receipts for the delivery of several ton of fish. " The police were immediately notified and payment on the receipts stopped, but so far no clew to the thieves have been discovered. WATERFRONT NOTES Schogner Novelty Files Manifef-. Clears For f Frisco, STEAMSHIP AURELIA ARIVESIN Schooner Novelty and Barkentine Tarn 0'Shanter Carries Lumber to San Frandaco Sue Elmore Carries Freight and Passengers to Tillamook. The manifest of the sc-hooner Novelty, whicu sailed yesterday for San Fran cisco, was tiled in the custom house to day. The vessel earrie cargo of 700,. 0W feet of lumber, loaded at the Knapp' ton mill, and consigned to the Simp son Lumber company. Barkentine Tam O'Sbanter, with s cargo of lumber for San Francisco, wss towed to sea last evening. Steam Schooner Aurelia arrived in ye terday from San Francisco with freight and passengers. " Steamer Sue II. Elnjore left out todiy for Tillamook with freight and pas aengers. C."W. HEPPNER RECUPERATING. C. W. Ilcppner, the gentlemanly rep reacntative of J. D. Myers of Portland, ia registered at the Occident, recuperat ing, he reports, after a very hard trip down the Columbia with our old friend "Bill" the sweet-tenor knight of the P'ip- A NEW SONG. Dedicated .to H. A. Ren of Portland. Oregon. "Oh, I Guess I Don't Care for Some- tings," ia the title of a new song that is being 6ung by our old favorite tenor, W. S. Paii'e, to his many admirers alona the river. 'Unfortunately,, he i so busy taking fall orders for the house he rep resents Uiat he will not be able to render it in Astoria this trip, but hopes to de light his many friends here on his next tour of this section of the country. A DARK HORSE DISCOVERED. W. A. Pettenger, one of the Black Cat pecies, arrived ui town lat night. It i understood that he has been "log rolling" in most of the camps between here and Portland in anticipation of entering the conjest during the regatta next week. Possibly he may withdraw now that his dnrk laid scheme ha len exposed, but we feel that in juth-e to the other particiiants they should know what is in store for thein. SALE IS ORDERED. An order was made yesterday direct ing tho receiver of the Warrenton Lum ber company, George W. Warren, to sell the plant belonging to this company and which Ims been tied tip in litigation for ome time. It is hoped that la-fore the sale takes place that the company will be able to reorganize and once more op- jerate, a this mill is an important fac tor to Astoria and Warrenton. English Damson Plums. The English Damson plums are fiac for putting np in jars. We have just received a shipment. Step in and see them la-fore they are all gone. A. V. Allen, the Grocer, Tenth and Commercial streets. BORN. A daughter was born to Mr, and Mr. .lames Johnston, 54 Exchange street, this morning. Mother and child are doiir, well. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Aug. 23. Western Oregon and Western Washington : Thursday, fair and warmer. Eastern Oregon: Fair and cooler. Eastern Washington: Fair. Ladies! Attention!! Apprentices wanted to perfect them selves in the art of cutting, fitting and designing. Taught quickly by the latest methods. Full course, $o.00 system in. eluded. MRS, C. G. WILSON 516 Commercial St., Up Stairs. ' IN YOUR RUSH s ' . - For The Regatta Don't forget that our Special Sale on all of this season's Shoes is at iU height, while : " . ' ' t ' PRICES ARE LOWEST Just a few of thoe tans and browns left. Better step in and get your size, while you can, at these unmatched prices. Ladies' Tan, Champagne and ChocoUts Shoes, telling regularly at $4.00 and tS.00, now f.j9 All Our Tan Oxfords reduced, regardless of former price, to ...I1.9J Other style at prices that compare favorably with above. QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO. ... SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS. 523 Commercial Street Souvenir Steins Picturesque Astoria in Steins. . SPECIAL a$c AH Films of any size developed at 10 cents roli of six. Take pictures with any camera and bring your Films to us. We save you the trouble of developing. View Work and Enlarging Done Here. We carry all kinds Photo Supplies. - WOODFIELD'S AST STORE, 516 Bond St, Astoria. BUSINESS In this age of keen competition a Business Education is an indispensable adjuncUto the ambitious young man or young woman who wishes to succeed in ousmess me. - v e nave we reputation t i;?- r. v it ot being the LEADING BUSINESS COL LEGE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. OUB GRADUATES ARE ALL EMPLOYED Our teachers are all practical men and specialists in their particular -lines. If you are thinking of attending business eoliege you cannot afford to ignore the Behnke-Walker Business College. Send for illustrated catalogue. Free. .ClflBiJ Center instantly restores the brilliant newness and finish of Pianos, Furniture, Picture Frames Interior Woodwork, Hardwood Floors, and all polished, varnished or enameled surfaces. It renews and redresses every thing it touches. Revarnishing is unnecessary, becauses scratches, stains and dirt instantly disap pear, leaving a smooth, brilliant surface. Liquid Uener is not a varniph, but a surface food that is absorbed by the old finish, instantly restoring the latter to its original bright ness. Easy to use only a piece of cheese cloth is necessary. Dries instantly. One delighted customer writes that it is worth $100 per bottle. The price is only 60 cents. Sold by B. F. A!!en & Sen Wall Paper, Paints, Etc,, 365-367 Commercial St, Astoria. Accordion, Sunbnrst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. No Burning of Goods. Miss O. Gould Enghth Floor, Maarquam Building. PORTLAND.' Prompt and Careful Attention Given to all Out-of-Towa Orders. mil ma MAKES OLD THINGS NEW