F2 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, ORE.' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST j, 1905, THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily ty tHC J. 8. DEtllNGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $7 00 By mail, per month .............. 60 By currier, per month "5 the w.a of miiiil of an Anicrknn jiirl is iim(. !he is plm-vd In-fore her mini tiv women in an nlwiml liv'ht ami sub jected to the ridicule of that Unu'iit wliieli tU'liulits in euiivrlv devout ins Morion of tlim )mrtiou!ar rlimvter. 3'ln truth about fta adaWan-l-a-' the Am eiiited l'ri'ss irtit4 tur tW briefly we to'lieve tin Tulef at .loltfilhl ptoiw in Mia Rnewlf A-is Wf 'v'noiijtfi.- Not content with the iutellijeeinv that Mi Roosevelt. v;i v,h'vouhI,V4 insulted, .the yellow press, enlisting the Mriv ot u reporter whose unaciltative irttwe easily take precedence over that of ii Verne, offer a detailed account of the imkieut, a torv vthicJt-jml with out ,tlu r ftliht!t,teitan', a ciinulJ. WEEKLY ASTORIAN. ITI Uo, iateil lYes fraakrv Emitted L mall, per year. In advance ..II 00 1 that iu Mory'wa lelavej in rusins- iion.'J Aovr it m-fm indeed Htrnge tliat th repreeiititit if the luupv-t "Jeast" wire service, or the correspondent of a service eoiuonition of like ilk eould have leen on 'the Hit' at tjie previse time the sultan ofSlu'a'4 io presumptu ous ami nm' yet ubjeyieit to 'anything so discountying a delay Hi dispatching his story. Surely the yellow journal Ut are losini; Their enterprise when they permit the Associated lress Entered at teconet-claas matter June il, 18, at the posUifflee at Astoria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March S, ls-Ta. aTOMere for the oVUwimr of Tut Moumxe Aotoua to elthor reeudeoc or plac of husiorw mj be made by poAal card or through tele ehooe. Anr ImruWitj- In detlrar ahonld be UBiaediatelj reported to the office of publication Telephone Main 661. Hrit.'uu' oldest and proudest fumilic. Nearly a third of the population of I'atgnry. it is claimed, is from the I'ni ted States, and a very larjjo proHUtioii is from Illinois and Iowa, A Minnesota land company i pttiii rndy to iutro diloe the the new irrigated lands, parlic ulaiiy to the irrigation farmer of the tinted States. It is not planned to limit the holdings nut a nut will lie charged Jor water annually, whether the laud is worked or not. and it U evmnted that this an nuat charge of .VI cent an acre wil have the effect of preventing the hold ings of knds for speculative piirtoes, Tlte average price of the laud at the beginning will be 1.1 an acre. there is a marked absence of the "Imd man ami the rough element, male and female, usually found iu the Canadian nnHsis oi emulation, mere are no gambling joints, no led light districts, and no saloons except the bar which is run in the connection with a hot In Calgary no less than IrtO,lHHl is in vested in churches. to LjWIOH,ea,it.BEL file -news ahead ot them or even at the ame'tiine. But w are not estimating the relative merits of the Associated IVess, the Hearst special service, the Publishers' Press, or the Serippn-M Some examples of high kicking bv hae corporation. .We are wlHied the the thermometer are furnished by the 'story- printed In the Monday .lotirha Las Vegas N'ev. News. The towna written iu New York vity. We give he reiM of Piesiilcut Koosevclt of Las Vegas shows up fairly well with a record of 120 degrees in the shade. but that figure is eelipsed by other ad jacent points, thus: Kioville, 12f; Kl Dorado canyon, 12$; Cottonwood island, 133. " . That famous or infamous bull-sticker who exhibited at Tia Juana. XIcx., last week promise that next Sunday he "will kill the four wild bulls or be killed himself, without using horses in the arena." If he would give assurance of making good the latter part of the prom is the show would be worth going to tee. that his daughter's name lie respected some .consideration. .ot a day s,e but what some vellow paiier connect this young woman's name with a di gusting f tory. some, we are sorry to say, having a degree of truth, but tac majority being utterly unfounded. The men who offer the limp excuse, "for the sake of a storv" are being too num erous. GREAT IRRIGATION WORK. There is no question about the fitness of the name of Death valley. A report from Bullfrog alludes to the finding of a victim, of thai awful locality and say it U "the S."th: of thV kind this Miiimer.' The tat vietim was familiar with the valley, having prospected there for years. The eruiser Giicago behaved badly in entering the harljor at San Francisco on Thursday, first running aground and then butting into the crippled gunboat Bennington. Has the grudge between Chicago and San Francisco extended to the war craft! It may be news to Portland editors to know that the natives pronounce Iloilo, Eelo-Eelo, not Eelo-Weelo. It may also lie news to learn that Lo Angeles, Los Anegelees, Loss Angeliss and Las Angee lees is pronounced Loes Han-gna-laas; Hueneme. V-ne mee; La Jolla, La Hoya, and Ciaudad Jaurez, Queadaa Htmreth. The cause of the Bennington Ixiiler explosion is accredited to the closing of a valve which should have been left ojen. Ensign Charles T. Wade is de ignated as being responsible, lie being the only survivor of the officers ami men ;n charge of the boiler. His mental suf fering on realizing that the cause of the accident hag been traced to him, will probably be more severe than any pun ishment a courtniartial may indict. The yellow press, defective boilers. Sccre tary Bonaparte is coming forward as an iconoclast. It is unfortunate that an accidental blow in a good-natured boxing match on board tile cruiser Yankee should have resulted jn the death of one of the conte-tants. for the occurrence will lie reported far and wide and is likely to convey a wrong iniirressioii of the habitual athletic activities of the en listed men of the navy. It is contended by thoe of long experience that boxing i a wholesome sport for men who are retricted to the small available area on shipboard, and that it is ordinarily productive of results at h'at as good as any other form of physical exercise. The death of Cohen is especially regret table berau-e it will elicit the unfounded critici-iu of those who are not well in formed of the circumstances. There is so much popular interest in everything connected with the navy that those in authority should take pains to regulate Hie sport and guard effectively against a repetition of the unfortunate incident. The publicity, accompanying the Tag gait ca-e and that accorded the alleged addressing of love letters to Mi-s Alice lioosevelt nhd Nils' Insult offered by a repulsive dignitaary, the sultan of Sulu, who presumed to propose marriage to the daughter of our chief executive, dif fers only in degree, not in kind. As usual, the yellow press, in its perverted conception of enterprise, makes haste to take advantage of an opportunity Canada Has One of The Largest Ditches in The World. Caalgary, Province of Alberta. Canada, Aug. 22. lust outside of this town is the largest irrigation work on the American continent. By a great ditch, tR) feet wide on the bottom, with ten feet in water depth, and iiaving a capacity 01 z.uuu cuiuc teet ot water a second, the Bow river which rises in the llockie. is made to water tiOn.OlK) acres of gently sloping grazing lnd. The first cost of the work is ;m.(m, aand a second project, which is approved, will reclaim a large additional acreage at a cost of $000,000. The Calgary irrigation project is T.'i ier cent completed, and by next fall the first lands will he opened to settle ment. The average pri will 1 about $12 an acre. Responsible for the Calgary project is its present engineer. William Pierce. who got his idea while on a vi-it to the I'nited States, and first urged the util ization of the Bow river in 1HS2. He finally persuaded a Canadian railroad to back the undertaking. Irrigation in this latitude is for for age crops, for this is that anomalous region of "chinook winds," where cattle range all winter without shelter. The climate is comparatively mild, and the general character of the country sug gests Texaa. Xearly all the eatle grown in the Calgary district are shipped out alive. About IKMKXl go every year to Liver pool, where they are slaughtered; 2"). fK) go into local consumption, and an other 2,IKM) go west to Vancouver, B. C. There is but one small packing houtie at Calgary. There is a strong flavor of F.nglish to this little city of 12,000 inhabitants lying far out here at the base of the Canadian snowcapped Kockics. Kvery afternoon a good'v number of smart looking men and women may le ob served in democrat wagons, California carts and on horseback making their way to the outskirts of the town, where a polo game is to 1st witnessed. Theii afternoon tea would U-tray their Brit sh origin if their swooping habit of ecch left any doubt on the subject The men wear white eordurov riilina breeches with shirts open at the throat and arms bare to the elbow, and their mounts show that they are gentlemen of means. The women bring their luncheons in their rigs and when hungry tiiey picnic where they chance to be. They think nothing of driving twenty miles into town to see a polo game. There is another sort of an English man, lie is the "remittance man who is here for the good of his country. He regarded by his fellow citizens and neighWs as a pest. He usuaally re civs his rqmittavc ahoiiti once a quarter, and he makes it his first busi ness to spend it. He makes a pretence of stock raising, but his ranch is gen erally rented. He is often quarrelsome, lazy and a confirmed drunkard, but after his name there is almost alwaya always a title connecting him with one of Great WEEEKLY CROP SUMMARY. Light showers occurred during the fore art of the week in the lower )ortion of the Willamette valley and in the northern i-oast counties. Elsewhere throughout the state dry weather pre vailed. The tcnirntetires in western Oregon averaged normal, while the weather east of the Cascades was slight ly cooler than usual, especially at night. The rain somewhat revived vegetation. hut as a whole, the amounts were too mall to do any good, and gardens com, potatoes and pastures are suffer ing for want of moisture. (iraiu is about all cut and in the stack. The yields in the Willamette valley con tin lie di-iippointing. but in the fob umbin and the (irand Hondo valley the returns are verv gratifying. Ibi re making seasonal progress, and when' praying was thorotigly done the liv lave nlMiut disappeared, lorn Is earing ng ami rilling nicely and a good i-ri is iinucaicii. mock continues to lose llesh. Plums and some varieties of prunes are rie and being gathered. The yield f most fruits will fall In-low the aver age. iiowi in ouaniuv aim size, .11pics and pears are small and dropping unit than usual. Peaches are olentiful and if gosl flavor. Clatsop, Clatsop county. There hav wen several light rains this week, and egctation now wears a much brighter olorj with a little more rain fall pas tnres will tie assured and the turnip crop much increased. "I. S. Department of Agriculture Climate and Crop Bulletin of the Weath er Bureau. Oregon Section, for the week ending Monday -Inly 21, Ifo.". A. It. Wol.I.AIlF.H, Acting Section Director, Portland, Ore 1111 MAKES OLD THINGS NEW IW, tfRer Instnntly rcBtorea the brilliant newness and finish of nanos, FurniMre, I'ictur Frame Interior ; Woodwork, Hardwood i loon, and til polished, varniahod or numild surfaces. ; It rtuiewi and redroaaea evtry thuur it touches, lie vrniihiii(ria unnecessary, bwauaea scratches, ataina and dirt instantly diaap pr. leaving a amooth, brilliant surface. CUsId Utattr is not a varnish, but Surface food that ! akanrtuui K11 the old finish, instantly restoring the latter to lta orijrlnal briirht ness. Easy to use onlv a of cheesecloth U necessary. Dries instantly. One delighted customer writes that It is WOrth SI OA nor bnttU The price U only 50 cents. Sold by B. F, Allen & Sen r The Astoria Restaurant. If you want a good, clctin meal or if you are in a hurry you should g to the Astoria Restaurant Thin 'fine restaurant is thoroughly up.to. . date in every detail. EXCELLENT MEALS. EXCELLENT SEKVICI: J ASTORIA IRON WORKS - JOHN FOX, I'rea. and Snyt. L. FO.V, Vice I'rea, i . F L lUSHor. Secretary t AHTOltJA UAVlNUti DANK, Treai Designer! and Manufacturer! of THE LATE8T IMI'KOVM) Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, m Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. coRRtspoNoeNce; solicited. Foot of Fourth Htreet 1 J- - - ji rmnmmmm Wall Paper, Paints, Etc., 365-367 Commercial St., Astoria. LICK San Franrivro'i leading con venient e and family hotel centrally located. Con venient to ail cur lines, and places of amusement and in terest. Cafe and C.rill at tached. Rate $1.00 per day and up. Street cart direct to hotel from and to ail depots. HOUSE San Francisco, Cal. PRAEL 0 EIGNER TRANSFER CO.! Telephone 11. D RATING 8 EXPRESSING UVERY STABLE All good ihipred tooureara will receWeipacial attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. 1 1 The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Weinhard's Lnic r Beer. Are You Up to the Hark? 11 nui iceung as wen as you 5nouia, ao not make the mis take of letting your health take care of itself. Resort to Beecham's Pills 8oId Everywhere. In boxeo 10c. and 2Sc. SOUVENIRS I Of all kiixl tan 1m fmi In n- in I I choice a nrtnii'iit. I I lv x 1 mm0w , I It LO A I 1 A VISITORS And other ure wcl.-ome to iii-M-rt our tock at 11 11 v time. Yokohama Bazar lm T,n,h 8,rMt tX Comim-rcla! HI reel, Aitorl STATEMENT OF Astoria Savings Bank At the close of liminesii Airgubt 10, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and din counts ?.jC7,8f)9 70 County warrants 18,1.10 40 City warrants . . 43,449 82 $029,389 02 Ileal estate 14,500 IJue from banks 91,91(5 73 Canh on hand 55,930 00 147.832 73 ..791,742 65 Total LIABILITIES. Capital paid In $100,000 00 Surplus , 35,000 00 1 Undivided profit 14,927 21 DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Farth Form anal ComDlaxlon Ha ba artMafallT wad br Itaaiad Hitwa ntgm aaa wmmi m uaaioa lot tor laaa m ymra. Wherever applied H It laetaatly atMoifet inrenn xmm porn vi iaa im sno iu wea dtrlnl aatrluaa feed U waiting UMMa, RCMOVINQ WRINKLES ulffcyautte,Mtpplleatla altaa laswiai a fmrfcbl Imsnrmannl. I Dr. CbarlM FlMh Food la Mltlvtty the oalT prcparatlea kaawa to mdil mIbc thai wtll roaad kollawt la tb atck and eradaca firai, tMUajr 1MB m Ula taeaki uu aaa uiu For Dwaloplof tha Boat nr brtaita. ihraakta from aurttDn II aai the mgBMt laoarMaini el ihtiUUu Two ti art aftM frWt ta auk taa fctut lira, larg aaa aaaaunu. old it DBfAtTatxirraToaxaairrj DRUOCUtTa. mIm H M - - -M . I tat aaraaiar of mia avrxUAL aid Mad on dollar, wo wlil Mad two (2) FREE Aaao)oJf adoorook,A(iof rnbb Muun," fully llhidraM, Will M unt fro to on Uh oaailu U coaM ta oa Hr can auuuog. Mwaaa. gm OR. CHARLES CO. "LWiV First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:si.utu.siii:i iHsit. Capital and Surplus $100,000 J. Q. A. !inwt.RV.frliint O. I. rKTtKMw.V. Vlie-I'realitrnt KltANK I' ATT' IS, Cnnlilrr J W. UAIINKK, AuNlNUl ( ml.lir Astoria Savings Bank Capital falit In IWO.Oon. Hurplua and rndlvlilrd IVortt UVOO. TmuxuMa a i.ciieml Him king llimlneaa. InUTent paid on Time I)enIla ASTORIA, OREGON. Dividends unpaid Subject to check$389,704 31 Time certifioates. 237,130 12 Demand certifi cate 14,861 01 120 00 Living Scow for Sale Cheap. Living acow for Bale. Sixty feet long, 17 feet wide; good house, ceiled inside; 641,695 441 good range and pumps go with the scow; luitahle for residence or seining Total (791,742 65 J outfit. Inquire Astorian office. n Hi Mark of Refinement. V1 Clcanlineii of person ii one of. the moit ditinguiihing nurti of refinement, and commandi it all timet the highest respect. , To promote cleanliness, Install n your Ieeping apartment or dressing room a inowy white, one-piece "iVadtwdT Porcelain Enam- " eled Lavatory, proviJed with an abundant flow of hot and cold running water. Our plumbers ire skilled mechanic! and do satisfactory work. Let us quote you prices. MONTGOMERYajAstoria Or. I AN A5T0RIA PRODUCT I Palo Bohemian 15cer Iiest In Tho Northwest North Pacific Brewine Co. Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY 8J1ERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Chucked an.l Transfcrrn.l.-TmrV. it,,. Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. niture 433 Commercial Street ippi Phone Main 121