The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 22, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, AUGUST ai, 1903.
Ehmann's Olive Oil
It makes and keeps you well. Physicians all over
the United States use and recommend it.
Resolution Regarding Irving AveJ
nue Practically Adopted.
Office rooms for rent. Qeo. W. Bar,
ktr, Astoria National nan
The family restaurant of Astoria It
recognised th 11m rctaurnt. The
best meals and the best service in A
toria, 120 Eleventh street.
I,ot-Thursday afternoon on Grand
avenue between (J, V, Sanborn' ami
)!. U. Van Iticn' residences, a pin with
)Mrl setting. Reward if returned to
II. (!. an Duen's home.
A daughter wa Im'Iii (h Mr, and Mr.
M, V. Aitilri'w nf l.o Angclc n the
l.'tb of thi month. Mr. Andrew was
formerly Mi Maud Jlaylcs a teacher in
the graded mhiHilii of tht city. Mother
and rhlld arc retried to be doing well.
I am glad that ladie' atrlde saddle
are becoming fashionable; first, be.
cause it I ralr on the horse-, second,
because It U a safer and eaulcr way for
a lady to ridit. If you will rail ai my
harness hop, 10 J Fourteenth street, I
will (how yeu the lolr.t and the brat.
At yesterday's session of the pro-
kale court, Mm. Mary A. Twilight wan
appointed administratis of the estate of
.lames Urown, deceased, nnd V. H.
Twilight, I), 1 lt and J. (i. Hycman
were named a Mipraiwrt. The is-li-th.n
fixe the value of the estate at
M.ooft and thf heir are Mr. Mary II,
Twilight of Knappa, Marietta Fchr of
IlllnoU, George Culver, David Culver,
lulia ('. Mawm, Margaret JarkMin,
Mary and Martha Taylor of Ohio, all
niece and nephew of the deceased.
Metari Tee, Hanson and Stangeland
Appear in alight Combat Ordinancei
Paued and Resolutions Adopted Re
ports of Committies Claims Allowal
John Hcndih kon of Cniontown wa
arreted by sheriff I.ltivilht yesterday
on mi information charging him with
lling liiimr In Atoria precinct No,
hie in violation of the local option
law.. He wa arrainged in the iiistli-e
court (hi afternoon and released on
?00 bond to appear for a prelimiimry
hearing on Katurdtiy.
IRVING AVKVt.'K IMi'liiiVtf. a
MKNT resolution paretienlly '
adopted. Will come up Saturdoy
MKNT -OrdiiiaiiH a
Resolution passed authorizing
committer on public projn rty to
sell or lease structure. - $
SUMMARY-thcr ordinance
p-ed and resolution adopted,
V report of commit tic allowing
claim udotted, petition and re.
monstrance heard, building f
milit granted.
ordinance appropriating $M.4fl for the
account of Robinson 4 Jlilderhrand,
wa passed; ordinance ordering the ap
propriation of for the aeeount
of t1iarle Jleilhorn 4 company wa
tabled j oidinaur appropriating tt'ittM
tor the iicenuiit of FrrguMin and lloun-
ton wa paveil; orrlinanue reiardini
the Impiovement of Klghth htreet, from
(irand to Ixington, tlie time for it
completion wa estmled to Xovemlier
oms and the oidinum paruutd.
Itepoi l, f ( ai ioim commit tier were
adoptad ullowiiig claim, in part at ol-
J. C. Clinton, !2.'fl: T. S. Conic liu.
tU)M, 1'rael ii Knifcr. t-'l.fX): Citv
l.umlx-r and J,oX eompanv, :iSHi Foard
4 Stke, u.i;. Hhenimn Transfer com
pany, Kni T. S. C'orneliu, two cliaiiim
of tUm einh for making at reel gM-ft-
nuiitnj J. (. Clinton. ff'.IM: Foard t
J. It. VVinitanley was a Portland visi
tor in the city yeoterday.-' ' ' '
P. J. Mattiieaiix r me down yesterdav
from the rxiKmition eitir' fi.r' a
hlli-ineHM trin. ' "
1. A. Frnger of Sao Fram-i.oco waTln
the eity yesterday fgetering at the
Thoma Y. .lenkin of Portland a
liere yenterdav lielwren tmin
J. O. Wetherjiere a Kentuckian was in
tlte city .yeaterday.
diarle E. Bond of Pendleton wan in
Ui city venterav. I
- 1
W. A-lier a commercial traveler was I
registered at the Occident yeterdaay
Tha Palace Catrrin); rompsny's din
lrg room is again open under the same
management. Everything flrt rla.
Cuisine and servN unexctllrd. Private
dining room for ladies.
This is the season for
Canning Peaches and
Leave us your order now and w will
see to it that you will be supplied with
the best fruit tht market affords, at tht
lowest pos-sibla prices.
The frame work to tht fourth floor of
the new Siter' hpjUl fpMnito citv
hall U up and already men are at work
putting preliminary touches to the tin-
lulling for the bawment. The clapboard
work will commence mrtlv and aimn
the hnluinir structure will have a'
timed the apcarAncr of a cwimjdetcd
Chief of police Kdward Hallmk when
niMcd je.terday anent hi work a
I'iiairinan of the noiiuttc MKirt miniuit-
tee of the regatta milcd, a demurely
a a la of nistteen and two. and
vourhafcd that the program for hi end
of" the felivitie would I a gil in all
rrpcct ii any that have ever leeii of
fered unler his regime.
W will reeeirt shipment of
On tsdsy's 11:30 train
ViUm Rro. the contractor have a
crew of men at work on the new Reed
building on the corner of Eleventh and
Piiunc Mreet. ojipoHite the City water
work 01111.
The building which will he completed
.January 1, i to be three storlea in
heiglU and Ml feet wide bv IM) feet long.
The t1rt ktory will lie ued for etore
pill (tone while the 4itlier will pndnlbly
le diviiled into riHun.
i 8-1 as Twelfth St., Astoria.
P. S. Just a few more of those nice
home put op, wild blackberries in half
gallon jart.
In the forclokiire kale he 11 at the nher
i(T' ollice at 10 a. m., yetirdav to miti-
fy a judgment held lv II. T. 1'rnel
agniiikt Lama V. !ray, the proMrty
involving, a tract of 55 acres of land in
section S, township 7, wa sold to the
diiintitr for judgment and cost amount
ing ull to IMNI.53.
The county clerk yraterdnv Ixsucd a
imirriage lici'nc to John Quim and
Herthu Nolkon.
1 - ' - , ,Ji,yM
We Are Going to Move
it costs money to move goods, partical
larly a store full, and it resolves itself
down to whether we hold up the prices
and pay the drayman or to sell the goods
at a sacrifice and give our customers and
friends the benefit. We believe the reduc
tions will be appreciated the most and
the stupendous bargains now offered are.
at your command.
ft LMAb. tILlLBORfJ i X CO.fM.Oirli.
B Compute rkwjt rlWSHlllSlf
fcn 11
rsiVV; 1 s--
j sSMMkSSnilkS9
The lllliro ClllCIlt of Trvilur aw.tiiii.
Mwccn Kightaenth and Thirtieth street
will go through, if the iiaction of the
City council, at it meeting n the city
hall lat night may lie accepted with a
degree of certainty. The rcoolution wa
read, practically adopted, and ordered
picciitcl with ceitiiin mo, I i that ion at nu
adjourned hc-ion Saturday night.
There uii miifcidcrahle diteukion over
thi rckoliition In which city surveyor
Tee and Coum ilmen Hanon and Ktange
hind llgured prominently and nt a xir-
ticuiiir niomcnt uHicient tciiion wn
maiiifett to promise wimp perwnnl re
mark, if not fight. In hi remark
Uaring tixin the euualluttion of the
akcnient Mr. 'lee, in explaining. that
n.cmcntit were lincd upon the lowckt
valuation of the a butting property,
contemleil, iH'licvmg no chanire had
been made in the text of the reiliition.
that T. S. Corncliii had promiwd to
alter wliBt lie thought wa an uniiikt a-
seiwnient. and in so far a thl had not
Imhii done, he suggested that the nun
cil deliherate lcfole-gi!(iitinii the reo-
lution. Councilinen Haiiou aand Strange
la ml inimeiliiitelv iontriied thi to be
a reflection on the word nf Mr. Cor-
ndiiik and aterted mntunllv that the
county akeor had atired them the
change bad lieen made and they were
sni intra such iiad hern done.
Mr. Tee mn.le hakte to explain that
he did not intend to question the word
of Mr. I oriielin, but ling ignorant a
to the fact that the clump, had rcaltv
la-en made, he wi, to piard against
what might prove eventually an indis-
crcet tmive. Mr. Tee staW later that
all ackkuifnt were bilked liHn the
lowckt valiati..ii of tlP propi-rty abut
ting the improvement and that in the
Instance of the Mtermrnt of Irving
11 venue la-tween Kighteenth and Thir-
i.-lh ktreclk, property on one side of the
thoroughfare wa worth twice as much
a that cm the other and that It would
lie gioKkly uniiikt to those owninu the
lew vahuible hi ml to imokc the aw,..
ment prcvioiikly rovided in the re
lut ion. The mutter will come tip Satur
day night aloud with other resolution
pertaining to street impioveijicnt.
A resolution wa introduced by C01111
ciliimu Kaboth ivcommeiiding that the
committee of public property be 'author
ized to sell to the hoard of school di
rector of district Xo. 1, (or the sum of
ten thousand dollars. Engine house Xol
on lloiid street or to lease the structure
to any applicant at the best rate oh
1 11 hut ll. This resolution was adopted.
Associated with thi was ordinance
authorizing the committer on public
property to lease from the O. R. R. &
N. company, a piece of property. .10x70
reel, just cast of that company's road
way for a period of ten year at the rate
01 mt the year. It is proposed to erect
a fire rngine house upon this property,
01 sucli plans a to provide for the fu
hire requirement of the city, possibly
the housing of a police patrol. The or
dinance was passed.
" Among the ordinance, that introduced
by Mr. Kaboth, appropriating $370 for
the account of the Reliance Electric
company, was tabled; ordinance intro
duced by Mr. Hanson extending the time
on the improvemen of Exchanp' street
from the East line 0 Twenty-first street
to the West linn of Twenty-third to
Octolier one and another extending the
time for the Improvement of the same
street from the East line of Seventeenth
to the center line of Xinetenth . like-
w ise to 'October one were both passed;
ordinnnee appropriating $74 for the ac
count of H.H Zapf & co. was passed;
i T-
HUe, W2.t0vch.rlc Rogers, 'Tf l" ,
Astoria ,,., U'rk, $1.40, A. J. Lite. . ?T V1",tor fT. 6'
MM; It... 4 Higgin. $1.75, A. V. AI- ' u 1' k
leu am,, f, . .. .f , altar Selwrk came over to spend the
leu, $ls,i; Ippertown Iransfer com- ,v v.,. ,. TI
.ny, Craig 4 Sikau. 1.G5;.J. S.l ' . ' """'." . . '
i, .,, ii. a. larksfin ana uautfoter. Mrs.
Delling. r .)ptty)$..i0 and 1). H. Welch. !, .,. , il . ' .
ijiijjKi -j"rui jii jfii.a.n, aim. 11, a. yrsnen ana
.Mr, n. L. Hunter eotnposed the party
of visitors yesterday who regestered at
the Occident
Howard Lock wood was in the city yes
terday from his home m Wallowa.
Mr. C. M. Lockwood of Enterprise
wa n visitor in the city yekterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hagan of Long
Beach were in the city yesterday.
M. F. Moore dropped in yesterday
from the Rose city. 1
Mrs. J. E. Wood and Mrs. Louella
Xahn of Condon were in the city yester
day. . ' ,
W. S. Brown of Portland was in the
city yesterday registered at the Occi
dent. ,
Mrs. Charles Pratt, Frederic Pratt and
Master Charles Pratt ,of Brooklyn-, New
York were in the city yesterday:
A party of four young laies composed
of Miss B. nna Hubbard, fof Chicago,
me .Misses fiorenee A. and Ulga M.
Preusse, of Spokane and, . Miss Tillie
Ileutcr of Avoca visited the city yester
Sam Holbrook of Portland registered
at the Occident yesterday.
F. Strauhl. and the Misses Powell and
Straulh were in the city yesterday. ,
M. Iloneyman was a San Francisco
visitor in the city yesterday;
D. K. Fi(T,and wife of Portland were
registered "at the Occident ye-terday.
P A. Jones and H. F.Findlay were
visitors from the exposition city yester
day. Mr. M. I5rownon of Portland repre
sentingthe Western Loan and Savings
company of Salt Lake City, is at the
Uolden House...
CttV lihlkiciun It .1 I'LL l 1.;, I
report stated that sanitary conditions
on Eighteenth street were sul-h they
required immediate attention as the
health of the city wa jeopardized by a
most deplorable condition of sewers..
Councilman Morton moved that the re
port ls referred to the committee of
public prn rty wijh power to act, but
Councilman Iturn interposed, savimr
he believed an. ordinance had been, pre
pared at a previous time providing for
the betterment of these conditions, and
hi; contended thant if revived the re
quired improvement might lie brought
aliOtlt ecoiloiuiiallv. The multer ua
laid over jsnding an investigation.
1 he auditor was directed to advise the
county that the money collected by D.
K. ISIount for road tax should he turned
over to the city treasurer in so far a it
belonged to the citv.
City Auditor Anderson jut liefore ad
journment suggested that a register for
visitors to the city hall lie provided, say
ing that at least two hundred -rsons,
from various parts of the United States.
had examined Astoria's handsome . new I
structure yesterday. Hi suggestion was
linunfiiiously' appreciated and immediate
step will be taken to provide the news
sary volume.
A number of petition and renion
-wmid-s cre nearu ana acted upon.
- number of building permit were
granted. Although expected to re.inne
hi seat. I ouncilman Belland did not ap
ear. .n adjourned session twill be
held Saturday night.
You all know that tan and brows la
their endless variety of shades are ex
ceedingly popular this season.
Likes to be in style and realizing thk
fact we are now running a special aalav
of our stock in this department fat
limited time.
Ladies' Tan, Champagne and ChocoUia
Shoei, selling regularly at ROO u
$5.00, now ii
All Our Tan Oxfords reduced, regardless-.
of former price, to
Canvas Shoes, at fxjf
Former price, $2.00. '
SandaU, worth $1.50, now........ jm
Children's Sandals, worth 65e,
now - 4
Children's Ties, black, selling regukry
at $1.50, reduced to
See Show Window East f Entraaoc
513 Commercial Street
According to the agreement with the
Retail Clerkcs Cnion, the merchant who
so desire will keep their respective places
if business open until 8 p. ru. up to, and
including SeptemlMT 1, l!H.-).
Tlie funeral of the ltc Mr. .Sabine
wa held yesterday afternoon from the
Urst Meth.Hlist Church, the services
Wing conducted by the Rector Rev
Mr. titiin, and the interment waas in
t.recnw.XKl ce tcry. The funeral u.s
under the aitspi.VH f the IWrec of
Honor, of which organization she was an
honored member.
Souvenir Steins
Picturesque Astoria in Steina.
All Films of any size developed at
10 cents a roll of six. Take pfetora
with any camera and bring year
Films to us. We say. you the
trouble of developing.
View Work and Enlarging Dona
Here. We carry all kinds of Photo
' 5' Bond St, Astoria.
A horse attached to a deliver1? wairsron
belonging to Foard 4 Sto"kes company
ran away yesterday and injured him
self so badly that it was necessary to
shoot him.
Competent gill wanted for cenersl
housework-wages $23.t per month. An.
ply Mr. 1). K. Warren, Warrenton or
Astorm National Hank.
Joseph Johnson, Stableman for Prail
Finger co. was arrested this morning
on a charge of dumping sawdust in
the Columbia river. His trial is setfor
two o'clock this afternoon.
An order 'was made today setting the
hearing of the final account of the ad
ministrator of the Inar Sjiblom for Sep
tember 22. '
Business College
If you are thinking of attending bus
iness college you can not afford to ig
nore the best inT the northwest Oar
equipment is unsurpassed west of Chi
cago. On account of our rapidly lucre,
ing attendance . ,
October First to our elegant new quar
ters in the "
Elks Building :
now being completed at Seventh aaA
Stark streets. Our graduates am ail
employed. Placed 207 pupils ia tuera
tive positions during the past year.
Send for our handsomely jlliwtratol
catalogue. Free. Address aTl oonrmunr-
cations to our present quarters ia Vm
Stearns Building, Portland.
1 .rii? ;
a, am a a
Cures in j
Tfswll ra.U SBk 3
r-mi m aauiiff-sji s
Wart 9fcort9rfiK J
I Dealer for tha tVONOiVlY JAR
; The Perfect Sanitary Jar-Self Sealim-No Senarat. R,.hs p;i,.v. ..:.. - - .
c --'-.fc ruuuis 01 vegeiaoies or uruit.
x hat Mrs.S,l,TJson Rorer. the principal of the Philadelphia
Cooking scIkkiI, has to sav of t lip merit .4 nf IKa
Principal Address during July, August and Sej:
lliiladelphia Cinikin" tember, Mt. Gretna, Pa.
t Schmd 17i: Chestnut
I Street Philn.lelphia. , ,
1 Detvmlier 3, l!)03
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company,
f Portland, Oregon.
I In answer to your letter can only say that I tried the jar
I nnd v"8 exeecdingly pleased with them. I canned peas, beans,
. tomatoes, carrots, besides a numls-r of fruits and not one jar
f spoiled. The whole tomatoes I tied for mv thanL-.;v;,,n ji..,..
1 j 1 " a---" niin'i
I a a Mla(, nd they were solid and plumb as possible. Very
I truly yours,
i Is It not worth while to know that YOUR preserved fruits and
" Veirptnliln 01-1. f. f- . .
7 "-- iim jiuisoiioiis compounusT Vou know
una u you use the
The ECONOMY JAR is endorsed and used by the Oregon Agri
eultural College, Lelaand Stanloid. Jr.. t niv..iiiv i vl 1
Other colleges and Universities.
k Send us your name and address and we will mail you booklet of
WADHAM 21 KERR BROS, Distributors
' Wholesale Grocer a nit PnlToo l?.t., p..n...i r-..
1 I- t
V " I
Jd)- ,fm I
(.lU;i.;. 2