TUESDAY, AUG , iWi THE MORNING ASTOHIAN ASTORIA ORE Auditor Hinl police judge Olaf Anderson stated that the Anderson are altogeth er too numerous ami there are rumor to the effect, that he will hereafter tine nil Andersons the dollars for contempt o( court. BABY BORN Al SEA Oe4ins In Durance Vile. German Steamship Numantia is Forced to Carry Passenger. Little Happenings in the Local Police Court. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS REGULAR MEETING . .,, i I Charles i a brave man; he is abso lutely fearless. On Sunday night. Charles had been fighting, lighting very hard. Boo1 was hi opponent and while Charle did not go down asd out. he (.tumbled along Commercial street try ing to borrow something he ran never return trouble. He found it. Charles Anderson, a handsome chap by the way, plump of figure, features of an Apollo and with a goodly blessing of nice yel low hair cropped short, had plenty of it. Charles questioned Anderson as to the amount of trouble he could spare and the reply possibly did not please him. An argument followed and as Charles explained to the rollee Judge Anderson yesterday, "this gentleman. Mistaii An derson butted into him ,and the first thing he knew he got a clog in the "Ah," said deputy city attorney Spit tle musingly, "you were fighting in self defense, eh, Charles! "Sure. I wouldn't run away from no man." "I see. Well your honor. Truly it doth hurt, but the cae seems plain. Charles says, quite emphatically he will run for no man. -Ten dollars or five days. Charles." quoth the judge. . And Charles, whose countenance had beamed under the hyp notic influence of Spittle's solicit iou in quiry, was lead away upon the arm of the bailiff, crestfallen, beaten. But the city's fare does not appeal to Charles; he will pay the money. Andersons were numerous in the po lice court yesterday. There was one Anderson though who had the let of his fellows, he could neither speak or understand English, and the funny part of the whole thing Is that there was no person in the court room who could convey to hint the intelligence that the hand of justice was about to fall heavily upon him he was a Finn Mr. Spittle rattled off the sterotyped charge with a speed that would shame the A. & C. I. flyer. Anderson sood in the box, an interested listener. "tinilty or not guilty!" queried the attorney. Anderson wouldn't e it. He looked from Spittle to the judge, from the judge to the policeman, to the spec- ; tutors and then fell to twirling his thumbs. Oberg," said Mr. Spittle, "Explain this proposition to the prisoner.' "Nothing doing. He's a Finn," re sponded the officer. All policemen present were offered the distinction and some of the spectator were appealed to. All renigged, even the judge. Spittle floundered hopeless ly. "Drunk," he uttered half heartedly aa a last resort. "Drunk." muttered Anderson and then his face broke into a happy smile. "Sure, drunk very Iwd drunk last night. I was." "Five dollars or two days," thundered the judge, tickled over the sudden ter mination of what promised to to I? a confusing case. Anderson smiled con descendingly and muttered thank. He joined Charles a few minutes later. Oscar Lystia, andC. Hammar, Ixitii charged with being drunk and released on bail of $10.00 and respectively, failed to appear in the police court yes terday, thereby forfeiting their bail. I'pon the calandar in the police court yesterday there appeared the names of two Andersons one charged with being a common drunk, and the other having the distinction of being a fistic aspirant. Will Try and Obtain Stop-over privi lege on A. & C. R. The committee on railways and trans portation of tlie Chamber of Commerce as a result of the meeting of that tssiy at its rooms last night will try and induce the A. 4 C. R. to extend stop over privileges to through passenger to Seaside. Thia will enable them to spend a day or two in Astoria in which thev mav examine the cannerie and oth er point of interest here. An effort will also lie made to have the 3.fl0 commuta tion ticket between Seaside and t)''" eitr re-issued. In response to a mprest from the Wil lamette valley development league the committee on statistic and compila tion wa directed to prepare statisti cal matter relative to Clatsop county and Astoria, more particulaarly, the aceragc j at present representing working farm, the salmon and lumber output. This wil be forwarded and included in a volume promulgating the new road to Talla mook from Sheridan. M. V. I.ounsberry wa appointed by President Welch a solicitor to suc ceed .1. A. Rannell, deceased. NO PROTESTS ON BOARD Cheap Ticketi to Philadelphia and Re turn. The 0. R. X. will sell round trip tickets from Astoria to Philadelphia. Pa., on Scptcnilier 7-8-9-10 at a rate of $89.30. For further information inquire of O. W. RORERTS, Agent. Living Scow for Sale Cheap. Living scow for sale. Sixty feet long, 17 feet wide; good house, ceiled inside; good range and pumps go with the scow; suitable for residence or acinlng outfit. Inquire Astorian office. Trans Pacific Steamer Arrive in With Big Cargo Lumber Drougher v Due Down in Tow of Steamer Elmore Dea patch and Newport Due. Cerman steamer Numantia arrived in yesterday from China with 8,0H ton of freight, including a great quantity of silk consigned to New York. A fairly good passage U reported. Excepting the the birth of a baby at tea nothing out of the ordinary featured the run. The Numantia left up last evening. At Port land there I a large consignment of freight awaiting her for the return voy age NOTICE TO MARINERS. Office of U. S. l.ighthoue Inspector. twojfth district, San, ,Ki)ii)ieo, Cal Aug. l!Ki.V (l.it of light, buoy and dayniark. Pacific mast 1!M5, page 33.) Notice is hereby given that South jetty outer end buoy, a flrt-r!a spar, red, No. 2, heretofore located about 2.10 feet N. N. W.. of the submerged rock of the South jetty, Humboldt bar, California, is reported adrift. It will be replaced a s.ui as practicable. Ily order of the Lighthouse Hoard, 11. T. MAYO, Commander I'nited States Nuvy, Inspcc tor I2lh Lighthouse District. MSTER NI1ADING mi The Grandest Bargain Event ever conceived by an Astoria merchant takes place during this week beginning, today Foard & Stokes Co. ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE. We say positively, without fear of contradiction, that never within the annals of Astoria merchandising, have the people witnessed such a magnificent Bargain Feast as we have prepared for you. More than $15,000.00 worth of New Autumn Merchandise has come piling in upon us, before we were ready for its reception. Every inch of available shelf space has been utiliwd, and the counter, are yet fairly groaning under the weight they are carrying. 1 If you've a purchase to make, it matters not of what description, make your preparation now. Come to this aale expecting Great Things, and you will not be disappointed. It is an opportunity of a lifetime. On the articles listed on this page, every purchase you make must be final-no exchanges or refunds will be permitted, and every purchase must be for cash Read On, On, and On. Big Inducements in Dress and Walking Skirts. Our Skirt Department is now the most complete in the city. 'We are showing all the new styles in the most popular materials. BROAD CLOTH, MELTONS, SERGES, MOHAIRS, PANAMAS and VOILES are to be found in profusion, and an assortment of more than two hundred styles from which to make your selection. Prices range about like this: - i S 3.00 Skirts, now $ a.39 5.00 Skirts, now 3.45 7.50 Skirts, now 4.95 8.75 Skirts, now 5.75 $10.00 Skirts, now I 6.95 12.50 Skirt, now 8.95 15.00 Skirt, now 10.75 ao.oo Silk Skirts, now IJ95 Unloading Sale of Dress Goods and Silks, Matchless Values, Look Them Over. . Coc and 7oc Stylish Mohairs 40c. Choice of more than twenty-five different designs in fancy figured Mohairs, 36, 38 and 42-inoli widths, stylish and very durable, well known for their wearing qualities. Nowhere sold less than from 65 cents to 75 cents. Unloading Sale Price, yard only 40c .$1.25 and $1.50 Mohairs, 08c Make your own suit and save from $10.00 to $15.00 on the finished coat. Mohairs in widths 41, 40 and 48 inches, beautiful patterns, stylish and practical; regular prices from $1.25 to $1.50; your unrestricted choice, any pice tLat is left, only, a yard 98c CHANGEABLE TAFFETAS, 59c' Choice of twenty different patterns, all that is left of those stylish Changeable Silks; most any color you doi-ire; regular value 85 cents. .While they last, take your pick of any suit-length at, only, a yard 59C $1.00 and $1.25 Fancy Figured Silks Mc There are only a few left of those dainty practical Shirtwaist Suit Silks. They're just the thing for early autumn wear, and are selling everyday at, from $1.00 to,$1.50. Unloading Price per yard only G9c W have decided not to carry over a tingle two piec luit and in order to clear the table of this daw of merchandise w give you a discount of 20 Per Cent on the Two Piece Suits Thia comprise all th bed that expert tailoi can put in rront SIZES, 34 TO 40. HOMESPUNS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, IN NEAT, SNAPPY PATTERNS. P. A. STOKES "THE DRESSY SHOP FOR DRESSY MEN." TO RAISE A. 0. U. W. HALL. b-auder Lrbeck has leen awarded a contract bv the trusters of the A. O. I'. W. hall, formerly the old pre.bvtcrrlan church building, to raise the structure four feet and place a new foundation under it. limit's ltevf l.inht Vessel.-List of lights ami fog signals, Pacific cat, I'1 page s!i, No. f.s. and li-t of lights, bmy and dnviiiark. pacific cast li", pg' :. Moored ill IM feet of water, about II miles S. W.. eighth S. from Htlun's rwf, tf the sea coast of I'ali fornia, and four and one half miles W M . smithcrnlv. ffni '"I"' M'-mlo rum light noiie. About August 2". I''"'. liht c. No, 8.1 will Is- temporarily withdrawn from Imr station for fresh water Bli the station will Is- marked by the light house tender Madrona. The lighthouse lender Madrona will how the same as light vessel X. M. two fixed white hn- lantern limits, ach from three lanterns encircling a masthead, but these are 00 feet als.ve the water and vi-ible about thirteen and one-qunrter miles in clear weather, the eye of the observer fifteen feet aliove the water. During thick or foggy weather the ten der Madron sounds . ten nidi steam whistle with the ame eharneleiistie as that sounded from light vessel No. H.I, viz., blast of twelve seconds' duration separated by silent intervals of forty eight seconds, thus: Wast, twelve sec onds; interval, forty -eight seconds; l.lu.i u-elve seeollds: sihnt intervals, forty-eight seconds. The tender Madrona is a (lush-deck steam vesncl, has iwo mais, i rigged, no Ism-piil, and without day- murks. The hull is painted black, the ddk-house white, A black smokestack and the whistles are Is-tween the masts. Light vessel No. 83 will lie returned to her station in als.ut forty-eight hours. of which due notice will I given, and the tender Madrona withdrawn. Hy or der of the Lighthouse Hoard. H. T. MAYO. Commander, I'nited States Navy, In spector 12th Lighthouse District. Steamer Klniore with the drougher Tam-o-shanter in tow carrying "OO.WKI feet of lumlicr is due down this morning steamer Despatch and Xewport are both due down and will leave out with freight and passenger. Delia arrived in yc-tcnhiy from Nastuei-a with a cargo of cheese con signed to Portland. COL. SCHENECK ENTERTAINS DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. CARD OF TRANKS. We wish to express mir heartful thank to all neighltor and friendywhu so kindly assisted us in the sickness and death of our dearly beloved Mother and for the many floral offer lug. Mrs. X. II. Pendleton Mrs. A. V. IVmllet.ui Mr. l. II. Horarth Party on Steamer Electro Visit Fort Steven and Lower River. William Jefferson Haldcrman, state senator of the first District of Nebraska a prominent banker, enthusiastic, (i, A. K. mcmlier. a veteran of the civil war who was shot three times at (iettysburg and enjoys the distinction of having been incarcerated in the famous An.lersonvilU prison, with I'nited States Senator (' W. Fulton, llvde Fulton and Charles Haldcrman and the Mcsdames Haider man, C. W. and G. C. Fulton and Mrs, Dr. Fulton went to Fort Stevens yester day on the Steamer Electro where they were pioleted through the fortification nfig? Ghe BEBiiPHIVE Our Clearance Sale in The Millinery Department Still Continues SHAPES toe and jc AH Trimmed Shape Mult Go. Head our pries. They are real sur prises, for they give yon an oppor tunity to g.-t hat at almost net to nothing, to finish out the season with 10c, I5c, 25c a 43c Wrapper Will Be Wrapped Up faster than ever this week at (lie price we have set on some excellent Indies' Percale nnd Flannelette Wrap per, 49c. Ladies' Wash Skirts and Kimonai, long or short, at almost any price that will move (hem before fall goods overwhelm us. GINGHAMS, a YDS. FOR jc. As much a you want of these splendid blue 'and white checks, at this price, CHIVILLE ROVING. A very pretty home wedding waa celebrated at the high noon yesterday when M.s Lulu It. t'hiville of Hammond u umrii.'d to Charles It. Hoving of Seattle. The ceremony wu Mrfurmei at the home of the bride by llev. (I, K. l!ydiiiit in the presence of the near. .-I relative and flictid of the con. trueting parties. The guest from abroad were Mr. mid lV,H. . lii.har.U of Portland. 'Mi.-Tma Kirhard. and Harry Kichar.l, also of Portland, participated In the ceremonies, the former acting flower girl and the laitcr carrying the ring to i no improiiseu alter. .Miss hivtlle a sister of the btidc was also present, a well as Mrs. Shields, of .Seattle, Mrs. f. ii. 1 : i. Ini i its and daughter and Mrs. W, T. I.i.-oIisoii and daughter of Portland. I lie happy couple left yesterday after- n i lor Portland wrern they will s-nif a few .lays visiting the fair, after which they will make their home in Seatth. where die groom is interested ill a largo gt'xery i,oin-crn. ANOTHER DIVIDEND DECLARED. Salt Lake t it y I tah. .Inly 12, IW Mr. W. Itrownsoii, SH.ial agent, Port land. Uic. Dear Sir:- We have just declared an other senii annual dividend to our regu lar stork holder of the Western Loan and Savings t o., of live and one haalf r "ill , ml we Ik.ic to im-rcase (hat in the near future, Your truly (signed) p. W. Madsen, president GOOES TO BALTIMORE. lVt.-r Mikkls.m has returned to Haiti more Md where he will continue hi medical studies in the medical seiiisif I lie i e. BORN. To Mr. and Mr. W. A. Craiiam a on, Dr. Till tie w 'm was in attendaaiicn reports mother ml child to be doing well. r NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED HAIR SWITCHES, the new curly effects. FALL MILLINERY STYLES, of new shapes in tilk and chenille. NEW DRESS GOODS AT 48c An elegant line of new dress goods, consisting of 36-INCH SERGES. Plaids and Fancy Patterns, nt, a yard , 48c 44 hc, FRESH FRUIT IS SCARCE Yet wo have all the fruits in the nun Ut in the best the market af ford at price that cannot lie beat. This Week Ve will have a special aale on BARTLETT PEARS, FLORENCE CRAB APPLES and SOUTHERN OREGON PEACHES. Watch this space for the announce ment. Visit our grocery department while buying fruit. It will pay you, Foard Stokes Co. the guests of Col Schnecke.