FRIDAY, AUCUST 18, tooj. Small Ads. on this page are read by those who know Small Ads. J cent a word each Insertion. 30 cents a line per week of 7 days. 75 cents a monthTry them. their value. Try them . J Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge, They will be of .value to you. THE MORMNti ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. You May Want :A furnished house, rooms or store. J . I i. iL. A Stake your wants known w mo -j 2 readers of this paper. If you want ! tenant for a house, aorce reader J j may be the desired party. J J Obtained by Advertising in the X Want Columns of the Morning A&toran. J j ; DAILY ,UUU KCAUtKO SITUATION WANTED. WANTEDA set of books to keep even- j ings. Address It. X. Y., Adrian j office. HELP WANTED. LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R. R. Accounting. $50 to $500 a month sal ary assured our graduates under bond. Our six school the largest in America j and endorsed by all Railroads. Write for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0., Buffalo, N. Y, Atlanta, Ga., La Crosse, VTU., Te--arkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. LOST AND FOUND. -FOUND TWO PAPERS OF NET. Jack Kivari, 103 Snomi avenue. j POUND-GILL NET, NEAR FORT Canby, yellow buoy marked 'K 1"! license number, W.1117. C. D: Stewarts. Fort Canby Life Saving Station. LOST-On AUGUST 13, ON THE PATH from Cunningham to my quarters at Fort Stevens, a gold watch with chain and charm; wateh with closed coat and engraved "Wm. V." on the outside; chain of large links; circular locket en graved "W. S. W." on the outside. Re turn to the Astorian office. Lieutenant Woods, Fort Stevens. LOST EARLY LAST WEEK, EITHER at The Breakers .or at Seaside, self filling fountain pen, red and black rub ber case; large gold stub pen; of in trinsic worth and valued highly as a gift; reward. Astorian office. TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT A small fur nished house or three housekeeping rooms in respectable location. Address, giving terms, Inquirer, care Astorian. Tki&is "ike kiiut of a, iory for NATIONAL MAGAZINE is paying In FVGr.iy Irani town brt 'tl Friend' al'urJ prim oil Quaker spinster on day siiccJuI It uur.kKe f net snuntphf w, a Ycurig pert"3 wbo hnd in Ui wirw of lilt twenty yut I'Vi received audi ieA&L dlsciUuvatbet, 1 Tlie (-W My wm st hr bert on fttlT it r y'.;j(.f r-.iiysi looked oer ftt Uet wiUi a i-uiiit.j ontt-. i"t i.r nTy named. Aunt Pa- tJc if r fte said, U-nslnvlv. -l(t U vm OiA, v.'itliam," said the M Qua ,n!miy, "it wa Uraue I w not a Do (yoxv know of abetter one We want little stories, anecdotes, bits ot verse any ciipbinq from a newspaper, magazine or book tliat has made you Thinll, Lauh or Cry 840 prizes wiil bs given for the best stleo tior.s. 'I en piles of silver dollars a Iuh as the fint ten successful cornoelitorsaie the first aa? is. llie only condition fur entering tliiscnm- 9 petition U tthit you w-id ith yuurciijiping Jl 53c. lor a mx ninnuiv tn.u kubMriptiun to t'..a National Magazine. Adartt JOE CHAPPLE, Editor 40 DCIlCHESTrR AVEMjE. Boston, Mass. 110,000 II TOO DIFFICULT I I Free With Want Ads , " . 1 -V.K-- .,.,:.. l i S3 . . v . x . ktxumti mmvfd it, u U f j,' -t . ( .'y CALL FOR BIDS. NOTICE FOR BIDS. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR THE hot water heating apparatus of the new St. Mary's hospital. Tlans and specifications may be seen at the office of the architect at St. Mary's hospital. All bids to be in on or before the 19th of August, 1903. Right reserved to re ject any or all bids. PRIVATE BOARDING. BOAD AND ROOM WANTED IX private family, town or vicinity, by lady with piano; privilege practicing de sired. Address D 3, care Astoriaq. TYPEWRITERS. BLICK EXSDERFER TYPEWRITERS supplies, repairing. Ross & Ross, 2C0 Stark street, Portland. . HOUSES WANTED. WANTED SEVEN-ROOM FURNISH ed house, centrally located. Blaine Phillips, Astorian. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 400 EGGS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; first-class condition. Ad dress A. Astorian Office. FOR SALE SECOXD-HAXD 7 COL umn newspaper outfit; complete ex cept press; cheap. Inquire at this of fice. FOR SALE HIGH COUNTER, about 8 feet long. Apply at Astor ian office. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TITTLE, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Acting Autistaut Surgeon C.S. Marine KohpIUtl Kervlce. )fflce hours: 10 to 12 a.m. 1 to 4: 20 p.m. 477 Commercial Street. 2nd Floor. OSTEOPATH IST8. Dr. RhodaC. Illi kn. Dr. J. K Hnyd';r OSTEOPATHS. I 573 Commercial St.. Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. ! 4 Commercial St Astoria, Qnn. i Dk. vaugiian, Dkxtist Pytbian IiuiMinir, Astoria. Orpjon Dr. W. C. LOGAK DENTIST 278 Commercial St , HLanahan Building By Special Arrangement with Wadhams & Kerr Bros. THE ASTORIAN has secured a large quantity of their FAMOUS ECONOMY FRUIT JARS One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, will be given with each 2.cent or higher want ad. inserted in either The Daily or The Sunday Astorian. What Mr Fred twer lin Iuy about the KCO.NOMV JAIt ; KerrClti MamifKoturluRComimnv. Purlluml, (r.,.il. (..ntlemeu: Keh rrliik' lo tlir ki'uSHMY Kill IT JAIt. wear ileaetl to K,v tlml we have Wn nt UliiK (hem fur lliw vviim. The lrl yeiir we otdereil Hin t1 r, the iivuiul year ten givm, and thtx year our onler tr iwetily nve ciom. W e Ix'lleve thul wlthm few ynint they will he theuiily Jr in ue: 11 rut. thHUUM' i he mulily of tht'Jnr far exeeln nil nthera ; nwoinl, the jur It miltrv, liHVtiitr h wlile mouth, lhi'rvnretnlly rltaiir.l. The cover I an Military iw the rIiuui ItNelf, while the rnverr on iimny other Jnra are inatle nt aim, willed pruduvvn Kuu when In eonhu t with fruit Km! v.Kt'tuhleti, Th" tioliiti eerliilnty of every fTONOMV JAIl stoIIiiu mnke It the html Jur for cminini; tnirpr. We heMnk a rct Intiirv fr the tCOMOM V JAIt. aeare very truly Juiim, K. I'IIKShk A C. i Jty K. urewier, I'nu. ASTORIAN WANT ADS Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is one cent a word each insertion. Advertisements must be delivered In onr office and paid for in. advance. x v. 4, sS.: f w . tW - (- J ll- THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unexcelled service from the west to the east and south. MaKiK close connections wl;h trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to the far east Prospective travelers desiring infor mation as to the lowest rafs and best routes are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. LIXDSET, Trav. PassengT Agent, U2 Third SU Portland, Ore. PAUL B. THOMPSON PasVgr. Agent. J. C LINDSET, Trav. Passeng'T Agent, Ul Third St.. Portland, Ors. AT SEASIDE THE MORNING ASTORIAN It on Salo at LEWIS & CO.'S DRUG STORE and A MORRISON & GREENEEUAM'S . CIGAR STORE. . ' THE MORNING ASTORIAN 1a on Sale in Axtoiia at J, N. GRIFFIN'S CIGAR STORE, STAR CORNER CIGAR STORE, UTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CIGAR STORE, and THE. ASTORIAN OFFICE, Tenth and Commercial Stj. BUSINESS DIRECTORY FURNITURE. ROBINSON 21 HllDEBRAND Goodman Bldg. 588 Commercial 8t FURNITURE, Carpots, dtdding, Stoves, Matting, Window Shadts, LINOLEUM, Eto. BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar & Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything First Class. Finejt branik 0 Liquors and Cigars MEAT MARKERS. FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wlioliuletii)i ItHiill Ships, Logging Camps and Mills 8up plied on Short Notice. Liv Stock Bought and Sold. WASHINGTON MARKET CHRISTENSEN & CO. Central Meat Market G. W, Murton & Jno. Fuhrman, Prop'i. CHOICEST ntEtSU AxND BALT MEATS PUOMPT DELIVEUY. 542 Commercial St. Phons Main 321 BLACKSMITHS. ANDREW - ASP, Blacksmith. Having installed a Rubber Tiring M-ohine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all klndt of work at reasonable prices. 12th and Duane 8ts. IN PORTLAND The Mornin. Astorian ia for Rale at the news elands of the .- OREGON NEWS COMPANY ' Bituated at HOTEL PORTLAND 147 Sixth Street 125 Sixth Street LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry i The only white labor laundry In tht city. Dot tht best vnork at rtasenablt prioM and li In vry way wcrthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE 8t., Phono 1991. BROKERAGE. j C. J. TUENX'IIARI) ; Ral Ettato, Insuranoo, Commitaior and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offioo 133 Ninth Strut, Noxt to Juitlo Offios. ASTORIA, OREGON. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Clara D. Simpson, TUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Room 2, Over Star Theater. MILK DEALERS. Milk muit Ixi frrU auJ :xt That old and young may mjuir it t IV w know that It evmi tuay (rove a cure For tveaknoea which U m annoying. We Handle only Pun Milk fresh trom Healthy Cows. Morning or night dulivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO, 10th and Duane sire! a. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, milt wood, boa wood, any kind of wood at lowest prloee. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Blaok, Barn on Twelfth, epposita opera heuea. RESTAUANTS. F1RST-U LASS MEAL , for 15c; nice cake, coffee, ie, or dougliuuta, 5c, at V. S. Itchtaur ant. 43 Vmu St. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always fnid'tho Wst 15-cent meal in the city ut the Ilijing Sun Ilestuuruiit. 012 Coin iiierciul St- PHOTOGRAPHERS. A. A. SAARI, PHOTOGRAPHER. Firt-Chus Woik fiuaraiitct'd. Orders taken for H.lurgint' a 212 Fourteenth atryet, opMiit Foard & ,Stokes Co., Astoria, Ofg'iii. HAMMOND DIRECTORY SALOONS HAMMOND. THE LIBERTY SALOON HAMMOND, OREGON. Under New Management. Tbe Best platfe in the City to Spend a pleasant hour. FRED BRENDELL, Prop. Pacillu and Ilenrintta bU., Huniniund. The Hammond. People do not take time to knock AVhen at the end of the walk. Tlio man on the bank of the river, Fine liimrn and cigam will deliver To you y the light of aim or moon, If you call a( the llriminond Salnon, W. STORM, Prop. INLAKTIN'kS palace You will niia it if you don'Mee Mar tin. All Knights of the Pwad, and other Knights, will bo royally entertained here. MARTIN McLAUGHLIN, Prop. IfnmmQiid, " Oregon. T1I15 STAR SALOON "A'inex, I.liir and Cigars. You can upend a pleasant hour here, Pool room in connection. CHAS. McDERKOTT, Prop. Hammond. Oregon, SEASIDE DIRECTORY. HOTELS. PACIFIC COTTAGE hell road, yar the kaih. Ilouma with lumid. laonaljlo piiecs. lee cream parlor and rvfiehuutit of all kind. Shoit onVr. Coffee, eake, eto. MRS. N1XUK WIUJAil3 Trop. THE OSIER CAFE AND Short Order House Oysters, Clam land Crabi in any Style. Home cooking, nothing hut the bent of everything. Short order or regular meals at reasonable jiKa MUS. C. C. OSIKR, Trop. Seaside, Oregon. COLONIAL HOTEL Located in the moit beautiful ipot, over looking the Ovwan. Ninety elegantly ftirnUlied rXHima. Bath Home In Connection. Comfort of home. lkt meals. ttstr, and up. McGUIREVS HOTEL "-'-'--a Urge and Airy Room. Oood beda. Kverything first cla. Kat-- KeaaonaMa Xiniu Street, Seaside, Ore, BARBER SHOP. NEW CITY BARBER SHOP Two I'p todato barbers Shaving, 15c. Hair cutting, 2 Main atreet, next door to City Bakery. RESTAURANTS. LOUIS OYSTER HOUSE CRACKED CRABS, OYSTERS. Clam Chowder a upeolalty. Served any hour of the day. At the end of the bridge. Seatide Oregon, Try tw. We will phae you. THE HEMLOCK CAFE AND OYSTER PARLOR. U gelling U be the leading renort at St-aide. Short order a Kpeelnlty, MRS. II. A. STILES, Proprietor. ' LIVERY AND EXPRESS. Livery Stable Livery, Sale and feed Stable, Saddle Horaca, Firat-Claii Riga, Baggage and Expren. Wood for (ale and general de livery, N. D. B IN & CO., fSeaMde, Ore. WINES AND LIQUORS. THE BRIDGE Ilnrry Kn tju r and Harry Bulger Are now ruiiiiing The Bridge Saloon, where they will be pleased to meot their friend. TUB GEM While at the Heneh (top at The Gem. Pure Liquor, Cool Boer, Highent Grade Cigar, a Specialty. THE OCEAN The rao(t popular million AT SEAS1DK. Billiard nd Pool Hall In connection. B. J. CALLAHAN', Trop , EAGLE SALOON Choice Winea, Llipioia and Cigar. Finest plnve in Seanide to '(nispt a plea' ant hour. FRANK SCOTT, Trop. HOTEL8. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Fined Hotel In the Northweet