FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1905. HIE MORNING ASTORIAN. AbTOMA,OHE.1 THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily by HE 1. S. DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year 00 By mail, per month 00 hy carrier, per month 5 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. 1 'nail, per year, tn advance ..SI 0 Entered as second-class matter JunXfl, 1SW, at the posUiffice at Astoria. Or son, under the act of Coujrres of March S, 1?7. - HrOrcVr for the deUwiiMr of Th Morxisq ArroMAX to ilw rwidwoe or pb of buwiw M p made by pom) card or through trte rhtwe. Any IrrwfcuUrily to iMlwy should b buaediately reported to the offlc of publication. Telephone Main M1. C. M. Schwab is going to Europe to learn shipbuilding. In view of the mess be made of the shipbuilding trust he needs the schooling. Perhaps he'll be gin by "Sohwab-bing" down the decks. The report that the Hon. Hinky Dink, touring Europe as the fit type and rep resentative of the Chicago council, has disguised himself is denounced as a base canard. He only took off his horse blanket weskit because of the heat. Now another sensational autoit is rlaid up for repairs. The speed bacillus seems to- have emulated the historic worm and to have turned. When these experts cannot run machines safely what can be expected of mere amateurs? The head of the greatest life insur an company in England one against which no word of scandal has ever been breathed is paid only 2-3,000 a year salary. Comment? What's the use. tJcary law to its utmost. It may, "( cuiuxe, seem a little unjust that the riiim!u trailA tw to California rather than to Oregon and Washington, or that it is not more equally divided between the three commonwealth. However, the bulk of the trade goes to Valifoiniu and o far as we can oca it will continue to go to the Golden state. The annual trade with China aggregate approxi mately $100.0t,000. We greatly de plore that Oregon does not ahar this trade with California. Yet we realize that our glorious ftate is not o fortu nate, aud do not countenance an ad vocacy which can only reult,in jwpartl king the interests of our very shh1 neighW on the south. While California merchants have, convened and recom mended that congress make om modi fications in tlie exclusion law to jx-rmit bona tide nierehants and students enter ing this country with the assurance that they will be free from molestation. Californuuw have never at any time suggested that the coolies lie permitted to come here, to enforce the exclusion laws without some change means that the boycott will thrive, that hundreds of agencies, representing the fabulous investments of Californians in China will hava to suspend operation and that the nation will retrograde com mercially to the extent of $100,000,000 a year. Let Governor Chamberlain and, in fact the people of Oregon ,bear in mind that when the Lewi and Clark exposition was nothing more than a Urge sized country fair and promised to be an utter failure, California was the first fcta'te to come to Oregon's aid and appropriated $!H),000 for participa tion. in the Centennial; that the Cali fornia promotion committee sent sev eral buudred of California's representa tive merchants to the fair as a further manifestation of good will and that Oregonians onV the rostrum in Festival hall, at the exposition, in the presence of the members of the promotion com mittee, spoke enthusiastically over the the closer relationship of not only Cali fornia and Oregon, but of California and the whole of the Pacific Northwest and cherished a desire for mutual ef fort that would result in a greater Pa cific coast. There is only one decent thins to do assist California to the best of our ability in preserving this trade with China. In the good old days of the Buckeye Serenaders and the Christy Minstrels, audiences always laughed when the pompous interlocutor asked: "Xow, Br'r Bones, can you tVd me what river runs froo Philadelphia ?" and when Bones replied: "You're mistaken, sah! Nuffin rumvnbo- Philadelphia." The minstrel stage lias undergone a great change since then. .The interlocutor, "bones," the impossible plantation negro and the singer of sentimental slavery day songs have made room for a new class of comedians, but the Philadelphia joke is still doing service. Its day has come, however, if the reports from that city may" lie relied upon. A -patrol wagon, so the btory goes, was recentlx called to take a man who had dislocated his shoulder to the hospital.' The horses were driven so quickly and the- injured man was bumped and shaken to such an extent that the dislocated bones were brought into their normal positions and the man arrived at the Loepital considerably ruffled up but re quiring no surgical aid. The unusual treatment will hardly become popular and will not take the place of methods now in vogue, even in Philadelphia, Where the remarkable cure was effected, but it knocks the props from under a shopworn joke which for years has had no foot to stand upon. Something does run in Philadelphia. When a dahk mauV lookiu' fcr a bundle; v But come a time of settlement you're nigh unto that date, For do duhk man' lookiu' fer a bundles Of course tn pony up to hfm will not be very nice, But better make your mind up ere he ask you more than twice, For every time he queries, he just add unto de price! Pay de dahk man lookiu fcr a bundle! C. A LATER DESD0M0NA. i I Vaped the springe of Kosamondj Somehow contrived to miss The lure of Nell, and nimbly shunned of Coralys; From Mabel I made shift to fly, Averting utter route; And timeously did fortify, When Philippa came out. Use breeds a habit, says the bard Againt the charm of Bess, I've steeled a heart, already hard. With flattering success; And yet, the less I yield, the more Her smile are on me cast; I think that she must love me for The dangers I have passed. -Puck. A Touching Story Is the saving from death of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl wa in declining health. with serious throat trouble, and two physicians gave her tip. We were al most in despair, when we resolved to try Dr. King New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief. After taking four bottles she was cured, and is now In perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At Cha. Rogers' drug store. 50c and $1 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. Iff LIGHTER VEIN Governor Chamberlain in an address before t!ie Trans-Mississippi congress at Portland Wednesday declared himself as bitterly opjiosed to the modification of tle Chinese exclusion laws saying that the "influx of a horde of Chinese coolies into the Pacific coat was too high a price to pay for the trade some of our Pacific cw-t merchants are at present enjoying with the Asiatic country." To gether with the tenor of the dispatches reporting 'the meeting which speak of Governor Pardee as referring "laconical ly" to the question of exclusion it is apparent that the states of the Pacific Northwest are allied against their neighbor on the south, California. Why, puch an attitude is assumed we are at loss to understand, unlfe. the executives of Washington and Oregon are prejudiced because tly-ir commonwealths do not enjoy more than a small share of the Asiatic trade. The coolies have no place in the preent discussion of Chinese immigration. Of all the states in the American l"iiion( there is none so bit- terly opposed to the introduction 'of Chinese coolie labor-as California. The Jeary exclusion act was conceived in California and it was largely due to Californians that the enforcement of the exclusion laws was so rigid. Cali lornia has had more than its share of Chinese labor and invariably has taken the initiative in efforts to pu&U the HIS SENSITIVE POINT. Leader of School Lttle Fishes Come on, fellers, let's go and jolly the old octopus. New Little Fish That'll lie fun. How do you do it? Leader of School of Little Fishes Oh, we all get around him and point our fins at him, and yell "Trust!" t makes him crazv. Smart Set. EXPLOSIVE JOKE. They were drilling at the, safe. Said the first cracksman to his pal: "Wot's de- difference, Bill, between us an' de hayseed farmer!" "Dunaj," replied his partner. "W'y, he tills de land an' we land de till." At this point the safe blew up. Judge. CREEPING BRANCHES. ' "Wonderful foliage clown here," sa'id the, man as he loked off across the barren Arizona desert. I could see nothing in sight but sand and eight little pickaninnies crawling in it at play. I asked him what he meant. "I was referring," he replied as he pointed to the pickaninnies, "to those Virginia creepers." Judge. Comforts the beart, strengthens the mind. Is good ill or well Makes the face bright as the summer morn. That's what Hollistcr'a Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Cures when all else fail. 33 cents at Frank Hart'a drug store. BehnRe-WalKer Business College If you are thinking of attending bu inesB college you can not afford to ig nore the best In the northwest,, Our equipment is unsurpassed west of Chi cago. On account of our rapidly inrreas ing attendance WE WILL MOVE October First to 'our elegant new quar ters in the Elks Building now being completed at Seventh and Stark streets. Our graduates are all employed. Placed 207 pupils in lucra tive positions during the past year. Send for our handsomely illustrated catalogue. Free. Address all communi cations to our present quarter in the Stearns Building, Portland. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD 1 iiraiii m Forth Form ana) Complexion Km Imi Ka.f;ti7 fi I "! wk.r.rr ttDlla H I Uatantty etarb4 tkrouta Ik MtM of tk tain ad it woa 4tri aatriiua f u watuag lumte. REMOVING WMNKUtt aatf by auntie, mm appneat Im aftea ahowtat a fowraDi pw"v ... . I. Chart Push rood U alttvr tk i pniu o firm, avail tUM aft lata aaJ ran aa wiw For Dovotoptni tko Boat r Ha MffMMitt attfcj law kat firm, tart m4 mmwiIML SOLD BY OVaJLTatMTBTOMM ARB DIUOOMTO. Itawlar ria, 11 CO a baa. tort to alt wkol tak aStai of this WrXClAl OFM d m oat dollar, ar will aa4 taw (1) koatavia plaia rrapat rrjCP A ) ko (Ml wf , "Art ( met Mf fMy tihiv)4i via ktl M m at aiiv laiv naH W mk as htf (ari WWW ww nmmm m DR. CHARLES CO. TOW 1 Tb Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker,lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let M lend you our fittl book telling U about It. Trpewmrr lupplirt. Mi china rtntrd. Stenofraphtrt fumuhra. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 24? Stark St., Poitiuuu Or, TO A CHUNK OF ICE. Sparkle, sparkle, little chunk, In the summer sTiine What a thrill of joy you bring To this heart of mine! W10 would think, oh, little chunk, Melting on the mat, It was cold enough to freeze You as hard as that! Detroit Tribuncf, LOOKUP FEB A BUNDLE 1 Have a care, good Mr. Witte, as at mouth you sojourn Dar's a dahk man lokin' fer a bundle! And for that package heavy, why, his fingers fairly yearn He's a dahk man lookin' fer a bundle! For long he's fought a goodly fight, and kept you on the run; It hasn't been a sinecure; it wasn't any fun; Yet all the while the little man Las stayed behind the gun Xow, de dahk man's lookin' fer a bundle! , ) A bluff will hold 'em for'a while, and sometimes carry weight, Given Away Free to Everybody Them All Oar Beautiful American Talking Machine Free to Everybody , Purchasing our Teas Coffees Spices China Crockery Glassware Greatest Offer of the Age CUp this Coupon out, bring it to any of our ctorea. Its value la $5.00 worth of Coupon toward getting you the Talking Machine Free Boys, Girls, and Young Ladles this is Tour Chance -Come and See V Great Amcricaa Importlni Tea Co. StorM EYtrywhare 571 Commercial Ktreet,r Astoria. K San Francisro's leading con venience a.'iJ family hutel centrally localeJ. Con venier.t to a'J car lines, and places of amusement and in terest. Cafe and Grill at tached. Rates $ l.CO per day nd up. Street cars direct to hotel Horn and to all depots, HOUSE San Francisco, Cat. CHOCOLATE SETS in dainty designs from $3.75 up. Just the thing for a Present. Yokohama Bazar 628 Commercial Street, Atorl The Astoria i. Restaurant. I' you want a gool, clean meal or if you are in a hurry you should . k go to the 'Astoria, Restaurant This line, restaurant .i thoroughly up-to. date-in every detail. EXCELLENT MEALS. EXCELLENT SERVICll ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Trrs. and Snyt. F L DISUol. Secretary A. I,. FOX, Vlre Pres. I h - AHTU1UA SAVINGS BANK,Treas Designers and Manufacturers of t THE LATEST IMHIOVED ; ; if Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furrmhed. correspondence; solicited. Foot of Fourth Htrret. PRAEL 0 EIGNER TRANSFER COsi Telephone 221. D RAYING 0 EXPRESSING LIVERY STABLE AllBoodaehlpid toourearawill receive ipeclal attention.' 709-715 Commercial Street. -T9 The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Weinhard's LOKBccrc BENTON'S NEW VALVELESS GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple and Reliable. Latest Cut. it V r , m 0 ) ADVANTAGES 1 -Mic&y 'us V lM PiHl to Cit Out of Ordr. UiilWiarlnji PirtL Mom Power with Uu weight. L'ki Lm Gatollnf. Under Perfect Con. trot. Quiet txhjuit. Any Speed from 100 to 1000 revolutioni t permlnutt. THORNBURG BENNETT Hir.en 1 to 10 II. P., Hlnirl I jlltuler. KNAPPT0N, KIzcm & to 40 II. II., Double C J Under. WASH. FOUR CYLINDERS TO ORDER TO fOOi'HORSE POWER. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unexcelled at-rvlce from th'. west to the east and south. Making close connections wlih train of all tranMcontlnental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to the far east. Prospective travelers desiring Infor mation us to the lowest rat's and best routes are invited to correnpond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. 'or Kidnev uiaaaer troubles. Cures in 48Hours URINARY DISCHARGES bears thnm-l0 tman of eounttrf rHl Study the Map Thirteen states and territories of th Middle West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There are more cities of 25,000 population and upwards on the Rock Island System than on any other Wtsttrn'roadt From Minnesota to Texas, from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is Rock Island country. The Rock Island System occupies a strategic position in the western railway world. Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder and study the map ten to one your destination is on the Rock Island or reached by way of it. Note our several offices maintained in the Northwest: - Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Butte and Salt Lake City. The Rock Island is reaching out for busl- , . ness and solicits yours. a." h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, HO Third Street, Portland, Ore. I I.TSBr HI 1 '