THURSDDAY, AUGUST 17, ijoj. - THE A-OKN1NO ASTOK1AN ASTORIA, OIMV 3 k .1 - 4, ALL HE YEAR ROUND AAAJ.t iit I a t t '4 w OWTilC . SQUARE 4-n 1 nuunn 1 r t tt t 1 1 1 1 11 f.i 1 P 1 lid That's Why Wise People ' Trade With irman ' Wise Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore I.HTAULIMIir.I) tm. Capital and Surplus $100,000 J. Q. A. 1UlW.HV.rrMldnl O. I mtlWU.N,. Vlra-Hreildaut MASK PATTOS, CUlr i. W. OAKNEK, AuUUtul Canhler Astoria Savings Bank rapllnl Pntd la lim.MO. urpluanrtttidlvlde4PronuUlft. TmiiMtou Utmernl Blinking BuIium. InUrv.t l'ia ou Tlmo Deposit 168 Tenth Btrt.t, ASTORIA, OREGON. If A Mark of Refinement. ft' (Stag Cleanliness of person ii one of the most distinguishing marks of refinement, ( commands at nil timei the highest respect. To promote cleanliness, install In your -: sleeping prtment or dressing room a snowy. White, one-piece bd4ftT Porcelain Enam eled Lavatory, provided with an abundant flow of hot and cold running water. . Our plumbers are skilled mechanics and do satisfactory work. Let us quote you prices. A.' MONTGOMERY, Astoria Or. JJ AN ASTORIA PRODUCT i Tale Bohemian Beer iWlu The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. I Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Meager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred- Trucks and Fur niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street; Phone Main 121 HUNTING BORDER LIKE. American Surveyor Hampered by High Waur tod Smoke. Victoria, IJ. C Aujr. l.-ittr bate lnn rH-lv(l from KkKy announc ing the arrival thi-re of V. F. Rata of Ottawa, in eliarjw of tb boundary aur vity parly that lia liwn engaged thiw far tliln iwaNon about tti bwadwalera of tbe Kulmon river. J I ba cutnpbftfd lit htbora in the vkinily of Chik-oot in l.'t and will leave tbat district a noon a hi outfit can b moved. Rata will now k up Ttku Inb-t, t of Jutvau, where he will RHri(l the remainder of the iwawin dliniitiiijf tint boundary tin between Alka and Canada. Accord ing to a nit-wnKi from tlie American boundary aurvey par,ty on tlie Tabkin river, xlilcli rmtie into Cliilkat about sW mil)' from JIulnc Miin, the work there ba W'n greatly ' hampered by bijjlj water a til amokw from ("iwt fire. The tiiege. wa JuU-J July 29, WOODBURW HOPMEIT TO FORM ASSOCIATION. Expect to Pay Ont Cent Per Pound for Picking. 'MJt)iirn, Or,, Aug. 1(J. Tbre will be rrprvwntative niMting of tn Imp- growi-ra of Woodburn and the aurround- country in thia city next Saturday afternoon to organize a local aoci tion and formulate plana relative to ImmllliiK tliU yeur'i crop of hop. Tbe aotiation wilt a1o arrange to better the atate of the bop !nlutry in thin ertlon. The kt IrgUbttur provided that the weight of a box of hope ahall be iW ponnda, o the aoclation ' will adopt rulr to have a uniform ayatem of picking in all yarda. Tbi will be fair to both picker and grower, and will be lietter for alow pkkera than the old method of measuring. The price of I cent a pound will prevail. There la abut talk of having an arbitration btard to nettle all controversy that may trine. CORONER PLACES BLAME. Hold Telegraph Operator Retpooaible for Open Switch. , Ck-veland, Aug. NJ. Coroner Siegel Mteia today rendered a verdii t in con tiwtion with the wrecking of the Twen tieth Century limited at Mentor, 0 on tbm night of. June 23, jn which 10 Uvea were lout. The coroner hold that Wal ter Miner, the telegraph operator at Mentor, opened the twitch, thu caua ing the awlderit. In hl verdict the coroner atatea that be I unable to etate whether Miner opened the awitch of hi own violation or on the telegraphic order from hit tierlor officer. 7 be'i MlM. very Intellectual "Oh, man." "What make yon think thatr "I Jodged to from hit talk." "What doe be talk aboatr "He' always talking about how fa tellectoal be ta."-I'lalnfleld Pre Mm. Watkru-lo row know any thing about thia Moroccan quettlon 7 Mm. Wylkmt-No. I only heard a paper read about it by on of the mem bora of oar woman's club. Somervflla Journal. Caaaa I'm y . i . ... ujvr uig-oe m very aruoDorn. He never will give up, Ryer-I wiah I had known It before. I loan! him that teo-Tarrytown (N. YJ An English and an AraHcaa men chant were dlcuaalng the relative lm portanrw f tbelr boatneaaet, "Why," aald tb Eutcllabman, "la my firm the clerks cue 30,000 gallons of Ink year!" "Ob, that's nothlngr retorted the American. "We tared that ranch Ink In a year by ordering our clerks not to dot their fs."-Harper's Weekly. iMfclaar Aea4. First Banker-1 don't tea why yon keep that caahler. Second Banker-Whars th matter with hlmt Flrat Banker-He's extremely caw. leu. Second Banker Thafa on reason why I keep him. He's liable to over look a lot of stuff in case he iklps out Loulsvllla Courier-Journal ! JUST A MOMENTll dt dt dt THUG SHOOTS OFFICES, Bullet la Leg Stops Pursuing Eugene Policeman. Eugene, Ore., Aug. 10. Policeman Farrington wa hot in the left leg nd alightty injured in pursuing a hold up who tried to get tlie content of the Hotel Hoffman till shortly before t o'clock thi morning. The luatkcd, rob ber ordered the night clerk to band over the money in tbe register, but the lat ter aald he had no key. Then the man ran, and Farrington and another ofli cer pui-Kucd. Farrington forged ahead, and the fugitive turned, nhot him and encapcd. A aertlea. "I ain't done nuthlu', ma." I know, Willie, but tbe baby loTen to fee you cry." Topcka State Journal, The Aatorian, 75 ccnU a month. We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art ... Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. , , We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. & dt aj8 The J. S. Dellinger Co., a ' . . s iVTnlrer of All TTitnHca f R s Astorxan Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street 3 81artaalllWrta I r f A lii) m ir jylSii 7n JU n ? I7ill positively euro any case of LTidney op BlofidGP disease not iieydnd the peach of medicine. K3o medicine can do mope. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT IS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES 6Go end $1.00 - . - ' solo m mmmm by Passed Stent and Gravtl With Excruciating Pains A. If. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes: 'I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass Ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good." " Ko Oihtr Rsmidy Can Compart With It Thos. W. Carter, of Asbboro, N.C., had Kidney Trouble and ene bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected perfect cure, and he says there is no remedy that will compare with it. Charles Rogers, Druggist.