TUESDAY, AUGUST , 1905. Hit BvORNiNG ASTORIA, ASTOltlA, OfUXiOA, PORTLAND MARKETS Latest Quotation! in the Portland Produce Mirkcti. Cempiet Market Rprta Corrteted 1eb Dajr Ctvinf U Wholeaal PricM of Coanoditi, Fans FtoJum tad Vtge. ' table. Portland, Aug. 14. Weakening prices of wheat hev no effect on ih flour market yet, the milt r flgitrinK on what they paid 'r the old crop. A buoy MHiium l exacted all around hm the nw crop diHt bruin to move. as minv ahiim wilt U needed to take Jt away. told dturaif liuttrr baa Wn tlirown upon the market in i)ul(lcruble iian titv. and thia lias steadying effect on the price of bt grades of amy cream ery, of which tbere Is a sulhVleut supply for those who desire tlia bet regardless of prli. t'hli-kena cleaned up well Saturday, nd romniiMlon men exect a lively movement tbla week, but not at high irli'e. I'ptown retailer say the de mand I not so K"",l a " ' Ju,v ami that ahould ri"S advance the con sumption of chicken would ba re slrliled. Fruit nii!r ba a'wrri on the mar ket auain. after an alwenr of two wwk, The demand fr fruit auar i beavy at thia time. A carload of Lodl watermelon raied tbU city today, and amed to rrlleve the scarcity. Orrrn apple are scan on account of the fruit inflection, which abut out all InlWIed fruit fnmj the markrt. Tbe crop i. light at bet. . Traill Tlnur tA Tif. Flour-Patnls, MMffljS.lO per bar Teh tralbta. 14 4231 cleara, 13733 Valley, 3.Wif 4.23 j Pekota bard wheat, M.S0g7JW Graham, I3.50?4i whole wbeat, 4f:4.23i rya flour, local, IS; Lantern, 3.BO(J3.00 oornmeal, pt kale, l.Mr2.20. Wheat-New (lub, 72(573 per bushel; ew bluentem, "7aS0; per bushel, new valley, 73c. OeU.-No. 1 while, feed, 20(20 per tont gray, t20. MIIItufrHran, 119 per ton mid dlinge, t24.40 short. 21 shop, f. 8. milU, $10; linseed dairy feed, 118; Afal fa meal, $18 per ton. Cereal Food liolled oaU, cream, 00 pound sacks, $d.75j lower gradea, 53j .oatmeal, steel cut 50 pound sacks, 8 per barrel j 10-pound aacka, $4.23 per bale; oatmeal (ground), 30 pound aacka, $7.30 per barrel j 10. pound aack. $4 per bales split peaa, $3 pet 100 pound aack) go-pound boxes, $l.40j pearl barley, $4.25 per 100 pound; 25-pound boxea, $1.23 per boxt'paatry AWi 10-pound aacka, $2.30 pet bate.. ' Hay. Timothy, $K1(?18 per ton; nrw, lll2i : elover, $Bf0j grain, t8$; Cheat, $8. ,' ; v aaaaBaassessswaaasn a - , ' " Butter, tut, Poultry, ate. Butter City creameries,? extra cream try, 221(3230 per pound atata cream- erlesi Taney creamery), 20(322 IZCj atore butter, 13 10. , Egga-Oregon ranch, 21 l-222o per doten; Esstcrn, 20(8,21c. Cbeeea-Oregon full cream twin, 12c. 8e Young America, 13c. ,. Poultry-Average old hens, 12 1-2 l4o mixed chicken, 12312 l-2c; old roosters 1010li young rooster ,11 121 spring, 1 M to 2 pounds, 16 l-217j to 1 1-2 pounda, 10a'l7e; dreaaed chicken', 1314ct turkeyi, alive 18 Iflcj turkeya, choice, 20(22 l-2ci geeae, live, per pound, 6lcj geeae, dreaaed, ier pound, 910c( duck, old, 13c; duck young, 1014; pigeon, $ll-25j aquaba, $S2.S0. vecreranie. rruni. eic .Appb, table, $l.R02.50 par box; Cherrlea 7(?12 1-2 per pound. Apprleot 0Oc$l per crate. 7 l'eaebea 7390 per crate. ' " rium-25(gitOc per crate. V " Ml I VJ K j". - . I - Teara $255 fer box. Currant 80 per pound. rrunea 83c(J$l. 1 ltapberrle--l.25 per crate. Watermelom lo pcr"pound.v. : -'- i.irn..i .HI IHT LIILQ. MyTao appie-"0"c per w. tropical fruit I-emon, choice $4.30 (58.50. Orange, naval, fancy, $2.502.75 per box; choice, $2(2-30, atandarf, fl.50 $1.75j Mediterranean awect. $2.50Tb2.75 Valencia, $3.253.78.- ' ' Grape fruit 2.50(5 3 per box. Banana 3 l-2c per pound. " rincapplea $.50 4 per doaen. Fresh Vegetable. ' I rtichokes 60c doren. . -, Dorm 11 1-4c per pound. ..Cabbage, 11 l-tojer pound. Cauliflower 75ft 00c per down. Corn-78a$l. ' ' Cucumbera 23(250 per box, : Egg Plant-17 l-820e. f "7'araley 25e per 4ocea. raa 2(J6e per pound. reppera 18 per pound. lUdiabea lOlfe per doaea. Rbubarb 1 1-22 l-2c per pound. Tomato $8$1 per erat. ', fkjuaab So per pound. Koot Vegetable Turnip, 1.40 per aack) carrot, X&$SR pet aack j beet, $lijl.25 per aackj garlic, 121e par poitnd. - Onion California red, $1.23 per bun dredj yellow, $128. rotator Oregon, new, 50(3$1 Cal ifornia, new, 83c(g$l. lUUlna Loo Muacatela, 4 -crown. 7? unbleached, aeedlea Sultanaa, 6c) Groceries, Wuta, Xtc Coffee Mocha., 2fl28cj Java, ordin ary, 18$22e Coat Rlc, fancy, 18($20cj good, 10(il8ci ordinary, lOlZc per poundi Columbia roaat, caaea, 100a, $13.75) 50a, $13.78; ' Arbuckle, $14.73; Lion, $14.75. Bice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $3.37); Southern Japan, $3.50; Carolina, 5(?0icj broken bead, 2fe. Salmon Columbia river, 1 -pound tall, $1.75 per dozen; S pound tall $2.40; 1-pound flub, $1.B5; fancy, IIJ. pound flat, $1.80; pound (lata, $1.10; Alanka pink, 1-pound tall, 8.V; red. 1- pound tall, tl-30; aockeye, l-pjund tall, $1.85. Sugar Sack ll, 100 pound: Cube, $3.C3; powdered, $5.40; dry granulated. 3.3)! extra C, 14 80; golden C4.70;frult tugar, $3.30; advance over aack baia, aa follow! Barrel, 10c; , half-barrel 2.V; boxea, 60c per 100 pound. (Term! On remittance within 13 day, deduct l per pound; if later than 13 day end within 30 day, deduct lo per pound; no dliu-ount after 30 daya.) Beet tugar, graunlated, $350 )cr 100 pound; maple ugar, 15(3 lHc per pound. Salt California. $11 per ton, $1.00 per bale; Liverpool, 0Oa, 117) 1KM. $10.30; 200, $10; half-ground, 100, $7; 50. $7.30. Nut Walnut, 13e per pound by aack, 1c extra for leaa than aack; Bra ill nut, 15c;' filbert, 14c; pecan, Jum bo, 14c) extra large, 13c; almond, I. L, lfl!''i cbcatnuta, Italian, 15c; Ohio, $4 50 per 25-pound drum; peanut, raw, $7C per pound; roaatcd, 9c pine nut, 10(S$ 12c; hickory nut, 7c; cocoa- nuta, 7c j cocoanut. 35fi00c per dou-n. Bean Small while, ' 3j!j4jej large white, 31; pink, 3i3c; bayrm, 41c; Lima, Cfo. Dreaaed Heal. Beef Ireiiej bulla, l(J2o per pound; cow, 334jc; country ateers, ff3c. Mutton Ireed fancy, 5c per pound) ordinary, 4. Veal Dreaaed 100 to 125 poumlt, 7 7 1-2) 123 to 20p pounds 3(sl); 200 pouad and up, 3 2Hi cent. Pork-Preamtd, 100 to 150, 7(&71c; 150 and up, C(S 7c per pound. -Proviiioni and Canned Meat.. , Ham 10 to- 14 pound,' 13Jo per pound; 14 to 10 pound, 131c; 18 to 20 pounds, 131c; California , (picnic), 0c; cottage ham, 9c;.houldera, 9c t boiled ham, 21c; boiled picnic bam, bonclcta, ISo. BaconFancy breakfast, 19c per pound; atandard breakfast, 17c; choice, IS 1 2c; English breakfast, 11 to 14 lb.., 14 l-2c) peach, bacon, 13 l-2c. SauKage Portland, bam, 18c per pound) minced bam, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 171o; bologna, long, He; weiner wurat, 8c; liver, 60 ; pork, 9oi blood, 5c; headcheese, 6c; bologna aautagc, link. 41c . , Dry Salt-Cured Regular abort clear, 10) salt; U 14 smoked; clear backs 11 alt, 11 imoked; clear bcllirs, 14 to 17 pounds average, none salt, none smoked; Oregon export, 20 to 25 pounds average, 11) salt, 12) smoked. Lard Leaf lard, kettle-rendered ! TIDE TABLE, AUGUST AUGUST,'1M5. High Water. Date. A.M. h.mTfftT P.M h.m. Tuesday 1 0:28 1:13 2:00 2:4 3:40 4:3S 8:45 7:00 8:20 9:35 1:36 2:l 2:55 1:35 Wedneadoy J Thuriday ........ S Friday Saturday 5 4:18 8:05 5:59 5:67 8:03 :0 SUNDAT u Monday ......... 7 Tuesday 8 Wedneaday Thursday ........10 Friday .'. 11 Saturday 12 10:39 (.4110:08 11:32 5.8 11:00 SUNDAY IS 12:18 11:52 12:68 1:34 2:0 2:40 3:10 i:Si 4:09 4:44 6:25 5:18 7:22 8:30 9:35 10:33 SUNDAY 13 Monday 14 Tuesday 15 0:3!) 1:17 1:58 2:82 3:09 8:47 4:201 8.7 84 8.1 7.7 7.S .8 3 Wednesday 1 Thursday .'....17 Friday . . Saturday SUNDAY ..20 ........2t ........22 Monday Tuesday .., Wednesday Thursday ,. Friday . , . . Saturdny .. SUNDAY . Monday ... Tuesday . . :3U t.l 23 24 :29 7:45 :04 e s 2 .2fi!l0:0 27 10:58 2S'll:42 291 ll:26i 12:2.1 1 Wednesday 'Thuisday .. ....,30 0:15 t:03 Tierce, 9c; tub, 9le; 50, file; 20 10c; 10, I0c; 10J. Standard, pure Tie roe, 82c; tuba, 0e; 50a, Sc; 20a, 9Jc; 10a, 91c; 5,. 6Jc . Compound Tlercea, c; tub, 6c; 00, flje, 10, 6Jc 5, 61c. ' . Pickled Good-Pork, barreU, $18 half -barrel, $9.50 ; beef, barrel, $12 half-barrel, Canned Meat Corned beef ound per doien, $125; two pound, $2J5; aia pound, $8- Roaat beef, pound, $125; two pound, none; tlx pound, none, Ruait beef, tall, pound, none; two pound, $2-33; lx pound, none. Lunca tongue, pound, $3.18. lopa, Wool, Hides, Etc Hop Choice, 1904, 17(3 19o Pr pound Wool Eastern Oregon, average beat 1921c; lower grade down to 15c, ac cording to brlnkge; Valley, 527 per pound. , Mohair Choice. Si38c per pound. Hide Dry bide, No. 1, 16 pound nd up, 16&16) per pound) dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 10 pound, Il13c per pound; dry calf, No. 1, under S pound, 1718e; dry talted, bulla and atg, one-third lea than d.y flint; (eulla, moth-eaten, badly cut, ecored, murrain, bair-alipped, wejitber-beaten or grubby, 2$3e per pound leaa); salted bides, ateera, sound, 60 pounda and over, 9 10c per pound; 50 to 00 pound, 81(9e per pound; under 80 pound and cow, 8gDo per pound; salted atags and bulla, aound, 6c per pound; salted kip, sound, 15 to 30 pound, 9c per pound; salted veal, aound. 10 to 14 pounds, 0c per pound; aalted call, sound, under 10 pounds, lOo per pound; (gren unsaltcd, 1c per pound le; culls, lo per pound less). Sheep akuisi Shearling, No. I butchert atock, 23g30c each; ahort wool, No. 1 butchers' atock, 40150c each; B'cdiuni wool, No. 1 butchers' atock, 00r?Wc) long wool, No. I butcher' stock, $1(31.60 each. Murrain polt from 10 to 20 per cent lea or 12 QUfl per pound; ; bora bide, aalted, each, according to !, $!JW)fj3; dry, each, according to aixe, $1 1.60; colt' bide, 25 (g 50c each; goat (kin, common Uiffii.'M each; Angora, with wool on, 23c($l.50 each. Tallow Prime, par pound, 3)$4c; No. 2 and greae, 2 (3 3c Fur Bear tkins, to size, No. 1, $2.501110 each; cuU, $lg2; badger, 25 (5,50c; wild cat, with bead perfect, 25 50c ; house eat, 6(5 10c; fox, .cemmon gray, 6070c; red, $35; cross, $5(gl5; silver and black, $100(3200; fluhers, $5 6; lynx, $t.50(,6; mink, strictly No. 1, according to ala, $1(52.50; martin, dark Northern, according to size and color, $2.30 ft 4; muskrat, large, 1015c; skunk, 4050c; civet or polecat, 510c; otter, Urge, prime akin, 3i(gl0; panther, with bead and clawa perfoct, $25; rac coon, prime, 30(3 50c. mountain wolf, with bead perfect, $3JW(35; coyote, 60e Pj$I; wolverine; $08; beaver, per akin, large, $50; medium. $3$4; small, $10 1.50; kiU, 50S75& Cascara Sagrada (Cliittam bark) Oood, 31(?8 per pound. Grain bag Calcutta, 7S7)c. ; Ol!a. . Turpentine Canes, 860 per gallon; barrel, 80c per gallon. White Lead Ton lota, 7)c; 500-pound lots, 71c; lesa than 500-pound lota, 8c, Gasoline Stove gasoline, eases, 23)o iron barrets, 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; Iron barrels or drums, 26c. Coal Oil Cases, 20)c; iron barrels, 14c; wood barrels, 17c; 03 deg., caaea, 22c; iron barrels, I5)a Linaeed Oil Raw, 5 'barrel Iota, 62c; 1 -barrel lots, 63c; cases, 68c. Boiled: 5 barrel lots, 64c; l barrel lots, 65c; case, 70c . . - . Wlien you feel a sense of weight and oppression after meals, it means indi gestion. llollinter'a Rocky Mountain Tea positively cure indigestion, contiti pution and stomach troubles. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets at Frank Hart's drug store. AUGUST, 1905. Low Water. A.M. P.M. ft Dnte. I h.m. I ft hTm7f t f.9 Tuesday 1 7:181-1.6 7:272.4 8.1 Wednesday 2 7: 68-1.0 8:11 11 8.3 Thursday 8 8:37-0.7 8:55 1.8 8.5 Friday 4 9:20 -0.2 9:44 l. 8.5 Saturday i 5 10:00 0.4 10:40 1.5 8.4 SUNDAY 10:4 1.111:41 1.4 8 2 Monday 7 1U3 1.8 8.1 Tuesday 8 0:49 1.3 12:41 1.5 8.2 Wednesday .... . 9 2:01 1.0 1:55 3.0 8.3 Thursday 10 3:14 0.8 3:09 3.2 8. Friday .....11 4:17 0.1 4:18 8.2 8.8 Saturday 12 6:14 -0.3 5:17 . 7.2 SUNDAY 13 5:02 -0.6 5:10 2.7 8.7 Monday 14 5:45 -0.7 5:67 2.6 7.4 Tueaday 15 7:24 -0.5 7:37 1.4 7.7 Wednesday 18 7:69 -0.2 8:14 2.3 7.7 Thursday 17 8:30 0.4 8:49 2.1 7.7 Friday 18 8:68 0. 9:24 2.2 7.7 Saturday 19 9:23 1.3 9:59 1.1 7.7 SUNDAY 20 9:48 1.8 10:38 2.1 7.6 Mondoy 2110:17 2.3 11:25 21 7.5 Tuesday ...2210:58 2.8 , 7.5 Wedneaday 23 0:12 1.0..... M.. 7.4 Wednesday 2311:45 3.2 7.4 Thursday... 24 1:25 1.8 12160 8.5 7.8 Friday 25 2:83 1.4 2:15 3.8 7.9 Saturday 26 8:38 0.9 3:35 3.5 8.3 SUNDAY 27 4:84 0.3 4:40 3.1 8.7 Monday 2S 6:24 -0.2 5:31 2 5 7.9 Tuesday .; 29 8:08 -0.5 8:17 2 8.4 Wednesday 30 6:51 -0.6 7:10 1.5 8.7 Thursday ........31 7:31-0.5 7:4$ LO Snaiay Excorjloa u Vortk BeacK Tb Ilwaco Railway and Navigatio Company are aelling tomi trip tickeU very Sunday from Astoria - to all eotU, at a rate of one dollar for tbe point on Long Beach, including Nab rouad trip. ,.'.,. IHt Craad Ixcnralo, Elk' grand excursion to Portland on Wednesday, August 16, 1903. Tb fst steamer Telegraph will feav Callender dock at S o'clock a. m. TickeU, $1J0, round trip. - - . OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW OP IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT, WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THE MORNING ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN ANY CITY OP ITS SIZE. WILL YOU help usr ' TELEPHONE MAIN 661 and I WILL CLI AND TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. , f ; . Emii Held Advertiaing and Circula tion Manager, THE MORNING ASTORIAN. P. 8. if you live out 'of town writ or our plan, , MEDICAL. THE Dr. C. GEE WO Chinese Medicine Co. Forrmrly locate! 253 Alder Street: for the past l)veycara,HAVE AMOVED ino the NTai8"Mirgt tbe eotith-e&at cor ner of First end Morrison Streets. En tn.nceNo.lWI'rontSt . , Successful Home Treatment j I r. V. UKR WO la known thmnehnnt the Culled Stauw, aii it railed the (iruai Chinese !i, Uir 00 m--oiiiit of hl wonderful cam wlihmii (he aid of a knlle, wltlmut Uklng noiMin or (I imofnv kind. He i renin inv and all dlM-ane with imwerful oriKnUI ioiHk neiiw, imr, ami vi-kcuidim Mini aro un known to medical aelenee In this connlry, and OinttiKh Hie uae nf l!iee liarinlcua reme die hefuaranlee lo cure Catarrh, Aithma, Lung Trouble, Rheumetiim, NtrvouincM, Stumach, liver. Kidney, Female Wcikness and all Chronic Diseases. ( all or write, enrliwlax I t-ceot stamp for tiiallln liook andrlreolar. Addrem, The G Cm Woo Chinese Medicine Co., No. 161 1.2 rirat SL. IE. Cor Morruon. Mention tills PnrtfanJ fw.n. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. .iAUiilii.il you willbe Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your ticket read over the Dea rer and Rio Grand Railroad, the "Scenlo Line of tbe World." BECAUSE There r ao many scenic attrac tions and points of Interest along the tin between OgJen and Den ver that tb trip never become tiresome. If you ar going East, writ for In formation and get a pretty book thai will tell you ail about It - -W. C. McBrlde, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S- CO. Far inoluding berth and meal, $15; Round -trip, 125. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancisco with Rai) and Steamer Lines for South, em California. O. W. KOI1EUTS, Agent. Aatoria, Oregon. ' A. O. D. KERFJXL, Gen, Pas. Agent San Francisco, CJ. STEAMER KAHC0ITA - - , Leave Astoria on tbe Tide DAILY FOR ILWACO. connecting ther with a fgr Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach potnta. Returning ar- rlv at Astoria earn evening. rhrough ticket to ana from aU prla- clpal European cltte. G. W. ROBERTS, Acent, Astoria, Or. aw .-vw a m 2 TRAVELERS' QUI08. ASK Any TRAVELER and h will ' tellyoatb .1 IB'' Electric Lighted. U tH Crtck Trtls of ttea ill for C0MF0KT SI ELEGAHCE- Thefticiet office at Portland is 5S Morrison St., Cor. 3d. at A. D. CHARLTON, Astittact General PaMeoger.AgenL PORTLAND, OREGON. "Best by Test" A trans continental trav-' eler says: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com- fort" every night in the year 5 between Minneapolis, St. PauJ and Chicago. rielhr suiting on atrip no matter where write tnr Interesting lnfonna tloo about oomforUble traveling. tLLSISLER, General Ajent 132 Third SL Portland. Oregon. T. W.TfsRDALf. Oeoeral PauMtiirer Agent, til Paul, Minn, i"ff 1 einoiiiia! The land of fruit, flower and aun- blne. where all th Bummer sports may b enjoyed la winter. PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via . THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated booklet and (older, descriptive of the many charm ing winter resorts, may be secured from any Southern Pacific Agent, or address W. E. COMAN, G. P. A, Portland, Ore. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS TIA To Spokaissv St Paul, Minneapolis, - Ouluth, Chicago, St Louis, and all point aat and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer sod The Fast Mail Z SPLENDID SERVICE 1 ' UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYE Daylight trip aorosa th Cascade and . Rooky Mountain. ' For tlckata, rate folder and full In formation call on or address . H. DICKSON. . ,, City Ticket Agent 121 Third Street Portland. Or. . O. YERKES, A, G. P. A, Corner First avenue and Tester way Seattle, Waah. , , , . , WE GIVE EXPEDITED - , 8ERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. Th Worlda Fair Reut. . I8d TRAVELERS GUIDE. r ; THE IIL7AUKEE r. "Tb Pioneer Limited" St Pant t CH- go. "SJwrt IhuT Osaka t . Cakaga. Sogti-Vt Limited" Kaaaaa Ko train in tb aerriee-ol any rai road la tb world that MUaLs ia muJo ment that of the CUeago, Kilvaokat 4k SL Pad Sr. Tbey own and operato their own sleeping and dining ear 0 afl their train snd gire their patm aa excellence of serrke not obtainable else where. . . . Bertha 00 their sleepers are longer. higher and wider than in aimilar ear oa nj other line. They protect their train by the Block ayetera. V?;'-!-.. Connections made with all tra&i-coa tinental line la Union Depot. Her tales Dansk, Svenak og Nor. Hier wird deutch gesprocben. H, 8. Bowe, General Agent, Portland. Oregon. 134 Third Street corner Aldeti A.&C. R. R. TIME CARD. .EFFECnVE JUJTE 24, 1905.. .. Lew t PORTLAND Arrive 800a.m Portland Cnioo 11.20 im 7 00p.m. depot for Aitoria 9.50 p.m T2,3flp.m i . - ., Lt ASTORIA Antra ' ' ' ! r 7.45 a m j tor Portland and ll-SOa.a 6.10 p.m way poinU 10-SO pn SEASIDE DIVISION Lcav ASTORIA Arrive 11 35a.ro for Seaside Direct .gap p.m Leav ASTORIA. Arrive M5a.m for-Warrentoa I0:45a.a 110an. Hammond, Ft V 11.00a.m. 5.60 p.m (Stevens, Seaside) 7:40 a,m Leav SEASIDE Arrive 5 .-00 p m for Astoria Direct 12 JOtTm Leave SEASIDE. Antra 6.15 a. m ( for Warren ton Ft ) 9 25a.m t.30p.m. Steven. Ham- V lOp.m. S.4Ua.m I moDd.Atoria ) 7., Saturday only, urday. i Daiiy except Sat- Through ticket and close connection via X. P. Railway at Portland and Gobi and O. R. 4 N. via Portland. J. a MAYO, General Freight and Passenger Agent "OREGON Shorj Line and UiHionRicinc mm. It hour from Portland to CUcags. No shang of ear. . TIME 8THEDITLES Depart From Arrive PORTLAND Chicago Portland Halt lake, Denver. Ft 8peetal ,. Worth, Omaha. Kan- i 36 P IS m. aCltj.blUBl. . via HuoU Cbicso aud Uie Kat ' ' log ion Allan tie . hxpre iRalt Uke, Denver Yt ' ?; ' Wnrth. Omaha. Kun- 7 :15 a im via UunU wts City. 8t bonis, lugton :CIhcho ud the East : gUPsnl ! Walla Walla. leW Kant Mall too. Spokmie, Mlnoa- clp. m. sill's. Ht Paul, Duluih t)0nm vlaSo- jVllwaiikee, Chleuao, P kane ,aod Umi i ' Dally ex- Columbia Rver to 4 a tu eept Sun- i-orilaud aud Hay Daily ft day atram Undiu(s ept Mo SCHEDrjLE OF T. J. P0TTE8. For AuRast. 19T5. j KEMAMOWOMEI. -tlEKn'V 1 CiBi4forBiintni la 1 u 1 4.r I oiciiari(,iiinino.a Sivumi ll lrnuti.tif or alcrivin( m. t .u.,ur.. nf niHcoa aMmaraaa. iTHE EVMSCnMIRJI1 CO. gi-ut or Boi.oauu. e.. mmtm Cul. P.iiiIma. and aot attrio JISCllMU.Ijr-'l Sl by Irs4a, . . , l or ami la alaia wraaiiw. b tiprM. araaaia, IOC si.oe. r 3 b.iti u . s a . S a DATE I II fi I I a, : as $ w "ipi"w;'TlbTo0 s aTTi Au it 10 W.i'i! 4 45 S.00 .16i 4 Mi H 11 11.50 .V) S.0O .la. 4 lii 14 St. 12 11. 7 t i ; u 13) . .4Si 4.45i U 14 .. j I U 1 . 1.1.1 45 11 09: on( ik . IS i 10 SO l .4Si 6v IT IT 8 00; J0U 4 00 S.U U l"w 11 - ! SO'! l 4 40 5 M life 1 9t, 1J 1U.40, 4 40) j. a S.ffi 6 4.1' l!4 , , tt ti eoi t.M ...... .! !. ' . l. 2 45 i.44 21 . 4 00 SO) : at J.-..- .30 113 4 15 a Sat. Ss 1.00 7 00 , i . r I a.oo a.is 4.15 a a iP 7 15 1.13 3U ..... ...... 10.4J U.01 7.00 . 9 81 S.lSf 2.15 Sept. 1 .... I 11.15 l.aOs .30 Septl Sat. lO.Oi) .O0 .... t .... '.. .. ... U.,...t .-. lj T .W ' " tirculaf aaat a raaaat. Celery 76 85. .... 21 1:0