The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 12, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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cloud of amoke rose thousands of feet J were guests at the Occident yesterday.
skyward, completely enveloping the con
tiguous country.
Jack t.rant of Portland in visiting rel
atives and friends in Astoria and will
To other Area are loos ted on thit remain about a week.
Five Forest Fires in Timbers Near
This City.
Acres of Timber Being Consumed by
Fierce Fires River Above Tongue
Point Enveloped in Smoke Three
Fires Near Saddle Mountain.
No less than five forest fires, some of
them apparently serious, are raging
within a 50-mile radius of Atoria. The
skies yesterday in almost every direc
tion were overcast with great formid
' aide-looking clouds of smoke and from
the river the individual fires were easily
discernible. . Probably the largest fire
i in the tinx river region, where
Asmus Prix has been logging. t
Mr. Prix, who returned jfesterday
from a trip to South Bend, believes that
the fire is not in green timber, but tlie
amount of smoke that emanated from
across the river would indicate that the
fire is large and possibly eating its way
into diver acres of good lumber. To
those oh the river it appeared that the
mouth, hidden by a big bank of fog, was
lying a few mile east of Tongue point.
From the surface of the river this dense I
tide of the river, three about northeast
of Saddle mountain and one in the di
rection of Nehalein. Thit . lat looked
II. S. Prawn of Paker City i visiting
friends in the city.
C. 0. ralmherg hit the Trail in Tort-
to be the largest of the four and, may land yesterday.
result in serious loss of timber. Con
sidrrable smoke was seen to rise from
Knsppton and some believed a fire wa
raging there also, The smoke, however,
came from a sawdust pile which was
fired at the Knsppton mill yesterday
morning. :
A. .1. Olsen of Portland was in the city
yesterday on business.
Mr, R. G. Prsel and Mrs. C. H. Cab
lender are in Portland attending the
F. D. Everett has returned from his
annual vacation.
Mrs. Fred White and Miss White of
Cat his met were in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Peterson of Skamokaaa was in
the city yesterday.
R. P. MagrumU-r of Portland registered
at the Parker yesterday.
John Ci. MiCue returned yesterday
from a visit to the fair.
Judge C. H. Page went to Knappa
yesterday to attend the funeral of the
late James Prown.
Norri Staples and wife have returned
from a week's viit to Portland snd the
O. Mooney"of Hcppner registered at
the tVecident yesterday. .
J. J. Carvin of La Oande is visiting
in the city.
R. L Mellinger of Los Angeles is
registered at the Central.
Fred Brendell and wife of Portland !
Miss Ruth Oarner left for Portland
yesterday morning on a visit with
J. C Higgenhotham and wife of Port
land are visiting in the city,
C. L. Itaxlett of San Francisco was
among the arrivals in the city yesterday.
Mail Carrier (Jus Fricke left for Port
land yesterday on hi annua) vacation.
C. W. Holmes was a passenger on the
up-river train this morning.
W. A. Davidson and wife. Miss Annie
K. Pwvidon and C, L. Davidson of
Eureka arrived in the city yesterday
on a short visit.
Archie McLean went to Portland ves-
terdsy to take in the fair.
Miss Clare Munsen of Skipanon is in
the city visiting Mrs. Meglar-Heddick.
P. J. Flynn of Portland was a visitor
in the citv yesterday.
H. M. Rounds of Warren, Ta., is visit
ing friends in the city.
Asnius Prix returned yesterday from
a trip to South Ilend.
I. Samuelson and wife of llyanni.
Neb,, are in the city, vi-iting r. Sam
udson's brother, J. S. Dcllinger,
H. C. Ferris of the Filers llano house,
Portland, is in the city installing the
new pip? organ in the Kpicoal church.
Waiters and Cooks at Local Hotel Turn
There was a small riot at the Oeei
uent hotel Thursday night. For sev
eral years the hotel has employed Chi
ricse cook,, claiming that It was liupos
sible to secure competent white cooks,
Two weeks ago all the white waiters
were discharged and a number of col
oied waiters brought .down from Port
land. The colored . bis'n had no ue for
the Chinamen and their objections was
claimed that they were there first. War
was declared and a scrimmage ensued
in which the. 'negroes won out and the
Chinamen were put out on the sidewalk.
Yesterday Charles Wright went to Port
land to secure white or colored cook
and China will have a taste of the recent
boycott inaugurated against American
Contractor W. A. Goodln yesterday
completed the improvement of Ninth
street from Astor to the waterfront,
and it will probably be accepted by the
city today. In making the improvement
It was necessary to cut off about ten
feet of the Sanborn cnal warehouse
which was Vending in the street.
Skipper Riggt, Formerly of Steamer
Chas. R. Spencer Cf ta Berth.
Yesteiday Captain Arthur lUggs, who
has Wn pilot on the steamer Charles
It. Spencer, wa appointed captain of
Telegraph, and assumed hi duties ye.
I "Way. The steamer will h taken off
the ways today, all the repair having
ls-en made, and will come to Astoria
in-xt Tuesday, and on Wednesdasy will
take the Klks excursion to Portland.
The Sjieneer and Telegraph are alioiit
evenly matched for speed and a race is
Wing arranged fur between the two
Walter (V Smith and wife to Frank
C. Avery, lots 1 and 2, block 5, Smith's
Warrriitniii consideration, $723,
Vnitcd States to Pauline Junttl, 100
acres in section 11, township 0 north,
range 8 west) patent.
St. Paul, Aug. ll.-Laie this after
main the first meeting of the annual
national convention of the German Kp
worth league was held In the First Her
man Methodist Episcopal church. Rev,
II. F. Lange of Walla Walla, Wash., re-
sHnded to an address of welcome.
San Diego, Cel., Aug. 11. The court
of iinuiry In the Pennington disaster
has completed Its investigation and the
members will now prepare their report.
This will be presented to Admiral Good
rich and by him forwarded to Washing
ton, where, presumably, it will be made
James Bay Athletic Associate Four Car
riers Pennant.
Victoria. It. C. Aug. 11. At the re
gatta of the North Pacific Amateur Ath
letic, association this afternoon the
tames Pay Athletic association four of
Victoria won the junior singles In 0:07.
with Vancouver three and a half
tongths U'hind. Nelson was a close
third. George I.uders of Portland won
the junior singles from M. Finlayson of
Victoria In 11:15 4 3, Finlayson was
When you are In need of NODDY elotb
Ing We offer
Two Piece Suits, made of homespun.
Cassimeres, and Worsteds at
$10.00 hSit
Young' Men
We are showing some really artistic
patterns in grays and Drowns,
These' are made right and priced right
while they last
The Dressy Shop for Dressy Men.
Today We Continue Our Big' Sale
Broken lots, sample lines and high grade merchandise of all descriptions, all go together to-make this great sale what we in
tend it shall be: - .
And a boon to every housewife who avails herself of the Bargain News this page foretells. Truck load after truck load of New Autumn Merchandise is crowding iu
upon us at such a tremendous rate that in order to make room for its reception we had to resort to drastic method. Read this Ad. Through Carefully and miss not .1 line"
Every article listed here means big savings to those who participate. On the items listed no 'phone orders be filled and no sales rnake except for cash. "
Exceptional Bargains in Table Linens,
Towels, Etc.
The largest and most complete
itock in the city to select from.
45c TABLE DAMASK, 29c.
58-ii. Bleached Table Damasks, suit
able for every day wear; readily
brink's 4."c yard. For Friday, Sat
urday and Monday's selling we've
marked them, a yard, only.... 49c
C4 in. Fast Color Table Damask, in
. $1.50 AND $1.75 LINEN FOR f 1.19 YD.
Extra Fine Quality Pure Irish Linen Damask in pansy, bowknot and clover leaf
design; good value at $1.75 and exceptional bargain at the price we're asking
now a yard, only gug
24x24 in. Napkin to Match, per dozen $3.95
Our supply of Table Linen was never so complete as now. If real high
grade poods at moderate prices appeal to you you'll take advantage of these
red. blue and brown; extra heat
; and -well known for its durability.
A yard,' only, during this sale.. 45c
Thiif number also comes in bleached.
S1.25 LINEN DAMASK, 98c.
69-in. fiuaranteed All Pure Linen
Damask, plain or open worked bor
ders in a dozen neat patterns; well
worth the former price of $1.25.
Exceptional, value for three days
at, only, a yard 98c
22x22 in. Napkins to match, doz.l2.g5
Choice PicKings Gathered From All
Parts of the Store
1,5(10 yards of Standard Table Oil
Cloth; in every desirable color; you
choose the pattern; one yard or a
100; during this sale, at only, a
jard iJC
1,000 yards of Pure Linen Crash;
makes excellent kifchen towels;
usually sold at lue; during this
sale, all you want, at, a yard,
on'y 5c
A large assortment of Ladies' Fine
Belts; worth up to $1; while they
last your choice for, each, only. 39c
150 Sun Bonnets, all that's left;
everywhere sold at 25c; every
housewife should own one at, each,
on'y 15c
On1 a few left of those dainty
Jittie town and country shirts;
regular prie 12.25 to $3.00; while
they lat your choke, cai-h, only
Extra Special 3.ssi yunU of owi-n
and cambric ernhriidnlv; ail that'
left of our recent l'le sale; while
they lait, your choice, only 5c
25 dozen extra large tieavyweight
Marseille ISed-presd4; a bargain
at the former pii c of fl.75; dur
ing tins sale they go, one to a
cuHtouier, at, each, only . ...I1.19
1.250 rolls Cotton Holts, weigh fully
1-2-lb. each; free from limps and
well worth the former prii-e of
15c roll; while they lat, jwr roll
3,500 yards of Torchon, Medicine und
Piatt Valenciennes Lace and In
sertion; from 1 1-2 to 4 inches
wide; worth 10c and 15e; your
choice, yard, only 5c
Special Values in Lace Curtains
Good news for the women who are preparing to do fall hoiieelenliijr.
75c CURTAINS FOR 45c. .
Nottingham Curtains, 2 12 yards lorijz and W indies wide, suitable for small
windows in white only. SH-til Friday, Saturday urn! Monday, only
!"' 45 c
$1.25 AND CURTAINS, 98c
An iinHsunlly good value, length 3 12 yards mid wi lih 1 14 itrdj comes sev
eral ditferent designs mid well worth the toruir prii. Choice while they
last, now, only , , jgj
lj.75 CURTAINS AT $2.19.
Nottingham Curtain. 3 12 yards long and 1 12 yards wide,, in neat floral
designs;-oveilik edges; eay on laundry; ev.vlhnt value at the former
price. They'll not tarry ulth us long at the price we've put them at. Pair,
only $2.19
Kxtra Fine Quality Net Curtains, real Jtuttenberg design; well worth the for
mer price and an exceptional bargain at the prl.11 we ai-k you now. A pair
A large sliH'k of Portieres and Iuc Curtnins projiortionntcly reduced.
Basement Bar
gains. Specials In Oar Cr celery
13-piece Fancy Decorated Semi-Porcelain
Dinner Sets; an extraordinary of
fer for ttyose who need tableware;
regular $8 value; while they laBt one
w-t to a family, at, each, only.. 15.95
Another large shipment of thoe dainty
little Japanese Cups and Saucers; the
1.25 kind; on sale Friday, Saturday
and Monday, at, per set of hix, only
Handxome Crystal Glas Flower Vases;
everywhere sold at 25c; in all sizes
and 20 different designs, at each, dur
ing this sale, only 15c
Our basement is so full of new things
at such attractive prices that a suitable
description is not poesible in this space.
When in the store dpn't fail to pay this
department a v1dt. YouH find a per
fect cavalcade of suitable bargains here
to greet yon.
Attractive Offer
ings In our Hard
ware Dept. Bar
gains In Pocket
We have on display in one of our large
windows a large assortment of Pocket
Knives slightly damaged by fire and
Mater while they were en route to us
on the steamship Oregon. Values range
from ffl to 1.50. While they last,
take your pick at, each, only.... 50c
We are sole agents in Astoria for the
celebrated Claiifs' make of Cutlery,
and have a full stock of knives, razors
and shears always on hand, Every
article (no matter what the price)
with the Clauss brand on it, is abso
lutely guaranteed satisfaction or your
money back.
Claust Razors $2.50
Clauss Shears 35c to $1.00
We've just received an exceptionally fine assortment of lress
and Street Skirts and in order that we have room to pros-rly display
them we offer what's left of our spring and summer ::ne at
Professor Ounn, our portrait artist, still holds forth in one of our
dry goods windows. Bis work is attracting a great deal of attention.
If you haven't seen him, you'll have to hurry, as he will be with us only
a short time. -
.Special Limited Offer
With every dollar you buy you get a coupon. This coupon and
any good photograph entitles you to a bust crayon portrait, by
paying 87c additional, to cover cost of materia used. This offer holds good
during this sale. . ,
We Are Agents for Ruberoid Roofing.
Agents for
Uuiversal Ranges
Pure Foods
and Fruits
Nub Hill Coffee, per lb. ,,...$ .40
Empress Spider Leg Tea, per lb. . . , 1.00
Queen Olives, per pint 20
Fancy Sweet Pickles, er pint .15
Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb.... ,40
Shredded Cocoanut, per lli....,T. .20
New Process Boiled Hsm, per lb 35
Fancy Large Mackerel, each .40
Sinclair's Fidelity Bacon, per lb. . . . .22
S. k W, Canned Asparagus, per can .30
See flur Karly
For canning purposes they are unex
celled; same as our flue
We carefully examine otir fruit before
delivery is made, anil all who order, their
fruits hefe nre as-ured of getting
f!ice us your ordci early for these
fruits so we can reserve the amount you
want at such time as they are lowest
in price, yet best in (piality.
Our rVine
We htive Just imported from Oporto,
Portugal and St. Mnry, Spain, a shipment
of raro old wines, especially for fine
family trade. Prices as follows 1
Duff Cordon Sherry Pale, full bodied,
Per gallon 14,00
Per Itottle $1.(10
Offley Port-Dark, full, fruity
Per gallon , $4.00
Per bottle $1.00
The above are the liest known snd
most celebrated brands in the world.
These wines are of perfect and reliable
purity, iineiialed for medicinal and
table' use. (itiaranteid by the growers.
Duff Uordon A Co., St. Mary, Spain; u
(ifrley l orrest'T & Co,, Oporto, Portu
Agents for
Standard Gas