THE MORNING ASTORIAN, AbTORlA,OREJI FRIDAY, AUGUST ti, 1905. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Eetabliehed 1S7S, Published Daily by ' iHE J. ft. DELLINGER COMPANY. INSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year.,... 17 00 By mail, per month W By carrier, per month 75 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. 1 mall, per year, In advance , .11 0 Twenty-five down young turkeya haw ElkY Grand Eacnrtion, been shipped from Kentucky to Ports- Elke' grand excursion to Portland on month for the peace envoy. If that' Wednesday, Auguat 16, 1905. The fast all they get from Kentucky the dclibcr- Meamer Telegraph will leave Callender ation ought to be charactering by Jiar- dock a.t 5 o'clock a. m. Ticket, $1.50, nony naurr vuy itivkxtui. mirouna inp. sounds rather "Small." prOr(W frr the drtlwiM of Tai Moa.xi.xe Aarofti to itVc kmoumk or plan uf huie jutjr be made by noetal card nr thrvnirt tele thooe. Any hrruUntj- to iMwT ahould be L&BdiatWr reported to tbe office ot pubtiexjoa. Telephone Main 661. Much intercut ha wen excited iu En gland recently by the decline of the national drink bill and the decrease in consumption of intoxicating and espe cially of strong distilled beverages. In 1W4 the consumption of spirits was Jess than half what it was in l!00, while that of beer was also smaller. The na There Was a peculiar appropriateness about a little Xicne Field poem that was disgraced by falling into a Kecordcr column last night, which tha August editor must have missed: "Back to the dear old homestead, , (Tacoma) With an aching sense of pain; But there'll be joy in the coining, When I go home agaiu. And we are reminded of another Field poem, also fitting the August editor's caV , niwly. It will be rnumherer as portraying the misadventure of .Willie. IN LIGHTER VEIN NATURAL MISTAKE. 1 wBgfif 0 ro spices, o COFFEE,TEA BAIClNOPO'iYDER, nxonuioExmcTS A&shjriPT&y, fines FUvor. CLOSSET ft DIVERS o PORTLAND. OREGON. This w 'the, hind of a, Siory for MIONAL MAGAZM 10 paying mooo too eirnccLT "rU Is a Naaqrtaafc tea km u VHm4 abaan artaj M) OaakM ilMWr mm mnh kw arMMwo. t MMMIWMSIIIIWlllllmlr r Simply di do yo Mrs. Kay bor Delightful! vine! . Mr,, Kexdore Why, what mean? . ' "' Mrs. Kaybor That aria from Parsi fal. Is it your daughter playing? Mr. Kexdore Aria from Parsifal? That's niv huslmnd on the back uorch tional UrniK bill is sun large, oui 11 fi,jng , Mw -Louisville Courier-Jour- was last year $So.OOO,niO les than live naJ ' years liefore. One of the largest res-1 taurant firms reports that while it eervinir more customers year by year, it is selling less beer, wine and spirit The cause of this change is an interest ing matter of investigation. According to board of trade officials. it is closely connected with general busi ness conditions. When the country prosperous there is much drinking; when it is unprosperous, drinking decreases. Thus, in 1894, when the country was suffering business depression, the con' gumption of strong drink was small, and with returning prosperity it steadily in creased for five years, until 19, when the South African war broke out and the tide of prosperity turned. Since then, prosperity has been waning, and drinking has correspondingly decreased, It is quite possible that this explana tion contains some, truth, though would tax credulity to believe it com pletely accounts for the very marked changes of the last five years. Another explanation is put forward by some well informed and judicious ob servers, which we should be glad to ac cept as applicable to America as well as to England that is, that the growth of other forms of entertainment has won people away from mere drinking places. Out-of-doors sports of various kinds, musical and theatrical perform ances at low prii-es ami great amuse mcnt establishments like those which have teen built at Coney Island, and Lave so greatly changed the character of that resort, have Ix-en multiplied in recent year. Myriads of people, it is argued, go to them and spend their time and money there, instead of merely standing at bar or sitting around tables and drinking. It seems entirely probable that such influences are potent and are doing much for tbe promotion of temperance. The belief that Baron Komura's for- getfulness, anent his credentials, which he neglected to bring' to the first meet ing of the pence emissaries at Ports mouth, Wednesday, was intentional will doubtless receive credence in many parts of the country. While M. Witte and his colleague, Baron Rosen, appar ently look upon this breach of diplo matie etiquette apathetically, or seem willing to concede that the ostensible oversight of the Japanese plenipotenti ary was due to a misunderstanding, it is, indeed, diflicult to conceive their real interpretation, of the incident. The Japanese, unquestionably, are pursuing the course which has characterized their A'erv move since the commencement of hostilities and although many of their . act may be accepted as exigent to the success of their aggressive operations, this lafct, if premeditated, can hardly be called strategic. In fact, if as hint ed, the credentials of Baron Komur'a were purposely left at his hotel, the procedure was grossly improper. To re sort to such a crude method of evading the speedy commencement of the peace conference, apparently to spar for time required tot some reason we cannot comprehend, is hardly in keeping with the subtlety of diplomacy to which the mikado's representatives have given to understand they aspire.. That such a circumstance has accompanied the open ing of the conference is deplorable. The embassadors of both countries are at Portsmouth, the guests of a nation re nowned for traightforwardness in its dealings and especially, insofar as this ,is the first instance in which it has lieen deemed fitting to select the United Slates for the meeting place of pleni potentiaries on so important a mis sion, it is to 1m? regretted if the Japanese envoys have been so indiscreet as to place this stigma upon what promised to be most amicable negotiations. HIS LITTLE SCHEME. Flora Freddy is a very gay young man, isn't he? Dora Why, no he's extremely pious. Whenever he calls on me he talks about religion ? Flora Oh, that' a bluff he work ing to gt look at your family bible. Cleveland Leader. DIFFERENT. "Why, Pete and Jim are as friendly as ever. 1 thought you said that ttie lie was passed between them last night." Ob, no! I said that several lies were passed between them last night.' Cleveland Leader. LIG-K San Francisco's leading con venience and family hotel centrally located. Con tenient to all car lines, and placet of amusement and in terest. Cafe and Grill at Uched. Rates $1.00 per day and up. Street cars direct to hotel from and to all depots, HOUSE Saa Francisco, CaL TJ M Mr w M tm tort m fmmrt Mil) Hi Mm MMMfMMfclMl nii 1 ! r T- know of abetter one irtet. iiwtdotM. hit f ra-iij cupping irom a iwotpsMt, W want little stoi re any BUguint 01 Think, Laugh or Cry I40 prixes will U alvtn foe the bett mWc Utmt. let! LlV el ulvrr rl.JUf. . k..k f the fiil tn succeulul cuai(iit(in u Thtunlv condition for ntrrin Dili is Uut yuu tend ilh ur clipuuic f it lun I ron TAGGING HIM. Miss Innitt Why don't you smoke f Mr. Sappy What while 1 am walk ing; on the street with you? Mis Innitt Well, I want people to know I have a man with me. Cleveland Leader. . SEAL DANGER. "The physician who visits the sick gentleman a few doors alxjve our house comes in a hiuh power automobile."' "Gracious, is the case very danger ous' 'I should say so. Two or three neighliors have been run down by the machine already." Detroit Tribune. A MARTIAL ROMANCE. Mrs. Brideigh Oh, George! We're going to have a novel cake for supper. Mr. Brideigh Why do you call it novel ? Mrs. Brideigh Because I won't know what it is going to be till I finish it. Cleveland Leader. ON THE HEAVING OCEAN. First Passenger What was in that stew we had for supper! Second Passenger I give it up. First Passenger I believe I will, too. Let me at that rail, please. Louisville Courier-Journal. ' OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW" OF IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THE MORNING ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN ANY CITY OF ITS SIZE. WILL YOU HELP USf TELEPHONE MAIN 61 and I WILL CU AND TELL YOU ALL ABOU1 IT. Emil Held Advertising and Circula tion Mansger, THE MORNING ASTORIAN. P. 3. If yu livt out of town writi or our plan. CHOCOLATE 1 ' SETS I 111 wamiy utdJgua from $3.75 up. Just the thing for a Present. VJ" nvmhi' HisI sttbsciiixion fe-u NatlM MtfUUM. AdduM, JOE CHAPPIE, Editor MS ftOBCHCSTEB AVENUE. n$ if 1 9Pi Z The Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker,lasts' longer, and costs less in the long run than anv other type writing machine. It is, The World's Best Typewriter Let M tend you our llrtlc took telling 11 ihout it. Typewriter tuppltrt. Mi- chines rcntrd. Sttnognphen fumithc4. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company it-!, OUIln .Jl.. . . Yokohama Bazar (26 Commercial Street, Aur THOSE DEAR GISLS. Grayce How old is Maude? Gladys She eay ehe' at) old a she looks. Grayce I don't believe it. No woman could be 130 year old. LouiBville Courier-Journal. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Fiendish SvOenng. if often caused by sore, ulcer and can cers, that eat away your skin. Wm. Be dell, of Flat Rock, Mich., ay: "I have used BiK-klen' Arnica Salve, for ulcer, sore and cancer. It is the best healina reding I ever found." Soothe and heal cuts burns and scalds. 25 c at Charle Rogers' drug store. Fer the Perm end Cemslexlen Haa bta aaeecMfally bm4 tnr IndJ.aJ MtrMa, Ur m4 wtmus W iMklaa lr tort aa yw. wrbcrrrtr asoIUd It la ((ml .WifcMt I .1. W - . M v . ' ... km imw mu ui i.a i ... iu w laanai aninu.a inu th wmUoi Umm. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintain unexcelled service from tHe west to the east and south. Making close connections wl.h trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago. Louisville, Memphis- and New Orleans. and through these points to the far east. s Prospective travelers desiring Infor mation as to the lowest rat's and best routes are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 142 Third St, Portland, Ore. REMOVING WRINKLES I as tf by Mic, mm aapllcatloa tl tea showta larraarkabl. vr. vaarua rna roo M pw)tlrly b llr vrtoaratioa knawa In mitlr-i 4m I that wUf raaad ant bollawi la tkt awk aatf trwa'aa ffrai. k.aitkr Baak m thl k-k & Pot Developing the But or VeU, ikraakta f rem aaralart U ka the hi(beH ladwMa.Bt el shytlcUaa. Tw b.i.1 ar. Nm auttfclMt U auk the kJt lira, larg aa4 kaaatlrul. OI.D IT DlfAKTatXHT STOUtl 4 WD It.nlir arloa. 0 .00 a oa. tmt'ia n wJ ad ata4 en. dollar, w. U1 aa4 tw 1 keaaa, la plata wrapper. I FREE ft , "Art af MK frM W snjr Mr Msaiag U caota t pay for Ivwimmmmug, Aaaraaa. Q DR. CHARLES CO. "yjY&J Given Away Free to Everybody Them All Our Beautiful American Talking Machine Free to Everybody Purchasinj: our Teas Coffees Spices China Crockery Glassware Greatest Offer cf tbe Age CB this Coupon out, aVrlifg It to any of our stores. Iu value is $3.00 worth of Coupon toward getting you tbe Talking- Machine Free Boys, Girls, and Youn; Ladles this is Tour Chance Come and Bee Us Great Imsriaa tap ortioi Tea Ci Store Everywhere I 571 CouiiMMiciHt hiiroi, Astoria Furniture For Sale. The book caws, papers, racks and other library furniture of the Astoria Library . for sale at' very reasonable prices. Call at library room immediate- The Astoria Restaurant. If you wmt good, clem meal of if you are in hurry you should go to the Astoria Restaurant Thit fine mtauunt" it thoroughly date in every detail. EXCELLENT MEALS. , EXCELLENT SERVICb BENTON'S NEW VALVELESS GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple ind Reliable. Latest Cat. nfrril ADVANTAGES lti fuit la Ctt Out of Ordtr, Uuarlnf Prl, Mere Power with Uu weight. t'ui Ln Ouollsi. UrMtr Ptrfttt Can. trei Quid txhuit Any Spd from 100 le 1000 rtvolullens minute. H0RNBUR6 BENNETT Klrea 1 to 10 II. V.. Klnsl t'lllndfr. KUra S to 40 II. II., Double O Under. KNAPPTON. WAStt. FOUR CYLINDERS TO ORDER TO (OhCRSE POWER. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Tree, an.l Hoyt. F L BIHUOP. Swetary A. I. FOX, Vice Pre. AHTOH1A DAVINOB BASK.Treaa Designers and Kanafactnren of TUE LATEST IMI JlOVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfit Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE S0UCITED. Foot of Fourth 8trrt PRAEL & SIGNER TRANSFER CO. Telephone ?21. D RATING 0 EXPRESSING IIVERY MAB1E All soodselilpt ed toonr car will receive special attention. 709-715 Ccmmercial Street. The MORNING ASTORIAN .75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Weinhard's URBcerCr. Let Me tell You Something Traveler to the East, I have a word for you : There are through Pullman sleepers, both Standard and Tourist, going East from the Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes they travel via Rock Island System for a good share of the distance. You can go by way of Dgden, Salt Lake and Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco, Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island will land you in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at all three cities for all important points in the East and South. Or the traveler via Northern route can take the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago. ' - Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies best meals on wheels. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third St., Portland, Ore.