THE JlOKNIJM iSSTOlAN ASTORIA, OllEGONv RIDAY, AUGUST 4, Money ?ou Can Save f you buy your Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, lata, Hardware, Rubber Goods, Confectionary, Tobacco, Mgars, etc at ' : E. M. L ALLY'S Look for big changes that are to take place shortly n our big, new establishment. Larger Store, Larger Stock, kst Goods at Lowest Prices. WATCH US GROW E. M. LAllY, Hammond. RAW BLEEDING SCALY ECZEMA Looked More Like Piece of Raw Beef Than Human Being Doc tors UselessBlessed Relief and First Real Sleep in Weeks After First Application, and SPEEDY CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES medi;al. THE Dr. C. GEE WO Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly locate! 203 Abler HlreeV. for the J i.Mt flvyw,UAVi $1WJE1 luto the j1lir biick building 3? at thu aouth-eaat wr ier n( Fiist and Morrison Btreets. Ed ranoeNo. lttUront Ht. Successful Home Treatment Dr.O. UKX WO to aimwn ihmulioul tltt fitMfd SUtM.snd UmiIIihI th irwl Chlnwe ncUH uii aoeount ill to woiwlwful rurw lllitrtit ihn aid of a ktilfc. wllln.ul Uih or lriitt f tr a In it. Ita trwili. any mil nil dlMM Willi Hrul oriental rl inrba. harka, and rtbU Ihut are un mown 1.1 mtxttml wWtir In tills "mulry, iniltliruiiiih ihniiMiiif Uimw IwrnilPM rem iWhesuaraiitmato eura Utarrh, Aiihmt, Un Trouble, Rheumttiim, 4irvouinM, Stomach. Llvtr. Kidney, ftmt nfctknui and D Chronic Dlmm. "nil or wrlw, tiMlilii Kwnt lni for uitlllli bunk Hurt rlmiltr. A'l'lr... Tlx C- C Woo China Mcdldnt Co., No. 161 I 2 ttni St, IE. Cor Morriton. Mention this Portland Orrjon OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THC "HOW" OF IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER TKEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT. WE ARE COINO TO MAKE THE MORMINQ ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLI8HEO IN ANY CITY OP ITS SIZE- WILL YOU HELP USf r,A TELEPHONE MAIN 661 and I WILL CLL AND TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. Emll Hold Advertising and Clrcula. Hon Mansgar, THE MORNING ASTORIAN, P. 8. If you livo out of town writ or our plan. Furniture For Salt. The book 0, paper, rnoka awl titW library furniture of the Astoria Library for al at very nnwnabj lrki. Call at library room Immediate-ly. Vim af IHov at uiaaaer trouble. ' Cures In 4SHours TTRTNARY DISCHARGES 'mmrh rnls WiibtumtarlF? " Words cannot describe the terrl ble ecacroa I suffered with. X waa almost a solid maaa of aorta from bead to foot, and looked more like a piece of raw beef than a human being. Blood and pua oozed from a great aore on my acalp, from under my fin gcr naila,and near Jy all o?er my body, and every t,alr in m head fell out. I could not ait down, for my clotbea would etick to the raw and bleeding flesh, making me :ry out with pain. My doctor did all bo could, but I got and worae. I did not think I could live, and wanted death to end my f rightful sufferings. My mother-in-law begged me to try Cutlcura. I aaid I would, but bad no hope of recovery. But ob, what blcaacd relief I eiperlenced after ap plying Cutlcura Ointment. It cooled the bleeding and itching fleab, and brought me the firat real alecp in weeka. It waa aa grateful aa ice to a burning tongue. I would bathe with warm water and Cutlcura Soap, then apply the Ointment freely, and took the Resolvent for the blood. Soon the aorea atopped running, the fleah began to beal my hair aUrtcd to grow, and in a ahrt time I waa completely cured. If any one doubta thie. teU them to write to me. Mra.Wm. Hunt, I1 Thomas St., Newark, a. J ;; SCOURGE IS SLIGHT. ' Mxl'o City, Ami. 3. Tim superior board of Iwalth report that there are only four rase of yellow fever in the rntire republic Theae case ara in the city of Vera Cru, wbcra tbf-y are- thor oughly inolatwl. TILLAMOOK IS Hf LIKE, Will Have Full Exhibit at Fair by Sep tember 1, Tillamook, (r Aug. 2. The Tilla mook County court, aftT mucli agita tion, ban mmta arranmnenta to arnd an exhibit to the fair. P. MdnUwh, the veU-ran cIiwm! manuraiHurer, will have charge of it, and Mt but evening for Portland to make arrangement with tha fair v;mmlminia for -apace. The exhibit will I of iht-etm, butter, eran-Ix-rrU-x, honey, grain, grame, vrge- tablea and othttr, produA. All tha ex-! hihit will not m in pbww Wfora Hep temlier 1. COUNTY FAILS. Santa Fe County, ITew Mexico, Coea in Reeeiver'a Hand. New York, Aug. 3.- Hanta Fe county, New Mexico, whone imlcbtdnfMi ainountu to t,imjL)()0, ha Wa forced Into tha liamU of a r?eiver if rwgotia tiona now tx-ndinu fail to atify . the holder of IU Ixindt, who are taking atep to enforce the payment of prin cipal and interest, due on which the county in alleged to have defaulted. , Two banking houw in thin city are tbe principal holder of the neourity, which are known a railway aid bowl, having been United to encourage the construction of railroad through the county. ' JAPANESE MUSIC. ' 1 . .j tmimI m mmr Vk) Of V , Mf M IN i wtu "w. 7 m i ' I JUST A m I Vr 1 1 1 v j 1 1 a J x. ja. m - I 3 n OS O! Ot laatrwaeala Glvea tr Mikado Shwwa I Boat laslltatUa. The Japanese aoUlier marches to war without the lnapiratlon that cornea from a br& band for the simple rea son that there la no aucb thing aa a braaa band In the length and bread Ui of the nilkudo's kingdom. Indeed th only orcbeatra In tbe land of little he roea la tho one maintained for tbe era peror'a own pleasure. It waa an Amer ican, by tbe way, Ir. Luther Whiting Maaon, who undertook to modernize I Tannnwi mimlf anil nlthfillirh ha did not acore any particular aucceaa In bin I effort, be won the appreciation of the 5 mikado hlmaelf. There may be seen 5 at tho New Enslnnd Conservatory of Mnalc lu Ilotttou a collection of Japa nese mimical lnatrumenta that atanda a a testimonial of the imperial eat Isfactlon with the reaulta of the in atructlon that lr. Maaon gave Japa nese students. In the collection are drums of all sixes and shapes, excepting snare I I We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK .BINDING Wc do it in AH the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . . . - Wc take your ;01d Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. " We take your old worn out books with the covers' torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. 07 r w a - r ,, . :. " V - ,1 lJ Vil.l tilU t- SQUARE 3 mi tt 1 1 1 1 m i.a.! That's Why Wise People Trade With Hem Wise Astoria's "RELIABLE". Clothier. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED 1KRO. Capital and Surplus $100,000 I). L fXTfe.KHUN,.' Vloe-Frwldeftt FRANK PATTOS, Onhler J. W. OAK.NEE, Asslataut Caahler . .Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In $100,000. garplus and Undivided Proflu $35,000. Tranaacta a General Banking BaMneea. Interest Paid onTime Deposit 168 Tenth Streat, ASTORIA, OREGON. OBCHXTRA OF JAPANKSB OIBIA drums; the fuyU which la a wind In strument mado of bamboo and closely resembling a flute; the blchl-rlkl, anoth er wind Instrument, which Is warrant- s I the koto, which, when full fledged, has as many as thirty strings ana is ptay ed by means of Ivory finger tips; tho amlsen, perhaps tho most familiar of Japanese musical Instruments, wnosu silken strings are plucked with a piece of wot, and the kokiu, a sort of aa mi Ben on a small scale. ' j The J. S. Dellin i ger Co., : Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building 1 Corner Commercial and 10th Street J OUR LINE of Children's Strap Sandals is complete. Let Little People Have Foot Comfort George Ade recently heard that an old lady from the neighborhood in In diana whero he was born waa in New York bn a visit to a granddaugbter. Mr. Ade thought that theater tickets would be a fitting attention, says Har npr'a Weoklv. and on "consulting ber as to her choice of plays she explained that she had seen 'The Mercnanr. 01 Venice" over thirty rears ago aud bad always had a strong desire to witness It again. Ho aocordlugly lookea to u that her wish waa arratltled. Calllnir the next day, be asked her bow ahi found that the performance romnared with the one or long ago. "Well." aha refilled. "Venice seems to have spruced up a right smart bit, bul that Shylock Is the same mean, gra- Patent Leather Strap Sandals, sizes 2 to 5 " " " 5 1.2-to 8' " " " 8 1-2 to 11 . u 11 1-2 to 2 COc 85c $1.10 1.35 Vici Kid Sandals, turned soles, sizes 8 1-2 to 11, $1.10 " 11 1-2 to 2, l.o5 Wherity, Ralston & Company The Leading Shoe Dealers. a . Jl I AN ASTORIA PRODUCT f a. in i jt Palo Bohemian Beer Best In Tho Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. M 5 " ltg critter that bt used to