THE MORMNlj ASIORIAN. ASTOhIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. Notable Women i It would surprise wouu-u typists in general to be told that wbeu the writ ing machiue was first Invented operat ing It was thought to be an occupation for meu only aud not suitable tor the feminine sex. Yet such is the fact The first women curators were cousddered to be the pioneers of a new trade for their sex, as indeed they were. But ly their xkill nud tact they won the way Xor all their sisters. Now the swiftest typewriters iu the world are acknowl edged to be women. It is agreeable to our national pride to know' they are American women also. Some of the best to be fouud auywhere are in the government departments at Washing ton. Among these Mis Mary E. rret ty, a Philadelphia girl, has clicked off 26.400 words in a day of six hours.- Miss Pretty is a clerk in the patent office. Another young lady who has attained great speed on the writing machine is Miss Olive Cameron of Teu aeenee, also a clerk In the Washington patent office. Uer record Is 23,000 words In day. The copy which she; transcribed was extremely difficult, be - tag patent specifications. The highest other rushed him with clubs, shatter salary paid to women stenographers hh 6ku ftnJ t hJ , . partroents la $1,400. A very rapid typewriter, too, Is Mrs. Margaret Cun ningham of Trenton, N. J who learned or trade In the evening schools of that i, m YtZ It . At hr machlni. wtthniit Imklnff at -km. .,.. i . .A.nA tsge. Mrs. Cunningham's specUlty is law reporting,, the most difficult kind. When the typewriting machine was Brsi invenieu o,isaj worus were consul- ered a good day's work. A Hsroie Nurs. At 10 o'clock one evening recently Margaret Calvin, the night nurse of the women's ward of BeUerne hospital. New York, saw a gleam of light In the direction of the dj?t kitchen. FJje ex rased herself to the patient she was attending and hastened to the kitchen. The woodwork there was on fire, Ig lited from an imperfectly Insulated electric wire. Miss Galvin snatched a blanket and tried at once to smother the flames and pull the wire with Its burning coating away from the wall. Che cookl do neither. She received a severe shock and burned her hands severly, but ran instantly to the tele phone and called for aid. then fled back to the kitchen to continue the work of XSBT PECTTT. putting out tie fire. From the office of the hospital word was telephoned at once to the electric light company to shut off the current At the same time all the men attendants ran to the kitch en to help Miss Galvln. They found her almost suffocated by the smoke and fumes of burning gntta percha, but with her blistered bands still bravely fighting the fire, which was soon extinguished. Only Miss Calvin's tourage and resourcefulness prevented panic and disaster. Mrs. Msry Tootle James. The Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs is one of the strongest and most alive in the national organization. Its president recently elected, is Mrs. Mary Tootle James, wife of Judge W. K. James of St. Joseph. The Mis souri federation holds Its meetings ouce in two years. Mrs. James Is em inent among club women of the south west. Eleven years ugo she and some friends organized the Ituncle club of t. Joseph, which has become one ot the larwt and most Influential of women's organizations in Missouri. Mrs. James was a charter member of this Cue club. She Is a graceful aud effective presiding officer. Mads a Fortuns In Alaska. One of the pluckiest women In this bind of feminine grit Is Miss Mnrie Riedwll, a Connecticut lady, who went to the Klondike gold fields In 1808. -She crossed Cbilkoot pass in the early days, tiking with her (J0O pounds of baggage aud two dogs. After numerous wan derings iu vain seurch of wealth Miss Hiedsell arrived at Cajie Nome with eut u cent Here the indomitable pluck and good common sense of the Connecticut wo man saved ber and led ber flnnlly to the goal of her desires. She was i capital nurse and "hygienic pvkI dun," as she called herself, and she Immediately began to nurse the sick . and doctor them according to die re quirements of hygiene. In no place are hygienic rules more needed and more disregarded than in a mining camp. Miss Rledscll found plenty to do at tuui ray. Soon she began to Invest lu t claims. In some or Wbi.m site cnuii) j struck it rich. She recently returned to I her native Connecticut with a fortuuo. MARCIA WILLIS CAMPBELL. NEGROES. WILL MEET. New York, Aug. 4 1 The . National Negro Bumess league, of which Hooker T. Washington is president, will hiild it sixth amntiil convention in this city on August Id, 17 and IS. Several hun dred negro business men, representing every tte in the Cnion, are expected to attend. Several jminiin'it men have Iwa aked to address the convention. CRICKETEER KILLED. Victoria, B. C, Aug. 2. Advice were reified from Australia by the Manuka, of the murder by natives in the New Hebrides of Henry Trumble, a brother of the famous Australian erieketeer now in England with the Australian eleven. He was involved in a quarrel with na tives on Epi island while trading and 1 was obliged to shoot one in elf defense. FIGHTING PESTS. New Jersey People Are Fighting the Fes- I tire Mosquito. , 1 York, Aug. 2.-Detruction of "'"ito Ifvae by petroleum and the j weeding out of schruhhery iu most places ( in and bout the Lond Island and New Jersey eoast remrU lma 1nmt 1imi, nsted the pests according to reports col lected by the Herald. Experiments be gun with oil two or three year ago ap pear to have been entirely successful The sprinkling of pools with coal oil has been reinforced by systematic ditch ing at many points which has complete ly obliterated the damp spots where the mosquitos were in former years bred by the millions. STARVING IN STREETS. Fall River Girl Sent to a Hospital in This City. New York, Aug. 2.- Miss Martha Webb, twenty-two yea' 3 old, of Kail River, Mas., was talen to the New York hopital today, vere6me by star vation, after tramping the street for a week looking for work. She left Fall River on July 20 on account of the strike with barely enough money to last her a week. She took a furnished room and 6nally was told at a printing establish ment that she could begin work tomor row. In the meantime her money gave out On a street car yesterday she became hysterical. Edwin A. Lippel, an arch itect, talked with her, and took her to a restaurant This was the first touch of sympathy that she had had since reaching the city, and she again became hysterical, Mr. Lippel then took her to the West Tliartieth street station, from where she was sent Jo the hepital. READ ALL THIS. Yon Never Know the Moment When Thit Information May Prove of Infinite Value. It i worth considerable to any citi en of Astoria to know how to be cured of painfnl, annoying and itching piles. Know then that Doan's Ointment is a positive remedy for all itchiness of the skin, .for piles, eczema, etc. One appli cation relieves and soothes. Read this testimony of its merit: R. B. Long, harness maker, employed with John Clark t Son, 104 Front street, Portland, who resides at 348 Second St., same city, says: "Early last summer I broke out all over my body with eczema, tetter or itch I did not know juct what it was nor what caused its appearance, but 1 do know that the torture I endured wa something fierce. I was very much al armed about it; was anxious to know what it was and what caused it. I thought the best thing to do was to go to a doctor far treatment. I did so, and was treated by different ones, but they failed to do me any good. When I be came the least bit overheated I just clawed the skin ofT rne. Any one who has never had anything of the kind knows nothing a't all about it. I was in lad shape when I noticed an adver tisement in our paper about Doan's oint ment being a sure cure for such afflic tions. It proved to be all that is claim ed for it. J-ss than two boxes made a complete cure in my case. About this time my younger brother was taken with the. same affliction. A box and a half of Doan's Ointment cured him. I know what I am talking about when I say that Doan's Ointment is one remedy which can be depended upon." Tlenty more proof like this from As toria people. Call at Charles Rogers' drug store and ask what his customers re port. ' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milhurn Co., P.uffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United .States. Remember the name, Doun's, and take I no other. I i II I You May Want J A furnished house, rooms or store. J Make your wants known to the readers of this paper. If you want X a tenant for a house, soma reader may 1 the denired party. 'Obtained by Advertising in the X Want Columns of the Morning J Astojrian. DAILY 7,000 READERS HELP WANTED. LEAHX TKLKtJKAPHY AM) 11. K. Accounting. o0 to a month sal ary assured our graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest in America asd endorsed by all Railroad. Write for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OK TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0., Buffalo, N. Y., Atlanta, Ga., L Crosse, Wis., Tex arkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. WANTED GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE andlo other light work. Apply 405 Dunne Street. WANTED RELIABLE BOY ABOUT 18 years of age, at 422 Bond Street GIRL WASTED FOR. GENERAL housework and to assist with cook ing. $15 per month. J. V. Gibbons, Al derbrook, care of Tongue Point Lum ber Co. TWO OOLLECTOnS AND SALESMEN to collect on accounts In Kalama, Kel so, Castle uovk, tcaii(ie ana Anuria ; must furnish bond. Call or addres Wil liam D. Church, state agent Singer Sew- ing Machine Co., 212 10 th St., Astoria, Ore. WAXTED-A YOUNG OR MIDDLE oged woman to do dish washing for one week, afternoons and evenings, at the Lectures on Cooking to be given in the upper hall of Fisher's Opera House commencing Tueday, August 1. (See large ad in this paper). Light work and good pay. Apply at the hall on Monday morning between ten and twelve o'clock. WANTED TEA k COFFEE AGENTS A hustling, capable man of large ac quaintance to work np a wagon route, in city or country, for established Arm; largit reUijlers in United States; splendid inducements offered to the trade; no graft; good pay to right party. Address, stating experience and refer ences. Grsnd Union Tea Company, Se attle, Wash. ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT-THREE FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. Enquire 472 Commercial Street. FINE FRONT ROOM NICELY FUR nished in New House overlooking the bay. Three block from Fotoffice. Ex cellent bath. Reasonable. Address B2 Astoria n. FOUND-GILL NET, NEAR FORT Canity, yellow buoy marked "K K"; license number, W.1117. C. I). Stewarts, Fort Canby Life Saving Statinn. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND ABOUT 40 FATHOMS OF net on July 2.1, off A-toria. Owner ean have same by proving property and paying rharges. V. It. WjUoti, Point rJllis, Vah. LOST-ONE .OII.L NKT AliOUT 240 fathoms, 9 3 4 in. me-h, 40x13 ply. New lead line this year. Suitable reward if returned to Leon Ni'-k Fhmgos, Kin ney Cannery. LOST-A GILLNKT A K I IK A ST OF ' Point Ellis. The n'-t v,a 40 me-h deep 9J invh. AW a small pi'-ce on the end 38 mesh deep, OJ inch. Notify the Pillar Rock Packing Co. TYPEWRITERS. IiLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS supplies, repairing. Ross A Ross, 2C6 Stark street, Portland. CANNING MACHINERY FOR SALE. COMPLETE SALMON CANNERY OUT . fit, especially adapted for fall pack ing. Capacity 350 to 400 cans per day. Apply to F. P. Kendall, Room 5, Ham ilton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. STEAM WOOD SAW. MOORE BROS. WILL EE IN ASTORIA with a firtt-cla8 steam wood saw on r about Aug. 15, Lesve orders at 131 Astor St. 6 27-lmo Situations Wanted Advertisements Twice Without Charge. OFFICES FOR RENT. TI1KKK OFFICE ROOMS EN SL'ITE. (hie front, rythian building. Apply j to Dr. Vaughn, in building. HOUSES WANTED. WANTED SEVEN-ROOM FURNISH ed house, centrally located. Blaine rbillips, Astorisn. HOUSES FOR SALE. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE ON THIRTY eighth street,, lot 30x75,; ask for in formation at 194 Thirty-eighth street TO RENTHOUSES. FOR RENT I ROOM HOUSE. WEST of Post Ofllce. Enquire at this office. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE At A BARGAIN, FURS1 ture of a very desirable rooming house full of permanent roomers. Address R. H., General delivery, City. INCUBATOR FOR SALE t'JO EGGS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; first-class condition. Ad dress A. Astortan Offloe FUR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL umti newspaper outfit; complete ex cept prss; cheap. Inquire at this of flc' FOR SALE HIGH COUNTER, about 8 feet long. Apply at Astor Ian office. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TCTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUHQEON AcllLf Altaol Burgeon U.S. Msrlus MuipIUiI Hvrvlee. Office hours: 10 to II a-m, 1 to 4:19 p.m 477 Commercial Street Ind Floor. OSTEOPATH 1ST 8. Dr. EImkU ;. Hicks. Dr. ). E- Snyder OSTEOPATHS. Office Mansell Eld. Phone Black 2041 73 Commercial t, Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial St Astoria Orecoa Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr.W. C. LOG AM DENTIST' 578 Commercial St-, Hhanahan Baildioi BUSINESS DIRECTORY FURNITURE. ROBINSON ft H1LDEBRAND Goodman Bldg. 588 Commercial St FURNITURE, Carpets, Bedding, Stoves, Mstting, Window Shadss, LINOLEUM, te. BILLIARD HALL8. Occident Hotel Bar GL Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything First Class. Fineit brands of Liquors and Cigars MEAT MARKETS. FRESH AND CURED MEATS WholcKHleand Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills Sup plisd on Short Notice. Llv 8tock Bought and 8old. WASHINGTON MARKET CHRISTEN8EN & CO. Central Meat Market C W, Morton t Jno. fuhrmtn, Prop's. . CHOICEST FRESH AND HALT MEATS PROMPT DELIVERY. 542 Commercial Si Phone Main 321 Inserted LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In the city. Does the best work at reasonable prleee and Is In sysry way wcithy of your patronage. 10th and DUANI Sts., Phen BROKERAGE. C. J. TRENCIIARI) Rsal Estate, Insuranee, Commlselei and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE IR0KER. Offlee 133 Ninth Street, Neat te Justlee Offloe. ASTORIA, 0RE00N. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Clara B. Simpson, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Room 2, Over Star Theater. MILK DEALERS. The Baby Needs Pur Milk, The patient requires it too; The law demands pure food. Then, why not yout We Handle only Pure Milk fresh from Healthy Cows. iTornlng or night delivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO, Dunne streets. 10th and WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill weed, bos weed, any kind of weed at lowest prices. Kslly, th transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black, larn on Twelfth, tpposii spsrs fceuse.' RESTAURANTS. FlliST-CLAoS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Kwtaur ant. 434 Bond St BEST lo CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-oent ffifal in the city at the Rising Sun lUbtflurant f12 Commprrial St PHOTOGRAPHERS. A. A. SAARI, PHOTOGRAPHER. Firt-(1iiM Work Omi run teed. Orders taki-n for enlarging 212 Fourteenth street, opposite Foard & Stoke Co., Astoria, Orrgon. HAMMOND DIRECTORY SALOONS HAMMOND. THE LIBERTY SALOON HAMMOND, OREGON. Under New Management. The Best place in the City to Spend a pleasant hour. FRED BRENDELL, Prop. lV-ifin and Henrietta SU., Hammond. THe Hammond. People do not take time to knock ' When atthe end of the walk. Tlie man on the bank of the river, " Fine liquors and -cigars will deliver To you by the liht of sun or moon, If you rul I at the Hummond Saloon. W...STORM, Trop. iMAKTIiVS PALACE You will iiiIms it if you don't kh Mar tin. AW .Knights of the Rond, ami ot'n-r Knights, will be joyully ' eutertui.vd here, . martin Mclaughlin, prop. flu in tnond, 'Oregon, TUB STAR SALOON . Wines, Liquors and Cigars. You can spnd a pleasunt hour here. Pool room in connection. CHAS. McDERHOTT, " Prop. Hammond. . . Oregon. SEASIDE DIRECTORY. HOTELS. PACIFIC COTTAGE Shell rond, m-sr the bench, Rooms with hoard. Reasonable prices, lea cream parlor and refreshments of all kinds. Sjlioit order. Coffee, esks, ek, MRS, NELLIE WILLIAMS ...... THE OSIER CAFE Short Order House Oyitert, Clam sand Crabs in any Style. Home cooking, nothing but the best of everything. Shott order or regular meals at reasonable prices, , MRS. C. C. OSIER, Trop. Seaside, Oregon. COLONIAL HOTEL Located in the most beautiful spot, over luoking the tHinu. Ninety elegantly furuUlii'd rooms. , Bath House In Connictioq. Comforts of home, llet mrsls. Rates, i and up. McGUIRE'5 HOTEL SSaBWasnSSMBMSMNSMBSMBBBS Largs and Airy Rooms. Good beds. Everything first-class. Rat Reasonable Main Street riestlde, Ore. BARBER SHOP. NEW CITY BARBER SHOP Two I'p to-date barbers Shaving, 15, Hair cutting, 2ta Main street, next d-or lo City Bakery. RESTAURANTS. LOUIS OYSTER HOUSE CRACKED CRABS, OYSTERS. Clam Chuwdi-r a specialty. Served aoy hour of the day. At tlie end of the bridge, Sesiidt Oregon. Try u. We wilt teat you. THE HEMLOCK CAFE AND OYSTER PARLOR. Is g'-tting to be tint leading rort t Mraside. Short ordrrs a J8jte-lIty, MRS. II. A, SiTlLE-S, Proprietor. TRY OUR 3jc DINNERS, Tsstr like mother uw-d to coot. The Arlington . Restaurant Jeff lJtik, at tlis bridge, 8eiii(Ie, Or. LIVERY AND EXPRESS. Livery Stable Lirery, Sale and Fred Stable, Saddle Horses, Firit-Class Rigs, Bsgguue and Er.'M. Wood for sale and general d livery, If. D, BAIN & CO., Seaside, or. WINES AND llQUORS. THE BRIDGE Harry Kt-r ud Hrry Itulgi-r Are now running The Bridge Saloon, wlM-re they will be pleased to meet their friends. THE GEM While at the R.-ach stop at The Gem." Pure Liquors, Cool Rei.r, Kighest Guide Cig,ir, a iierliiUy, THE OCEAN The most populur saloon ' . AT SEASIDE. Rilliard and Tool Hull In eonrieetion. B. J. CALLAHAN, Prop EAGLE SALOON Choice Wines, Liquors and Cignrs. Finnnt place in Seaside to pas a pli-as ant hour, ... FRANK SCOTT, Prop; CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP. . . II. V. Thompson, coiiilui'ting the p!mH known ns the Pai-lfle Creamery CoV at N-aside, bus turiu-d the lmsine over to Oeorgs Stull. Mr. Stall has assumed all responsibilities of the Arm. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND . PORTLAND, ORE. Finest Hotel ln the Northwest