1 HE MORNING ASTORIAN, AbTOKIA. ORE. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily by HE J. 8. DELLINCER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year V 00 By mail, per month 60 By carrier, per month 73 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. 11 mail pr year, In advance ..ft M SaWOrdors for tht dWInenna of Thi Mowcixa Astcmuan lo ilhr iwidrace or place ut htwlrwaa aaa b mad by portal card nr Uirotuth W rhona. Any trrrViiWilr la ArHrtej should be uniMdiately reported to the oflk-s of pubitoauoa Telsphona Main Ml. Chief of Tolice Collins, of Chicago, ap pa rent ly ha his hammer out. but we are glad to say in the interest of a roost excellent cause. Chief Collins has our beat wishes in his knocking cruade and we hope he will continue to knock until every gambling house in Chicago is closed. Margaret Anglin, according to tele graphic advices, was thrown from her carriage while driving home following a chopping tour and sustained brok en collar bone. We hope the corres pondent has not enlarged upon the shat tering of a collar button. This is an advertising epoch. Recalling the frenzied publicity accorded to Llanche Bates through the artifices of an eminently sue oefful preta agent, previous to her Jast visit to Tort land, we are inclined to accept the report of Miss Austin's unfortunate aHdent with a goodly grain of salt. ! Fl'U A MYSTIFYING CREATION OK THAT ORKATKST OF ALL ARCH I TrXTS A CONCEPTION WHICH IN' STILLS WITHIN US BETTER THOUGHTS AND CAUSRS US TO WOXDKR AT NATURE'S ASTON ISHING WORKINGS, HERB PLUNU INO LIKE A THING FREED FROM ITS LEASH AND THERE CRACK FULLY WINDING ITS WAY TURO UGH A REGION OF AWR lNSriRIXU GRANDEUR OR TENDERLY CARESS 1NG A SANDY STRAND. THE RIVER BECKONS TO THE BOY FLAYING ON THE WHARF WITH A JOYOUS CRY HE LEAPS AND IS GONE. THE MOTHER, THE FATHER, THE BROTH ER AND THOSE WHOSE LIVES HAVE BEEN BRIGHTENED BY THE CHEERFUL LITTLE FELLOW ARE PLUNGED INTO PROFOUND SOR ROW. MAD WITH GRIEF THEY STUMBLE ABOl'T, SUFFERING THE TORTURES . OF THE DAMNED. WRITHING IN THE THROES OF MENTAL ANGUISH AND MOANING LIKE THINGS DEMENTED, READY TO PRECIPITATE THEMSELVES IN TO THE BOTTOMLESS DEPTHS OK PROFLIGACY IN RENOUNCEMENT OF THE SO-CALLED GOD. BUT THE BOY LIGHT OF HEART AND WITH CHEERFUL SMILE, CUDDLED IN THE HARBORING ARMS THAT BECK ONED, PEACEFULLY SLEEPS THE SLEEP THAT HAS NO AWAKENING. HE IS OF A WORIJ) THAT KNOWS NONE OF THE STINTED JOYS OR INFINITE SORROWS OF THIS EARTH HE IS DESTINED TO HAPPINESS IMMORTAL. AND THE RIVER- TUMBLES THROUGH ITS HOARY GORGES TOWARD THE PACIFIC. CURRENT COMMENT. Tea, I know I'm full of sorrow Pull of tlwaa and all ot that Oct no hom and have to huatla In the alley with tha rat But I'm happyoh, to happy!-. That my lot It ain't no worwa. Tout t waan't bora a poodle. With a woman for a nuraa. Dearer Poet The Hpra w'Ufc. "Her." aatd the traluer, "take off those trunk. They r. too tight to rv In." "Gee," aatd the athlete who uae timet worried hla trainer by going to for dissipation. "I with that policeman I met lout week had thought that about me." "Had thought what about your asked trie trainer, who waa of English extraction. "That I waa too tight to run ln,M re plied the atudeut regretfuUy.-BaltW more American. rraettcal Girt. . "Pb,vllla.H be exclaimed, "I love you. I place iny happlueaa In your handa' "For jr,HlmsV take, .don't do It now." ahe basteued to beg. "Wry notr "Because I'm sure I'll need both bands In a uili.ite or so to keop yna from kissing me."-Phllndephla Preaa. Haatla a IUU. 'Doe your w Ife ever look under the bed at night?" asked the Inquisitive gentlemau whose better half waa very tint id. "Oh, yes." replied hla friend, "erer since I tried to bide my rest undor there one u!ght."-Detrolt Tribune. , Los Angeles proposes installing a gi gantic pipe Jine project for the purpose of guarding against a shortage in the water supply when the population of the palmy metropolis of Southern Califor nia U one million, The scheme is to bring the pipe over deserts and through mountains with water source in the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It is estimated that the project will en tail an expenditure of $23,000,000. Los Angeles is a cheap city even wore. it is a boom city. We are reluctant to disturb these foni dreams of a mill ion population, but before Los Angeles may house that number of people, it must take about half of the twenty three millions and install some good sew ers to carry on the surplus water fol lowing a rain storm. In January it U a common thing . to wade through a foot of water at the corner of West Third and South Spring streets, merely because the sewers of tiiis enterpris ing cily are utterly inadequate. Astoria may be shy on court houses. hotels and brick yards, but it can al ways get up a regatta. Cashing checks seems to have become a popular fad fad in Astoria, especially the Saturday night checks, giving the drawer an opportunity to skip out . There is a movement on foot in some of the Eastern cities to get up an in surance company to insure the policy holders of the Equitable. Engineer Wallace is not saying any thing. It is possible, however, that he is silently constructing the largest dam he ever built. The Diamond Cote. The latest news from Paris is that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear conum-. ption or pneumonia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. MeGee, of Vanleer, Tenn. '1 bad a cough for fourteen years Nothing helped me .until I took Pr, King's New Discovery for Consumption coughs and colds, which gave, instant r lief, and effect a permanent cure." Un quailed quick cure for throat and lung troubles. At Chas. Rogers drug store; price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle f'M. i ,M.. IN PORTLAND The Morning AitorUn is for sale at tha news stands of the OREGON MEWS COMPANY .' situated at HOTEL PORTLAND 147 Sixth Street 123 Sixth Street DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Forth Form and Complexion Hu btea Mienaful r aaatr h laadtn. anrtaats, iarra ae4 wotMU falblaa foi mora inaa a atara. Wb.irw aBort.d It Is laataatla ahaatna.4 innntin ma noraa vi ma aaia ihd ua w..a atrial amrtllaa Itada the wa.tlni tU.uta. REMOVING WRINKLES as If by anitt, m application aflta thuwlai aramarkaMt Innranmal. tt. Charlaa Hlwa rood ta Boaltlrtl th "'7 p"vaiuuai dowb io mtaicai artanc (hat will roaad eat hollow ta ihr utck and rwi'i rrat, ajaallSy Has a this chM. araaa ana Hiaa For Developing the Bust or hrtamta, ahntakaa from aaralna: It ha the 'n laaoTMHia ni of nnaamaru. Two bans are attaa uMciani 1 aaaaa Ik anal flraa. large aaa kMitluL wio tr DKraamiNT itokhs aku Saalf1atr Arlp II M I WaWa kaj lit - - - w -i r w m i w no takt acinous of this SPKCIAL OCFKH a ad wad a an dollar, we will wnd Iw i, la ymim wrappar. FREE i mp S011 oo "". - pkibii, tviiy HiaatrataS, axil tw Ml rVat H an Udv aaadiaa 1U a, iu. a... DCHARLKCO.CxT r. uresser a to. s nammotn wore; I Not a itoi'e on th Lower Columbia Riter to comparf with It. You can find everything you want in this tstablinhment. Dress Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Tinware, J Glassware, Plumbers and Builders Supplies, i ' v Hay, Oats and Grain. Our Grocery and Hardware Department, would tlb credit to any large city in the west. cvwin w, juuu, Manatter. Seaside. Ore BENTON'S NEW VALVELESS . GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple ind Reliable.. Latest Cut. n f ) ti) il IN IS Its' Farts le Crt Out J of Ordtr, j leti.WtarlBji Psrti. Mere fowtr with Uu wtljht Uki in GsMUne, ladtf Tirftd Con. IreL Quid fcuhtatt Any Sf4 (rem W0 le 1000 rcvotwUeM est minute. TH0RNBEJR6 BENNETT Siren 1 to 10 II. I NliiL'Irt f'llltwler. .Sires 5 to 40 II. II., Double CjIIimUt. The Astoria Civic Improvement leafrue are not exactly pleaoed with the num ber of woodpile that litter up the Ktreet in the residence portion of the ! city from an ornamental htandpoint. Advices received from Shanghai can wiling order foWAinese shipments froiuJ San Francisco present a serious pliaite of the Chinr-e boycott, which was gen erally accepted as a groundless threat. Reassuring comment lias been received from time to time saying that the boy cott found iU inception among the hot headed student element and that the government and commercial guilds were not behind the movement. With busi ness in Shanghai practically suspended, the closing of a branch of a prominent San Francisco export and import firm threatened and the demoralization of another project we can not look upon the boycott question with indifference. That the coolie element of China must not lie admitted to this country is a recognized fact, at least on the Pacific coast, and while we intelligently appre ciate this we should not advocate the enforcement of the exclusion laws to fiinh extent that all Chinese shall be de nied admittance to the country. There are in China some remarkably bright men M'bile they may prefer to adhere to the old doctrines of Confucious they are nevertheless bright, wealthy and offer to the United States exceptional trade opportunities which we have not been fnw to take advantage of in the past. The value of our trade with China can not 1 over estimated. It not only sup ports extensive branch houses in the! J'ar Kast, but steamer lines that ply the Pacific, Cun we. with f fairness admit the Jsipanese to this "Men who refuse to become rich show sound judgment," says Bey Xewton Dwight Hillis. Experience has demon strated that the newspaper man of the small communities adhers strictly to this rule. Thomas VT. Lawson says that "Rock efeller owns practically everything ex cept the sulphur combination." Accord ing to Dr. filadden, old Rocky will get all the sulphur he wants in the next world. Beat Her Doolie. 1 knew no one for tour weeks when 1 was sick with typhoid an4 kidwy troubles," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa. "And when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction 1 was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength and now I can walk as straight a ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis orders; at Charles Rogers' drug store j price 50c. A dispatch announce that several Idaho editors were robbed on the train, Where did they get the money! The Chicago tribune has discovered that more people are killed by automo biles than by Fourth of July celebra tions. It t! e owners who kill other peo pie, were also Killed, the fad might be stopped. Lives of grafters oft remind us We can make our pile to climb; If we cover up with care Our footprints on the sands of time IN LIGHTER VEIN Ruminations of a Dog. 1 NEVER did have parents, No one to care for me, . Just a homeless don of leisure, y The kind you often see. But I'm thankful for the blessings, And I m glad my lot ain't worso. i3 I m I B-h t hava riAan at rwtAitlis ... - "I ak- any degree Wth a woman for a nurse. ,Jmm I ft t'Att w.i..-iu ill.;.-. ti. i It II "it it I VM Sliarna! II yiuuir, I -v y. cvuniry prueucany wiwioui restriction Baby HbUns In your hair. a hA vat i1.nv arlmlf 4 ....... ! Pili fin Antr Itiftf If If a tinman ;i fmiiimnilT It; IfJl'Il IKf I i a . m , ... -...The way youre sitting there! " wi fcnw ni,i limn, w llrir LIUie 1S as remunerative and who from the mor-1 nl or intellectual standpoint are the equals if not the superiors of the Japanese? REQUIESCAT IN PACE. Dedicated to the memory Kesler. of Garner THE MIGHTY COLUMBIA TUM BLES THROUGH ITS HOARY CORGES TOWARD THE PACIFIC, A MARVEL OUS STREAM, SUBLIMELY BEAUTI- Kave jour bath In perfumed WRter, Mamma combs your curly locks, Go out riding In your carriage, 8e the opera from a box! Oh. you watery eyed Impostor! Oh, you dude! You pink nosed fopl Why, a single Hea, I'm certain. Would fulrly make you hop. Vou are tucked away at evening " t With your gouty misery ':, In a nightie and a cradle. Where a baby ought to be. They call you lovey dove and sweetie- Oh, you curly headed pup! Jut come down from off the carriage And watch me eat you up! Why, you pop eyed little poodle! Would I trade my place with yout Bowwow! No: I wouldn't do It It you'd throw the nurse In too. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unexcelled btvIc from the west to the east and south. Making close connections wl.h trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Cfhlcago, Louisville, Memphis and 'eje .Orleans, and through' these points to- the far east. Prospective travelers desiring Jnfor. matlon as to the lowest r.a s and best routes are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 12 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. LIXDSET, Trav. Passeng r Agent, 142 Third St., Portland. Ore. PAUL, B. THOMPSON. Pass'gr. Agent, II Thsj Smith Premier is the simplest and strongs est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker, lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Lrt ui teni vou our little book telling II .bout It. Typcwrittr lupplirf. M chinn rented. Sttnutaphei fumiht Th Smith Premier Typewriter Company 247 Sturk St., Portland Or rOL'R CYLINDERS TO ORDER TO KXtrtORSC F0VHR. KNAPPT0N. VI ASM. ASTORIA IRON WORKS . JOHN FOX, Pres. and 8uyt. A. L FOX. Vle Pres.- I L BISlIUl'. Hwretary A8T0KIA 8AVINUS BANK.Treaa Designers and Manufacturers of . THE ATE8T IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers,, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Htreet. BUSINESS COLLEGES. BUSINESS In this ae of keen eomjwtition a Business Education U an inili'nible adjunct to the ambitions young man or young woman who wixlie to succeed in business life. We have the reputation of being the LEADING BUSINESS COL LEGE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 0UB GRADUATES ARE ALL EMPLOYED Our t'-achtTs are all practical men and hpeciuliKt in their particular lines. If you are thinking of attending biiHiness college you can not afford to ignore the Bchnke-Walker Business College. ( Sterns Building, Portland,' Oregon, THE LIBERTY SALOON HAMMOND, OREGON. Under New Management. The Best place in the City to Spend a pleasant hour. FRED BRENDELL, Prop. Pacific and Henrietta HU., Hammond. This is "ike kind of a Sioty for wkickiKe MTIONAL MAGAZINE is pacing M0,000 . too wrncoLT r I. s a!tylnla u wut Uw trttnit ltxin4 aria) al4 OoUr iplixur an 4y auanaM la. awrDM al Mr raMtrwalwa j reani fmm ana nM M la. tour at hi. lamif on jwt racm Buck s.aaid SaulpUa. at fear, MOO. 1 1 Tli. M Mr niMlm Sm mi Dili itlri rijlMi, aail ttl . um la Uw llliit-lmtli,M hr nmiit rrl.ll.. w,iu4 tin al Sar al . aMpif'tii.MilM "lht li u-m tokl. Wiluai," Mid Om akl Ona- .ir atatt. u rr u n." mm... .laJ , i 5S PRAEL & SIGNER TRANSFER CO. Te!epbone til. D RATING 0 EXPRESSING liVERY STABLE All goods shipped to our care will rnceite special attention. 709-715 Ccmmercial Street. The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper AT SEASIDE The Morning Attoriaa is on sale at Lewis & Co'i Drug Store and Morrison & Greenbaum't Cigar Store. know odf ateiier one Ws want little itoriea. snecdolM. fcila n( anjr clijimrig from a newapr, Dugazins or boul UM hut nuuc vou Think, Lauh or Cry Uo prizes will be ghtn for the hot elec tion.. '1 en ot silver dollar to hh S the Prt ten tucccikiul competitors aj tlie limt award. Tlieonlv rendition for entt-rlnu this mm. petition l thitjn and writti7oiirclitJpiri toe. (or a oil month' trul aubfriotion to ths Notional Mafjazina. Adure, JOE CIIAPPLE, Editor 94 DOBCHESTEB AVENUE. BaWtOB. Mas. Weinhard's '-"ir. Let Me Tell You Something Traveler to the East, I have a word for you : There are through Pullman sleepers, both Standard and Tourist, going East from the Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes they travel via Rock Island System for a good share of the distance. You can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake and Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco, Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island will land you in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi. cago. Direct connection In Union Stations at all three cities for all important points in the East and South. Or the traveler via Northern route can take the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago. Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies best meals on wheels. a. ti. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, Mo Third St., Portland, Ore. IB? f w