7- THE MORNING ASTORIAN, AbTOlUA, ORE. SUNPAV, JULY 30, 1903. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. lhiMinhed Daily by HE J. 8. DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Sunday Chatter The Week in Society as Sesn by Mademoiselle Yvonne. By mail, per Tr t M By nail, per month 60 By carrier, per month "5 BftaaMaaeBeaaaaaaila) WEEKLY ASTORIAN. ;i mall, per year, In advance 0 jirOr for th dMwimt of Tat Moik ArroauM to 4thr rwmWw or ple of huslnrt ana? be made hjr nontaj card r thiwurh tH raone. Any frtviniWilj- la A-Uwry ahonVd be Immediately report J to the offlo of publtcaUoa. Telephone Main 661. ASTORIA'S BUSINESS ACTIVITY One of the most notiwable things about the visit to Astoria this summer of stranjrs and former residents is the fact that they almost unanimously ex press surprise at the activity which they note in busiues and industrial cir cles. The statement is made that few cities in the country of similar size are so busy as thK These expressions of opinion can scarce ly fail to be pleasant to the people of the city who, perhaps, can not judjw so clearly of condition as people who are not constantly here. It, is true that business in every phase is better in As joria this summer than it lias been be fore at the same time of year. The merchants are enjoying a large trade, and the factories located here are running to their full capacity. This cviali wll for our industrial cvndi- 1 It is to be rejrretted that the enthus iasm and interest in tennis has so com pletely wafted into sweet oblivion. There was a time when our player could have held their own with any of the Oregon experts. The old tenni club, which went to piece last year number ed among its member Major Bethel, who twice held the championship of the Northwest and ranked among the first player on the Pacific Coast ; Mr. Henry Ma root te, who was the . champion of his claa at college; Mr. R. C. F. At bury, whose English game was steady and strong, and Miss Floret ta Elmore, who held the double championship for Oregon, and Miss Halsted, the single Reside thes. evert other member of the club played exceptionally good ten nis. Thi year Astoria was not repre sented at all in the Oregon tournament which was neld this week in Portland. Until the last Mis Elmore and Mis Halsted expected to enter both the double and single events. They are play ing better than ever this year, having practiced all winter in Pasadena with the Sutton sisters who are the finest women plavera in the United State and one of them, Miss May, only recent ly won the championship of the world. No large affairs were given during the week but many little informal gather ings helped to pass the time pleasant ly.' On Monday afternoon Mrs. Tan! Radolett entertained at bridge whist, her guests Wing Mrs! Finch, Mrs. Tal- F. Dresser S Co.'s Mammoth Store. Not a stoie on the Lower Columbia River to compart with it. You can fimi everything you want in thii establishment. tions. It can not be denied that Astoria hint, Mrs. Pracl, Mrs. Brown, the Miss is enjoying an exceedingly rapid, but es Tallant, Elmore and Elsie Elmore. fit the same time substantial, growth. , . Mrs. E. V. Tallant liai been the guest jof Mrs. Kendall at her Seaside home M. Sato, spokesman of the Japanese: Kendall's cot tat peace commission, if the dispatch in yes- L rf Bttra(.tive of ,,, terday's Oregonian may be accepted with ; anJ ative to the consummation of an ar-j mistice which show him to be rabidly inconsistent. He says Japan is will- j ing to grant an armistice and simul-1 taneouslv vouchsafes the contradictory Mrs: Walter Robb has been giving a series of very, delightful picnics and boating parties this summer on the gov- I orfirnenr launch Vntrnl Mrs Rfilih is a intelligence that Japan will not consent; . . . ..... h ,1 charming hostess and always prepares to the ceasing of host.ht.es during the a t convention of the po.ee plen.potcnt lanes ; on of of Occupying hw unusual v prominent po-, . , . , . . ' " , . ' . .small rivers hereabout 0 which to aitinn it. is hanllv advisable for M. Sato !' . ! serve it, to pursue such an irresponsible policy. FOR ilii COMBINE Miss Elizabeth Schneck, the daughter Portlands recently elected mayor, Dr. j of Co) Schenck, of Fort Steven, has Lane, objects to City Engineer Charles ! . . Wanzer he wishes to place one of his favorites in the important position. In Mr. Wanzer, for the first time in a great many years, Portland has a city engineer of exceptional ability and pos sessing the desirable qualifications of irreproachable integrity. From the time of his association with the rminiclpi government of St. Paul, Mr. Wanzer's career has been one of enviable distin ction. If Mayor Lane is actuated pure ly by his duty as he has often remarked, he will do well to devote his attention ' to some one other than City Engineer Wanzer. made many warm friend since she ha lived here. She is a decidedly interest ing talker, has bright vivacious man ner and is always the center of a lively group at any function she attend. She ha been the guest of the Mlc Elmore the past week. One of the most enjoyable event given during the week wa. the six-hand eil euchre party of Mrs, Alexander Brown on Thursday afternoon. Mr Charles lleilWn won the first priie and Mr. Frank Summerville, the second. On Friday afternoon the bridge whist club held their final meeting of the year at the residence of Mr. K. W. Tallant. The house a artistically decorated for the event. Pink roses and while were used in the parlor and dining room v.n in pink sweet pea, IVIiciou refresh ment were served after the game of whist. Th' prize were won by Mr. J. L. MoCotmell. of woodland, and Mi Sue Elmore. Those present were Me dame Camither. Finch, McCoimell. Thing, Summerville, Brown, Budulctt. and Mill and the Mie Elmore, Tal lant, Schneck, Adair and (.'rang. Mr. Frajik Summerville, of Edmon- ston, B. C 1 111 the city the guest ol Mis Harriet Tallant. Mr. Roland Mills, of Portland, is vis iting her sister, Mr. Paul ltadolett. Mr. John Ilogers, of Portland, i spending the Summer with her mother. Mrs. Charles Heilborn. Mr. S. Elmore, the Misses Elmore and Mis Floret t Elmore were hote- at a daintily appointed luncheon yes terday afternoon, given in honor of the ladies of Forts Columbia and Steven. Yellow-was the prevailing shado in the table decoration, nasturtium being used. A great center piece of nasturtiums en hanced the attractivene of the taste fully arranged festal board and at each plate were small Irmiijuet of the blos soms and cards which will le preserv ed at mementos of the very enjoyable affair. Fourteen were present among whom were Medame Forfe, Schneck, Smith, Gardner, van Poole, Kerfoot, Finch, McConnell and Mi Solii-nrk. YVONNE, Tht Diamond Car. The latest tiewa from Tarla I that ihey have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear conum ption or pneumonia, it will, however, be SLILTwItJWvZX Dss Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Plumbers and Builders Supplies, Hay, Oats and Grain. Our Grocery ami Hardware Department, would ilo credit to any large city in the west. .mailed quick cur. for throat .nd hmg EDWIN C. JUDD, Manager, Seaside, Ore. trouble. At Chas. Rogers drug itorei " price 60 cent and $1.00, Trial bottle, Tenn. "1 had a cough for fourteen year Nothing helped me until I took Pr. King' New Piscovery for Consumption cough and cold, which gave instant re lief, and effect a permanent cure." Un- free. Eastern Street Car Building Com panies Consolidate. Los Angeles has instituted a cru sade against reckless automobile driv - ers. It seems deplorable that this move should lie found necessary. The auto mobile has its virtues and is destined to become an important factor in the field of transportation. At present, howi ever, the "buzz' car is merely the play thing of the rich, a juggernaut. Al most daily, from some part of the coun try comes tli FIFTY-FOUR MILLIONS CAPITAL . G. Brill Company, American Car Com pany and St. Louil Car Company Are All in Merger and Other Concern Whose Names are Not Divulged. New York, July 2!). Reports that a combination has Wen effected of street car building companies, including some of the largest concerns in the United ,ning August 7, -hows the importance at tached to thi further demonstration of Anglo-French friendship. King Edward, l'ermier Balfour, and Secretary of For- ! eign Affairs Lord Landowne uill each act a host at function in honor of the visitor and lioth house of parliament have arranged Ui-giva-luncheuiij, ju Yt minister hall to the French olliiVr. The visitors will aUo have the priv liege (luring their stay ol itce railway and hotel acc-omniotla tion, in order that they may visit any iritiTe-titig place they desire to see. King Edward will review the French and British fleets August ii and will take luncheon on board the French flagship Massena. The French ollicer will give banquets, luncheons .and gaiMcn par- tie at Windson Castle, the guild hull, Imdon, and elsewhere and will alo lie entertained at various fete. The flpet will leave for Portsmouth August 14. Pears' The ingredients in many soaps, re quire free alkali to saponify them. The- rich, cool lather of Pears' does not result from free alkali, fats or rosin. Pears and purity are synonymous. Matchless for the complexion. III" l 1 TflWWMMMBWllajM minimi mi Hj 0 SPICES, o COFFEEJEA, BAKING POWDER, Fuvcn:;;oEXTOCTS A&oluh Purify, flMSiFUvor, OmrtsT Sfrtnh. ftuontMc Men CLOSSETCkDEVTRS r PORTLAND, OREGON. - MI..A. - 1. e new mat a crn ,la I States, are confirmed to day by the met death under the wheels of an auto- I ximMf wili(.h gtaleg that t,)e conM,i(ia. mobile. The upeed restrictions are ac-1 ti(m Pa,litll,i!P(1 al .u.wiim Foremost among the firms of- the mer cejited with indifference by the average owner of a car, who rather than miss the fun of driving his curnliersonie machine at hell's pace, smilingly pavs the fine! imposed by the magistrate. String ent measures should lie adopted byall communities to enforce the laws govern ing speed. (overnor Deneen. of Illinois, stepped into the Hoch controversy at an inoppor tune moment and spoiled a good front page story. It is probable that should Lord Kitch ener resign his position as commander in chief of the British forces in India, lie will be succeeded by Lieutenant Gen eral Sir William Nicholson. The latter lias seen a good deal of active service, ger is said to lie the J. fi. Brill com pany, of. Philadelphia, which takes in the American Car company and the John Stephenson company, each a big concern in itself. The St. Louis car company is alQ in the merger. Edward Harrison Power will be president of the company and a banking house in this city will manage the syndicate which has undertaken to float the stock, The $.H000,000 capital is to lie divided into a bond issue of ?1LVK),000, $1"), 500,000 of preferred and r2"AH),00 of including campaigns In Afghanistan. ( common, Egypt, Burma and South Africa. He J Besides the concerns mentioned, sev was British attache with the Japanese 1 ral more old companies are m the army during the early portion of the j merger but their names could not be Russo-Japanese war. learned. The list is understood, how- ever, to include the Barney and Smuith When Thomas F. Ryan took hold of j Company, of Dayton, Ohio. This com- the Equitable lie began patronizing a newspaper clipping bureau. They had to cut so many clippings for hira that an increase of readers was necessary and Ryan was flooded with them. So he nought relief by having only favorable notices sent to him, and now they say he didn't have a Bingle clipping for ten days. "Good cure for conceit," quotb Jlr. Ryan. pnny ha a capital stuck of 2,500,000 preferred and $1,000,000 common. VISIT OF FRENCH FLEET. British Make Preparations For Event At Spithead. London, July 2!). An elaborate pro gram for the occasion of the visit of the French fleet to Spithead the week begin- Bent Her Double. "I knew no one for four weeks when 1 was sick with typhoid and kidney troubles," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa. "And when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction 1 was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis orders; at Charles Rogers drug (store; price 50e. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unexcelled service from the west to the eaat and south. Making dose connections wl.h trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are giv.n their choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and Xew Orleans, and through thefe points to the far eaat. ' Prospective travelers desiring Infor mation as to the lowest raf and best routes are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. 3. C L1NDSET, Trav. PassengT Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Forth Form and Complexion Has beta su crwful j wd ly IrtUini ctrfMct, lie"' u4 wotntu of liihioo Iki mar. th.n 'i6 veart. WhocT.r applied It Is iaatant'y atMorV' Inrougn Ilia porra r I ma aam ana li woo Jarful uutrltiuy feed. B vailing li.tuta. REMOVING WRINKLES ailfky magic, tieappllcatlonofLn tb wing rcmat aault Improvrm.nt. Dr. Charlaa Kiran Fowl la positive!? the enljr preparation known In tntilieal self lur that will fmjad oh! hollow, in Ihr nrrk aoc prod ' f in, ht allhjr tlaab ua Ihln ciiccki ariua and band). For Developing; the Dust or braaats. ihrankro from nurilri: it ha" Ihr riliheat Indorsement nf phy.lclant. Twi' boiae are Ilea eurflclent to eaake tha butt (Iran, larfe and kaaulllul. SOLD hy DHPARTMHNT STORKS DKUGGIbTB. Rular wlc. U 00 a boa. but to alt wh takt ailvannaa of lliia H F.CIAL t.PHKV od trod o one aniier, wt win tend iwo i, soxea. in plain wrappe.'. rpCC A sample box and our book, "Art o rntfc Miu;t," fullv filuitrMeJ, will bi' arflt free to any lady lending W centi to pay for cotl r nailing laareia. DR.kCHARLES CO. Th. Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker, lasts longer, and costs less in the long " t run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let ui Knrl you our little book telling all about it. Typewriter lupplire. Ma chinei rented. Stenographer! furniiliea. The) Smith Premier Typewriter Company 247 Stark St., Portland Or. BENTON'S NEW VALVELESS GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple and Reliable. . Latest Cut. J ADVANTAGES lets Pirti Cst Out . e Order, lttWarinj Parti, More Powtr with Uu weight Uiu Lu CatoNne, Under Mtit Ce IroL Quid tshauit. Any Spctd . Ira 100 to KWO rtvohilloni i per minute. El SI .oa 1 to 10 II. P., Nlntrl. ( xlhul Sixes !i to 4() II, II,, Double tjlln tier, KNAPPTCN, WAilt. f 01R OfllNOERS TO ORDtR TO too; MORSE POWER. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Tres. and firm. F I. ULSHUl'. Secretary A. T FOX, Vlre. IVs. AHTOHIA HAVINOS BANK.Trm. Designers and Nanofactarers of THE LATK8T IMHtOVKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Fool of Fourth Htrwt. PRAEL 0 EIG1NER TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. D RAYING 0 EXPRESSING LIVERY STABLE All goodaahlpi rd toour care will rwlvr special attention. 709-715 Ccmmerclal Street. The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Let Me Tell You Something Traveler to the East, I have a word for you : There are through Pullman sleepers, both Standard and Tourist, going East from the Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes they travel via Rock Island System for a good share of the distance. You can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake and Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco, Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island will land you in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at all three cities for all important points in the East and South. Or the traveler via Northern route can take the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago. Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies best meals oa wheels. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third St., Portland, Ore.