The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 26, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    WEDNESDAY, JULY , 1903.
Are still to be had for canning purposes,
But the supply i getting low. IWter
Jiurry, if you want some.
in Tlenty. Ripe and juicy. All other
ee. The coroner' asked him numerous
lueMi.m to which Kitij responded by
motions of the head. The coroner, by a
lnvs of 'elimination, got this state
:mnt. wrote it down, and Kins assent
ed by an affirmative nod and something
like a mile of MitiM'uctlon shone through
Count Cassini Talks On Far East
Conditions at Valdez are Slightly
:is pain:
"1 was on my Ismt last tiiylit at
'J o'clock, when a nmn who was employed
on another loat came ami shut me,
We had had no quarrel. The man wa
kinds of fruit and vegetables 111 season.
' "V
Good Dairy Butter, 40c a Roll
Irish, about twenty-five year old, short
and thin. He uod his own pitol. 1 had
no revolver,"
The notice last nlirht sent out a sen-
Says America and England, He Feels,
May Have Cause to Fear Japanese
Competition More than Russia. Peace
Depends en Japs.
erul alarm for the arrest of John Wel
lington, supposed 'to bo a yacht can-
Advices Received at Seattle Cable Office
Say Flood Conditions at Valdri art
523 Commercial St.
Phon Main 681
tain. They say lie is connected with
Improved but Emergency Still Existi
the case.
Troops at Work ,
A Shoe Bargain
For Balance of the Month
Men's Tan shoes, worth op to 14-5
at t3-oo
Men'i Taa shoes, worth op- to $3.50,
at ta.50.
Men's Oxfords, worth up to t4-s
at $3.00
Men's Oxfords, worth up to $3-00,
at tajo
543 Bond Street, Opposite Ross
Higgins & Co.
TVe are agents for Douglas' Cele
brated shoe.
The Picnic Traveler
Because he requires and demands light
weight baggage. The compact size and
package of the foodstuffs which the pic
nicker takes along are essentials not to
be overlooked. We make a specialty of
providing for those needs.
In canned goods we carry a full line,
so that it. is only necessary to call your
attention to a few.
Roast Beef, Veal Loaf, Dried Beef,
Fork and Beans, Sardines, Salmon, Dev
iled Ham, etc.
In jure we hare Beach Nut Bacon,
Horse Radish, Mustard, Jellies and Jams
in fact everything to prepare a quick
and a dainty lunch with Coffee Extract
n.t CuniwA XlilLr fur a (rood roin nf
breakfast nectar.
Tenth and Commercial 8trteta
Branch at Cnlontown.
Yon can save money on our bargain
lot of Purses, just inside the door. When
Hew these purges sold from 25c to $1.75
each. The leather is as good a new
NOW hut the damp climate we have,
has started rust on the frames and
when rust gi'ts a start on anything not
used, and quickly finishes it. But if it
is used have you ever seen a carpen
ter's saw one that is used every day
Kl'STY? These will make good purses
for anyone who uses a purse every day.
5c, arid lOc
Regardless of former Price.
Enjoy .I'slng Herplclde Aeeonat of
Its DUtlartlTraeu.
The ladles who hsve used Newbro's
Herplclde speak of It In the highest
torn, for quick effect In cleansing
the scalp of dandruff and also for Its ex
cellence as a general hair-dressing. It
makes the scalp feel fresh and It allays
that Itehln which dandruff will cause,
Kewbro's Herplclde effectively cures
dnndruff, as It destroys the rerm that
causes It The same gerni causes hair to
fall out. and later baldness; in killing It,
Herplclde stops falling balr and prevents
baldness. It Is also an Ideal hair dress
ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to
the hair that Is quite distinctive. Bold
by leading druggists. Send 10c. !n stamps
for .-ample to The Herplclde Co., De
troit. Ueh. ,
Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St.,
Owl Drug Store, 649 Com, St, T. F.
Laurin, Prop. "Special Agent."
Xew York, July 25. Count Cassini,
formerly Russian ambassador at Wash
ington, expresses the opinion, according
to the Herald's Paris correspondent, that
all depends upon the Japanese and that
nf their demands at the coining peace
conference are reasonable peace is as
sured. Speaking of the Russian repre
sentative, M. Witte, Count Cassini said:
''I think this infinitely important task
could not have been intrusted to a bet
ter representative. He is a man of ex
traordinary capacity and of the finest
character. He knows the Far Eastern
question as few men know it .an J is a
''Regarding iiefrmatiunal difficulties
Russia has now reached a critical ma
ment in her history, but America has
had such a moment; so has France.
These difficulties will disappear and Bus
sia will be stronger than ever. They
are merely passing difficulties, and it
would be unwise to attach too much im
portance to them. Referring to the
Chinese, Count Cassini said:
"I like the Chinese. It takes vears
and years of worry and trouble to bring
around to your way of thinkjng or to
induce them to enter into any under
taking but, once convinced, they are
loyal. A Chinaman's word is as good
as bis oath.
"t am speaking with all caution and
cireuiu-pection, but I am, nevertheless.
afraid that at no distant date Kiuland
and America wilKhave reason to regret
this war. They may have more to fear
from 'Japanese comietition than from
Young Man Takes Sister From Louisville
Masonic Home.
CynthiuSia, Kjl, July 25. Sterling
Atkinson, a young man of this city, re
turned from Louisville, last night with
bis sister, Helen, whom he had stolen
from the Masonic Orphan's Home at
Louisville, on Sunday afternoon.
The young woman effected escape
by scaling the wall that surrounds the
met by her brother, who started for
rear yard of the home, when she was
home with her. The Masons are very
wroth over the abduction
and declare they will prosecute Atkin
son if possible.
Just why the boy stole his sit-r from
the home and why he will be prosecuted
is not known.
Mill Town Drink Kills Sailor and Alarms
Young Women.
Atlantic City, July 83. Twelve young
women, members of the Reboul ladies
Orchestra, playing at one of the hotels
here, were being entertained to-day on
board of a yacht by a well known Xew
Yorker, when, three miles out, the yacht
was signalled by the schooner yacht
Lody Evelyn. The Ijidy Evelyn hailed
the other yacht and asked if its master
had any objection to taking a dead man
ashore and turning him over to the Coroner.
The Ijidy Evelyn explained that one
of the crew, Thomas Clark, of Newport
N'ews, Va., had been so desirous of
quenching bis thirst, that he drank
wood alcohol He died a few minutes
'The girls would not consent to have
the body taken aboard. The Tjidv Eve
lyn is owned by Edward McMahon,
whose sailing master is James X. Pierce.
She left Xewport Xews a couple of days
ago, to visit various porU along the At
lantic Coast from here to Boston.
City Health Officer Guion was inform
ed of the sailor's death, and visited the
yacht in a launch, bringing the body
ashore, when he turned it over to Cor
oner Oaskill.
Seattle, July 25. Flood conditions had
improved at Yaldea ai-cording to dis
patches received yesterday at the local
cable office, but the emergency oectt
sioned 'by the high water st ill exists and
an entire company of infantry was ut
work repairing breaks in the dams and
keeping the swollen Valdex river from
overflowing the business section of the
On Sunday night there was a notice
able improvement, but early yesterday
morning ttio water started rising again
and was breaking through the dam at
various points. It was only by the ut
most exertions that a general Hood was
prevented. At lust reports the water
was not moving any closer to the town
anil it was expected that the stream
would be under control by this evening,
although the weather was very warm
and clear, with a heavy flow probable
during the evening.
The local offiiu will receive daily ad
vices regarding flood coiidilius, until
danger is passed.
Japanese Bid Taft and Miss Roose
velt Welcome.
Silent Man Makes Statement by Nods
and Shakes.
Xew York City, July 25. Detective
at work on the case of William J. King.
who was found yesterday in his boat,
the 24-foot sloop Agjar, unconscious,
said last night they knew the man who
committed the assault. Kin? had a bul
let wound in his temple, and one in his
shoulder. He was found off Kay 22d st.,
Hath Reach. So much progress had the
detective made that they expected to
make an arrest before 2 o'clock his
Fred Ilerlitz, a watchman at the Ben
Machree Boa"t Club, told the detectives
last nielli that Kinjr, in company with
another man, had asked him to guard
the Agjar on Monday evening. Ber
litz refused, and, according to him, King
and his companions Isiarded the Agjar
It is this companion of King whom the
detectives are hunting. According to
fierlifz, a dingy was missing when the
wounded man was discovered yesterday
The wound in King's temple paralyzed
his jaw, and he was unable to muke any
statement, when he recovered his con
sciousness, but by means of signs the
detectives say they have found out the'
assailant's name. Since King's gold
watch and some money were found on
the victim when the victim was taken
to the hospital there was evidently no
attempt at robliery.
Dr. Lapp, of the 'Norwegian hospital,
did not express any hopes of the man's
Coroner O'Flaherty went to the hospi
tal last night and obtained a statement
in a rather peculiar manner. King was
unable to ealk, but he could hear and
Secretary of War Taft, Mist Roosevelt
and Party Reached Yokohama on Man
churia and Are Immediately Taken
to Tokio. All Are Well.
Yokohama, July 2.. ci-retary of
War Taft and party received a demon
strative welcome to Japan, the princi
pal buildings, streets and wharves of
this city and the shipping in the harbor
being gaily decorated. A noisy display
of daylight firework along the streets
fronting the horlsir announced the ar
rival of the steamship Manchuria ut the
quarantine grounds at 7 o'clock this
morning, and uontinued until the vessel
was docked.
Lloyd C. Grit-comb, the American min
ister the attaches of the legation, and
Consul Miller of Newehwnng, together
with representatives of the Japanese
imperial household, foreign officers, war
department and the Asiatic society then
Isiarded the Manchuria and extended for
mal greetings to Secreary Taft and Miss
RooM-velt, who held an informal recep
tion upon the deck. The party was then
driven to the railroad station through
the crowded streets, and boarding a sjec
ial train, departed for Tokio nt 10 A,
M., amid cheer of the assembled multitude.
Upon arrival at Tokio, Secretary Taft
and his personal staff were taken to
Shiba, where a detached palace was pro
vided for their accommodation. Miss
Roosevelt accompanied Minister (Irisoom
to the American legation.
The voyage was uneventful and the
party arrived all well.
Secretary Chinese Legation at Paris is
Paris. July 25. Mr. Lion, the first
secretary of the Chinese legation, in en
interview in the Main, gives his views
on the Chinese Isiycott of American
good, lie says:
"The boycott of American, good is
gradually extending and will probably
gain considerably in Southern China.
The Chinese press i taking an active
part in the boycott, in the struggle over
whi h China has nothing to loe. The
movement is very popular, and w ill only
cease when the I'nited States modi lies
certain law affecting our countrymen.'
The family restaurant of Astoria is
recognized as the Hess restaurant. The
beet meals and the best service in As
toria. 120 Eleventh street.
There are finger worms and
red-pepper bugsqueer board
ers that have to be looked
for, not in Schilling's Best, but
in making it. There are eggs
of these queer boarders, too
small to be killed by grinding.
Don't k. ep spices warm, or
they'll hatch.
cleanses thoroughly,
soothing and freshening
the skin.
Pears' is pure soap of
gentle character.
Sold everywhere.
Just think what you can do with
liquid Veneer is a carefully am)
'scientifically prepared article that
acts as a food for the varnish or
gloss. It is absorbed by the varnish
or surface to which it is applied, and
brings out all its old time elasticity
and newness besides adding addition
al gloss. It is therefore highly ben
eficial to the very finest surfaces.
Don't hesitate to use it on your
pianos, mahogany furniture,' or the
very finest pieces you may havej it
is the preparation that will remove
tarnish and that peculiar and very
undesirable bluish discoloration
which often appears on pianos and
other highly polished furniture.
liquid Veneer is squally effective
on Organs, Violins, Guitars, etc., as
well as on all rosewood and ebony
furniture perfectly cleaning it and
restoring original newness and gloss
50 c.
Wall Paper, Paints, Eto,
365-367 Commercial 8k, Astoria, j
If you Know good clothes
and proper treatment and
up-to-date methods you are
already a ,WISEM customers
If you are not yet wise
get wise and trade with
email Wise
Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier.
Study the Map
Thirteen states and territories of the Middle
West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There
are more cities of 25,000 population and upwards
on the Rock Island System than on any othtr
Westtrnroad! From Minnesota to Texas, from
the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is
Rock Island country. The Rock Island System
occupies a strategic nosition in the western
railway world.
Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder
and study the map ten to one your destination
Is on the Rock Island or reached by way of it.
Note our several offices maintained in the
Northwest: .. '
, Portland, Seattle, Spokane, ,
Butte and Salt Lake City.
The Rock Island is reaching out for busl
ness and solicits yours.
a. h. Mcdonald,
Oensial Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third Street, Portland, Oie.
Kitchen Troubles and the Remedy.
Only a few years ago it wm ronsiifcred good form
to encase the sink in wood thereby conceding the trsp.
making it liucccsihle and offering 1
place for the collection of filth and
If this condition existi In your
household, let ui remedy the trouble
by installing a inowy white
"Stowdwd" Porcelain Ensmeled
Kitchen Sink. Our work Is sstis-
factory and prices right.
J. A. MONTGOMERY, AstoriaOr.
If 5
Tale Bohemian Beer
Best Iu The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.