.: ; AY ' TUESDAY, JULY it 90$. Hit MORNING "ASTORIA, ASTOtilA, ORIXiUA. PORTLAND MARKETS Utcst Quotations in the Portland Produce Markets. Complete Market Reports Corrects Each Day Giving th Wholesalt PHcm of Commoditlti, Tarm Product and Vt table. ' l'ortlumt, July 24,--Mioiajif I threat ened in the uply of watermelon, a th r-ult of extremely hot weather In the Interior valleys of California. 8cv eral cur of good mc'-jim are kmIiI to h on tht-lr way to Portland at thU time, hut the arrival hc-aftcr are vnix-Hw.l to be damaged more or Ic by' the scorch Ing hint. The inijon crop of Southern Oregon U mill to be badly ilurtuj(t-il hy im-lon worm tlil riii.ii, ami m a short aiip fly I lo jirnlicti-J from that portion of the atnte. The supply of butter U smaller from day to day, an a re.ult of the pasture pi the northwest drying up, ami ili-njer think an adiawe In price quite likxly thl week, Xrver before In the hUtory of lVrt hi ml ha tlm uYitDij fr California produce been o heavy, according to the pioneer men-bant a of the city. 8ockys aaltimn 'are In large itipply from 1'iitfi't sound, Midi the prii of ehi nook Million ha tlm-lim-il In continence Hood River tomnt-M k are in good i ply at a dollar r box. ' Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc Flour Patent, 94.50(3110 pr bar rel traiglit, t(k clrar, 93.75(3 4i Valley, f3.tMfij4.2Ji Itakota bard wheat, d..V)7.50i Graham, 3.504j whole wheat, f4 4 2- j rye flour, local I5j Kaater'n, 5.BO((j5.f0j cornnieal, Jer bale, 91.00(2.20. Wheat Xrw eluh, Tie per buhelj new blueitvm, 70c par bushel i new valley, 7Je. Parley Feed, 921SO(22 per ton; roll ed. 923?24. OotNo. I white feed, 9203tJ per tont Kray, 920. MilltiifTIlran, 919 per tonj mid dling, t24.Mj short, 921 1 ahop, L S. mill, 910; linseed dairy feed, 918; Afal fa meul, 918 per ton. Cereal Fonda Rolled oat, cream, W pound ack, 90.75; lower grade, 9.Vrf 15.23) oatmeal, steel eut 50 pound aack, f8 per barrel; 10 pound ack. 94.25 per lale; oatmeal (ground), 50-potind ck, (7.50 per barrel; 10-pound aaeka, 94 per bale; aplit peae, 95 pet 100-pound aaek; id-pound boxea, 91.40; pearl barley, 94 25 per 100 pound; 25 -pound oommi, 9123 lr box; patry Hour, 10 pound aack, 2.50 per bale, v Hay Timothy, 914(310 per ton; new, M(gl2i elover, ffH'iV; grain, ?(; :heat, 93. Butter, Eggt, Poultry, etc Butter City creamerie,; extra cream pry, 21 1-4(8 22 1 2o per pound; atate .-reamerie! fancy creamery, 201121 1 4c tore butter, 14ft; 15c. Egg Oregon ratu-h, 22(22 l-2c per lonenj 1-jiMern, 20ft 21c. Cheeiie Oregon full cream twin, 11 511 l-2c; Young America, 12(12 l-2c. Poultry Average old hen, 12 l-2ft; I4e; mixed chickeiw, 12CI2 l-2c; old oofiter, OftlOc; young roonter, lift, 12c pringa, 1-2 to i pound, 13 1 2ft 17c; I to 1 1-2 pound, lift 13 1-2 c; dreed hicken, 13ft 14e; turkey, alive 18( lite; turkey, choice, 20ft 20 l-2c; geee, ive, per pound, 7 l-2ft8c; gt'eHu, drced, H-r pound, OftjlOc; dm-ka, old, 1.1c; duck toung, 13c; pigeon, 91ft123; qiiab. W(S2.50. Vegetablai, Fruiti, etc. Rtrawbcrrie Oregon, per lb, 9f(:0c. Blackberrree-Crato, 92. Apph-t. table, 91.50ft 2.50 pur box; lew, 91.50(11.83 per box. Appricot OOi'fefl per crate, Peachee 80ft 90c pr crate. Pluma 23ft,00c per crate. Ixtgan berriea 91.23 per' crate. Blackberriea 4(i5o per pound. Cherrlea 77 l-2c per pound. Cantaloupe 92.75ft 3.25 per craUs. Peart $2.50 per box. Purranta 8 per pound. Trunea 85c91. . Rapberriea 91.25 per crate. - Watermelon lo per pound. .Crab applea 50o per box. Tropical fruit Lemons, choice, 95; Orange, naval, fancy, 92.50ft 2.75 per wx) choice, 2ft2.30) atandard, 9150ft H.75;Mediterrancan awecU, 92.501b2.75 alenciaa, 93,25ft 3.75. Orape fruit 92.50(ff3 per box. Rnnann 5c per pound. Pineapple 92.50ft;4 per dozen. Freih Vegetable!, Artlihnkea 60o dorwi, lieans lifl l-4e per pound. Cabbage, 1(M 1 4c- Jer pound. Cauliflower TSftWo per dwen. Celery 91 per don. Corn 17 1-2(25 per down. Cueumbera 40rt;76o per down. Kgg Plant 17 1 220o. head, 10c per dozen. I'Uarnley 2Co per down. Peai 26o r pound. pepper 15c Jer pound. Radishes 10fS 12o per down. Rhubarb 1 1-2A2 l-2c per pound. Tomatoes DOetfll per crate. Hqnah Co rx-r jHfimd. 1 Root Vegetublea Turnlpa, 9l.25(? 1.40 per tuk; rroU, 9I 2S(1.30 per Mek; tieet, 91123 per aack; garlic, 12c per jrtiund. (rtilorw-Californfa red, f 1.25 per hun dred; yellow, 9176. l'ut4toe OfeKon, new, 73f?j91i Cal ifornia, new, 8.V-(n91. Ralnlna 1KiNT Muaeatel, 4-crown ijc; utibli'ikchcd, aeedle Sultana, 6c; Groceriea, Ifuti, Etc Coffee- Mm ha, 2fift2c( Java, ordin ary, 18ft 22c; Cot Rica, fancy, 18fts,20c; giK), Idft lHc; ordinury, 10C,I2 per pound; Columbia roat, cac, 100, 913.75; 5(M, 913.75; Arbuckle, 914.73; Uon. 914.75. Rli-e Imjx-rial Japan, No. 1, 93.37; Southern Japan, 93.60; Carolina, 56lc broken head, 2Jn. Salmon Columbia river, 1 -pound tall, 91-73 per dogen; 2 pound tall, 2.40; 1 pound flata, 91.85; fancy, 10J1- pound flat, 9180; 1 pound flat, 91.10; Alaka pink, l-fiound tall, 83c; red, 1- pound tall, 910; tockeye, 1 pound tall, 9183. Sugar -k bai, 100 pound! Culie, 303; jKiwVrnl, 930; dry granulated, $5.:i0; extra C, 94 80; golden CjM.'Ojfmit auger, 99.3i; advne over sack bai, a follow: ItarreU, 10c; lialf-barrela 25c; boxe. 50c per 100 pound. (Term! On remittam within 13 day, deduct Jo per pound; If later than 15 day and within 30 day, deduct J per pound; no discount after 30 daya.) Beet augar, grauiilated, 9i'0 jer 100 pound; maple ugar, 13(g le pr pound. Salt California, 911 per ton, 91.00 per lle; Liverpool, 60, 917; 100, 910.50; W 910; half ground, 100a, 97; 50. 97.50, , Nut Walnut a, 13 Jo per pound by ark, lc extra for' lea than aaek; Bra- ill nut, 15c; filbert, 14c; pecan, Jum- bo, 14c; extra larm, 13c; almond, I. X. L, ltlfe; chevtuuU, Italian, 15c; Ohio, 94.50 per 25 xund drum; peanut, raw, 97Jc er pound; roawted, Oc; pina nut, 10(J12c; hiikory nut, 7c; cocoa nut, 7c; cocoanuta, 36flOc jer down. ltean Small white, 3Stlc; large white, 3; pink, 31(g)3c; bayou, Lima, CJc, Dietaed Meat. Beef PrcMea bull, l2c per pound; cow, 31ft4ic; country ateer, 4(5c Mutton Dretaed fancy, 5c per pound; ordinary, 4c. Veal-Ito'wwd 100 to 123 pound, 7 ft;7 12; 125 to 200 pound, 6(36; 200 pou nil and np, 3 1 2ia0 cant. Pork-Drred, 100 to 150, 77ic; 150 and up, dig; 7c per pouud. Proriiioni and Canned Meet. Ham 10 to 14 pound, 13c per pound; 14 to 16 pound, 33; 13 to 20 pound, 13C; California, (picnic). Be; cottage hanie, 9c; ahouhlera, Oc; boiled ham, 21c; boiled picnio ham, bonelcaa, 15c. Bacon Fancy breakfast, 19c per pound; tam!ard breakfast, 17c; choice, 13 l-2c; English breakfaat, 11 to 14 lb., 14 l-2c; peac-h bocon, 13 l-2c. Sausage Portland, ham, 18o per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17ie; bologna, long, lie; welnor wumt, 8c;" liver, 6c; pork, Oc; blood, 6c; headcheeae, 6c; bologna aauaage, link 41c TIDE TABLE, JULY JULY, 1901 Hlth'water. A. M. P.M. IHte. h.m. "ft" h.m. ft. Saturday 1 12:40 1:2 a il r.4 71 7.7 7,1 1,0 SUNDAY 2 0:05 1.9 9.0 Monday t 0: 43 1:25, l:0l 2:67, 1:49 1:04 Tuesday , 4 8.9 8.7 14 7.8 T.2 1.7 6.3 2:42 Wedneaday 6 3:24 Thuraday 8 4:06 Friday 7 Saturday 8 4:51 4:48 5:40 5,1 SUNDAY I: hi 7:13 6:21 7:28 8:26 1:24 1.1 1.1 Monday 10 Tuesday II Wedneaday ......12 I. S3 6.1 1.3 1.6 1,1 9.0 1:45 6.2 6.4 6.7 91 Thuraday 13 10:49 10: IS 11:10 12:34 Friday 14 Saturday ., .....16 SUNDAT 18 Monday .17 11:45 7.0 7.J o-oo 1:181 0:4!U 10 2:001 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.9 1.3 8.6 Tuesday 18 Wednesday .19 Thursday v. JO 1:29 1:10 8.7 2:39 3:16 1:49 4:25 5:33 6:45 4:29 7:20 8:15 8.3 7.8 7.3 6.7 2:51 Friday ...21 1:33 4:18 (:09 6:0S 7:20! 8:34 9:40 Saturday ..22 SUNDAT i3 Monday 24 Tuesday 29 6. 5.7 5.4 5.2 5.8 6.0 65 Wednesday ,,,...28 Thursday 27 Friday 28 Saturday ........29 SUNDAT 80 SUNDAT 30 Monday 21 9:09 10:3S 10:04 10:56 12:14 11:43 11:28 7.0 8.9 7.8 12:56 Dry Salt-Cured Regular abort clear, 10) unit) 11 1-4 moked; clear back 114 alt, 11 ktuoked; clear belllea, 14 to 17 pound average, none alt, none amoked; Oregon export, 20 to 25 pound average, 111 aalt, 12 amoked. lard Leaf lard, kettle-renderedi Tierce, Ojcj tub, Ojc; 60, OJc; 20a 10c; 10, lOgcj 6, 101c SUndard pure: Tierce, 81c; tub, Die; 60, PJc; 20. Oic; 10, 93c; 5, Pc. Compound) Tierce, Oc; tuba, Cc; 50, 01c; 10, CJc, 5. flic Pickled Good Pork, barrel, $18; half-barrel, $0.50; beef, barrel, 912; half-barrel, 96J50. Canned Meet Corned beef .pound, per down $1.23; two pound, 92.35; ail pound, 98. Roat beef, pound, 91-25; two pound, none; aix pound, none. Roat beef, tall, pound, none; two pouitd, 92.35; aix Kiund, none. Lunco tongue, pound, 9-3.15. Ropa, Wool, Hide, Etc Hop Choice, 19"4, 17ft 10c jx'r pound Wool KU-rn Oregon, average bent I9ft21c lower grade down to 13c, ac cording to ahrinkage; Valley, 25(j27 per pound. Mohair lliolce, 31ft 38c per pound. Hide Dry hidea, No. 1, Id pound and up, IflftlCl per pound; dry kip No. 1, 5 to 10 pound, llfg 15c per pound; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pound, l"fij18e; dry aalted, bull and tag, onu-third h-s than d.y flint; (cull, moth-eaten badly cut, acored, murrain, hair-lif-d, wtftther-beaten or grubby, 230 per pound Ie); Halted hide, atecra, aound 00 pound and over, 9(10c per pound 50 to 00 pound, 81ft 9o per pound under 60 pound and cow, 80o per pound; alted ataga and bulla, aound, 6c per pound; aalted kip, aound, 15 to 30 pound, 9o per pound; aalted veal, aound 10 to 14 pound, 9c per pound; aalted calf, aound, under 10 pound, 10c per pound; (green unaalted, lc per pound lc; cull, lc per pound le). Sheep akin: Sheartinu, No. 1 butcher' atock. 25ft 30c each; thort wool, No. 1 butcher' atock, 40(5 50c each; ncdium wool, No. 1 butcher' tock, flOgSOc; long wool, No 1 butcher' dock, 91ft 1.50 each. Murrain pelt from 10 to 20 per cent lcoa or 12 I ft;14e nor DAuml: linnw hlrtei. lt(t each, according to aize, tl.50r3; dry each, according to aize, 91Q1JW; colta' bide, 23(5 30c each; goat ikim, common lOffl 15c each; Angora, with wool on 25cft; 91.50 each. Tallow Prime, per : pound, 31(54c; No. 2 and grease, 2 3c. Fur Bear akin, a to aize, No. 92.3O1M0 eaeh; cub, 11(52; badger, 25 (50c; wild cat, with head perfect, 25ft 30c; houe cat, 010c; fox, common gray, 5070c; red, 93(?5; cro, 95ft; 15; ilvcr and black, 9100($200; flihera, 95 6; lynx, 94.506; mink, atrictly No. 1 according to aize, 91 (2.50; martin, dark Northern, according to aize and color, 92.504; mutkrat, large, 1013c; kunk, 40(J:50c; civet or polecat, 610ci otter, large, prime akin, 9-0(5 10; panther, with head and clawa perfect, 92 ft 5; rac coon, prime, 30 50c; mountain wolf, with head perfect, $3.505; coyote, 60c ft tl; wolverine, 90ft8; beaver, per akin large, 936; medium, 93(34; email, 91(3 1.50; kits, 60 75c. Caacara Sagrada (Chittam bark) Good, 31ft 8 per pound. Grain bag Calcutta, 7 71c Oil. Turpentine Case, 860 per gallon barrel, 8O0 per gallon. WhlU Lead Too lota, 71c; 500-pound lota, 7c; leg than 600-pound lota, Be Gasoline Stov gasoline, case, 231c; iron barrel, 17c; 80 dog. gasoline, caaea, 32c; Iron barrel or drum, 26c Coal Oil Case, 20lo; iron barrels 14c; wood barrel, 17c; 03 deg,, case. 22c; iron barrel, 151c Linaeed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lots, 62c; 1 -barrel lot, 03c; case, C8c. Boiled: 6- barrel lota, 64c; 1 -barrel lota, 63c; cases, 70c. JULY, 1905. Low Water. 1 A.M. P.M. Date. h.m. ftTTh.m. ft Saturday . SUNDAT Monday .. Tueaday ., Wedneaday Thuraday . Friday ... 6:201 7:00 0.6 6:18 7:04 7:46! 1.2 -0.9 1.0 -1.0 0.1 -0.5 1.1 7:19 8:19 8:59 1.0 8:1 9:201 9:401 10:07 10:25 6.1 6.7 10:89 u J 11:10 SUNDAT 9 Monday 10! 0:02 12 L 12:001 1:11 12:58 1:06 1:18 Tueaday ........ .if Wedneaday ......12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 iiriiir 1.4 0.1 1:30 4:32 6:27l 1 4:24 -0.5 -0.9 8:34 Saturday 15 SUNDAY 16 6:18 6:l 7:03 1.1 7:08 Monday 17 Tueaday 18 Wedneaday ......19 Thuraday 20 Friday 21 Saturday 22 SUNDAT 22 Monday 24 Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wedneaday -.26! Thursday ...27 Friday 2S 7:45 1:23 1:59 9:24 -1.0 7:64 8:18 0.1 -0.3 9:221 0.3 10:00 10:05 10:17 11:10 0.810:43 1.111:30 1.9 0:24 1.6 11:46 2.6 1:22 2:23 3:23 4: IS 2.4 2.0 14 12:28; 1:40 2:63 4:03 6:04 6:65 6:43 0.7 Saturday 29 SUNDAT SO Monday 31 5:08 0.11 0.5 0.9, 5:551 6:35 Sunday Excuralon U Worth Beach. Th Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Company are aelling round trip ticket every Sunday from Aatoria to all cotta, at a rata of one dollar for the point on Long Beach, Including Nab round trip. Furniture For Sale. ' The book eai, paper, rack and other library furniture of the Atoria Library for aala at very rtaonable prloea. Call at library room Immediate ly. MEDUAU' THE Dr. C. GEE WO Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly locate.; 253 Alder fjtraet; for the .t flvejcar,UAVE JIOVED into the ire brick btiildinfl at the rmth nr of Fiiat end Morriaon btreeta. En-tram-eN-. i62ront 8t. Successful Home Treatment l known throiia-hont th UW KU (. and i ,,.A 1.,.-.. . U ur on MTcount or l.ls womL-rful cui. wl iMMii the aid ra Iciilf... without uolnx nrl nil dli-. wiili ,H,w..rful orlenut rwHa v .. m vtuiiim Hint rn un Known u, niwlu-ul M-, niv In this eouutry mid ihrouiili Hi uu. r 11..-.. 1......1 v dlw beguitniMU-eii 10 cure CaUrrh, Aithma, Lung Trouble, RhtumHiim Nervownai, Stjmach. liver. Kidney, f emalc Weaknen and all Chronic Disease. l!.?r y'T' 'el.in a-eeot lmp for ninliln book and elrruLr. A.ldrr., The C. C Woo Chlneu Mrdicinc Co., No. 161 1.2 f ,n St, J.E. Cor Morriion. Mentioa ti Portland Oregon TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TOW1NO,- FREIGHTING CURSION8. AND EX- STEAMER JORDAN for CathUmet, way landings, 1 daily except Sunday. JUNE. p. m STEAMER WENONA for Graya River, landing. alDly Knappton and followa: way July. Thursday 20, 12:30, P Friday 21, 1:00. Saturday 22, 1:30. Monday 24, 3:00. Thursday 23, 4:00. Wednesday 26, 5:15. Thuraday, 27, 6:30. Friday 28, 7:00. Saturday 29, 8:00. Monday 31, 9:30. Agents 8. S. Roanoke for Cooa Bay. Eureka, San Francisco and San Pedro, uray s. s. CO. Steamers to Coo Bay, Eureka and San Francisco. Str. Toledo to Graya Harbor, Tuesday and Saturday. C. H. CALLENOER, Manager. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rio Grande Railroad, the '.'Scento Lint of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attrac tions and points of Interest sJoni the line between Of Jen and Den ver that th trip never become tiresome. If you are join East, write for in formation and g-et a pretty book that will tell you all about it W. C MeBrlde, Central Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLANDS. S. CO. Far Inoludlng berth and mtala, 15 Round-trip, $23, Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, era California. O. W, HOBIUiTS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. A, G. D. KERPELL, Gen. Pa. Agent San FranoUco, Cah TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ASK ANY TRAVELER and be will tell yea the 11 m m Electric Lighted. Is tbe Crick Trail of mm all for COMFORT Bd ELEGANCE. The ticket office at Portland is 55 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. at A. D. CHARLTON, a Aneiatant General PBsaenger Agent PORTLAND. OREGON. "Best by Test" A trans continental trav eler says: " I've tried them all and I prefer the r North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for (torn fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Pau-1 and Chicago. Hefore Halting on trip-no matter where write for lnterettng inform tiuo about comfortable traveling. ttLSISlER, Gtatral Agent 132 Third 6L Portland. Oregon. T. H Geaeral ttt '. TCA8DALR, Paawnirer Agent, laul, alinn. aliforoiB ! The land of fruits, flowers and sun- shins, where all the summer sports may be enjoyed in winter. PORTLAND to L08 ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully illustrated booklets and folders, descriptive of the many charm- Ing winter resorts, may be secured from any Southern Pacific Aent or address W. E. COMAN, Q. P. A, Portland, Ore. ASK THS AGENT FOR TICKETS TIA To Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis. Dututh, Chioago, St Louia, and all points eaat and south, 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and! be Fast Mil! Z SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYE Daylight trip aoross the Casoads and Rooky Mountains, For tickets, rates folders and full in formation call on or address H. DICKSON. Cltr Ticket Afnt 121 Third Street. Portland. Or. O. TERKES. to. O. P. A, Corner First avenue and Tester way, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED 8ERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. - The World's Fair Routs. S55 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. FAMOUS TRAINS The Southweet Limited Kanaaa City to Chicago, Tbe Overland Limited U Chicago Tia. Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chicago, run via Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Each route offer nuraerou attrac tion. The principal thing to iiuure a quick, comfortable trip east ia to aea that your ticket read via the Chicago, Milwaukee it, St Paul Bail way. U.S. Rowe, Gen'lAgt., 134 Third Street, Portland, A.&C.R.R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE JUKE 24, 1905. Leava PORTLAND Arrtra 8 00 a.m Portland Cnion 1L20 a. ra 7 00p.m. depot for Aatoria 9.50 p.m t2fl)p.m r Lea ASTORIA Antra 1Ao a'm t for Portland and ll-.50a.rn 6 10 p.m ( waypointo 10.50 p-nt SEASIDE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Anto 11 35a.m- for Seaeide Direct 6&Q p.m Lear ASTORIA. , Arrtr 8.15 a.m ( forWarrenton 1 10:i5a.ra 110a.m. Hammond, Ft f ll.OOaja. 5.60 p.m (Stevepa, Beaaide) 7:40 a.. Leave 6EASIDB Arrt 5 :U0 p.m ) for Aatoria Direct 1 12 -MifAA Leava SEASIDE. Antra 6.15 a. m t for Warrenton Ft ) 925 a. m t.30p.m. i Steven. Ham- L i0p.ra. 9.4()a.m I mond. Aatoria ) 7j, Saturday only, urday. 4 Daily except Sat Through tickets and cloae connection via N. P. Railway at Portland and Gobi and O. R. A N. via Portland. J. C. MAYO, General Freight and Paaaenger Agent Oregon showtime UNIOiVBiCkTiG 7t hours from Portland to Cnlcaaw No chanra of cars. ! TIME 8THKDULKS Depart rroa Arrive PORTLAND ChloafO Portland HaItUke.nenTer.Ft Special Wort b, Omaha, Kan- si . t:lfta.m. aCltj.8t LouU, y la Hunt- Chicago and in East tngion Allan tie Lpnm ?.u Uke- Uenver kl-p.m. Worth, Omaha, Kan- T:llam la Hunt-iuu City. MtLoula, ln(toa jChicaroaud theEaat ' 8f?l Walla Walla.lewla. (not Mall iko, pokaue.Mlnne- vlaspo- (Milwaukee, CUico kan 'and luut ! Dally e- Columbia KWerto 4 . m cept Kun- Portluud and Way Iiailv .r 4ay acani UuxHog, cVpiVJ, SCHEDULE OF T. J. POTTER. For July, 1905. 5 I IS DATE Lv ILv.1 LvlLv AT Thursday, 20 .unjS.ooj.Io)6.j TH Friday, 21 .. tt.00;oo$o8.S5;i.5a 6o j j " ""7"Sj8T5j3:i5 Saturday, 22 Sunday, 23 Tuesday, 25 . JfojaoojeirB . tOrl.oisl4:B Wedneaday, 2d" Thursday, 27 10.4O4ojU)oj9.I5i4.13 Friday, 28 115591514.13 Saturday, 29 Suaday30 8oo.i54:iS Black face figure, P. M.j light, A. M. STEAJOEK KAHC0TTA Leave Aatoria on the Tida DAILY FOR ILWACO. connectlnf there with trains for Long Beach. Tioga and North Beach points. Returning ar riv at Astoria same evening. f Through tickets to and from all erta- Clpa European cities. O. W. ROBERTS. Aarent, , Astoria, Ore.