V SUNDAY, JULY 13, 9S. THE MORNING AS10RIAN, ASTOKIA, OREGON CHANCE By th How to Close the Deal. The 'editor of Printers' Ink ays ia a recent issue: "Advertising, in the re tail field, bring inquiries and customer, but the dealer's consummate skill, tact, and kindly consideration are the influen ces which must be brought to bear on the undecided purchaser. He must sup ply the psychological effect that the printed ad lacks. The merchant who expects good results by mail from an ad writer should take into his confidence and give him a great deal of informa tion that it would not be advisable to tell the public. The adwriter should have the same inside knowledge that an attorney demand in conducting a law suit It is evident, therefore, that in every store clerks must work in co operation with the advertising manager. It is essential that every employe knows his business, that is, the details of his department perfectly. It is necessary that his argument be concise, yet strong enough to close the sale. On the other land, every employe should assist the advertising man with-every bit of in formation that may lead to the cpnelus ion of a sale by mail. Making Retailers Provide Good Copy. How can the publisher make adver tising pay his advertisers! The first element needed in a solution of this question is good copy.. Some convinc ing argument must be used, some at tractive bargain offered, some definite idea conveyed. Without this all that a publisher can do would not be sufficient. He might print a model paper that every body in his territory reads, and give the copy the moM attractive display possible he might put it in the most conspicu ous part of his paper, and yet it would bring no returns were the text meaning less. The first thing to do then is to educate your merchants in the art of ad vertising. Help them in the prepara tion of their copy, get them to study the advertisements of successful mer chants in large cities that appear in your exchanges. Persuade them to take mail courses in advertising from some of the good correspondence schools. You might secure "tuition certificates from some of them in exchange for ad vertising and give those to the largest merchants. It would pay y"ou well. Then there must be an advertising wri ter on your paper, one who has taken a course in advertising and knows about the different sizes of type, the various faces and the entire technical end of the business. He should help advertisers in preparation of itheir copy, and in doing this he would help the printer to a great extent, as well written and properly arranged copy greatly facili ates his work. W. Q. Adams, Publish er Daily Inquirer, Owenboro, Ky. Truth Will Out. Merchants who think that to cut prices is an argument brought! forth by the ad-man, to induce the use of more advertising space, are just a little bit on the wrong track. Cut prices are necessary to the best business inter ests of any firm, but not when based on the general haphazard cut price idea. A merchant cuts the price on an article, remaining on his hands longer than is reasonable. Goods out of season, stock that is damaged,or edibles which will rot, if kept longer, are all entitled to a ut, to enable the dealer to get his mon ey back and induce the customer to take the goods. The misleading special sale advertisement is, however, a sad mistake. When you have bought wrong why tell the prospective purchaser, you have bought the latest, even if yon cut the price to tost! Tell the customer it was your mistake, and you are wil ling that he or she shall profit by it. It will be appreciated. Last season's goods should be advertised as last sea son's merchandise, ro matter how low the price. Some purchaser's are up-to-date on styles and will never forgive you for bringing them to the store un . der false pretense. HIS OWN WORST ENEMY. ' The dealer who refuses to advertise in a paper, because of a H-isnal griev ance against the publisher or any of his employees is like the woman who refuses to participat e in a soiree given refuses to participate in a soiree given is her (so-called) enemy. Nothing like finding a reason for an excuse. But the" sdage holds good,- that while you may be bitterly opposed to your Republican paper's policy, its readers are just a strong supporters of the publisher, as you would find among the subscribers of its political contemporary. Fact is, if the readers of one publication are worth .catering to with an advertise ment of yours, certainly the readers of the pther, more than equally as large in number, are worth reaching out for. (Otherwise advertising in neither case is worth a cent You certainly woald r.ot SHOTS Ad Man. refuse Pill Jones' trade because you didn't like him; why should you refuse to seek the clientele of a paper, because Bill Jones works for that paper! Nay! N'ay! Mr. Merchant sinallne has nev er beget bigness! Expansion is the order of the day Come out of your little shell. AN INTERESTING EXHIBIT. One of the interesting exhibits at the Portland fair, and one that i instruct ive to the general merchant, is that of Closset & Devers, who have a large ex hibit of coffee tea and spice, in the magnificent agricultural building Cof fee and spices are shown just as they are picked from the trees in the Orient and Central America. Nutmeg plants and particularly interesting. The grow ing tea plants are from China, Japan. Ceylon and India; coffee trees from Guatemala, Costa Rica, San Salvador. Nicaragua and Ecuador, and allspice, ginger and coffee plants from Jamaica. Thev also have a Central American plantation house with the interior dec orated and fitted up in Japanese style. There is also a complete coffee milling plant in operation. Coffee is served to all the visitors who care for it A number of exhibit ors use this method of sampling their products to visitors, and wherever used it has proved to be of advantage to the trade. - HIS EQUAL SELDOM HEARD. There is every reason to expect a large audience of merchants, etc., at Foard 4 Stokes' Hall tomorrow evening at eight o'clock, not because it' a free treat but because the man who is to speak to the business men of this city and their employes, knows his subject and knows it well. He has addressed large bodies of representative men in every city he has visited and whenever he did so, he was asked to come again. His style is his own, while his argument is so convincing, that OKU Wortman & King of Portland closed their store Fri day, the 14th at 4:30 P. M., that he may address their 600 employees in a body at the Unitarian Church which they rented for the occasion. Nothing else need be said to encourage you to hear Mr. A. F. Sheldon of Chicago, to morrow night. It will, indeed, be a treat. SALMON WASTET. When salmon packers ay they can not advertise their product to any ad vantage, it ia almost too true. Salmon cheek are permitted to go to whosoev er desires to have them, while every body who once tates them, likes them. Some people who never did like wtlmon like salmon cheek. Why wast good part of a fish, simply because rw feasi ble way of putting it up, ba ..been found. Why permit the public to re main in ignorance about salmon, when a little different package at a little higher price will enable the packer to educate the people that a good salmon steak is palatable and nutritive besides. Why permit the jobber to say, he won't handle your goods except at such a price, when advertising to the people will create a demand at a higlier retail price, incidentally compelling the jobber to buy your goods at your proportion ately more profitable price. EXTRACTS FROM Rusty Mike's Diary in White's Sayings. A ship won't make much headway in dragging an anchor and a business won't make much headway dragging a lot of old fogy notions. Not to advertise because it's summer is just about as sensible as it would be not 10 eat because it's winter. Tina t'ima ail rart iuf-ment will fatten vour bank account about as rapidly as one meal a day will fatten a hard work ing man. A NEW VARIETY. A New York woman tells of an expe rience which she had recently in ono of the large department stores. She was looking for some house furnishings, and, walking up to one of the floor-walkers, anked whether she could see the candel abra. "All canned goods two counters below just to tty. left," an(wnd the of ficial guide,' briefly. Harper's Weekly. Forced to Starve. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., sayss "For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore ou my upper lip, so painful, some times that I could not eat. After vain ly trying everything else, I cured it with Bucklin's Arnica Salve." It's great for burns, cuts and wounds. At Cbas. Rog ers' drug store; only 25 cents. WILL LAY VALDEZ CABLE. V J ' R R ff : . fek ' 19 n B E H I af-fil 1 1 f ft f I 1 Cableship Burnside Lave, Seattle For IB ll 1 1. 0 II I3 1 1 1 II it I 1 1 1 B 1 1 L f J 111 Alaska to Lay Cable. Seattle, July 22. The cableship Bum. dde sails tomorrow for Alaska to be am laying the government cable between Valdex and Seward, 2H miles of which she has on board. She ha lieen deluycd n account of an incomplete crew. Major GWsford, in charge of the sig nal service bureau in this district, will go .North on the Burnside to be present at the ceremonies incident to splicing of the cab'. at Vaklei. He will return in about two vek. KOMURA CONTRIBUTES. Establishes Fund for Teaching Japanese Language In Seattle. Seattle, July 22. Baron, Jutaro Ko mura, Japencsc plenipotentiary to the peace conference soon to convene in Washington, D. C, found time yester day before leaving for the East, to make a careful inquiry touching the educa tion of the Japanese children residing in Seattle and, just More, his depart ure, to announce that he would eon tribute the sum of fcWO to be expended on the education of the children in the language and literature of Japan. SOCKEYE PACK SHORT. Will not Exceed One Half of Capacity of Sound Canneries. Seattle, July 22. Cannery men of Pa get sound concede that the sockcye sal moo pack for the season of 1905 will fall considerably short of the estimate. It is now believed that the total pai-t will not exceed one half of the capacity of the combined canneries and that it will mean the failure of a majority of the packing companies engaged in the business. The sockeye run should fairly un der way at the present time and the fail ure of the fish to appear at sufficient Humbert to constitute a run' 6a caused general alarm among the infiwets con nectcd with the industry. FRANTIC ITALIAN SHOOTS C0UNTRT3CAH Man Whff Trie to Wrong Girl Shot By Her Brother. Portland", .l'uly 22. Louie Faratf to night fatally nliot and wouiuled Carlo Bornanto, whom he accused of trji'ng to harm hi (Farari's) sister. Fiirarf alleges that llornanta enticed Iwriht. a house and' attmpfi-4 assault. Farari arrived' on t lie scene and Born anto sought safety m flight pursimt' by the angry brother- Bwmanto turi td'ou Farari with a knife-and the hitter shot him five time JbmrMto will die. T3 men are Italiiar. WISCONSIN- INDICTMENTS'. Milwaukee County CrandJ Jury (a , tinnes trBetnnr True Bills. Milwaukee, ilily it The grand? jjry of Milwaukee county invest igatifig allcg ed graft, retnied scrfral indict mmt this evening, if is sai'il that fifteemttnn bills were found. Tine sheriff w'sV art immediately. ASUrpnassParty. A pleasant surprise party may BegjT en to your stomach ad liver, by talcing' a medicine which will relieve thairt paln and discomfort, via: Dr. Kins- Nevr Life Pills. They are a most wtnderfut remedy, affording sure relief Midi cure,. for beadacie, dizziaess and con'rtipaUoita. 25c at Chaa. Rogers' drug stout.. If you an not eat, sleep or wife,, feel mean, c and ugly, take HoWst-1 Rocky 39iimtai8 Tea this month. A tonic foirth- sick. There im.remIj equal tw- it. S3 cents, Tea. on TaUb at Frank, Hart's drug store,. BehnKe-Wdller Business College If yon are thinking f at blading bus iness college you cua. not afford t? Ig nore the best in ifco northwest. Our equipment is unsura'i.ed west of Chi igo. On account vt our rapidly increa ing attendance WE WILL MOVE October First to our elegant new quar ters in the ElKs Building now being completed at Sevenih and Stark streets. Our graduates are all employed. Placed 207 pupils In lucra tive positions during the past year, Send for our handsomely illustrated catalogue. Free. Address all cominuni cations to our present quarters in the Stearns Building, Portland. UUlliil I1L I peuiy UUbPluiiy I You May Want j J A furnished house, rooms or stow, J J Make your want known to the i , readers of this paper. If yeu want 1 I a tenant for a house, soma reader J may be the desired party. ' Obtained by Advertising in th? 0 Want Columns of the Morning V, J ) Astorlan. , 1 DAILY 7.000 READERS HELP WANTCO. WANTKip GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. Mr. K. Osburn, 700 Irving Avenue. WANTFD-GIRb TO WAIT ONr TABLE and do other light work. Apply 403 Duane Street, TYPEWRITERS. BLICKENSDERFEU TYPEWRITERS supplies, repairing. Ross & Ross, 200 Stark street, Portland. CANNING MACHINERY FOR SALE. COMPLETE SALMON CANNERY OUT fit, especially adapted fer fall pack ing. Capacity 350 to 400 can per day. Apply to F. P. Kendall, Room 5, Ham- rTtfcffl Bldg Portland, Oregon. ! STEAM WOOD SAW. MOORE BROS; WILL BE IN ASTORIA witli a first vla steam wood sav on or atwit' Aug. J'J. leave orders at 131 Astor Bl fl 27-1'mo TO" RENT HOUSES. FOR RST-r KDOXf HOUSE. WEST of Post Office. E'rtqwJre at this office. FOR REST-SIX flXmt HOUSE FOR j rent Inquire lftS and Jerome ave. .1 0FT1CES" fW RENT. THREE OFTICE ROOM EN SUITE. One front. Tythian buflding. Apply So Dr. VangfiaT in bulttliig: HOUSES WANTED. WANTED STVEN-RbbM" FURNISH ed louse, centrally located Blaine AstortinV CAH'Fo'a""Bifis; SEALED PRCWOSALS Vm.tf.llK RK : mcmmI at tit, office of ' the-architect a th OotWent-HoUl until 2" o'clock P. V., JHf 17, forpiMng and cappfng foun- fetio on lot, tob 11th -and rrnane sts., riavOre. Ay S. Reed. CALL- POR BIBS. Offlr, Pirtland, Dreg., ;Jw 83, im. Healed jposals will 1 wwivtd here lor the. e.umvauon, run et mansorn wrk,.tJci, in connection with the conitrHtiMi,if portion of. The n-n .r..ili rniiul. (oimnhia River, Drer, and Th., until 11 A. M, duly ... 1 1. 1- it, 190.J, anjtwn puuiviy oH-iir, ... . t. r formation wjn appiisrauon, . v. Langfltt, Mjj.KngrA. SEALED 110P0SA&S WILL BE Re ceived aft the ofllweof the Light nous Engineer. Portland,. Ore., until 2 o'clock P. M.,.3iriy 27; lfli, and then opened, for furnWlitig mihuellaneous articles lor the Lifhn House Establishment, ff the fiscal yeafl ending June 30, 190G comprising- Hitrdwai!; Fipe, fitting, etc. Paints, oils. etKM Soap, match, eto.j Lubrktg oii. etc.j and Lumber, in accords ncs with spccifieatiens copies or vhk with Wank proposal and other lnfomatkm, Kay be had pon appli- cation to Major W. C. Langfltt, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Engineers. MILK DEALERS. IP YOU VALUE YOUR HEALTH You will demand PURE MILK, Fresh From Healthy Cowa, It Is our aim to supply the need. Qot us, while new-comers are reoommended regular patron continue to 4e& with to our milk depot by knowing friends. Morning or night delivery. THE 8LOOP-JEFFER8 CO, 10th and Duane street. MEN AXO WOMEN. I'm Bl m tot nnmrl dlK irci,laOnimtl.o, Irnuiium or sliwrslloM .1 mima.. m aiAnihrMHaa. I - " .h.I.m Dai.it.. kil nul ulrin. tTMC EyMlClUMICU Cl. fast or i.onon. tISCKIUII,f 1 )M r Prsnttsu, 1 lT ipr. p'piM. f 3 tl AO. or I iMiltlra S2.7S. SI ",.!.. . ... V..VH.MI r.M. " - rlalltar. Situations Wanted Advertisements Twice Without Charge, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Clara B. Simpson, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Room 2, Over Star Theater. FURNITURE. ROBINSON & H1LDEBRAND floodman Bliitf. 589 Commercial 8t FURNITURE, Carpet. Bedding. Stoves, Matting, Window 8hd, LINOLEUM, Cu. BILLIARD HALLt. Occident Hotel Bar OX Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything' First Clasi. Fineif bfand of Liquors and Cigaii MCAT MARKETS. FRESH AW) CORED MEATS -WhofMrCeand IteUilI- Ships, Logging tip and Mill Sup plitd on dtort Notice. Llv Stock Bought and Sold. WASHINGTON MARKET CSRISTENSCN A CO. Central Meat Market G- W. Morton A J no. Fuhrmiit, Vap't, CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS PROMPT DELIVER, ,642 Commercial 3t Phon Mslrr 3Zf RESTAURANTS. FIRST-t'LA-.S MEAL for 15c; nieecake, coffee, pie, or doughnut at U. S. Restaur ant. " i Bond St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. t. ijtf st 10U C9-'. ' . .. 15-ccnt raeiiS m the city at the Rising Sun. Kf4urnt. S12 Commercial St LAUN3RIES. The Troy Laundry Th only whit labor laundry In th. city. Dom th best work at reasonable pniaM avid h In vry way werthy 0 your pairanag. 1QtH ihI DUANE St.. Phon. im BROKERAGE. C. J. TRENCH A RI) RmI Ettat, Imuran, Cnflilr and Shipping CUSTOM HOUSI 1ROKER. OfflM 133 Ninth Street, NmI to Jitstio Offlo. ASTORIA, OMOOM.'- i. m. . HOTtva HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND ORE.. Finest Hotel U th Northwast BLACKSMITHS. ANDREW - ASP, Blacksmith. Having installed a Rubber Tiring Maohln ef th latest pttm I an prepared to do all kind of work at reasonable priess. 12th and Duan St. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, ben weed, any kind of wod at lowst prloes. Kely, th transfer man. 'Phon 2211 Blaok, Barn on Twlf th, eppqiita opr r)w, . . Inserted AT SEASIDE Th Morning Aitorian i on ale at Lewis k Co' Drug Store and Morrison & Greenbaum'i ,' "' Cigar Stor. SEASIDE DIRECTORY. HOTELS. THE OSIER CAFE Horn Cooking, Quick Service Oyoter, C'lttin. Cral In any style, 11 Don't FF 73c for a Dinner While J'mt ran prt it at Oder's for 3,. llridge street, on ?Vt way to the beach Kverythlng ncW tfnd clean. , MRS, C. i'IKM, Prop, ' rVstMe, Oregon, COLONIAL HOTEL I.iKnt in th uiot I'citutlful spot, &vr looking Hie oran. Ninety elegut,tly furnished- rooms, , Bath' Mous In Connection. J Comforts' f hmw. Uct fttceU. " ' Hates, ti and REST.tdRAftTS. LOUIS OYSrf HOUSE Shell Crabs, CU)M. Oystrt In any style, At flic end of the bfMjj. Try We will plae' fiM, THE HEMX0CK CAFE AND Of'tffft PARLOR. Is getting to- th lending resort' $ Seaside, Shoit oid'ers a Jipwiiilty, MRS. H. A. STrr.f:.", Proprietor. , TRY OUR 35tf MffMRS. Tite like lliolhi f llHed' f. CiMik. Tht Arlington ftsfirarant i'xff ftl'.wk, at the biidje, KeaMtlV. tiiw, WINES AND UQVm& Ibry Kintn nd Harry falfrt Are, now runiiltiit Th Brldg Sal on-, Vre 'l1". IW I' r'eawd to im-a tin it friend. THE GEM U'lul.. ad H... tliMli tt kloll. Ill, 'L'ho fil'tll. I'ur Liiwuf. (otd Ileer, Hilt firad , C'ljfars a 5iecialty. THE OCEAN The most popular loon AT SKASIDK. Billiard and Pool: lUU In counoction. I. .1. CALLAHAN'. I'rop, , in. .ni-'-Msmm iiii.ii ,j EAGLE SALOON f lmice Wines, Liquors and Wigar. Finest jdcn In 8eaide to n-t a pleas ant lir. FllAXK SMTT, Prop,, DENTIST DR. T. L. VAlh 524 CommerciyJ Sti ' Aitojk, Oreaoru ; VAUG1UN, Dkxtist Pytllaa Buildlntf, Astoria, Oregon. Dr, W, C. IaOGAN . v DENTIST 578 Commercial St., Shanahan Building PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. . JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUHQEQN. Aetlng AwtnUint Burgeon U.S. Maria HoiltAl Hervlee. Dfflce hours: 10 to 13 a-m. Ho 4:10 p.m. 477 Commercial Street, lu4 floor.