The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 18, 1905, Image 1

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    1 : '-'
Decision as to Consumma
tion of Peace Rests
, With Czar.
It Merely Designated to See If Wat
Kay be Ended. Russia Not On Verge
of Diatolutlon. Termi Mutt Be Very
St. Petersburg. .Tuly IT.-M. Witt In
an interview gUrii exclusively to the
Associated Pre, and in which ha stale
that it I the only one which h content
ed or will consent ti give, Mated today
that Itula lias not decided t make
jai-e at any price, lie state that he
wa delgnaled by the empeior to as
certain whether it I iiuU , t mu
cbalw a-Irmly of peace.
di-e-Wi.m remain in the hand of the
eiiilxTor. however.
M. Wltti' say that the rnicror i
a friend of and desire pur,
but Willi fear that the Japanese'
terms will be smb. the envoy will not
1 aid to reach an agreement. Hi went
on to ay that It I n ml-lake to think
IIiK-i w ant a peace at any, pt i and
riot withstanding the difference of opiti
Ion U-twecn the war parly and tin peace
party, he think that if the .lap should
wound the "amour pmpre" of the Rn
ian people or jeopardire Huia' fu
turf na a nation, Inith partie would
l. united. He rontinticd:
"I am aura that if I reort that the
condition of dnpun can iit le ni'ccpt'd
ltu-xiii will aiH-ept the verdict and
the !l'tidan people ill la ready to eon
tinne the war for year. If nw-eary."
M. Witta ctnted that ltuia wa not
rni-hed and whilo interior condition
Mere ae.rioua, thee Would Ik quickly
diipated if the Kuinn people really
tlioufht the Integrity of the nation waa
at take. Jle aald that Ituia w not
on the wtfff of diaaolution and wa not
coinxlled to accept any condition of
fered In apite of the military recre
aut lined.
Display! Remarkable Recuperative Pow
era. Phyilciani Hopeful.
New Yoik, duly 17. ThoiiKh acarcely
pet'i-cptihle, what change wna noted In
the ronilition of Senator I'lark waa in
favor of the patient..
Since the radical operation Saturday,
the Kt-nntor haa exhibited remarkable
rccuH-rativa power and haa rallied
Should tomorrow anil Wednesday paa
n peiu-cfully a the preceding day a, at
tending phyalelana ay there la little
anxiety aa to bin ultimate recovery.
Chicago Bookkeeper Knocks Wife's Com-
, panlon Down Stairs.
Chicago, July 17. Welcome Jerome,
a bookkeciM-r, who claim to Im a rel
ntive of Dintrict Attorney. Jerome, of
New York, (.truck Charles Fa tire, n
Frenchman ,in the face, knocking him
down a HlKht of atuira and canning In
iuriea from which lia died lat-er at a
The reaaon Jerome gave for hi net
waa that Faure eauaod a separation be
tween blmaelf and hi wife. Mr. Je-
rmue wa with Faure at the time of the
aault. Jerome I under arret and
Mr, Jerome, who for the lat few week
haa been known a Mi. Faure, I held
a a witness.
Selected At Surgeon Tor Expedition to
Arctic Ocean.
New York, July 17.-lupt!cale parts
f the dclecele aeientiflc Instrument to
I ned by the IViiry exslition in
search of the Norlh Pole, wm placed
aUard tl steamer Itoow-velt Wore it
sailed Sunday front tide port. Triple
et of nautiean Instrument elo were
taken along.
r. Louis J. Wolf, of Silvertun. Ore-
ami. wa ihocn as surgeon of the ex
pcditlnn. U thirty year old anil a
graduate of the Upr of surgery in
Kan FrancUco of the elaa of l'.H)3. I'n
til recently Wolf was connected with
tin outdoor dfpatttifiit of llrllevtw In
New York Retail Salesmen Will Ask
Aid of Police.
New York,' July 17. Salesmen em
ployed In retail atorea on the lower Fjt
side who. year In and year out, work
from fourteen to ixteen hour a day,
even la a week, have determined to
form an organization' lth the object
of eoiniadli'ig the police to enforce the
Sunday clojlng law.
They will ak that a aHcial detail
uf radii be aigned each Sunday to
arreat their employer If they open. A
majority of the employers, U 1 claim
ed, who rt upw forced by eompeititlon
lo keep open seven dtiy a week. Would
lie glad to have the law enforced.
Furious Rid of Physician to Help
Dying Men.
Four Miners Seriously Hurt by Explos
Ion at Meeteetse, Wyo. Doctor Rides
Hundred Miles over Mountains in
Time to Save Their Lives.
Mecteet, Wyo., July 17. In order
to render all aid ill hi jaiwer to aave
the live of four men, injured in an ex
idoMon at the Kirwln gold mine, near
here, in which three other men were
killed, lr. liichard. of Thermopolk
rode one hundred mile orer the inoun
tain at breakneck aia-ed, arriving in
time today to n.ecnmplih the purpose
for which the furious ride was inmle.
When the expliwion came no help was
within call nearer than Thermopolk
one hundred miles southeast, but Dr.
Richard at that place responded over
the telephone that he would ride to the
la-t of hi ability.
He made the mountainou diatance in
little le than eleven hour. Four re
lav were used by him In making the
trip, ranchmen along the route supply
ing him with horse.
Devastates Vast Area. Loss Four Hun
dred Thousand.
Xew York, July 17. A violent wind
storm accompanied by heavy' bail ha
visited the suburb of St. (ierumin
Mnisdiis-l.iiiritt. Argenteuil, anil Shan
non, according to a Herald ,dipatch
from Pari. F.normoti dumage was
done but fortunately there was no fa
talities. Many trees were uprooted,
telegraph pole broken and tiles and
chimney pot scattered. Some of the
hailstones were of record i.e.
A Herald dispatch from Naples re
port also heavy damage from storm
of wind anil bail near I-eece. Vrom
were devastated over a large area and
the losses are estimated at $400,000.
Has Made Agreement With
Ryan Trustees and
: New Directors.
Equitable Life Assurance Society la
sues Circular Conveying Intelligence.
Ryan Will Get Four Per Cent Bonus
For Time He Has Held Stock.
Xew York, July 17. From a circular
of the Kquilable Life Assurance Soci
ety it I learned today that Thomas F.
Ryan, who recently purchased the atoek
holding of Jame 11 Hyde, ha made an
agreement with the three trustees of
the Hyan holdings and the newly elm-ted
dirt-tor to sell the at tick be purchased
back to the Ktuitahle
The ale will la made a soon a pt
aibly, it I said, and Uyan lui agreed
to turn it into the society, thus thor
oughly mutualizing it, for the wrme sum
be paid for It. fc2-"0o.rsW. plu four cr
cent interest, between the date of his
purchase and sale
Weather Bureau Offiera No Hope for
Cooler Weather.
Washington, July 17. The Weather
bureau tonight announced that there
was no prospect tor eeveral days at
least of let-up of the extreme heat
extending over the Country for the past
few day.
Tim entire country from the Mi
flssippi valley eastward to aout'J'rn
New F.ngland and the Florida coast i
In the midst of a welt-marked mid-sum-mer
'hot dl. The maximum temper
ature today follow:
Philadelphia. Ml; Chicago. IU; Cincin
nati, 1I.V; Xew York, M; Detroit, 03;
Washington. I3: St. I-ouis, H7; Titts
burg, 02; Boston, UO; Astoria, 72.
Applcton. Wis., July 17. The
report reached here tonight that
e the town of Anawa, Shawnee.
county, was wiped -out by a ae-
vere wind storm today. Xo con-
Urination of the report was re-
ceived up to a late hour. Anawa
has a population of 5(H).
Latter May Lose Limb As Result of
Desperate Fight.
Cold llcach, Or., July 17. William
Crcme, a reaideut of Ophir, a remote
Curry county hamlet, may lose his leg
as a result of a bullet fired at him by
hi ciary aim, John Crewe, SO years
old. Only a hasty blow from the fath
er, who contrived to knock the miuzlo
of the weapon from hi fact to the low
er part of hi laxly, saved his life. As
it is, the bone half way between the
knee and hip i shattered.
1 , The son. whose dciangement is caus
ed by recent illness, and who I In a la
mentable mental and physical condition,
got up It midnight, lighted a file in the
kitchen and loaded his rifle. The father
came down stairs to see what was go
ing on, and when near the bottom ran
up against the ritle just as the
son was about to pull the trigger. De
spite his wounded leg, the patent grap
pled with the loy and tried , to holt
him, but the latter c Bed to the beach,
up which he went as far as Ophir post
office, turning tlicm-e inland, up a creek
bottom. He reached a aettler'a house
Itefore night and surrendered from mere
exhaustion. He was taken to Jlandon
to be examined for sanity.
Union, Oregon, Purchasers Say They
Will Begin Operations Soon.
Kugene, July 1". Messrs. Wright and
Wilbur, of Union, Or., owner of the
woolen mill in this city, have written
to prominent citizen that they will
lgln ojeratlin alout (Molar 1. They
purchased the milt early last prinp
and announced that they would immed
iately commence to ojarate them, but
later deal with the citizens of Hood
Hiver waa entered into, by which the
ha-al plant was to It moved to that
place. deal hung fire for a time
araf ftnaJIy fell through. Meanwhile
the plant ha remained idle. Tile news
that it U lo I operated i hailed by
Kugeue v'i)l with satisfaction. It
will employ U-tween 74 and 100fperon
and create a good market for lane
county wool.
Two 'Expert Swimmers Accom
plish Wonderful Feat.
Start From American Side of the Whirl
pool and Swim to Lewiston. Foul
Miles in Twenty Six Minutes, Do not
Go Near Upper Rapids.
Xiaeara Fall". July 17. Carlysle de
Graham, of this city, and William J.
Clover. Jr., of Baltimore, suerewsfully
swam the lower rapid of Xiagara from
the American side of the whirlpool to
U-wHon this afternoon. The distance
of four mile wa covered in twenty
six minutes by Clover.
The atart wa made at 4:02 P. M..
from Flat Hock, on the American aide.
The swimmers did not venture in the
upper rapid where Captain Webb lost
hi life. Neither was injured.
Thirteen Million Feet Being Brought to
Kugene, July 17. A logdrive. consist
ing of 13,0tH),000 feet has reached this
city for the Kugene Lumber Company's
mills. The drive wa started from above
the mouth of the north fork of the Wil
lamette, and it journey to Kugene has
occupied 40 day. A civw of 20 men
have laen employed on it during that
time. This drive wa gotten out by
Charle Williams.
A mamlnoth drive of over 12.000,000
feet for the IWith-Kelly mill at Spring-
Held is well on its way from North Fork.
Jap and Joe Hills are getting it out.
General Blackmar's Funeral
Boston, July 17. While all arrange
ment for the funeral of the late commander-in-chief.
Ocneral Blackmar, are
not completed, it is probable that it will
la held here next Sunday.
Japanese To Float Three Ships.
Tokio. July 17. It ia expected that
the Russian warship l'allada, Pohieda.
and Poltava, sunk at Tort Arthur, will
stain be refloated.
Corean Loan Oversubscribed.
Tokio. July 17. The Corean loan of
$1,000,000 was oversubscriltcd four time
It wa the first foreign bam ever float
ed in Japan.
Alexander's Condition Critical.
New York, July 17. James W. Alex
ander, formerly president of the Equit
able Life Assurance Society, is in a
critical condition at. the Cnkawy sanitarium.
New York and Eastern
Cities Continue to
Oppressive H at Return to Metropolis, i;-- v..-..
Sis Die in Pittsburg; One Death andRtat fent Dubuque went aground
Donroatrationa In the City of,in the - near v'Spermacett,
New York, July 17. After a respite
of one day," the hot wave that swept j
over New ork lat week causing scores ;
of death and hundred of prostrations
renewed today with renewed intensity, J
the temperature Wing by far the high- j
est of the season. j
The highest point reached waa at four j
rfiioek in Uie afternoon,- wheCnMtH
wvatlier. buretwt tlwnnometer touched
!. ileirreea. In the street., however. -Wie
heat wa much greater, some tliermom-
eter rerdinga bight a 103.
While the heat wa Intense, the air
wa. stirred by a light breeze and the
general suffering waa somewhat miti
gated by the absence of the excessive
humidity of the last week. Largely ow-
ing to this, only two cases of death, di
rectly resulting from heat werereport
ed. The total number is less than fifty.
There wa little dimimiation of the;
heat after night fall, the mercury stand
ing at 81 degrees at 11 P. M. There are
prospect of relief for several days.
Philadelphia. July 17. District At
torney John C. Bell, Assistant City So
licitor Harry Kingston and Wjlliam
Born, of Colringswood, N. J wvro ser
iously injured today by the fall of an
elevator in the Land Title building, the
highest building in the city. .
Mr. Bell sustained a compound frac
ture of the leg, Mr. Kingston suffered
both legs fractured and Mr. Born was
injured about the body and received
lacerations of the scalp. The elevator
operator, the only other occupant of the
car. escaja-d with slight injuries.
, - ,1 a:..tu
l ne rltMRlor UM'p:u num i mr e.Atii j
floor to the basement. The cause of the !
accident I unknown. Air. lieu is one
of the legal, political and social leader
of the city. and Mr. Kingston is almot
equally prominent. Mr. Bell ha been
prominently before the public since the
political upheaval in this city began.
Prominent Wasco County Men on Way
To British Columbia.
The Dalles, July 17. State Senator
Whealdon. District Attorney Mem fee.
and W.-1). Richards, of this city and C,
A. Bell, of Hood River, left last night
for Belton. Mont., from which place they
will go into the new oil field in the
southeastern part of British Columbia.
The three former are directors of Hie
South east British 'Columbia I-nnd 4
Oil Company, a local corporation tliat
has large holdings in the oil field. It
i the purpose of the party to spend two
weeks in the oil country and make a
thorough inspection of the resources of
that country. While there they will
select the place where the company will
sink it first oil well, and will arrange
for commencing active development
work. This company is one of the most
extensive land owning companies in the
ne woil fields, having over 11,000 acre
of land, and sulficient finical backing to
develop its holdings. ... , '
t OF MANY . '. t
' ': '
' "
Salt Lake, July 17. The lives
of ninety-three aged and decrep-
it women were endangered this
afternoon when fire destroyed the
wards in the administration
buildings of the county infirmary ,
at Fourteenth, South and State
streets. Thirty bed-ridden . wo-
men were carried out by seven-
employe of the institution and '
some of them were rescued bare-'
ly in time to save their lives.
Gunnboat Goea Aground.
",c " . i . I . -7
tog biiu naa 'UMt-ti ink tu6 '"tgui,
apparently uninjured.
Wk JuH- 17-Tronipt retribu
tion waa aietcd out toniauCl--Saw4ct
Brooks, a bather at Aabura ich.wboe
foolhardy mischisvousncs imi'frilthl ti
lives of three young women. jt ,
The young women were rowing in t'. -vicinity
of many bathers, when Brook
and a companion, who were in the water
heedlea of the protests, ofthe young
women, climbed into the boat. Taking
positions at either end of the craft,
the men began to rock the boat until
the boat was upset. -
Bathers attracted by the plight of the
screaming girls, swam to their rescue
and after a struggle brought the three
young women ashore In a semi- con
scious condition. Meanwhile Brooks and
hi companion swam away. The latter
Brooks was less fortunate and when
he reached shore an infuriated mob set
upon bim with umbrellas and sticks
and might have killed him but forthe
intervention of the police.
C. Bieker, Wifebeater, May Be Made to
Suffer Strokes of Blacksnake.
Portland, July 17 After hearing the
evidence in the case of C. Bieker, on a
charge of assaulting his wife JVputy
District Attorney Heney recommends he
!e held to the grand jury with a Tiew
of having him punished at the whip
ping pot. Attorney Heney said this waa
one of the most, aggravating cases that
ha been before the court since the law
went into effect, and he further stated
that the law was passed to punish just
such wife beater.
The evidence showed that Beiker bad
been beating bis w ife of bite and taking
the money which had his wife had earn
ed by washing. The climax wa reach
ed at an early hour yesterday morning
when Beiker appeared at home under
the influence of liquor, and demanded
money. Mrs. Beiker say that her lifts
band knocked her down and fearfully
bent lur. Her eyes are black today.
Beiker .was held to the circuit court to
day under $500 bond.
Shipoff Will Coin?.
St. Petersburg, July 17.-The report
that M. ShipofT, director of the treas-,
ury, would not accompany the Russian
peace commission to Washington, ia
incorrect, .
Today'a Weather.
Portland, July 17. Oregon, Tuesday
fair and warmer.