The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 06, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 1871.
By nail, pT yar H
By mail, pw month W
By carrier, prr month 5
1 mall per yr. In adanc ,
.11 M
Entered at tht poatolTlc at Aitorta.
Orvfoo aa cijd-claaa matter.
frOrAm for th. drttwmr of TBI Ksuim
Actmuaii 10 (iUMW mdw or ptae of IhwUmm
w b matt by pootal card or throurt to
lon. Any trrriruWity ia doliwry fUxmld bo
temdiM); rrponed to lb oOo of pubUootioa.
Ttlphono Main Ml.
torially upon th effk-H-m-y of thi divis
ion of th do)artmcnt of exploitation
yiiifl that th wrkrr employed were
men whooe ability wa not ao good a
mediocre and that the entire mechanical
Published Daily by 1 end of the preaa bureau abould be di
HE J. BELLINGER COMPANY. 1 charged lrau. their efforts were mark
ed with iuot deplorable carehcaaneM.
Mr. C.reea was grossly in error, but the
unjust criticism cut the deepest
The Seattle "PA" state that Britf.
Gen. A. W. Greeley ia on hi way to the
Antic region via Seattle. A few days
ago the Oregonian stated that Mr
Greeley waa on hi way to Portland,
Aa a matter of fact, Mr. Greeley ia com
ing to Astoria. Since the circulation of
unreliable information for the purpose
of furthering the importance of certain
communities seems to be quite the thing
the Astorian joyfully enter the list.
"Why should the people drink an in
ferior article when they can Bet the
finest in the world at say the Butte
Inter-Mountain. Of course the reader
refer to the splendid drinking ater( ?)
for which Montana ia famous.
Secretary of War Taft in adJresning
the people of San Francisco says that
the object of the trip to the Philippines
i to look after matters immediately
within the province of the department
of war. While in the enemy's country
he apparently refrains from commenting
on the Chine exclusion question.
Japan is preparing to float a new war
loan according to Financial Minister
Takahira. He fails to state, however
that .lapan incidentally is preparing to
float some defunct Russian warships.
One hundred thousand residents art
reported to have left San Francix for
the Summer. And still San Francisco
i larger that Seattle. Incredible.
While a revolutionary outbreak of
the first magnitude seems imminent in
Russia, while mutiny is raging among
the personnel of the Czar's fleet and
while several torpedo boats are hurry
ing over the sea in pursuit of Russia
now pirate, cruiser, the Kniax Potem-
kin, the assurance that peace negotia
tiona. which are expected to end th
great war ia the Far East, are progress,
ing without interruption is most grati
fying to lovers of a universal peace
Not only have the belligerents named
their plenipotentiaries, but these digni
taries are now en route to the Nation's
capital where the conference may sit.
probably during the first part of Aug
fruat. The peace plenipotentiaries, if ad
vice may I accepted as a criterion, will
jiot b mere puppets, but will be clothed
with full power to act. This not only
assures peace but within reasonable dis
tance. The place of meeting is likely
to be Oyster Bay or New York, rather
stfcan Washington. Notwithstanding !
wherever the plenipotentiaries assemble
to discuss and settle term of peace, the
chief credit of the much coveted outcome
must be awarded to the energetic, skill
ful and wonderfully successful man who
occupies the position of president of the
United States. Russia has already reap
ed a great benefit from her defeat and
that is the awakening of her people to
their rights, opportunities and destiny.
If under a constitutional regime gen
uine freedom shall be the ultimate result
of the war, the strife will be worth all
its awful cost Naturally the entire
world will also share in the prosperity
which will enevitably follow peace and
the progress of Russia.
The remarkable increase in manufac
tured export which was revealed in the
eleven months, ending May last, serves
to greatly attenuate the contention of
the "stand patters" that the mainten
ance of the present tariff law with not
a single sacred punctuation mark chang
ed or effaced, is independable to the
protection of American labor. In the
period mentioned our exports of manu
factured products reached a total value
og 413,400,0fK) an increase of $83,000,
000, or substantially 22 per cent over
the corresponding period of 1904 and of
1120,000.000 or nearly 34 per cent over
the corresponding period of 1903. Some
advance the theory that agricultural
exports have fallen off alarmingly. This
is true but even though the deficit is
$.14,300,000 as compared with 1904 and
$46 000.0ii0 as companed with 1903, man
ufactured exports have increased re
spectively $3,000.000 and $120,000,000.
The increa- in the exports has more
than made good the heavy loss that has
occurred laterly in agricultural exports
What adds to the significance of these
figures is that this increase in the sale
of American manufactured products, to
the n-t of the world lias taken place
at a tirr when wages in this country
have been as a whole at their highest
level, and when wages among our lor
eign t-ompefilors htive unh-rgorv no
corresponding increase. Coupled with
this is the fact that the increase has tak
en place when the prices of raw mater
ial, machinery and kindred commodities
have undergone a noteworthy advance
and when foreign countries have made
utrenuous efforts to keep conarol of
their own markets. How could all this
be possible if the maintenance of the
Dinghy tariff, as the "htand pattera"
aver, constitutes Amorican labor's sole
salvation is puzzling many good people
who have been tenderly nutured in the
fiiith of Dingleyism.
a.v .
William S. Green, editor of the Colusa
Cal., Sun, and one of the best known
newspaper and political leaders in Cal
ifornia, is dead. This will be glorious
tiding for the general press bureau staff
of the Lewis and Clark exposition. Mr
Green a short time ago commented edi-
Diary of a Summer Girl
Xfondav Arrived this afternoon
Dull. May have to fall back on th
hotel clerk if something doesn't turn
up. There must be a hundred old
maids around. I'm about the only one
who dare to appear in a bathing suit
Tuesday Two 17 year old boys
made their appearance today. Well
they're better than nothing. I shall
kiss them aid make them say their
prayers before they go to bed tonight
Wednesday Engaged to both th
17-vear-olds. Wanted to be fair to
each of them.
Tuesdav Broker from New York,
Says be is single but doubt it. Mon
ey to burn, however. Proprietor
hotel swears be is single.
Friday Bnuker proposed. Promptly
accepted. Seven6een-year-olda boUi in
moumine. Broker eood company, but
foolish. Has wired for ring.
Saturday Two college men and
champion eolfer came at noon.. Also
two blondes. They are fiends. Bro
ker introduced to both of them. Wore
my smallest bathing suit.
Sunday Played college men and
eolfer against broker. He is mad
with jealousy. Duel in prospect Sev
enteen vear-olds recovering. Scene with
broker. Wants to elope. Told him 1
would give him my anwer tomorrow.
Monday Broker's wife arrived
Have just engaged myself to two col
lege men and the golfer. Too
about the broker. I suspected he was
too much in love with me to be single
Decidedly So.
"Dont you think that some men
make a mistake in adopting politics as
a career"
Yes; hut isn't as bcrious as the mis
take that politics make in adopting
some men as its representatives."
Washington Star.
Controlling Herself.
She I want you to select the ring
dear. He But I thought you wanted
to. She I did. But I'm afraid we
can't afford it. Life.
So Like a Girl.
A conductor on one. of the Kansas
City cars received a surprise recently,
according to "The Times" of that city.
He he)d a woman on at a downtown
corner, and was about to signal to go
ahead, when she called:
"Wait a minute, please' conductor!"
The man in the uniform hesitated.
The woman was in front of one of the
mirrors in the sides of the car "fixing
her hair. Just as he was about to
each for the be.llwrd again, she came
toward the back platform.
"Let me off, please," sbe said. "I
just wanted to put up my hair a little
Then she stepped from the car, smi
ling sweetly.
It Atoned For Much.
"I don't see how Biikins cat stand
that wife of hi. She' ugly, ill-natured,
and she's hi fourth attempt
"That's just it He' been married
tour times, but this ia the first time
lie struck a real good xok." Philadel
phia Bulletin.
I'm to Know.
A to Mis Methusaleh. Melhuaaleh
Just a word with you, young man.
Ilia Daughter's suitor What is it
Methusaleh You have been calling
on my daughter one hundred years now
and I want to know if you mean busi
ness. Puck.
For a long time we stood without
uttering a single word, stunned to the
ailence by th incomparable majesty of
the mighty cataract. The American
wa the first to speak.
"What a waste!" he exclaimed witn
profound emotion.
He made a few hasty figures on a
scrap of paper which he had in his
"Do you know," he said, looking up
after a moment, with flushed face and
brightening eye, "there's power here
if it were to be converted into electric
ity and applied to industrial uses, to
earn money enoug.i to force ten fami
Hie of three daughters each, or fifteen
families of two daughter each iuto
New Y'ork society!"
I'nder the spell of that vast mass of
falling water we euuld believe him
Anything seemed posib!e.
Imagination Rum Wild.
"She eloped with her ideal."
"That's the result of letting her im
agination run away with her." Judge
Hit Enviable Position.
"Are you in any way related to the
nobility, Mr. Cold waller!" inquired the
"Nope!" replied the rectangular but
eminently astute old millionaire
"You see, all my children are boy."
The Diamond Curt.
Th latest new from Pari is that
they have discovered a diamond cur
for consumption. If you fear consum
ption or pneumonia, it will, however, be
best for you to take that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. MoGee, of Vanleer,
Tenn. "I had a cough for fourteen year
Nothing helped m until I took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
coughs and colds, which gave instant re
lief, and effect permanent cure." Un
equalled quick cure for throat and lung
troubles. At Cha. Roger drug store
price 90 cents and fl.0. Trial bottle
At Fiahtra' Tonight.
Tonight at Fishers' Opera House
Homer Ikvenport, the cartoonist, wilt
lecture under the auspice of th Library
Association. Those who have read of
him will not mis the opportunity to
hear him. There will be a chance to
laugh at humor that is above the aver
age. At 8:13 sharp tonight. Ticket.
10c. Gallery, 23c.
Beat Her Double.
"I knew no one for four weeks when 1
was sick with typhoid anft kidnry
trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of
Pittsburg," Pa. "And when I got better,
although I had one of the best doctors
I could get, I was bent double, and had
to rest my hands on my knees when I
walked. From this terrible affliction 1
was rescued by Electric Bitters, which
restored my health and strength and
now I can walk a straight as ever.
They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed
to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis
orders; at Charles Roger drug store;
price 60c.
Ataluft taffy, fintsrFIiYor,
Maintain unexcelled service from tht
west to the east and south. Making
close connections with trains of all
transcontinental lines, paaaenrera are
riven their choice of routes to Chicago,
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleaus,
and through the points to the far
Prospective traveler desiring Infor
mation aa to the lowest rate and best
routes are Invited to correspond with
the following representatives:
B. H. TKL'MBULL. Commercial Agent.
143 Third St., Portland. Ore.
J. C UNDSET, Trav. Paaaenger Agtfnt,
143 Third St., Portland, Ore.
PAUL H. THOMPSON. Pnsgr. Afent,
Coleman Hulldlng. Seat le, Wash.
I'll brave the storm of Cliilkoot Pa,
I'll cross the plaint of frazen glass,
I'd leave my wife and cross the ea.
Bather than be without Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Frank Hart' drug store.
is a good
It is pleasing to the eye and will
wear well on your porch furniture,
too, being one of the product of the
Patton Paint Co., makers of the fa
mous .
Per gallon 1 17$
Half gallon 90
Quarter gallon 30
Most color are sold at this price.
A few are a little higher. Write or
call for a descriptive folder, show
ing colors. We sell brushes of art
kinds and all grades for all kinds of
Wall Paper, Paints, Etc,
365-367 Commercial 8t, Astoria.
Homer Davenport
Will give one of his humorous talks at
Thursday, July 6th, at flil5 pm.
Admission 50c, Gallery. 25c.
If you want a gool, clean meal or if you
arc in a hurry you ihoulil
go to the
Astoria Restaurant
This fine retaurant ji thoroughly up-to-date
in every detail.
Telephone 221.
All goods shipped toourcart will receive special attention.
7MK7I5 Ccomerciil Street.
JOHN KOX, Pres. and Hoyt.
F L BISHOP. Secretary
A. I.. FOX. Vice Pre.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished.
The Astorian 75c a month
Will positively euro any case of Kidney
op Bladder disease not beyond the peach
of medicine. No medicine can do mope.
em cv'Q rnnriEV mini? pi,ud st8n 6"v m inmng mi
rULbl O lUUlfkl UUIlla A. H. Thurnei, Mtr. Willi Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., wri
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZES 60o and $1.00
A. H. Thurnet. Mtr. Willi Creek Coil Co., Buffilo, O., writei:
MI hive been afflicted with kidney ind blidder trouble for yein, pssi
ing pivel or itonet with excruciating palm. Other medicinei only
jive relief. After tiking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the remit waa
surprising. A few doies started tne onci oust, me nnt ttonei, etc.,
and now I have no pain across my kidneyi and I feel like i new man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE hu done me $1,000 worth of good."
Ro Otbir Rimidy Can Compiri With II
Thos. W. Carter, of Aihboro, N. C, hid Kidney Trouble and
ene bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected perfect cure, and
he atya there la no remedy that will compare with It.