The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 05, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    WEDNESDAY, JULY j, 190$.
Fourth of July Celebration One
of Best Ever Held.
Big Crowds Line The Street. Shooting
of Firewotks Continues From Early
Morning Until Midnight. Parade a
' Attractive Future of Festivities.
The Fourth has ended. Astoria' ob
servance of the one hundred and twen
ty ninth anniversary of the Nation
birth wa most auspicious. The fes
tivitie in larger communities were no
more pretentious. The importance of
the occasion wa augmented by the ded
icatory exercise of the city's new City
Hll. The regular Forth of July cele
bration included a spcndid parade in
which participated the various depart
ments of the city government, the mili
tary of the United states and a number
of prominent civic bodies, to say noth
ing of innumerable citizen wno graeeu
the vacant with their carriages. The
city had donned most gala attire for the
celebration, not a store whose facade
was not made attractive in the extreme
v- w mrrvino out of some clever
As the iuitial feature of the day' fes
tivities was not scheduled to occur un
til afternoon, the people indulged in
various diversion, some frequented the
docks alone the water front, some ob
tained vehicles and drove into th coun
try while the majority was content to
mrander alons the sidewalk snooting
...:. -rl'a tn unholy cle. Not
... f -
m6c the nwileni numbered entirely
... ),. tAubo art. hardly a man
uw4l f
who did not ean-y a goodly number 01
the formidable looking cannon crackers
under his arm.
Tnlr.l soon the various; divisions
which were to participate in the pa
rade assumed their respective form
tion as follows:
The Police, band and C. A. on
Ninth street south of Commercial street
the Cot artillery on Tenth, right rest
ing on Commercial, Knights of Pyth
ias on Tenth in rear of Coast artillery
Foresters, Maccabees and Kedmen and
other civic bodies on Tenth street be
tween Commercial and Puane on the
in th order named. The
W . . ... . .- .
Boy's Bricad and Liberty Car on F.lev
enth street between Commercial and Pu
ane, the business float and wagon on
Twelfth between. Commercial and lhi
ane. the carriages on Twelfth; fire de
partuient on Tenth between Bond and
Promptly at 1 o'clock the parade start
ed. The sidewalk were lined wua an
enthusiastic populace who cheered and
cheered a the different division pa
ed. A tdatoon of police led the pageant
This was followed by the band, from
whose imfcrtiiucnU emanated tlte iu
.,:..;.... -ira'.Tw 1,1 martial airs. The
rrand marshal and his aides came next
Two companies, the Thirty tiurJ auu
.! ...h.. 1 national colors! Ninety-third, of the Imted Ma
being utilized; in some instances they j Coast artillery corps, followed the grand
ere worked with hues of more locals marshal. The boys n-ade a
significance and thi to advantage. A ' splendid showing in their bright new
very good baseball game and pro- j suit of kbaki and with their shining
gram of sport, replete with unique, small and side nn9.
games and tests of physical endurance) Prominent citizen of the city in car
The night offered a magnificent pyrotech J riage followed. Among them could
nic display which wa. witnessed by a 'be distinguished Col. Schiieck, Captain
huce crowd.
As early a 5 o'clock the people from
Goodale, Mayor Surprenant, Hon. G. C.
Pulton. nd A. B. Palcitv. lhe next
Mmtmnit.M commenced to division was made up of fraternal or
UVUtUW. ..'f, - i
pour into the city. They earn ahorse ders, the KnighU of Pythias, Redmen
nd in v-! MAcoaWf and Forester t ing repre-
iuu iwv, " j - J A
hicle of every conceivable kind, and , senteU. ine coy onpat, .
hundreds took advantage of the boats! of Rev. Luther P. Mahone, preceeded the
on the river run. Simultaneously the
people of the city sought the street.
The younger element was, of course;
first on the thoroughfare and these,
armed with fireworks proceeded to awak
Liberty car whkh proved one of th
moet attractive feature of the parade.
Mis Emma Shedd, who had been se r.ldss of Liberty." rode
unon the loft? throne. She was drewed
r -
en those who might possibly oversleep. ' in white and wa attended by a num
Clauss Shears
are the Best
Experience has taught us that
they have no equal.
If your old scissors are not work
ing just to your satisfaction come
in and select a pair of the
Clauss MaKe
Any shape you desire and every pair sold on a
positive guarantee of" No matter what the trouble,
your money back if you are nor satisfied."
Don't experiment with other
makes. Buy
Clauss Shears
ber of children, costumed to represent
the various states of the union, forest
er. Maevabee and Kuight of Pythias.
with their float offered aom very
inal allegorical features.
The fire department and its appara
tus came in the rer. The parade fin
ished at th City Hall where th dedi
catory exercise of th new tructur
occurred immediately following.
The dedication of th new City Hall
was th most impressive part of toe
day" festivities. A goodly crowd wa
in attendance. After th rendition of
the "Star Spandled Banner" by the
band Rev. Father Water delivered the
invocation. Mr. ChUrle II. Haddix
then read the Declaration of Independ
ence. Honorable U. C. Fulton
followed delivering an excellent oration
which wa received with eheer after '.ilnmliU the Gem of the
Ocean." by the band wa next offered
Hon. John H. Smith on behalf of the
it then turned the new City Hall over
to Mayor Surprenant who responded
ith a well worded speev'b of accept
m Rev. W. S. Short delivered the
invocation which concluded the ceremon
ies. Sacrificing the dignity whkh wa
necessary at so important occasion a
the dedication of th City Hall the
crowd now sought the businesa section
of the city where the sports and a gen
eral rollicking time took place. The
events with their winners follow:
The wall scaling contest wa partic
ipated iu by four teams, the bc-t be
ing made in 21 second.
The Inns' race. !' nJ,"r 12 lrA1
of age. wa won by Ky Vanice, of War
rcntoii, first prize; Ocorge Wright, sec
ond. ci,!,' r,i. under 12 vears. v. as won
bv Birdie Welch, fir.t; Thelma Darcey
TUtf for boys under ltl years was won
by Carl Stricklund, first; Wesley Welch
Girls' race, undo 16 years, wa won
by Florence Johnson, first; Clar John
son, second.
Sack race was won by Wesley Welch
and Robert Welch.
Fat man race, four entries, wa won
by E. S. Landingham.
Three legged race wa won by es
Uv Welch.
The egg race was won by Martin
The married woman' race wa won
by Mr. Renond.
The pie eating contest occurred upon
the wooden awning of a store at th
corner of Tenth and Commercial treet.
Interest in thi very ludicrou spec
tacle wa paramount: fully four hund
tpA neoole stood in the street ami
cheered the ix boy who participated
The pie wa blackberry and wa e-
n-iallv suitable for uch a contest.
The bovs with arms and band tied be
hind them went to their work with a
will, and to the keen delight of the rol
licking spectatorV oon painted their
nhvsW a pleasing shade of blue black.
The most astonishing fact about the
contest wa that Sheriff Linville, whose
ample proportions loomed up formid-
bly from amid the boys, had a start
of about ten minutes on the us-
ful contestant and devoured a whole
pie, which was the county officer' only
At nieht the pyrotechnic display wa
riven on the hill back of the city. This
o- . .....
n.tii inpi-nious v conneiveu
piece, mines, rockets, roman candles
and burst of fire. The explosion ol
cracker continued throughout the even
ing and the hand of the clock pointed
well to the "wee ma' hour" before the
signal marking the end of Astoria' ex
cellent celebration wa heard.
Keeps a Dressy Shop for Dressy Men.
r II
4th OF
in a nice, fresh, snappy look,
ing suit made of fancy wor
sted, cassiinere, or a home
spun at a price, say between
$12.50 and $17.50, picked
from a stock so big, that just
j the right proportion for any
man is here. The picture is
apt 10 be so good that you
will make the change today,
especially when you sec our
$17 50 SUITS
A 4th OF
can be comfortably celebrat
ed when you wear one of
our suits. They give to the
wearer the appearance of
comfort and ease that can
only be obtained by employ
ing a swell city tailor. Our
clothing is all guaranteed tc
give entire satisfaction or
money refunded If you,
have never met us, come
around and get acquainted
with us and our clothing.
We'll be pleased and so will
you when you see what we
can give you for
Keeps a Dressy Shop for Dressy Men.
many in which Franc say she will
accept the Sultan of Morocco's invita
tion although with certain understand
ing or reservation.
These conditions, the Associated
Press was informed at the foreign office
offer no great delays in the way of a
complete preparatory agreement be-,
It ween Franc and Germany. Some
daya r likely to etap before rrane
formally define her position.
Dat Filed.
Chicago, July 4. August li and 10
have been srlected by the committee
on arrangement as the date for the
National reciprocity conference to 1
held In Chicago, and general call ha
been sent out, by Chairman Atvin II
J$ Ghe JC
Today's Weather.
Portland, July. Oregon and Wash'
ington; (air and continued warmer.
Astoria's Greatest Store.
No Activity Among the Norwegian and
Swedish Troopi.
Christiana, July 4.-There ha been
no mobilization whatever in Norway
or Sweden. Of the military forces un
der arms in both countries only con
tingents have been called together for
v,. ordinary yearly exercises. In Nor
way these exercise are taking place
nn the usual drill ground. Some few
watching three railroad coming from
Norway, but these troop are some Ois
tanoe from the frontier.
ti. Vnm.niin ilinlomatist who
111.; ...j, ... (i,.-..
served under the Union at the Hague
and at Washington and who were re
moved by the Swedish government are
now chareed by the Norwegian govern
ment to remain and look after Norway's
The Fourth is Over
But the Clearance
Sale of Seasonable
A Clearance Sale
Shirt Waist Suits
give you an. opportunity to get big
barifain In Silk and Almirtt suits:
SILK SUITS AT ..' . fio to $5
Former prii, $15 to 2.
t. i;., Civ Premier Kouvitr Hal
MMWM. J - - -
Given Him Draft of French Reply.
lierlin. July 4. The Frern-h and Cer
man government are not far apart in
regard to the propoed Moroccan con
Prime Von Radolin, the Orman am
bassador at Paris, ha telegraphed to
the foreign office that Premier Rouvier
at their meeting showed him a provis
ional draft of France' reply. to Ger-
Former price $.'1.73 to $15.
Our line of Wash Suit i not all
picked over yet. But you miftit call
quickly if you want to take advan
tage of bargain at this time.
A Pretty White
Shirt Waist Suit
is just the thing
You will find here good assortment
of various styles and all size at
price which will make the purchase
Children's White
In pique and linon.
Butter Brown and other styles
Prices range from
60c to $1.50
Baaeall Scores.
San Francisco, July 4.San Fran
r sco. 1: U Allueles, 1, M rranciwu
Oj U Angelea, I.
Portland, Inly 4. Portland. II ( Ta
coma, 0. Portland, 1 ; Tacoma. 0.
Seattle, July 4.-Keattle 0; Oakland
2. Seattle, 1; Oakland, 4.
Making Preparations.
Ixmdon, July 4. The correspondent
of the lhiily Mall at M-nna asserts
that Archduke Franci Ferdinand ha
initiated military preparation with a
i.. . it
1 view to the eventuality 01 uunj;r;
attempting to receede fruin the dual
What They Bad IoUrtained.
Lratherhead-I heard Mis ItfiUly.
that you had been entertaining a good
deal at your home recently t
Mis llritely lour Informant erred)
except he meant that w bad been en
tertaining grav fear less torn mis
guided person would eU be for w
wer through Mb cleaning. Wash
ington Tott.
"Funny thing about whiskey
"What's the answer?"
prohibition go Into effect sndt
whisky immediately become a dnif o
the market."
Fourteen Thonand Converts.
Undon. July 4.-The American Re
vivalists, Itev. Keulien A. Feirey and
Charles M. Alexander, tonight conclu
ded their live month revival campaign
vert were iimd.i sill. the evangelist
in Knglimd. Fourteen th.u-atid con
came to loidon.
Bent Ber DoubU.
"1 knew no one for four weeks when I
wm sick with typhoid anl kidney
troubles," write Mr. Annie Hunter, of
Pittsburg, Pa. "And when I got betUr,
although I had one of the best doctors
I could gi t, I wa bent double, and had
to ret my hand on my knee when I
walked. From thi terrible affliction 1
wa rescued iv Electric Bitter, which
restored my health and strength and)
now I ran walk itraight a ever.
They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed)
to cure stomach, liver and kidney di-
order; at Charle Roger' drug storej
price yc.
California Pioneer Dead..
. .Inlv 4. A. C. M.
Bowen, ho a a sergeant of. the regu
lar army crossed the plain with Fre
mont In IHItl ami wa prominently iden
tified with the early history of San
Fran. is.-o, is dead. At one time he wa
prominently connected with the coast
shipping trade.
Dave Barry Knocked Out.
Salt 1-ake City, July 4.-Mike Schreck
of Chicago, tonight knocked out Pave
Barry, of San Francisco in the twentieth
round. The tight went within twenty
second of the full twenty round.
Embroidery and Lace Trimmed
age 8 to 14.
Prices l'-x 3-75
Falls of De Dismasted.
Montevideo, July 4.-The British ship
Kail of Pee, from Hamburg, for Atorla
Oregon, put into port today with par
and rigging gone. She will repair and
What a Lie is.
A Sunday school wa asked by hi
teacher In the course of the lcnn,
"What i a lie!"
"A lie," responded the infant with
deliberation, ' i an abomination to
the Lord an' a very present help in
As the picnic
season is here
We wish to call your attention to
our extensive line of Lunch good.
Including Canned and deviled meats,
Crackers and Fancy Biscuits, Sar
dines, Olives, Pickles, Etc. We are
carrying the best good in the mar
ket in every line, and guarantee sat
isfaction. The ucce of our recent
sale ha again demonstrated the
fact that the people will trail where
they can get THE MOST FOR THEIR
MONEY, and we claim we are in a
position to save you money on every
thing in our large and varied stock.
Sec our Fruit and Vegetable Dia
play. Everything in th market.
Foard H Stokes Co
JiS Ge
Astoria's Best Newspaper