SATURDAY, JUtf r, 1903. THE MORNING A ST WAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. 8 AFTER THE SHOW it over, at lunch-time or upon ny c , tuion you will want the fine line of new dainties, made by Geo. A. Eajie, St Lcui. Very handy. They save time and worry, too, if any unexpected friend drops in on you Bayte'i Deviled Cheese a jar J5 Bayle'i After Dinner Cheese, a jar 15c layle's Roquefort Cheese, i" .5C Bayle'a Eighth Sandwich Mustard, 15c Sivle'i Lunch Herrine. a iar toe ASTORIAGROCERY 623 Commercial St. Phon Main 6S1 THE FOURTH OF JULY IS NIGH And that is the reason why we call your attention to our pretty WHITE AND LIGHT TRIMMED HATS The prices are light, too, 'And won't make you feel blue. THE FAIR MRS. A. JALOFF, Prep. EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY AT Reasonable Prices. STAR THEATER BLDG, ASTORIA, Read Bight Down The Line for a selection of the finest chocolate offered in this city. Ghirardell't Ground Chocolate for a de Iicious cup of chocolate. pennd cans 30 cents 3 pound cant 85 cents Ghirardelli's Milk Chocolate, in round tablets, a package 10 cents Ghirardelli's Milk Chocolate, delicious eating, a cake 10 cents Ghirardelli's Chocolate Cream Cakes, 5 cents Ghirardelli's Flicks Dainty, and handy for eating only yaoked in two sizes 5c andlOc THE GROCER. Tnth and Commercial Streets. ISranch at Uniontown. FOR A CHEAP and: EASYI WAY to purchase a lady's or gentle man's GOLD WATCH, all popu lar makes, try our Easy Pay ment Plan. Pay 1-4 of price down, Balance $LOO a Week Or in small monthly payments, as i most convenient. Astoria Loan Office, RELIABLE JEWELERS and LOAN BROKER8. E81 Commercial street. B0YG0TT A HOAX Viceroy's Diplomatic Adviser Says Agitation Due to Students. GOVERMENT NOT INTERESTED Has Contract to Furnish Laborers for South America and Can Not Obtain Sufficient Coolies. Recruiting Agents Endeavor to Find Men. Detroit, June 30. CharW Denby diplomatic adviser to the viceroy of North China, who is visiting relatives here, does not take a serious view of Chinese threats to boycott American goods owing to the Chinese exclusion act Mr. Denby, who has for 20 year been iu close touch with political and commercial affairs iu China, said: ''The Chinese government is not back of the agitation, and it is not sup ported by the merchants. It U prob able that Chjnese students are making the trouble. The students of China, like those of Kussia, are a factor in politics, young, hot-headed fellows, ed ucated abroad and with advanced re form ideas. China is satisfied with the present exclusion laws. 1 believe that if we repealed these laws, China would pass an act forbidding the coolies to come to this country. The government has a contract with the big mine owners in South Africa to supply them with labor. The government gets a royalty on all the labor furnished, and cannot get men enough. It has recruiting agents all over China now. The Chi nese do not want their laborers to come to America. All China wants is laws, that student and merchants be allowed to come in undisturbed aud no discriminations." vires as members of the international commission which inquired into the North Sea incident. Several minor of- InYials are made honorary companions of the Order of St. Michael and St. (ieorge for the name reason. Colonel Charles Moore Watson, who was secretary to the Royal Commission to the St. Louis Exposition, is raised from companion of the Order of St. MU-hnel and St. George, to Knight Commander of the same order for hi sen-ices in connection with the expo sition. Four additions are made to the privy council, Earl Mansfield, Lord Rayleigh, Lord Tennyson, and Sir R. B. Finley. Ten baronetcies are created. In the list are 21 new knights, Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema, the painter, and t'.eorge Meredith, tli novelist, mifve Uit order of merit. A number of Colonial personages are recognired in appoint ments and orders. AMERICANS ENTERTAINED BY PRUSSIAN ROYALTY Prince and Princess Henry Give Fete at Castle Gardens, Kiel. Kiel, June 30. Prince and Princes Henry, of Prussia, gave a garden party Thursday, at which the Emperor and Empress Princes Eitel, Frederick, and Adalbert, the Prince of Monaco, Prin cess Henrietta Victoria, 01 rcnieswig Holstein, the Grand Duke of Hess, the Duke of Saxe Coburg and Ambassador and Mrs. Tower were present. Among others present were Mrs. Goelet, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., Mrs. Robinson, Miss Gladys Vanderbilt, Miss Robinson, and Misses Stiinson and Messrs. Cornelius VanderbSt, Wilson, Marshall, Edmund Randolph, A.. V. Armour, Robert A. Goelet and Louis A. Stimson j The defeat of the Meteor III in the I race from Eickenfordt to Kiel con firms yachtsmen in the opinion that the ! reconstruction of the Emperor's yacht j has rather lessened than increased her apeed. ' STRANGE PRANK OF RIVER. Platte Brings Beast of Prey Into Bnenoi AyTea. New York, June 30. The recent in undation of the river Parana has had strange consequences, cables tne Her aid's correspondent at Buenos Ay re By the great extension of the river Tlatte, the dock of Buenos Ay res and the harbor has been invaded by float ing islands of land torn from the hanks of the Parana. These have brought hosts of tropical animals, hundreds ol big serpent, and many crocodiles. Even a tiger cub has been captured within the harbor. POOL ROOM SHIP Floats On Lake Michigan i Beyond Reach of Law. RETURNS BY WIRELESS Makes Initial Trip 300 Passengers Place Bets on Races at Sheepshead Bay, Latonia and Buffalo Chicago Chief of Police Powerless. TEXT OF FRANCO-GERMAN CONTROVERSY NOT PUBLISHED Chiiago. June .KKThe steamer City of Travers, America's first wiretms flouting pool room, has made her initial trip. At a point 22 miles southwest of Chi cago, in the middle of the lake, just half way between Michigan and Illinois, the boat was slowed down to two miles an hour and described vast cirHea for the remainder of the afternoon. The wireless apparatus picked tip the results at Slirepshead bay, Latonia, and Buffalo, sent from Chicago and Michi gan city. Bets were made anil puid as at track matt the crowd made up in betting enthusiasm what it lacked in numbers, there being only 3H) passen ger. The owners of the boat declare they will make daily trips hereafter tend expect that nobody will interfere with them. The chief of poliue of Chi cago has been informed by the city's legal adviser that he is powerless. Wallace Will Wake Reply. New York, June 30. A statement published today by the Times credited to a "confidential report," of John F. Wallace, whose resignation as chief engineer of the Panama canal, has Just been accepted by the government, a declaration that when Mr. Wallace ac cepted the place it was his purpose to remain iu charge of the construction of the Panama canal until its completion. The "confidential report' declared that Mr. Wallace will soon present his side of the rase to the public in a statement which will conclusively show that be was justified in tendering his resignation and will cause an investi gation to be made. I NEUDOFF DECLINES TO t AUtPT St. Petersburg, June 30. It is reported that M. Nelidoff, the Russian ambassador, at Paris, has declined to accept the post of peace plenipotentiary and that M. MuraviefT, the ambassador of Russia, at Rome, will go in hi place. No confirmation is ob- tainable. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Today's Weather. Portland, June 30. Western Oregon; Saturday, fair and warmer except war the coast Western Washington; probably fair. Eastern Oregon; cloudy and threatening. Arcanum Councils Protest. New York, June 20. Forty two of the 01 Royal Arcanum councils, in Man hattan, and the Bronx were represent ed at a meeting to protest against the present advance in rates. 'it wa decided to n-iiet that an immediate meeting of the grand hwltfc of the state Is- held to consider the matter. Uprising in Arabia Hodaida, Arabia. June .W.-Thc Arabs have risen in the province of Ayr, and Turkish commnnii-ation with the- port of Cumfada is interrupted. Abha, the capital or me proving, nas wen inn-si. ed by the rebels for some time. Turk ish reinforcements are being dispatched to Ayr. Franchise Taken Away. Philadelphia, Tune ST. The select council has passed the bill repealing ordinances which gave the Philadelphia Rapid Transit' company the right to lay tracks on an additional 110 mifes of streets without the city receiving any thing for the franchises. This Is an other vfcwy for Mayor Weaver. Members of Chamber of Deputies Evi dence, Dissatisfaction. A shoe to fit, Asa t shoe to wear Must be selected With taste and are. If you are preparing to Paris, June 30. Some dissatisfaction is evident among members of the cham- jber of deputies and the general pub ' He, because the full text of the corre- spondence between Germany and France relative to Morocco has not yet been published, though the tenor of the note is known. Inquiries made in offi cial quarters show that the publication of the notes will not be made until the question is finally decided as it is con sidered that they would give a mistak en idea of the present situation unless accompanied by the tenor of the diplo matic conversations in regard to the difficulty. These oral communications which have afforded a better understanding, still continue and it is Premier Rouvier's in tention to await the flnal solution 01 the question before making an official declaration. Baseball Scores. Seattle, June 30.-Seattle, 0; Oak land, 2. San Francisco, June 30. Los Ange les, 1 ; San Francisco, 2. Portuand, June 30. Portland, 7; Ta- coma, 3. RUSH TO THE COUNTRY OR THE SEASIDE You will want some of our stylish CANVAS SHOES to run about in. Many Styles. Prices more reasonable than ever. Footwear for Men and Women. KING EDWARD'S HONOR LIST CREATES NEW KNIGHTS 521 Commercial Street British Sovereign! Birthday Will be Celebrated. London, June 30. The honor list, in connection with Kine Edwards birtn .lav. which will be officially observed today, has been issued. It creates Ad miral Von Spaun, of the Austrian navy, and Admiral Fourniw, of the French navy, honorary .knights of the Crand Crws of the Order ol si. Michael and St. George for their iter . In tea, ScMTihg's Best is by no means the costliest tea; it's t matter of taste. Of the fine kinds, the one best u your tea. Your grocer's; money back. Let Me Tell You Something Traveler to the East, I have a word for you : There are through Pullman sleepers, both Standard and Tourist, going East from the Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes they travel via Rock Island System for a good share of the distance. You can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake and Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco, Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island will land you in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at all three citiea for all important points in the East and South. . . Or the traveler via Northern route can take the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago. Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies best meals on wheels. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent,' Rock Island System, 140 Third 8fc, Portland, Ore. 1 All Clothes Bought it Wise's Light Store Prcsse i'-Free of Chsrge Whenever Yob Wish. A Lewis & Clark Souveulr With Every Purchase of $2.00 or over. You Cannot Celebrate the Fourth. And do yourself justice without one of our new Spring and Summer suits. A Beautiful Assortment at $10 to $20 Herman Wise Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier. r, CLEANLINESS necessity to perfect Health and in ewent'sl element ot rUppi.Tcn. To pwent liclcnew nd enjoy comforts of lii'e you hwld equip your leeping apartment or drewing chamber with t inowy white, one-piece "iStudard Porcelain Enameled Lav, tory and hive running hoc anJ cold water n deiired at your touch. We have Mmplei in our ahowroom and will gladly quote you price. AVI A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. :3 First National Bank of Astoria, Ore ESTABLISHED IHHtt. Capital and Surplus $100,000 AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Iker Best Iu The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Trw. and Soyt. F L BISHOP. Socretary A. L. FOX, Vl-e Pni. ASTOKIA 8AVISOS BANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits FurnisHcd. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. - Foot of Fourth Street. The MORNING ASTORIAN 60 CTS. PER MONTH i Astoria's Best Newspaper