The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 01, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, JULY i, 1905.
Seldom Equaled. Never Excelled !
New YorK Cream Cheese
We have just received a fresh shipment. You
haven't eaten anything qnite so good.
Sole agents for Chase & Sandborn's Coffee.
A. 0. U. W. hra.ide.
X. P. Lodge t Cathlamet
A lodge of Knight of Fythlaa la to
bo organised at Cathlamet In th near
future. A charter lit ha been se
cured ami th date of the inaUllation
will b anrtounird at whlh time a
Mr H tlion frooi Atvr lodge of thi city
will attend.
Catch it Light.
.The rannerie report a alljjbt falling
in the run of .almon yr.terday al
though 1 N of the boat brought in
nearly a ton. The rannerie are laving
jm trouble in putting thrm up a fat
n rnvivrd. The wincra report good
cab'he, avrri;iMjf from our nd a half
In two tna for earh wining ground.
All th gawtlin Jtinctif were buy de
livering fi.h all day.
Rain Harmi Kay.
Rrport from the country ditrlt ar
to th effect that thr reoe nt rain knock
ed th hay down, it bring quit heavy.
While no grmt damage wa done, farm
rra anticipate considerable difficulty in
rutting it.
Want Uniform Lawi,
Uniform fishing lawa between Brit
Uh Columbia and Waahlngton hava been
th aubject of much aggltation recent
ly and Governor Ma4 ha appointed a
com m Union to meet with a aimilar
t-omnilMiioa from l!ritlli Columbia for
the purpoae of securing joint b'gi.tation.
Th commiaHion will meet, some tima
Outing July, at rkattle.
Soadi in Bad Condition.
T. Corcoran, of Jewell, wa In the city
yeterdy and brought in a load ot
Chittum bark. ll leave out thi morn
ing with a load of furniture for Mr.
Watoon, who baa recently purchased a
farm war Jewell, Mr. Corcoran re
port the roada in very bad condition.
A lar-a fore of men are at work re
pairing thrm under the aupervUion of
the road auperviitor.
Remember the scene of the land
you visit by picture taken with mir
pocket kodak. Sever! ie. Frank
Hurt' Drug Store.
A full ant complete lint ef taru Imple
menta, farming tool, wagona, buggiee
of all kind at R. M. Caiton'a farm im
plement warehouse, 10ft Fourteenth.
Omct room for rent. Oo. W. Bar
ker, Aatorla National Bank
Will ba acare in a very abort tima.
Our ahlpper informa u that we will
bava only two more ahipmrnu of
the splendid cherriea.
and get your order in now.
re coming in daily, dire-t from the
grower. To get the bint, secure
them from ua now.
The Prttty Steal Engraving!
from design by leading matra,
which wa are giving away
Free With oaa Pound
elling at 15 cent a a pound, are go
ing rapidly.
To ae thm i to want them.
Com quickly, while they last. It
may ba only a day or two.
Investigate our prompt and correct
delivery ytem.
Johnson Bros
Good Goods
iiS-m Twelfth St., Aitoria.
Intertatrd is Fourth.
Several of the merchant have com
mended decorating their atorr and by
tonight Antoria will prcent a holiday
appearance. . Considerable Interest t
bring taken in the Fourth of July cele
bration and it ia expected that there
will be a large, crowd from the eiir
rounding rouotry in the city.
Privati Company CUlmi to hava Thirty
Yatr Franchiaa.' fc
A suit haa been Sled In th United
State diatrict court egalnt the town
of Tillamook, frorti proceed
ing with tba coiwtcuaWn of Ha proposed
water ayitem. The auit U brought by
a private companywhif fith to hart
a thirty-year framhiaafrtnr thVtown.
Th town contend that th company
hava not fulfilled the term of the
franchli and the water upply ha been
wholly Inadrquate.
locreaied Demand From Aitoria Mer
chant! Will B Met.
Farmer from Tucker creek and Lewla
and Clark were in the city yterday
and atat that they are planting larger
acreage of farm product thi year than
uual. The inrread demand by the
Aitoria merchant ha made a good
market. The completion of the county
road around Smith' point will give
them a good road to AtorIa enabling
them to haul in produce with profit.
All the farmer in thrne aectiona arc
Maattn'a Camp Cloata.
C. C. Maatea'a logging camp, at Sven
on, cloned down laat evening. The wa
on haa been a good one, the output of
the ramp exceeding the previou year.
Tba log will be raited and marketed
and ao aoon aa cleaned up and repair
made to the machinery, th ramp will
atftuma opcratioea, but probably not
before fall.
Buy Prtaoptt Plac.
Mr. Umith, the Olney School teacher,
ha purcliaited the W. G. Prenrott farm
at Jewell and will move onto it in the
Th Morning Ajtoriaa
ia for aula at th newa atanda of the
aituated at
147 Sixth Street 123 Sixth Street
A daughter waa born to the wife of
Krv. A. J. E. Rydquiat yeatenlay morn
ing. Dr. 0. h. Ysit waa the attending
phynician and rrporta mother and girl
doing nicely. '
Par Value.
Mr. Davenport i all that U claimed
for him. Hi lecture but night wa a
rare treat. Terhap hi greatest charm
it the fact that the rural mannerUma,
and rural colloquialism of apeecb which
he acquired in what he delight to call
"the Imppimt part of hi life," have
never left him and that h,till ahow
through the veneer given by experience
and fame a the "Silverton farmer boy"
grown up. The Statesman, Walla Walla
Swan Diacharged.,
John Swan, th man rreted Thura.
day by Sheriff I.inville for'Maanity, wa
given an examination' yea&rday. The
board did not think the waa AilttHently
inane to commit him to" the inaane
a.ylura and be waa dUcharged.
Seal Sent to rortland. j
A live hcbI waa brought to Aatorla
yeterday morning by Captain Wick
hind, of the Point Adaroa life Saving
Crew and hipped to Portland and will
ba placed on exhibition at the Lewi
and Clark fair.
Two- Suit Filed. ' ! .
Two uiU were filed in the circuit
court yeterday. One by John Erick-
on against C. S. Wright to recover
claimed, to be due on a prom
iory note, and one for the dissolution
of co-partnership between C. A. Bar
rett and J. K. Sjodin. dealer in lh.
Must Have Girl.
All girl dmiring to participate in the
liberty car on the Fourth of July, muat
leave their name with Chairman' Foster
not later than 6 o'clock tonight, aa it
is important that each one be algned
to the tate a'ue is to rcreacat.
The family reaUurant of Aatoria la
recognized aa the Ilea rewtauraat. The
beat mcala and the beat aervice in Aa
toria. 10 Eleventh atreet.
Elactrie . Fao Maaaag and Scalp
trtm4it fiv xprt brbr. Bath.
Mission Lemon art the beat. 23 centa
Wo H i
nTt railrllWIilJIfaA iaj TsZSS
IHa'A-if-J-l in-iiiMi-imm-
The Best
on Earth
New Shipment
now in.
Come and see
Not high in price.
Vwl I.
1 ""1
Hi ;
Complete House Furnishers.
Frea of Charjs.
On Tuesday, July 4, eury L1J7 or
oeiitleiuan culliac at Ilcraua
clothing tore, will t:pon request re
ceive a aouvenir of the dedication of
Astoria' new city ball. Mr. W had
them made in New ;York and the ou
venira will be worth keeping.
Baseball at Seaside.
The Commercial ball team will play
the Seaside aggregation tomorrow at
the latter place. The team will leave
down on the morning train.
Continuous Roars.
The f union cartooniat talked for more
than an hour, keeping hi audience con
tinually in laughter. St. Louia Republic.
A brief aeaaion of the circuit court
waa held yeaterday. The following pro
ceedings were had:
P. A. Trullinger va. the Flavel Lum-
bcr and Nhingle Company, diamiaaed.
Q. F. Lidgren va. I. N. Foster, confirm
ation of aale. - .
P. McGrath va. A. W. Lambert, de-
murer argued and aubmitted.
State of Oregon va. John Stephenaen
and C. F. Wise. The defendanta ap
peared for aentence on the verdict of
the jury. Judge McBride stated that in
asmuch aa they had taken out lioenaca
for running hurdy-gurdy houses, pay.
ing tne county $100 each therefor, and
that thia being a teat caae and in view
of th fact that they had closed their
places of business, sentence would be
suspended. '
Prosecuting Attorney Fuqua, of Cath-
lamet, passed through the city yester
day en route to Deep River. -
Mr. William Mudd, of Hammond, la
in tbe city.
M., Gorman, of Cathlamet, waa in th
city yeaterday.
C, A.'Ruckrr, of Altoona, u in tbe
city yeaterday.
Jonea Norem, of FJsie, waa in th
city yeatenlay.
F N. Zeller, of Seaaide, wa In the
city yeaterday. ,
L. O. Blisaett, of Chicago, ia visiting
friend in Astoria.
H, 8. Keller, of Minnesota, fa regta
tered at th Central.
R. N. Wood, of Clatskanie, ia regia-
tered at the Parker.
Mra. TIT. C. A. Pohl, of Svennon, wa
in the city yetrday.
W. E. IV-nicr and wife, of Everett,
are visiting in the city.
8. Elmore returned on thehoon train
yesterday from Portland.
A. Baumgartner, of Young river,
waa in the city yesterday.
P. E. Gervald, of Portland, registered
at the Occident yesterday.
Marcua Wise, of Ilwaco, w in the
city yesterday on twain. ,
Wernrr Storm, of Hammond, was in
the city yeaterday on btwineaa.
J. 0. Taylor, of Columbus, Ohio, reg
iatered at the (X-cident yesterday.
Captain Bailey returned from a bus
ine trip to Portland yeaterday.
8. D. Vincent, of Chncago, arrived
down on the noon train yesterday.
C. Mii-ewonger and wife, of San Fran
cisco, are registered at the Occident.
State Land Agent Oswald West, of
Salem. wa in the city yesterday.
D. J. IngalU, the Lewi and Clark
rancher, wa in the city yesterday.
William Howard will leave for bis
new farm at Jewell thU morning.
J. R. Burke and wife, of Cathlamet,
visited friend in Astoria yesterday.
Mitchell Thompson, of San Francisco,
ia in the city, a guest of Martin Foard.
Tim Concoran, of Jewell, is in the
city and will return home thi morn
ing. :
Robert Forbea, a prominent cannery
man from Aberdeen, ia la tbe city on
Charlea Roger, the druggist, will re
turn tonight from a month' sojourn at
Collin' Spring.
Ed. Jamwon, of Chicago, left for Jew
ell yeaterday on a visit to hi brother
Jamea Jamison.
Captain Wicklund, of the Point
Adama Life Saving Station, wa in the
eit ' yesterday.
J. Wedel will leave tomorrow night
for a visit to hi home in Kansas. He
expect to return thia fall.
' The pastor of the Baptist church will
apeak tomorrow of the good thing,
presented at the annual gathering of
the Baptist during thia week at Hills
boro, Oregon. All other regular service
will be observed at the church a usual.
Scandinavian M. E.
Upper Astoria. Sunday service at
11 A. M. Rev. J. Jacobaon, a former
pastor, will preach. At 4 P. M., Union
temperance "meeting. Dr. Molin, M: D.
and other will apeak. At o'clock P.
M. sermon by the pastor, Rev. C. Aug.
Servicea Sunday morning at .11 o'clock
when the Rev. J. R. Welch will preach.
All cordially invited. Sunday school at
12:15. No services in the evening.
Grace Church.
Divine service at Grace "church to
morrow at 11 A. M. The second aervice
Holy Baptism and the Junior Auxil
iary at 4 P. M. Evening prayer at Holy
Innocents Chapel, Uppertown, at 7:30.
The Rev. Mr. Gibba, of La Grande, Ore.,
will conduct servicea at St Thomaa
church, Skipanon, at 10:30 A. M., and
at Calvary church, Seaside, at ?:43 P.
Methodist Episcopal
The large chorus choir, under the
leadership of Misa Sue H. Elmore, ia
preparing special music for the Sunday
evening service.
First Lntheran
Servicea aa usual tomorrow. Morn
ing service in Swedish at 10:43; subject,
"The Great Supper." Evening service
in Engliah at o'clock; subject, "Prac
tical Christianity." Preaching at both
servicea by the pastor, S. E. Rydquiat.
Everybody is most cordially invited to
attend. On Monday morning the pastor
will leave for Kehalem and deliver a
Fourth of July address there Tuesday.
Prof. C. J. Sodorgren will deliver one of
hia famoua lectures at the First Luther
an church on Tuesday evening, July 11.
rurthcr announcement later on.
Ribbon Sale !
1 i
Thursday, Friday and
This week.T Don't miss this great sale af jRibbons,
as our prices are positively lower thanany
other firm in Astoria.
No. 7
No. 8
No. 12
No, 22
No. 40
No. 60
No. 80
price; 5cat 3c
price 7c at 4c
price 9c at 5c
price 12c at 8c
price 20c at 10c
price 2oc at 12c
price 30c at 15c
price 35c at 19c
Morse Department Store.
The Place Where Everybody LiLes toTrade. .
508-510 Commercial Street
Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c.
Auditor Anderson baa completed his
rrport of fine and forfeitures in the po
lice court for the month of June. The
total ia (120. In addition $30 waa re
ceived on account of sale of lota in the
city cemetery and $6 for building per
mits. The receipts for sundry licenses
for the quarter amounted, to $1173.
In the probate court yesterday an or
der was made setting the final account
of the administrator of the estate of
of Charles Jones, deceased, for hearing
on July 31. The administrator ' of the
estate of Anna M. Jonea waa authorized
to sell the personal property belonging
to the estate.
Jordan Funeral.
The funeral ef tbe Jate. Jacob. Jordan
waa held yesterday afternoon, from the
Grace, church, under the auspices of
Beaver lodge I. O. O. F. It waa large
ly attended by friends of the deceased.
Rev. William Seymore SBori. preached '
she funeral sermon. The ifment waa
at Greenwood.
Fisherman Arretted.
Water Bailiff Ole Settem last night
arrested Anton Maxdsica for having
small sturgeon in hi possession.
Herman Wise Return.
Herman Wise returned Wednesday
from a business trip to Kew York. He
enjoyed the trip very much with the ex
ception of the warm weather.
Donate Lumber.
The City Lumber and Bos company
have donated all the lumber necessary
for the speakers' stand for the Fourth
of July celebration. It will be erected
in front of the new City Hall.
In Building
A new home for your family or a
etructure t be occupied by your
boaineta interest, build well and
then use 3
Famous Trinidad
Asphalt Paint
for the tin and Iron work. It is a
brilliant black and when desired, a
coat of sand can be added making aa
agreeable gray. , It will wear longer
and give better protection than any
other paint and costs leas. One gal
lon will cover about 300 feet of
tin, iron or smooth wood and about
100 square feet of felt or abinglea.
75 centa a gallon, ready for use.
Telephone, Main 781.
Groceries, Wine and Liqnora.
Franklin avenue. Upper Astoria.
Are You Eligible to Attend
Military School
If you are an unmarritd American boy between
the ages of 17 and 23, of good habits . and can
pass the necessary physical examination, have a'
knowledge , of reading, w riting, arithmetic, En- ,
glish grammar, geography and history of the
United States. Unlike most schools the g ovem- .
ment allows you about $500 per' year to defray
all expenses. You receive a thorough military
and academic education, and upon graduation
may resign or accept a commission as lieutenant,
with promotion in the regular aervice.
Further particulars for four on cent stamps
by addressing
II. W. PHILLIPS, Louisville, Ky.
BttStcr BfOWn StOCKiflgS for Boys and Girls
You won't get spanked when you wear
my stockings, 'cause no one can beat
them, at 25 cents per pair. Feel weQ.
fit well, wear well; fast black or money
back. This week I give free witn every
pair, the Buster Brown Drawing
liOOK, the funniest book you ever saw.
SaveVour Stocking Tickata Now be an artist ''
They're Worth Money. your friend, BUSTER BROWN. '
. For Sale by FOARD (L STOKES CO.
I j-lv'kB'! I