The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 30, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY, JUNE 30, toe
Last Opportunity to Set Boy. Before
They Go to Defend Title
Owing to the fact that the Astoria
bom team will leave for Oregon City
Sunday morning at 7:45 o'clock, they
have arranged for a teat run, to occur
tonight Thia will afford all an oppor
tunity to ee the crack team of the
State at ita best, and just before it en
tersethe lists to win the laurels. The
boya will wear their new uniform,
which consist of white jerseys and blue
Mtin trunks. ' For the parade the boya
have adopted white duck suits with
trimmings of blue satin. The member
of the team arei ....
Cruelty Aboard Russian Cruiser
at Tsintau.
Ret. Mr. Simpson A Visitor.
Ret. J. E. Simpson, rector of St
Mark's Episcopal church, Portland
came here Wednesday to visit the Rev
William S. Short, rector of Grace church.
He left here yesterday on the noon train I
to visit Father Gibba, who ia on his an
nual outing trip at Seaside. Rev. Mr.
Simpson returned on last night', train SANDHURST BRINGS THE TALE
Recovered Lost Purse,
Frits DeRock, the submarine diver-
made several trips to the bottom of the
river yesterday searching for lost treas
ure. He recovered a pocket book con-
, iaininct ft twlnneinff to F. Huher which
J. -William Hoover, Teddy OToole, Fran- w off the c,,lemJar dook e gta
cis SNdk, W. J. Watson, rge foun j th of hnd
1 11 a r : -J A 1 T trMtiAn 1
oacKson, .v wwni, m. mj. truck. -"IX i t "
William Johnson, 0. R. Pederson, Fran-1 .. '
cis Cronin, William Curtis, Frederick!
Wright, John Como; Charles Heelright,! To "4 BUc S"-
..a wins.- S.. ... Seaside yesterday where they are load-
. t . ing a car of sand to be sent to Dr. Hay
in Portland to test as to its mineral
properties. The car will be ready to
ship Monday.
Ministerial Association of Portland,
Seeks to Close Establishment j
1 Spends Vacation at Seaside.
I Rev. Father Gibbs. rector of St.
tv- .,v.i; r.;fr w fitt,t Feter's Episcopal church, La Grande.
un eleant apartments on the Willam- Ore., is spending a few days vacation at
mett river opposite the old "White eSaside. Mrs. Gibbs i with him.
House." where rames of all kinds are I- 0- 0- Notice.
beinr operated. It is over the Multno-1 All members of Beaver lodge, So.
mah county line in, Clackamas county -35, I. O. O. F., are requested to meet
outside the jurisdiction of Sheriff Tom at their lodge room at 1 o'clock Lult of the engagement she was rendered
Word. Now the Ministerial associa- IOT ln purpose 01 suemm.g wie imier-1 praotK-ulIy useless. The vice-admiral
tion of Portland have declared war on1 ' our te brother, Jacob Jordan. in eUfgf who hd TO,,nty pro.
the gambling gardens and complaints B? oru'r nioted to the rank, avers Captain Ro
V V I V W j'-IV" irs.-
will be made against the proprietors . r. uu.r.?, a. u.
witft . view f elosinc it un. .UtKHi.v, rcretary.
Arrived ia Two Days Ahead of Sched
nle. Capt. Robertson Recounts Hap
pening. Accoinpaayinf Entry of Cur
evitch to Tsintan Harbor.
Captain Robertson, of the British
strsmtfr Sandhurst, which arrived in
last night, IS days and 19 hours from
Mororan, Japan, and it may be added,
two days ahead of her regular running
time .tells a horrifying story of cruelty
accompanying the entry of the Rus
sian cruiser CurviUh into the harboi
of Tsintau, China, after It had been ser
iously damaged by the attack of Togo's
According to Captain Robertson, on
coming to Tsintau, the Crarvitch was
so badly damaged she resembled a pep
per box. Her funnels were shot away
and her hull riddled. While she, with
one, or two, other vessels, succeeded in
escaping Togo and liis fait battleship
the Czarvitch was so crippled as a re
Mrs. Gertrude Hulbert Wylie, head of
the girls' department at Whitman Col
lege, is staying at Locksley Hall, Sea
side. Judge Morehead, of Alaska, is stop
ping at Locksley Hall.
Mrs. Carlisle entertained Dr. and Mrs.
Birch, of Spokane, at dinner at Locks
ley Hall Seaside, on Tuesday.
Dan J. Moore, the genial hotel man
here, left Seaside last evening for Fort
land, where he will remain until Satur
day. T. H. Lineley, of Seaside, and bis son
Bailey, together with 'the latter's fam
iily, are spending a few days at Elk
--creek and Cannon Beach.
Baseball Sunday.
bertson, locked himself in a stateroom
immediately following the arrival of
the vessel and shot himself
Shortly afterwards, the officer who
Another game under the of .,M ..:,,.,,,:,
tne Lower lommoia river league is an
nounced for next Sunday, Owapunpun
vs. Fort Stevens, The game will oc
veyed to the crew the intelligence that
the entire Russian Second Pacific squad
ron and the Vladivostok fleet had been
lost to the Japanese. One of the crew
vouchsafed that the defeat was due to
incompetency, whereupon, the officer
prftsnMf a hammer which m-a Ivincr nn
" ' 6 , . . . . . ,
Company are se ung round tnp ticket. Kd ted, hu br,ini mi
tably beaten out. The unfortunate fel
low's shipmates stood aghast at the
cur at the A. F C. grounds and will be
called at 2 o'clock sharp.
Sunday Excursion to North Beach.
Keeps t Dressy Shop for Dressy Mea.
4th OF
in a nice, fresh, snappy look
ing suit made of fancy wor
sted, cassimere, or a home
spun at a price, say between
$12.50 and ft 7.50, picked
from a stock so big, that just
the right proportion for any
man is here. The picture is
apt to be so good that you
will make the change today,
especially when you see our
$17-50 SUITS
A 4th OF
can be comfortably celebrat
ed when you wear one of
oufiuits. They give to the
wearer the appearance of
comfort and ease that can
only be obtained by employ
ing a swell city tailor Our
clothing is all guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or
money refunded If you
have never met us, come
around and get acquainted
with us and our clothinp.
We'll be pleased and so will
you when you sec what we
can give you for
Keeps i Dressy Shop for Dressy Men.
every Sunday from Astoria to all
points on Long Beach, including Nab
cotta, at a rate of one dollar for the bmen ,nd bIoodtUrty attack, but, sp-
round trip.
Steamer Dispatch is scheduled to sail
today for San Francisco.
Do yon know that the time
has come when you can buy
your children's garments
nicely made and ready to be
worn at the price the goods
alone would costyon?
Well we've investigated
the matter thoroughly and
we are convinced that it is a
Come in and take a look at
the values we are offering
in children's wash-dresses
and you'll will be convinced
We fit any age
Child from
1 to 10 years.
parently, were so cowed that they dared
not interfere.
"The incident was soon forgotten,"
said Captain Robertson. "A few days
later the men were all ashore riding
bicycles, skylarking and having a good
time generally. We passed the murine
theatre of the war later but saw no
wreckage or anything that would indi
cate a battle had occurred."
The Sandhurst encountered foggy
weather all the way over. She is await
ing order here and will probably go
up the river this morning to Portland
where she will load lumber for Taku
bar. She was not due until July 2nd.
Brings Cargo of Oil
Steamer Whittier with the oil barge
Santa Pan la in tow, arrived in yester
day and after dropping the barge here,
left out for Vancouver, B. C, where
she will discharge her cargo of crude
oil. The Santa Paul will discharge her
cargo of oil at Portland and be towed
back here where she will be picked up
by the Whitier on her return trip.
Roanoke Arrives In.
Steamer Roanoke with a full cargo
of freight and large passenger list ar
rived in yesterday from Lo Angeles
via San Francisco, Eureka and Coos
The Store That Shows New Goods Only.
The Department of Com men and Ia
bor has issued the following advice
to mariners: June 8 the structure from
which the Yaquina Bar Range Front
Beacon light is shown, heretofore re
ported carried away, was rebuilt with
out change in location, and the light
was re-established as heretofore
In all probability the hull of the
steamer Gamecock will be abandoned
but effort will be made to save the ma
chinery, which is considered valuable.
The hull is renting in 20 feet of water
in Cowlitz rnver.
The French bark La Fontaine, has
fininlied loading and will probably ar
rive down tomorrow. Her cargo con-
Hints of 1,500,000 feet of lumber and
goes to London direct.
Steamer F. A. Kilhurn sails this aft
ernoon for Coos Bay, Eureka and San
Francisco with a full cargo of freight
and many paengcrs.
German ship Christel having complet
ed her crew, nailed yetterduy for South
Steamer Alliance sails this morning
from the Callendar dock for Eureka via
Coos Bsy,
Why Worry
About Your
You can get here
Nobby dresses
For Ladies, Misses
and children at prices, that
are less than the materials and
trimmings would cost
A Clearance Sale
Shirt Waist Suits
gives you an opportunity to get big
bargains in Silk and Alpacca suits:
SILK SUITS at io to ij
Former Price, $15 to $22
The mother of "'.mall boy bad! vll0.W "CURSIOlt RATIS.
been trying to Instill weUtln blm an' iA lt"' "d Ohio Kailnad.
Idea of conscience. Wis dearrltxt) II F'" Chicago to Asbury Park, H. J, and
as a little Tolce which wblapered In- return, 12135. Ticket good going Jun
side one when be was doing wrong. 20, 30, July 1 and 2, valid for return uiv-
"I nYsr board If ..Id tbe small (il August 31 by evasion,
boy rynlc.lly and In the toue of one 0, . , , . ,. ....
wbo .farm. bl. shoulder. I s"P over at New York, rhlladalpni
A little later tbe small boy did ,Ultimorw and Washington,
thing ha bad been told not to do audi Through sleeping cars to Aihury Tark.
was aen to sit on a chair and ordered Baltimore and return, IIS.
not to get off until tbe power, that be Tickets good going July 2, 3 and 4
V SJSTuiw be can,, into tb. " tTJ
room where bis mother was altUng "t""'"n- f top over st Washington
Jubilant ,lh onlJ lin operates througb
Tre beard It, mother," be exclaim- trains. Mend for circular, to Feist
d- Hswsy, Pacifio Coast Agent, Sea Fran-
"Heard wbatf asked bl. perpleied cisco,
'TtIL, 1..,. ,a I K Autin- - p- A- "l
"Heard tbe little voice. It said, .. .
Bam Bmltb, you get off that rhalr. our Mtr,t lkkel HP" to,
Don't yoo rare what your mother "tails.
My.r-Pbll.delplna Ledger. I
' Former Price, W.75 to $13.
Our line of Wash Suits is not all
picked over yet. But you niu-t call
quickly, if you mant to take advan
tage, of bargains at this time.
A Pretty White
Shirt Waist Suit
is just the thing
For the Fourth
You will And here a good assortment
of various styles and all sixes at
prices which will make the purchase
Children's White
In piques anl linons.
Buster Brown and other styles
Prices range from
60c to $1.50
.Embroidery and Lace Trimmed
age 8 to 14.
Prices, S1.00 to $3-75
Her Warht.
Maintains unexcelled service from the
j west to the east and south. Uaktnc
'close connectlona wl.b train, of aJ)
j transcontinental lines, passenger, are
given their rholct of route, to CblcaOt
j Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans,
and thruch these points to th. fa
, nt.
Prospective traveler, desiring Infor
mation a. to the lowaat rat", and bees
routes are Invited to correspond with
the following representatives:
It, H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Af;nt.
142 Third fit., Portland, Ore.
J. C, L1NDSET, Trav. PassengT Agent.
142 Third 8t.. Portland. Ore.
PAUL, It. THOMPSON, Pass'gr. Agent,
Col-man Kulldlng. fteat'.le, Wash.
Cop- Move on, kid.
Kid- Pay, officer. I ain't got but 10
cents, but It's all yours If you'll jest
let me sit here and look at you!-New
York American.
Jg tohe
Ladies! Attention!
Apprentices wanted to perfect them
selves in the art of cutting, fitting and
designing. Taught quickly by latest
methods. Full course, $o.00 system In
do OppoMaaltf,
"Jones Is suffering from a peculiar
"What's thntr
"He cannot express hi. thought.."
"Nothing peculiar about that I I'm
married too. "-Houston Post
Maud In't 8 and 30 too old to hope
for any improvement? I should say not.
One just begins to live. Take IIollistr's
Rocky Mountain Tea. You will be
(dooming fair at 00. 33 cents, Tea or
Tablets. At Frank Hart's drug store.
I'aavoldablr Akaeat.
"You say bis wife wasn't with blm
when be died? Too bad, too bad 1 Dow
did It happen?"
"She was at tbe dressmaker, order
ing her mourning outfit" Chicago
The Ideal Ctrl,
"I. she one of those horrible girl,
who know enough to set men right?"
"No; .be', one of those delightful
girl, wbo know enough sot to."-8mart
: i
. . Huge Task
It was a buge task to undertake the
cure of such a bad case of kidney di
sease as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero
kee, Ia., but Klectric Bitters did it. He
writes: "My kidneys were so far gone
I could not sit on a chair without a
cushion; and suffered from dreadful
backache, headache and depresxion. In
Eloctric Bitters, however, I found a cure
and by them was restored to perfect
Oealth. I recommend the great tonic
medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver
or stomach. Guaranteed by C. Roirers.
druggist. Frice, 50 cents.
As the picnic
season is here
ft'e wih to call your attention to
our extensive line of Lunch goods.
Including Canned and deviled meats,
Crackers and Fancy Biscuits, Sar
dines, Olives, Pickles, Etc. We sre
cnrryjng the best goods in the mar
ket in every line, and guarantee sat
isfaction. The succe.s of our recent
pules hit it ufiuin demonstrated thn
fact that the people will trade where
Uiey .-an get THE MOST FOR THEIR
MONEY,, and we claim we are In a
position to save you money on every
thing in our large and varied stock.
See our Fruit and Vegetable Dis
play. Everything in the market.
Foard Stokes Co