WEDNESDAY, JUNE at, 1903. JJlfi MORN 1A it AMORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON I COME AM) HKE Haviland Chinaware We have til new attractive petternsat a very low pries. There Is nolh ing better nor more acceptable For a wedding present Fur summer meals we hive aome particularly nice salad bowl and ber ry sets. If you ire careful In your buying we ere In our you'll appreciate the goodness and completeness of our stock. ROSS, HIGGINS Co. Car Traffic Delayed. A atreet ear ran off tho track at the corner of Fourth and Horn! atreet yea terday and trallic waa delayed for about two hour. Seining at 8and Iiland. Seining on Hand Hand will be com menced today. The Tallanttirant 1'ack ing company m-iiI a wowload of aup pllre and crew of 23 men to the Uland yeaterday. , Eagle Band Diibanded. lui Several members of the Fag! Mili ary band left fur Han Framiao yeater day, thereby breaking up tlw hand. Aa toria ha no band at present. Obtain Marriage Licenie. A marriage lieen- wa Waned yeter day to Anton Carl llu and Edith ('. llowman, both of Atoria. A full an I complete line of fari.i lmple menta, farming tool, wagon, bugjic of all klnda at It. M. Canton' farm im plement warehouse, 103 Fourteenth. Maxwell Young, who baa lieen quite ill the pat week, la reported Improv. Ing. Office rooma for rent. Oeo. W, ker, Astoria National Dank I tar- A PRETTY STEEL ENGRAVING of beautiful head from dealgn by leading masters, will be given away Free with one pound of so-MULE TEAM BORAX, aelling at I3o a pound box. The picture are reproduced on fine white board, eiie 12x20 inchea. They are equal to the fineat you can buy anywhere and will ahow to advant age ia your den or your parlor. Come quickly, while they hut. It may be only a day or two. Investigate our prompt and correct I de delivery system. Johnson Bros., Good Goods Twelfth St, Astoria. The Best Bookcase on Earth The GUNN Sectional New Shipment now in. Come and see them. Not high in price. rs; CHAS. HEILB0RN $ CO., Complete House Furnishers. First National Bank ESTABLISH Capital and Surplus $10Q,000 (Ml LINE OF.. TEACHERS' SALARIES TO BE INCREASED. Dtdiien Reached at Meeting of Scboo? Board. Committees Appointed. At a mwtlng of the rhool Hoard , Chairman Taylpr appointed the follow Inif conimilwa to serve lor the en suing year 1 Finance, M-xr, HigKin and Holme j Huitdlng and llepaira Meiwra. Aiken and Welch; Supplies, Mir. Ho linen and Aiken. It wa de ciilcd to raioe the aalariea of the teach era 10 per cent, commencing with the ensuing arhool term, 11 too lit have lieen wnt them to fill out and if not returned Mine July 7, the portion will be de 1-lnreil vacant, ami a new teacher ap pointed. No selection iiierlntendent, ult,liinigli appllcutiona are on tile. Wut made rorli l"e "svmeni yeiruaj. a number of Have New Uniforms, The Axtoria lne team received new uniforma yesterday. They are di played in the show window of Herman Wise. The company coexist of U mem her. They will leave Huinluy night for ; the flreinen'a tournament at Oregon City It l the bent hone lean ever organlwd in the city and will no doubt carry off aotoe of the priea. Brick Kiln Ready. .Mcr, sruffri and fkwortn, pro prietora 01 the new brick yard, near the John Day, have a large kiln ready to burn ,and expect to deliver brick in about two week. The flrat order waalpany received from the Tongue Point Lum-I tier company, for 100,000 brick. IilC. K. railway, and Mra. Kuettner re promWe to be an important induitry for Aatoria, the brick being of goodl"ltoae Citv quality. IN PORTLAND The Morning Astoriai 1 for eale at the sea aland of the OREGON NEWS COMPANY situated at HOTEL PORTLAND H7 Sixth Street 125 Sixth Street TKa (.nil M.t,.4 rJ i.t.t. 1. wcognlied aa the Ilea restaurant. The beat meala and the beat acrvioe in Aa toria. 120 Eleventh etreet. ...r., race wiaaeage ana eaip r 1 . . . m leeaiment) riv eaprt Darnere. Batn. OCCIDENT HOTEL BARBER SHOP. Miaaion Lemon are the best, doien. 23 cent of Astoria, Ore. i;i 1880. PERSONAL MENTION. David Hood, of Portland, ia in the city. Jf, A. Btirrett, of Portland, wa in the city yeaterday. Monroe Crime wa up from Seaside yeaterday. Kdward C. Jud, of Seaalde, waa in the city yeaterday. - - A. H, Itellly, of Olyihpia, la registered at the Parker. - K - M, J. John and wife, of Sachotta, are visiting in the city. Frank UilUtrom, of Melville, wa in the city yeaterday. Hon. J. (. Medlar, of Brookfleld, wa in the city yesterday. lluli Mi Uitt, of Portland, la lett ered at the Occident. V. I. Aiuleron, the Deep river mer chant, W in the city. M. L (toucher, of Pittaburg, Pa., wa I in the city yeaterday. A. A. Mat twin, of Clatukanine, ia reg istered at the Central. Andrew Young, of Young river, wa in the city yesterday. Jona Olncn, and wife, of Tillamook, are visiting in the city. Senator C. W. Fulton went to Port land yeaterday mottling. A. 0, Darker, of Portland, waa in the city yeterday on business. Mr. Earle, of Portland, wa a guet at the Occident yeaterday. Mr. Jame W. Hure, of Seattle, ia vWiting friend in the city. K. J. Hrent, of Miuneapolia, registered I J. Ho Doigs, of Portland, wa in the citv yeaterday on buine. Nic Webber, pot master at Kagle Cliff, waa In the city yeaterday. A. W. Severance and wife, of Tilla mook, are vWiting friend In the city. Hubert Llndenberger returned yeater day from a buine trip to Tillamook.' ('. O, Scott, of San Francisco, i among the recent arrival in the city. William Chance, court bailiff, returned from a (Wit to (Seaside yeaterday. W. (. Heinly, of San Francico, reg- Wtered at the (Evident yeaterday. Alexander Ilernatein, a prominent at torney of Portland, waa in the city yea terday. J. W. Caaey, of the Chicago, Milwau kee t St. Paul railway, wa in the city yeaterday in the interest of hi com Auditor F. D. Kuettner of the A. & I turned yeaterday from a trip to the Police Court Items. In the police court yeaterday John Tooley pleaded guilty to being drunk and diaorderly, and ,wae fined 13. John Riley, charged with having no vuible mean of support, pleaded guilty and waa aenteneced to pay a fine of $40. Sentence, however, wa auapended on condition that he leave town, lie will be given a tie ticket this morning. Epworth League Social The member of the Epworth League gave a aociai last evening at the real denee or Mra. h. A. Gcrding. An en- kvble evening waa apent WiU pu Handball. Den Marion and Harry Cohen left for Portland vesterdav morning to renre ' , K. rnmm..ia, -ioS. 1- th. v.j ball tournament, being held in that city. Ia Granted Divorce. In the Circuit court yeaterday, W. A. Metzer wa granted a divorce from his wife, Kmina Metor. The couple were married iu Chicago, October 20, 18S1. Desertion wa the cause assigned. Building Field' Active. A. S. Heed eta ted yesterday that he would soon award the contract for driv ing the foundation for hit new build ing, to be erected on tne corner ot Eleventh and Duane streets. It will be Dill t Young yeatrrday completed driving the foundation for the new building of J. X. Griflin and today will commence driving the foundation for the new Copeland building, on Com mercial ttreet. Contractor Lebak yeaterday com menced driving the foundation for the new lodge hall to be erected by Con- comley Tribe of Red Men. The work will be completed thi weeK. 50x100 feet, and three atorie high. SALMON FISHING IMPROVES. Fiah Smaller, But Good Run It Reported, Including Steelheada. There was a notable improvement in the run of salmon yesterday. The fish are much smaller, and include a large number of steelheada. Moat of these fiah were delivered to the canneries, Report from up the river are to the effect that the aeinera are making large hauls. Few of the salmon can be used by the cold storage men and the result ia all the canneries have started up on full time. While the pack this year is light er than last, a continuation of the run will soon bring it up, 18 PRETTY WEDDING Miss Lucille Cole and John San born Married. GRACE CHURCH A BOWER Sweet Peai, La France Roiei, Fern and Evergreen Uied in Decorative Scheme Nuptial the Moit Attractive of Sea on. Many Friend Preient. Mia Lucille Cole and Frank Sanborn were married laat evenina at Grace church before hundred of their frienda, The Ilev. Short performed the cere mony. The church waa beautifully decorated for the oecaaion with white aweet pea. La Frane; roaea, fern and evergreen. The altar waa entirely in white, witli the exception of a huge baaket of La France roaea, under which the bridal party tiod during the eerviee. The center aule, through which the bride paaaed, wa f.Taeefully arched with Ivy and fern. MW Cole made the prettieat of bride in an attractive creation of crepe de chine. She wore a tulle veil, held in place by a wreath of orange bloaaom. and ahe carried a ahower bouquet white a wect pea. of The maid of honor, Miaa Bertha Hob on, wa gowned in pink and carried pink carnation. The bridesmaid were in pink and white and carried white roaea. They were the Miaae Grace Stokea, Beta Reed, Gertrude Berry and Nell Peterson, of Portland. The uaher were Mer. George Warren, Charles (iray, Jack Allen and Frederick War ren. Charle Halderman attended Mr. Sanborn aa beat man. After the ceremony Mr. and Mr. Cole gave a email reception at their home, to which the relativea and immediate friend of the bride and groom were aaked. Here the decoration were in green and red. A delightful eupper wa aerved, and following the departure ot Mr. and Mra. Sanborn, the gueata were ahown the many beautiful and costly preaent received, by the young couple, The entire family of the bride were present two aiater with their hu- band and children having come from the Eat to be present at the wedding, There were many handsome costume in evidence. Mr. Sanborn, the mother of the groom, wa in lavender crepe de chine and bee. It is to be regretted that Mr. Sanborn could not be present at the marriage of hi aon. He has been confined to hi home for the past week with a very severe illness. Welch-FleUchaner, at Salem. One of the prettieat June wedding took place at the home of A. Welch, cor ner of Cottage and Marion street last evening, when Miss tiara Welch was united in marriage to Henry G. Flcisch auer, Rev. Errett, pastor of the First Christian church performing the cere mony in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The Welch home was beautifully dec orated throughout The hall wa a mass of beautiful palms. The parlors were in white and green, rose and ferns be ing uaed in abundance. At 8 o'clock Miss Helen McCoy played Wagner's wedding march, 'Lohengrin," and the bridal party entered the parlors and stool beneath a huge bell of cream roes where Rev. Krrett performed the ring ceremony , The bride was attended by Miss Jean McMurdo, of Baker City, and Guy Clark, of this city, acted as the groom's best man. Little Miss Gladys Welch, niece of the bride, was ring bearer. The bride wore a handsome gown ot white crepe de chine over silk, and carried cream rose buds. The brides maid wore a pretty dress of soft white silk and carried pink carnations. After the ceremony refreshments were aerved in the dining room, which was elaborately decorated, one being all In sweet peas, while the other was beau tifully arranged with LaFranee roses. Four little girls dressed in white aerved. The punch room was presided over by Miss Etta Welch. Capital Journal. SECRET SOCIETIES Concomley Tribe of Red Men installed ofllcera at the meeting Monday night The following entered upon the dis charge of the duties of their respective officers: Sachem, Thomas Dealy; Senior Sagamore, Max Pohl; Junior Sagamore, Frank Bourney; Prophet, Frank IVv- eney-s Keeper of Records, C. E. Foster; Keeper of Wampum, J. C. Clinton; Dele- gatee to the Great Council, Frank Dev eney, C. E. Foster, T. B. Loughery Harry Jones and Charles Gamine). EXTRA ! EXTRA! Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. MATCHLESS SALE BARGAINS Iff Wash Goods 60c SILK DOT CREPE CLOTH 45e 40c LINEN CRASH , 4je 40c COLORED SWISS t$t aoc CREPE CLOTH , 15c swe KNICZEK VOILES i3e 40c COTTON TAFFETAS 5C COTTON SITITINGS 1JC WATCH FOR OUR BIG RIBBON SALE, COMMENCING THURSDAT. JUNE 19TB Morse Department Store. The Place Where Everybody Liies to Trade. 508-510 Commercial Street Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c II Final Arrangements for Fourth of July Celebration. PARADE TO BE FEATURE Eight Hundred Dollars Now Subscribed. Committeei Decide on Elaborate Fes tivities. Dedicatory Ceremonies of New City Hall Will Form Part Tho joint committee on arrangements of the Fourth of July celebration and the committee appointed by Mayor Sur prenant held a meeting last night and completed arrangements for the cele bration The soliciting committee re ported that $300 had been subscribed, which will be sufficient to hold an ap propriate celebration. The following program was decided upon: The parade will form at 1 o'clock, on Duane street, with right resting on Eighth ttreet The line of march '.will be: East on Commercial to Fourteenth, north on Fourteenth to Bond, west on! Bond to Fifth, south on Fifth to Com mercial, west on Commercial to Sewn teenth, south on Seventeenth to Ex- change, east on Exchange to the City J Hall, where the Fourth of July exer- j cies will occur. Following ii the pro gram: Song. "Anieriea;' invocation, Rev. Father Walters; reading of the Decla ration of Independence, Mrs. Haddiok; oration. Hon. G. C. lulton. Immediately after these exercises the dedication of the new City Hall wil take place, the following program will be carried out: Invocation, Rev. W. S. Short; oration, Hon. John H. Smith; . response. Mayor Joseph Surprenant After the exer cises the City Hall will be thrown open to the public. W. A. Sherman has been selected as grand marshal; and H. J. Wherity and W are 80LE AGENTS In thla territory for PIANOS AND ORGANS of auperlor make. Oui leader ia th. celebrated STEIN- WAY, which needs no comments. Th B. Chase, Estey, Emerson, .Heller, Richmond and several others are all the very beat In their class. .Our prices on these pianos are lower than ever before quoted in this state, and we are in position to make most satis factory terms. Will gladly mail you catalogue upon ppllcation, and very cordially invite ou to call at any time you m&7 be in Portland. DUNDORE PIANO CO. 233 Washingtcn Street, Portland, Oregon. PREPARE PROGRa John Frye, aides. The Eagles' band wij furnish music. The Foresters and Red Men have de cided to turn out in the parade, Uajear Schneck, with 100 soldiers from Fact Stevens, will arrive on the Howard, ia time to participate. All girls deairiag to occupy a aeat ia the Liberty car ana requested to leave their names with C. E. Footer. There will be a grand display of fire worka ia the evening. When You Reno vate , Your property this summer sal want paint that is cheap, yet last ing, for your roofs, either metal wood, do not forget the Famous Trinidad Asphalt Paint for tin, metal, wood or felt . Ka color ia a brilliant black and whea jy it closely resembles enamel It h not quick drying, but hardens ia reasonable time. It remains elas tic and there is bo danger of crack in& blistering or peeling off. Oae gallon will cove rabout 300 feet of J tin, iron or smooth wood and about 100 square feet of felt or shingles. 73 cents a gallon, ready for use. Telephone, Main 781. GEO. LINDSTROM & CO- Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Franklin avenue, Upper Astoria. BIG SPECIAL BOYS' SWEATERS Regular $1.25 and $1.50. Special Price. $1.00 BOYS HATiS All sizes, different shades. Good Values at $l.BO SEE THE WINDOW. CHAS. LARSON THE WORKINGMEN'S STORE 557 Commercial Street. OPPOSITE PUBLIC TELEPHONE OFFICE.