THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTOKIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1909. Mr. Bowser And Poultry He Reads All About Vast For j tunes Made Out of the Chicken Business. DECIDES TO ATTLMPT IT Tells Mrs. Bowser to Prepare to Mov and Goes Out to Consult Butcher About Hens. l- OP) M' Copyright 19ns. by It B. McClure R. BOWSER lmd Iwn reading his evening imper for half an hour wheur he suddeuly brought bis fist down on his knee and exclaimed: "By thunder, but that proves what I have always told you!" "What have you always told me?" queried Mrs. Bowser. "That there was money big money lots of money lu raising cbickeus. 1 was a fool not to go Into it ten years ago." "What have you found In the paper?" "llere Is a column or more devoted to the subject, and it makes me waut to kick myself when I see what a chauce I have missed. The man who lets his wife out-argtie him in matters of com- "DOM G1UEVE, PooB W01U.N. mon sense is an Idiot. I've wanted to go into poultry sewral times, but you always opposed it and blocked my plans." "Well, does the article say there Is money In It?" "Of course It does. Here Is the ease cf a young married couple who started ten years ago with six hens. What do you suppose they are worth now?" "If they have lived on raw turnips 1 for ten years and he has had steady work at a dollar a day they may be worth ? 1,000.'" i "Woman, I'd advise you not to fool . with this question. You may find It a ' serious one before you get through. In ten years, starting In with six hens, they have sold enough eggs and poultry to come to $2i.,000, and their income next year will be at least $15,000. They Lave bought a fine farm, built a new house and now ride in their own car riage. Suppose we had started with six hens when we were first married?" "We'd have owned a whole state by this time and we could give away a million eggs and not miss them." "Sneering again, are you? V'e, you can sneer and be hanged. If we are Tint millionaire roii nr to blnme for It. Correct Gothes for Hen Outing Tro users Golf, Tennis, Cricket, etc. This label Says they're better than any others. If they are not, what is the use of spending money to telh you about them? The makors' quarantee, and ours, with every garment. We ate ex clusive agents here. n mi m 1 IJredpenjamin MAKERS flEWyoRK r Jim a Hv umm s. js.IJ. -j war ' - - - mm&ir s Cures all Kidney and Bladder Diseases-Guaranteed Charles Rogers. Druggist. Here is (mother case. A uiotvunnt falls in business and commit suicide. After his funeral expenses are paid his wld ov has just $7 left. She use?." ol that to build a hencoop, and the othet goes to buy chickens. She starts with four hens and a rooster. That was nlue years ago. Today she Is worth ?1S,000 and rides about after a spanking team. I wanted t go iuto poultry twenty years ago. but you hnd your arguiueuts all ready to dissuade me. If I bad gone my owu way then I'd have a barrel of nioney by this time." , "Any further instances?" quietly asked Mrs. Bowser as he grunted his disgust. "A dozen of them, madam. You dou't class me as a boru fool, do you?" "Certainly uot." "Weil, here is an instance where a bom idiot escaped from au asylum. He stole two hens and weut into poultry. That was thirteen years ago, and today he has 000,000 hens and Is selling a thousand eggs per day. Thluk of that If a fool eau do that, what couldn't I have made In the thirteen years? By the seveu knee sprung cows, but I'se let a woman pull me this way aud that, aud here's the result of It! One more instance. A woman sixty years old who has asthma and rheumatism so that she can hardly get around is ad vised by her doctor to go Into the eouu try for a year or so. She goes, aud one day she finds a lame ben In the road. She takes it home to make a pet of, aud when the hen began to lay from twenty-four to thirty-six eggs per day the woman got the idea that there was money in it. That was nine years ago. It was not believed that she could live a year, and she had only 70 cents to her name. Today she is tn the best of health, not looking a day over thirty, and her Income from the sales of eggs, chickens, milk and butter Is over $306 a day. Think of that over $300 a day, aud mine is not $10!" 'How does she manage to milk the hens?" was asked. "What! What!" "Yon satd milk and butter. I was wondering how sh did it" "I said nothing of the kind, or if I did it was a slip of the tongue. I see you are ready to pick up the slightest thing, but let me tell you that I'm not to b turned aside from my purpose this time. I'll put uu ad. in the papers touior row," "For a lame hen to start the poultry business on?" ".No, madam!" he thundered. "You are determined to treat this matter in sarcasm, but I want to tell you that within a mouth I'll have this house sold and le in the chicken business. When a person can sit lu a rocking chair and see money coining in at the rate of $l.i 0 per mouth he's a fool to keep on uigj.'eriiig for a bare liviug. We won't start with a lame hen, but with a thou sand healthy nud ambitious birds." Mrs. Bowser made no reply. She could have gone at It aud destroyed bis arguments in a mlmita-, but she decided not to do so. He turned to his paper and reread the poultry statements, made either In sarcasm or by some one who didn't know a heu from a brindled calf, and bis ambition and greed be came so great that he couldn't sit still. He got up and walked around the room for several minutes and then paused to say; "Yes, you can begin to pack up. We will be sold out in two weeks." "Very well," she replied. "And I think I'll drop over and sef the butcher for a few minutes. He'll know the best breed of fowls to star' in with, and I might as well advertise for them at once. We can keep a thou sand of them down cellar for a moutli if we have to, and during that time we ought to have half a million eggs." He took his hat from the rack and started off for the butcher's, and when the door had closed behind him the cat came out from under the lounge and sat up and looked at Mrs. Bowser In a sorrowful way aud seemed to say: "Don't grieve, poor woman. The butcher is a hard headed man, and Mr. Bowser will hear something drop be fore he comes back." The butcher was about closing up for the evening, but he cheerfully agreed that he would answer a few questions about poultry. He had known all about poultry since he was a chicken himself. Mr. Bowrfex handed him the paper and asked him to read the artf cle. He did so, and when he had finish ed he burst into a guffaw and saidr "That was written by a fool for fools to read. Tou slou't tell me that you be lieve such statements?" "They strike me as reasonable and truthful." "Then the fool killer ought to strike you with a club. Did you ever see s hen?" "Sir, don't insult me!" "I'm not Insulting you. Did you ever have a flock of bens around your house'" "No." "Well, if you bad you would realize what nonsense this is. Why, Bowser, you couldn't make your salt at the poultry business. There are twenty failures to one success, and It's harder work than sawlug hickory wood with a dull saw." "I beg to differ with you. I say there Is money in it. If a woman sixty years old can start with one ben, and n lame one at thut, and make" 'Make your grandmother:" www mm c "But do you uiean to say that I'm a fool:" ' .o, Bowser, but you are an oa. mark, a good thing. You want wMglit 011 your feet to keep them down, tilve it up. Co home aud ask Mrs. Bowser to make you some catnip ten aud tuck you up In your truudle bed." "You are a liar, sir! You are you are" But the smiling and good nntured butcher pushed him out of the door aud looked It against htm, aud Mr. Bowser was forced to walk uwny. Ho thought of appealing to the druggist, but be knew what the man would say and say It gladly. The plumber might pos sibly sympathize with Ills desire to make $'Ji 1,000 lu two years out of ten or twenty hens and a blind rooster, but he had closed his shop ami gone home. There was the tailor. But what did a tailor know about liens that laid twen ty eggs a day and were ambitious to do bettor? The world was against the man who w anted to go Iuto poultry. The April breeses sighed and moaned, the last of the January snowdrifts were runulng Into the gutter, and with his hands locked behind him he walked up and down nud thought of the thou sands of dollars that were slipping away from him, nud lu Imagination he was followed by a Hock of hens that cried out to him to grasp his fortune at the flood aud uot change off poultry for coonsklns. M. QUAD. Aarrrd VII k Her. Clara-I can't see why people tliluli unimer Is duller than winter. Harold No, considering so many things come off In summer! New Or leans Times Ivmocrnt. Tltr the Man. Dyer So her father gaw his con sent? Kyr Yes. Dyer-Has he a grudge against you? -Tarrytown (X. Y.) .News. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. The Constant Wearing of a Hat Props gates DandronT Genua. There are many n)cn who wear their hats practically all the time when awake. and are blessed with a heavy shock of hair; yet If the scalps of these same men once - became Infested With dandruff ,'erms, the parasites would multiply ail the quicker for lack of air. Baldness would ensue as the final result. Near bro's llerplctde kills these germs and stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth. Herplclde Is a pleasant hair dressing as well as a dandruff cure and contains not an atom of Injurious sub stance. Sold by leading ilrupirlsls. Send lc. in stumps for sample to The lUrpt cide Co.. Detroit. It' Kngle Drug Store, 351-3.13 Bond St.. Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F. Laurin, Brop. "Special Agent." Light Reading FOR Heavy Moments 100 NEW NOVELS Paper, 10c, 15c, 25c. The kind for your vacation. SEE SHOW WINDOW J. N. GRIFFIN SCOW BAY IRON AND BRASS WORKS. Manufacturers of Iron, Steel, Uratt and Iironzc Castings. General Foundrynien and Pat ternmakers. AI)Mintcly first class work. lowest prices. Thone 2451. 18th and Franklin For Porch and Summer Home Bamboo Furniture .rives that refreshing touch to the weary and tired p'-rson. Settees, Roman Chairs, Hall racks, etc., etc.. Step In and ex amine the line. I jiil you buy Chocolate set yet? Yokohama Bazar 626 Commercial Street, Astorl i CUM! Telephone your want advertisement to the oilier of The Morning Atnr inn. Telephone Main Ml. When you need help or want to sell or exchange anything. Somebody tuny be looking for work or ih to e change something for au artidu which yoa have. HELP WANTED. wayi kd;ii:i. TO DO I.Hilll' Kinpiiie ut Astoiinil light housework, oftioe. HKl.B WAXTKD-MKN AND WOMKN to leuru watchmaking A practical working school for jewelers. Money made learning. Seattle Watch Making & Kngraving School, l'. I. llldg. Seattle. 1IKI.I- WANTKD--;ilU. WANT KD fur ceneiiil housework. Wages le- tween u and per month, j. it. tiibbons, cure 'loiigue Point l.umlier to., Aldcrbrook. i ll VMiH'K - WANTKD AT ONVK, maid. I'aiker House. nor WANTKD printing office. TO WoltK IN Apiy at Astoilan other. FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS. Foil SAI.F.-A !Mri -4 WASlllMillS Iron Works Sent tie, Wo-h., donkey l.KI feet T-S atltl 3."00 feet .") H lieh cubic. Full ct rigging nnd block. .Vldrcio Pacific Ciidcun, Cnthlanict, Wtih. FOR SALE HIGH ' COL'NTKH. about 8 feet long. Apply at Amor Inn I'OK SALK-SECOND-HAND 7 COL umn nwspaper outfit; complete ex cept pr"ss; chenp. Inquire at this of fice. 1NCUHATOK FOR SAUv-400 hUOS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; first-class condition. Ad dress A. Astorlan Office. OLD PAPERS FOa HAUJS Ai m!)llin( atroetn Office; I3c per hundred. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice U hereby pven to all par tic holdinj,' (.'Intxoti County warrants endor- d prior to Aujfiiht lt. l!m-4, to prewiit same to the county treasurer at hi offlo .)!ru-0!2 Commercial treet, for payment lnleret ceuws after thi date. (Signed) CIIAS. A. IIKII.If iI'.N, County Treasurer. Dated, Alorin, Oregon, this Uth day of June, 1005. BID8 WANTED. CALL l'OU KIDS L'. K. KNCl.NKlJl Office, Portland, (ire., May 22. 19u." Senled proposals will be r-celved here tnr niaMri'HH. rock and I'll; work In connection with extension of Jetty at mouth of Coqullle river, nio., until 11 A. M., June 22, 1905, nnd then publicly opened. Information on application. W. C. ijinKfltt, MaJ.. F.nirrB. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR IlKN'T-IlorsK KKKPlX'i KM)MS Sc J. H. Jtrown at IIoh, II iritis & Company. HOUSES WANTED. HOUSE OP 6 OR 8 ROOMS WANT ed in good neighborhood. Conveni ent to center ol town; rent reasonable; permanent. Address Emll Held, cask The Astorlan. ROOMING HOUSES WANTED. WANTKD TO KEeiT-A ITltXISHKI) rooming house. References. Address, A2, Astoria n. FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RKNT I.AKOK FRONT ROOM; flro and electric light; finest view In city. Address C. A., Astorlan. FOR RKNT-FL'UNISIIKO Knquire M Kxcliangp. IWXXMS. LAUNDRIES. The TroyLaundry The' only white labor laundry in the ; city. Does the best work at reasonable ; prices and is in every way wcrthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE 8ts., Phone 1991. Situations Wanted Advertisements Twice Without Charge. You Mav Want I A furnished house, rooms or store. Make your wants known to the reader of this paper. If you want a tenant for a house, soma reader limy be the desired party. Obtained by Advertising in the Want Columns of the Morning Aittoiiun. DAILY 7,000 READERS a BUSINESS DIRECTORY BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar EL Billiard Hall. ; Tables New ami Kvcry thing l'lfSt ClaSS. ' ' 'nCit brands of Lienors ami Cigars ELECTRICIAN8 3 1 MsU.s timates and ex.cut.e order for all kinds of slectrical installing and repairing. Supplies in Stock. We sell tha celebrated SHELBY LAMP. ! . H. W. Cyrus, M.mtffrr. 428 BOND ST. PHONE 1161 MILK DEALERS. A NEW PURE FOOD UV. ill tin- tnte of a-hinpton require that all food uirkiij;i,"!iill 'nine printed on i the outside the iiimlii'iiN llirieof. 1( ! you ue our Pure Milk, Fresh From the I t Cows, vou won't hitvc to look (or the j IiiIm-I. We (,'iini.iiitee it ipi.ilily. Morning or liiylil delivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO 10th and MEAT MARKETS. FRESH AND CURED MEATS - Wliolroiilf uiul Itetall Ships, Legging Camps and Mills Sup plied on Short Notice. Live Stock Bought snd Sold. WASHINGTON MARKET CHRISTENSEN A CO. Central Meat Market G- W. Morton & Jno. Fuhrnun, Prop's. 'CHOICEST j MtlATH- FUKSU VW iMIT AND HALT it:uvrcnir. ,M2 Commercial St Phone Main 321 RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nieo cake, colFuo, pie, or doughnut!!, 5c, at II. S. Restaur ant. lion! St UEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always finl the best 15-cuiit meal in the city ut the Rising 8un Restaurant. - 612 Commercial Sf Progress Shoes for Ladies are, the BEST $2-50 shoes made. , We 'nuve Just re ceived a full line of thHi choes, Uue and lilucher. Vlcl Kid, pl'itent leuther tips. BILLY BUSTER SHOES for tho boys have won't wear out. a sole that S. A.GIMRE Fine Boots and Shoes 543 BOND STREET, ASTORIA. EieclncG MA i linn run UIVIIUUi Inserted BROKERAGE. C. J. TUKNUIIAHD ' Real Estate, Inturanoe, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKE. Office 1U Ninth Street, Neat to Jmtlo Olflae. ASTORIA, OREGON. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Finest Hotel In the Northwest. The Tired Traveler Is ever happy to find a coinforlablo stopping plact. Where to put up Is the prevalent question after Ion jour n.y. You can solve the problem In Astoria by going . to the PARKER HOUSE Whose gonial host. Mr. T. 3. liroem sr, la an experienced hotel man and who on April I took charge of this popular hostelry and has Inaugurated a new feature to the house by opening the dining room In connection with the hotel nd I now able to give his pat rons board and lodgings, the best In Astoria, for Si and lt.!J per day. flat Isfsctlon guaranteed. Jtooma at Si, 6. 7J and II. 'buss to and from the hotel. Free J. T. BROEMSER. FURNITURE. ROBINSON a H1LDEBRAND Goodman Bldg. 688 Commercial St. FURNITURE. Carp..,, B.dding, Stoves, Matting. Window Shades, LINOLEUM, Ete. PLACKSMITHb. ANDREW - ASP, Blacksmith. Having installed a Rubber Tirlno Machine cf the lateet pattern am prepared to do all kinds of work at reasonable prices. 12th and Duane 8ts. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, boa weed, any kins) of wood at lowest prfoee. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Blsok, Barn en Twelfth, opposite opsra hewaa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. physicians. JAY TUTTL LE, M. D. ID Ml'KOKON Y PUVNICIAN AN1 Acunr AMinUtntHunrMti t 0.8. MrliiHipiUiH,.rvrat Offlce hours: 10 to 12 a.ra 1 to 4:10 p.m. 477 Commercial Street. Ind Floor. OSTEOPATHISTS. Dr.Kiio.iaC.HIrk. Ir. J. K- Hnyder OSTEOPATHS. Olllee Mnusull uid. I'lione lllack ;nns 5T3 C0111merc.l1 til.. Astoriu, ore. DENTI8TS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial Ht Astoria, 'orwon. Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dkntist Pythian Building Aatori. Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST 578 Commercial Kt, Hhanahao Building BUSINESS COLLEGE8. Bchnke-Wolkcr Business College. Building, Portland, Oregon. Our Graduates are All Employed. Wo placed 25 pupils In lucrato pd 110ns during tuo month of May. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.