6 TOE MORNING ASTORIA N, ASTOHM, OREGON. SUNDAY, JUNE tl, 1905. CHANCE By the CARLE RATES TO JAPAN. A reduction of twenty cents per word lor eahlefsms to .lapan ha re rati; hern announced by the Mackay Bcawtt (able Co. The present rate i Jtl.n, per word. Thus th now rate wli-h prs into effect July firt. hriii! ML down to (1.21 per word. Previous to the opening of the Pacific cable the tut htuh (1.84. The reduction in the aaWe tariff is of preat importance to FM-iftc Coast interest, a many im porter and exporters are constantly furred to resort to communication by mmWm for vtghty transactions, pr spec- U anicrv Tit n spa pel-, too. will be benefitted by the action of the Hackay-Iiennett people who also con trol tha Postal Telegraph Co. O .METinJCC. IX)IN0 HEREABOUTS- Three additional dry kilns. Wing earcicd by the Tongue Point Lumber Oft, will dmible the present capacity f the plant. Big firms growing bigger all the time. Yet there are those who mj that we are slow here. Are we! 1 doubt it Some of us may need a good driver to increase their speed. But the autk-tiul i here for some pretty food timber of the kind that will make the regatu a success. O HUtT WILL YOU HELP IT! "The Croters' Review, of Manchester. J"ng, ys faking in the canned goods has reached salmon to such an as to make possible a large tie- in its consumption. It refers to nnder established British Colum bia, labelsJ' few years ago the Trade Kegisien caused a breeze by giving an article- from an English contemporary wharfing similar conduct on the part of tlm British Columbia canners. This latest complaint is worthy of attention The above quotation from the Trade Ergi&trT clearly proves that there is but woe way to protect a standard grade of malmtaa. irresnect i ve of whether it i or own Royal Chinook or any other. The consumer, first of all things wauts to know that he is getting the best the market affords at the price he vUn to pay. Secondly he wants to be assured that the package is such as to absolutely free it from any possible impurities, either due to careless pack ing or to contamination fro mean. O TCHY HESITATE? Rumor has it that some of the local salmon Backers don't acree with me a ass the subject of advertising salmon. Ctar Kan even told me that he had heard patters say that if they used a whole page in the Morning Astorian for a jear, it would not help them any. Strange, isn't it! but we agree on the auftjsct to that extent. There are too any things which have to be done preliminary to advertising salmon, helm- a page or for that matter the whole issue of any paper or magazine would do them any good. That's why I should like to meet the gentlemen who doubt my statement as to the possibil ity mt successfully advertising salmon. Doubting Thomases' are my hobby. I lave persuaded quite a few to my way f thinking, since I came here. For (fouhting sarmon packers I have a still Actar argument. It costs you nothing to bear aie talk, while I rather enjoy &. You may think better of me after jon Lave beard me and you may find joy in the knowledge that while the salmon pack is limited your chief bone af contention by the way there a a possibility of increasing the $$ re- Correct Gotks for Men OutingSuits On the sands, in the mountains, in the coun try, touring, you'll find the suits bearing this label on the backs of "The Best" The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are ex clusive agents here. jljdenjaniins MAKERS ff-flEWyRK SHOTS Ad Man. turns from the pack. ft I AM NOT . There are other who think that salmon will hear advertising and for this reason I quote from the .lime edition of "Pacific Coast Advertising" a little of what F. J. Cooper. President of the F. J. Cooper 'Agency, San Fran cisco," has to aay anent the subject: "The great dangers of ptomaine ana the growing distrust of tinned gHxls have already been recognized by many manufacturers, and now the finest of preserve and other product are put up in glass. This condition and the edu cation an advertising campaign will ef fect against canned salmon offer at this time a particularly attractive proposition to the salmon Ann that will recognize the value of choice article in a carefully packed form that s free from all the dangers resulting from the use of common tin." 0 WHAT OTHERS SAY Mr. E. V. ILuen, western manager of the Curtis Publishing Co., in an article published in the June number of the same magazine, has this to say among other things: "This advertising is not to create the impression aimpiy that canned salmon is good to eat as a food. It will create this impression, but also creates the impression that this particular brand of canned salmon is invariably first-class in quality, and packed under sanitary, healthful, clean ly conditions. The retail dealer will very soon dis criminate in your favor because he finds it easy to sell advertised goods, and credit is reflected upon him for selling an article that pleases his cus tomers. He will even go to the extent of spending his own money in many cases locally to call attention to your goods, and the fact that he handles them. He will give window displays and encourage his clerks to sell the ad vertised gixxls in preference to other. His own interest will dictate this. The packers standard of puality will be elevated by a campaign of this char acter became of the reflex influence of this campaign. The packer's standard of quality will nize the fact that his own interests will be furthered by using the utmost care to see that his trade mark is only found on goods of the highest quality. In a short time a comprehensive ad vertising campaign of this character will put the concern back of it in an independent position with the trade. O WINDOW DRESSING. Can a merchant afford to neglect his windows! Never. He must constantly plan for something new. The best ef forts in window dressing should be ang medted by the supreme effort, entitled. 'Frequent Changes.' You won't like to see a newspaper repeat on luesdav an item printed the day before. Don't ex pect your customers to look at youi windows twice or four times a month, unless you change them that often. Never let a window or a newspaper ad vertisement get stale. Y'our competitor profit by your neglect. 0 0 HAVE YOU ENOUGH! It has been said that you cannot ad vertise a product to any advantage when you can sell all you can get hold of. That has been said of salmon too. Now, because some of the packers are satisfied with their profits, do all of them get all they want out of the business! Here is, where I can show an old dog new tricks. Aside from that 1 believe that Astoria can never urge enough the necessity of interesting out side capital, when a cracker-jack prop osition like a $75,000 hotel has to go begging. Yet there is hardly an in vestment which would net a bigger div idend here. The regatta, it is ru mored, is dead, in spite of the fact that this year it should pay a dividend beyond ordinary dreams. Yet the com mittee is said to have exhausted its ef forts to get a man who cun lead to victory. Has it! 0 THE COAST AD JOURNAL. It may seem strange that I harp on the subject of advertising magazines. ButjSomehow, I cannot get away from the topic ot literature which is bound to benefit any merchant who peruses it. I can never get enough information on any topic, so that I am compelled to carry from place to place a constantly increasing amount of clippings, mag azines, etc, pertaining to that which makes business grow bigger in volume all the time. For several years "Pa cific Coast Advertising," published at 228 Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal. has regularly been on the list of mag azines for which I subscribe. Lewis H. Mertz is its able editor and he covers the interests of Pacific Coast industries advantageously. Recently the sub scnplum price has Wn reduced to $1.00 a year. There can 1 no reason why merchants anywhere should not suseril for it. Every issue has more than enough good stuff to make it worth the subscription price. O WHY NOT THE TRICE! The Morning Astorian's advertising rates, as based upon the rate card which went into effect on April 1st P.W5, are as reasonable as ran he de mamlcd anvwhere. The merchant who objects to what some are pleased to call an increase, would not tolerate a customer to tell him that he must sell his merchandise for less than he asks. Improvement in the paper and In the advertisements are noticeable by all who care to see. An increase in circu lation is manifest to all who care to investigate. The present rate merely margin of profit. The leading adver covers expenses and leaves but a slight Users evervwhere know that increased circulation means increase of cost of production, larger staffs, etc., etc. The proportionate increase in advertising rates always goes hand in hand with proportionately increased returns from the advertisements. The Morning As torian does not need self emolument. Its readers, its advertisers and its gen eral appearance speak for it! IV) you listen to this tale well told! 0 New THINGS IN RAINIER. The Columbia River Poor Company of Rainier shipped fourteen cars of luin her in March, distributed through Ore gon and Washington. The Hoyt branch of the American Woodworking Company at Williamsport, Pa., is building 1 special saw mortiser invented by Man ager Plue, which cuts from one to six mortises in a door style at a singls operation and which cun mortise 2,000 doors per day. The first machine will be installed at the Rainier plant, and then the machines will be put on the market Dying of Famine, ii in its torments, like dying of con sumption. The progress of consumption from the beginning to the very eud, is ti long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption in its first stpge," writes Wm. Myers, of I Cearfoss, Md., "after trving different medicines and a good doctor in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery which quickly and perfectly cured me." Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Pos itively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at Chas. Rogers drug store, price 50c and (1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles free. Sunday Excursions to North Beach. The Ilwaco and Navigation Company are selling round trip tickets every Sun day from Astoria to all points on Long Beach including N'ahcotta, at rate of one dollar for the round trip. Light Reading' FOR Heavy Moments 100 NEW NOVELS Paper, 10c, 15c, 25c. . , . The kind for your vacation. SEE SHOW WINDOW J. N. GRIFFIN SCOW BAY IRON AND BRASS WORKS. Manufacturers of Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings, General Foundrymen and Pat ternmakers. Absolutely first class work. Lowest prices. Tbone 2451. 18th and Franklin For Porch and Summer Home Bamboo Furniture .gives that refreshing touch to I the weary and tired person. Settees, Roman Chairs, Hall racks, ate, eto.. Step In and ex amine the line. Did you buy that Chocolate aet yet? Yokohama Bazar 828 1 ftmmerclal Street, sturl Telephone your want advertisement to the office of The Morning Astor ian. Telephone Main 001. When you need help or want to sell or exchange anything. SomeWly may be looking for work or wish to ex change something fur an article which joj have. HELP WANTED. HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN to learn watchmaking A practical working school for jewelers. Money made learning. Seattle Watch Making 1 Engraving School, P.I. llldg, Seattle. HELP WANTED lilUL WANTED for general housework. Wage be tween 115 and 20 per month. J. II. Cibbons, care Tongue Point Lumber Co., Alderbrook. WANTED AT ONCE, A CHAMBER maid. Paiker House. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN Apply at Astorian printing- office. office. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAI.E-A HxlO 14 WASIUNtiTIN Iron Works, Seattle, Wash., donkey l.0 feet 7-8 and 3H feet 5 8 lich cable. Full set rigging and blocks. Address Pacific Cadcan, Cnthlarnet, Wash. FOR SALE HIGH COUNTER, about 8 feet long. Apply at Astor ian office. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL- umn newspaper outfit; complete ex cept prw, cheap. Inquire at this of fice. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 400 EX3G8 capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; flrst-claaa condition. Ad dress A. Astorian Offla. OLD PAPERS FOR BALE AT THIS Office; lc per hundred. CALL FOB WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop County warrants endors ed prior to August 1st, 1!4, to present same to the county treasurer at his office 590-592 Commercial street, for payment. Interest cease after this dute. (Signed) C1IAS. A. HEILIiORN, County Treasurer. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, this 13th day of June, 1905. BI08 WANTED. CALL. FOR BIDS V. 8. ENGINEER Office, Portland, Ore., May 22, 1905 Sealed proposals will be received here for mattress, rock and pile work In connection with extension of Jetty at mouth ot coquiiie river, ore., until 11 A. M., June 22, 1906, and then publicly opened. Information on application. W. C. Langfltt, MaJ., Engra. HOUSES FOR SENT. FOR RENT-HOUSE KEEPING ROfiMJr See J. B. Brown at Ross, HiKgina 4 Company. H0U8E8 WANTED. HOUSE OF I OR t ROOMS WANT oj In good telghborhood. Conveni ent to center ol town; rent reasonable! permanent Ad.lreaa Emll Held, cask The Astorian. ROOMING HOUSES WANTED. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED rooming house. References. Address, kl, Astorian. ! FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT LAROE FRONT ROOM; fire and electric light; finest view In city. Address C. A., Astorian. FOR RENT FURNISHED Enquire 045 Exchange. ROOMS. LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry Tho only white labor laundry In tho city. Does tho best work at reasonable pricea and is in every way worthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE 8ts., Phono 1991. Situations Wanted Advertisements Twice Without Charge. A You May Want A furnished house, rooms or store. Make your wants known to the readers of this paper. If you want a tenant for a house, some reader may 1 the desired party. Obtained by Advertising in the Want Columns of the Morning Astorian. DAILY 7.000 READERS BUSINESS DIRECTORY BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar & Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything First Class. Fine it brands of Liquors and Cigan ELECTRICIANS r ran m Makes estimates and sxtcutss orders for all kinds of elsotrlcal Installing and repairing. 8upplits in Stock, We s!l the calibrated SHELBY LAMP. H. W. Cyrus, Manager. 428 BOND 8T. PHONE 1181 MILK DEALERS. A NEW PURE FOOD LAW. in Die state o( Washington utr-- that ! all foiul package sluill imvc printed on the outside the inglrdiclil t hereof . I( yon U"4 our Pure Milk, Fresh From the Cows, you won't have to look for the label. We giMiautcc itt quality. Morning or night delivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO, 10th ami Duane streets. MEAT MARKETS. FRESH AND CURED MEATS -Wliolinnlf unit Itetnll Ships, Logging Camps and Mills Sup plied on 8hot Notice. Live Stock Bought and Sold, WASHINGTON MARKET CHRISTENSEN A CO. Central Meat Market C W. Morion A Jno. Fuhrman, Prop's. CHOICEST KRKHII AND SALT MEATS-PROMPT DELIVERY. 542 Commerolal St Phono Main 321 RESTAURANTS. first-class meal for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pio, or doughnuts, 5c, ut LT. S. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Res'aurant. 612 Commercial St' Progress Shoes for Ladies are the BEST $2-50 shoea made. Ve have Junt re ceived a full line of these ahoes, Lace and Dlucher. Vict Kid, patent leather tips. BILLY BUSTER SHOES for the boys have a solo that won't wear out. S. A.GIMRE Fine Boots and 8hoss 543 BOND 8TREET, A8TORIA. Ill IS J1 B Inserted BROKERAGE. C. J. TUKNCIIAItl) Rsal Estate, Insuranoe, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offioa 1M Ninth Street, Mat to .Initio Offlee. ASTORIA, OREGON. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Finest Hotel In the Northwest. The Tired Traveler Is over happy to find comfortable stopping plsce. Whsra to put up Is tho prevalent question after a long jour nejr. You can solvt tho problem UAy Astoria by folnf to tht PARKER HOUSE Whoso genial host, Mr. T. J. Broom ser, Is an experienced hotel man and who on April 1 took charge of this popular hostelry and has Inaugurated a now feature to the bouse by opening the dining room In connection with tho hotel nd Is now ebte to give Ms pat ron board and lodgings, tho best la Astoria, for fi and 11.15 per day. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Rooms at tS, ES. 7S and tl. rre buns to and from tho hots). J. T. BROEMSER. FURNITURE. ROBINSON a H1LDEBRAND Goodman Bldg. 688 Commercial St FURNITURE, Carp.u, Bsrfdlng, Stoves, Mstting, Window Shades, LINOLEUM, Eto. FLACKSMITHb. ANDREW - ASP, Blacksmith. Having installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latist pattern am prepared to do all kinds of work at reasonable prieis. 12th and Duane Sts. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phono 2211 Blaek, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera hews. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. ruiolCIAN AND HUHQKON Acting Assistant surgeon ' U.S. Msrlue MonplulHervliw, dfflo hours: 10 to 11 a.m. 1 to :! p.m, 177 Commercial Street Ind Floor. O8TEOPATHIST8. br. Bhixls C, lllcka. Dr. J. tt Snyder OSTEOPATHS. Office Mansiill Rid. Phone Rlai-k 206S 673 Commercial St., Astorln, Ore. DENTI8T8. DR. T. h. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial tit Astoria, Oreson. Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dentmt Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST 578 Commercial St., Bbanshan Boildiop; BUSINESS COLLEGES. Behnke- Walker Business College. Stearia Building, Portland, Oregon. Our Graduates are All Employed. Wo placed 25 pupils in lucrato posi- tlons during the month of May. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.