The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 18, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, JUNE U, 1905-
and does not injure your bands or
clothes. Start the week right, use
and the burden of washing becomes light.
Local Brevities.
Ml. .Inn U'liioii tiro the brat, 23 cent
Omc rooma for rent. Geo. w. Dar
ker, AmIuiIk Nu'lonitl JUuik.
A large numWr of farmer rutin In
yesterday t-r i nj'f In farm jrMuH.
They rxirt the road In good eomllt Ion.
Eltctrlo Faee Massage and Scalp
treatment) five xptrt barbers. Bath.
The family restaurant of Atmia U
recognized nit the Jim restaurant. The
U-t mcuU hiuI tli Ix-.t M'rlti In A
lot la. l.'O Mevenlh street.
Joint It. I.ukiucn aul Sophia Gmnm-I
were married yclcrdy ly the Itcv,
Hunk, of Unioiilown. The happy coupln
will make thrir home in Astoria.
No dark room required if you tie a
Hrownle or Kodak Tank Developing Ma
chine, Price, U to I0. Other photo
graphic supplies. Frank Hart, druggist
Waller A. lUrrim and Olga lttKhilt
were married yesterday morning by Rev.
Ronka of I'nlonUiwn. Mr. and Mr.
larrion will make thrir hum in A
torla. The funeral of the UU Lrandrr Adder
son will be held today at 12 o'clock from
Pohl's undertaking parlor under the
auaplces of Aator lodga KnlghU of
Pythla. of which he wa an honored
At brrakfat makea a delightful
dixit. We Mill the beat of eggs, but
ut now we wish to particularly call
your attention to our fine
Eastern Hams and Bacon
You know what good quality mean
In theae product. Our stork i made
up of only the brat selected hum
and bacon. They never fail you,
where auperiority count 11101
On the Table
When your gueU are apt to be the
critic. 1 W have made our reputa
tion n good good. Will you be good
enough to let u prove it U you!
No trouble to wait on you, w bethel
you buy or not.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Arrive on today'a steamer, direct
from California. They will be ready
for your inpectlon tomorrow.
Investigate our prompt and correct
delivery ayatcra.
John son Bros.,
Good Goods
ul-iai Twelfth St., Aitoria.
, Hundreds now using this range in their homes
and pronounce it to be the best for cooking. It uses
less fuel than others and will positively out-last three
ranges of any other make.
Let us Demonstrate Its value.
Complete House Furnishers.
A full an I complete linn of farm Implo
infill , farming tool, wagons, buggh
of all kind at KN M. la ton's farm im
plemctit wurchoue, 105 Fourteenth.
Marriage license were Issued jctcr
day to John II. Luuklnmi ami Nophl
tiromrl, ami Walter A. Harrison and
Olga llighill, all of (tut sop county,
The indication ore that the only uli
wrvacc iif the Fourth of July in Astoria
will le the dedication of the new t'itv
Hall. The building i nearly completed
add it will be ready for the furniture
next week.
T. S. CuMieliim, county surveyor, wilt
leave Monday fur trip through the
Ncliulrtii vail)",1 uri'l i iiiiitH tn lie L'onr
a week. 'He gie to obtain ilatil for re
vising the i utility uncHineiit roll of
real mi'l pci.nnal piopciiy in the Neha
lelii valley,
I!. M. llrinie vtii Ui front Scasldi
yroterduv nnd report a Unit the build
ing boom eciitiiiue and a number of
new cottage are bring elected in the
urove. A Iwrte nutiilx-r of eutern vi
itnr are eiiM-ctrd thin Hummer, and
many of the owner of cottage have at
ready oiird them for the season.
The WM'i'il dam to be given by the
Woomrn of Woodcraft, at Hanthorn'
Hall, tomorrow, Monday, evening, will
be an enjoyable affair. The dance wa
scheduled tor lat Friday, but wa poat
poned. Admiaaion ticket purchased for
original date will be good tomorrow,
The ca of the Mate againit K. 0.
Spree I, t and C. F. McDermott, of Ham
mond, charged with arlling liquor to
some of th high nrhool boy who Were
under age, wa called in the Justice
Court yenteiday afternoon. The defend
ant waved examination and were bound
over to the Circuit Court. A number of
the high achool boy were present, hav
ing been Miil'piienaed a witnesses.
Jaa. W. Welch Collect! Money For Black
Sand Experiment.
Ju. J. Welch, who ha been aolicit
ing fund for defraying the expense ot
sending throe car load of wind to Tort'
land for experimental tet by David W
Day, ha collected alxiut $100. The to
tal amount of the e pene will be about
A Communicatioa.
Kditor Astorian I note in yeter
day' par that the dunce hall were to
be eloed during the coming week. Thi
will bring a general relief to many
mother who have children and cspce
ially those whoae daughter attend the
achool in the lower part of the city. My
daughter attend there and I know of
the evil that come from thee place
Many mother in Axtoria will endorse
the atand ot the Antorinn and will be
ready to buck up Sheriff Linville in do
ing hi duty,
Enjoyed Extended Tour la Europe Will
Remain Hire During Summer. ,
Mr. Captain George Flavel and the
Mie Nellie and Katie Flavel, returned
yeterday from an extended tour
through Hpain, Italy, Germany, Hun
gary, (Switzerland and Kngland. Al
though rather indUpovc) ai reiult of
the Journed aero the continent WitJ
are enthuUtlo over the trip, Mi N'e.
lie Flavel, in an interview, lt night,
pokt feelingly upon American auperior
ority over Kurope, from the atandpolnt
of wi'iiery, faying, with much fervor,
"you know they have no aueh river a
the Columbia over there." She contin
ued: "I naturally enjoyed the trip and ap
preciated the advantage afforded in
F,uro for atudy. I do not consider
however, that the aeenery in Kurope I
equul to that of thi country. The
nceiilc offering of Colurndo ere fur
ahead of nnythiug in Kurope and then,'
he added loyally, "we have Mime wen
ery here in regn."
Mi Nellie Flavel, with her aixter,
ha Wn in Pari for nearly two year.
The former studied for tlie piano under
Hiera and the latter, inging with Tra-
Ih-Io, ill.. Flavel joined her (luilL'litcr
in I'ari luit Novemlier. A tour of Kit
riqie iM-ciipying the entire winter wa
then commenced. The itinerary inelmt-
ed the mot important coiilitric of
From Pari, the trio journ'ed to.
Nuple, Niii-, Home, (o-noa, and Venice,
leaving the latter city, lliiduiet wa
reai'hed. Thi Hungarian city, accord
ing to Mi. Nellie, i. aulilimely lieautl-
ful, and i grai-ed with many eot!y and
iuiMning eilitlir.
The greater part of the time wa
Miit in lnterliiken, Switzerland. From
here many ile trip were made which
included a pint of the Alp ami the fa
mou Jungfrau tunnel. The remainder
of the tour provided for a few- week in
Spain. Arriving in New York, late in
May, the Flavel croed the continent
lcaurely, atopping at Chicago and Colo
rado Spring en route. The will re
main in Atorla during the aummer.
Local Playhoui Bought By Conaidine
The Pacific Cot Amunemene Co.
headed by John Cooiiidine, of Portland,
and popular Timothy Sullivan, of New
York, ha been in control of the Star
theater m-re nince June 11, with Mr.
P. (icvurtz, it former manager, look
ing after thealTair of the new owner
temporarily. Mr, AI. Hager, of the
Unique, will close hi houc on Monday
and aume charge of the Star. ,
Mr. tievurU will leave with hi wife
next week for Puget aound citie and
then will go Kat to join S. Morton
Cohn in the vaudeville buine. Mr.
Colin, who ha dipoed of hi Interest
in the Star Circuit theater of the North
wet, alo control ten vaudeville house
in Pennvlvania. After Mr. Cevurti
join him, the latter circuit will be ex
tended into other atatei of- the Eat.
The eatern houe are connected under
the name "Family Theater."
Mr. and Mr. (Jcvurtx have made
manv friend here ince the Star theater
wa etablihed lat August. Their de
parture i regretted by all who know
them. Mr. OvurU ha done much for
high-oln vaudeville here, alway pre
senting the best of talent and absolutely
lean almw, Thi hu gained him steady
patronage of the U-t familie in the
If the theater continue to do a well.
much of it futuer huccch may be at
libuted to hi siilciuliil fuiuliimcntiil
Sylvet Lagowiff Dead.
County Judge Trcnchard yesterday re
reived official notification from the sup
erintendent of the insade asylum of the
Icath of Sylves Lagowiff, who died last
Sunday. ,
Funeral of J. W. McCIean.
The funeral of the late J. W. McCIean
f Clifton occurred yesterday afternoon
10111 Pohl' undertaking parlors nnd
wa nttcndtd by a large number of
friend of the deceased.
Baseball at Chinook.
There will be a game of ball today
between the Ovvapunpun club and a
no from Ft. Columbia at Chinook. A
unilicr of Astorian will go over to wit
ness the game.
A Bad Scare.
Some day you will get a bad soar
when you feci a pain in your bowels
and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in
Dr. Spaulding's New Life Pills, a sure
cure for all bowel and stomach dis
ease, such as headache, biliousness, cosi
tivencss, etc. Guaranteed at Charles
Rogers' drug store, only'25c. Try them.
Will receive High School Dip-
lomas Thursday.
Thirteen Young Aitoriana Will Gradu-
ate-Dr. Stephen S. Wiae Will Deliver
Addreu. Elaborate Program Arrang
edAlumni Banquet Friday Night.
The mot important event of the com
ing week will lie in High School circle,
the Junior reception occurring Wednes
day, Commencement Thurwlay, and the
Aliiinni awMN'iution banquet, Friday
evening. Thirteen of Astoria' young
people are about to enter upon the
more criou phase of life. They have
worked untiringly and conscientiously.
The reward for their effort will be
modest sheet of parchment which will
be honedd them Thurwlay afternoon by
p, J. Goodman, chairman of the Board
of Kducation.
Wednesday, at Fishers' Hall, the Jun
ior will receive the Senior. Great
preparation are I icing made for tin
event, no carefully, in fact, it i only
intimated that there will probably be
dancing. Other detail are not divulged.
but the affair promise to be imprese
Commencement exercise will lie held
Thursday afternoon in Fishers' C)iera
House. An elaborate program will lie
offered. Thi will include an address
by Dr. Stephen S. White, of Portland
who will journey to thi city for the
occasion. The high achool program pro
vide for the valedictory, Mis Ksther
Larson; Salutation, Mis Rose Mat son
and two oration by the Misses Lottie
Ilea and Amy Rannella, the latter'
topic being, MA Vision Of the Goal.'
The opera bouse will be tastefully dec
orated, the das and National color be
ing utilized.
At the Occident hotel, Friday night,
the banquet of the Alumni association
will occur.
Service at the Norwegian and Danish
M. K. church will lie held tomorrow at
11 A. M., and 8 P. M., Rev. C. Aug Pet
ersen in the pulpit.
Rev, Pr, W. H. Larson, of Xewark
California, will preach tomorrow at the
first Presbyterian church. Service will
be held at 11 A. M.. and 8 P. M. A
cordial Invitation is extended to all.
First Lutheran church. There will be
no service at the First Lutheran church
Sunday. The pastor ha been called
awav to conduct communion at
Skamokawa. The Sunday achool will
meet, however, at the usual time, 9:30
A. M.
Baptist church. The. usual services
will be observed on Sunday. Sermons
will lie preached from the subject as
follows: Uw and Grace," and "The
Power of God Unto Salvation." A cor
dial invitation is extended to everybody
to attend.
There will be no service at Grace
Kpiscopal church today, the rector
Rev, Win, Seymour Short remaining in
Portland over Sunday to attend the
Union Missionary services which take
place in a mimoer 01 roriianu ciiiircum
1 s it .1 .1 . I .
Sunday. It is expected that churches
from all over the state will attend these
service, most of the rector in charge
of parishes in distant place having come
to attend the diocese convention, just
closed in Portland.
There will be no preaching in the
IVcfthvterian Church todav. but the
Children' Day exercises of the Sunday
ch(H)l w ill lc held in the church at 12.15
Parent and nil the friends of the school
are cordially invited.
First M. K. Church. Special "Child
ren Day" service at 11 A. M. Sunday
school at 12:15. Kpworth League, 7 P.
M., and preachidg service t 8 P. M.
A cordial invitation is extended to every
one to attend all services.
On account of sickness in hi family.
Rev. W. H. Iyson will not preach In
the Presbyterian church today, but It
is hoped that he will be here for next
First CoMgivgationnl church. T.uthcr 1).
Mu hone pastor. At 11 A. M. the annual
Children's Pay exercise will be biven.
At 8 P. M. the ltiiocnlaureate sermon to
the graduating class of the High School
The Store
Saves Y011
Read the
iSC Topy Hosiery,
50c Topsy Hoaiery,
Children' Fait Black Hoaiery ..
60c Girdle Corseta,
5C Lace CoUari,
$10.00 Lace WaiiU,
30 Alpacca Waiita, g ,
3$ Novelty Dresa Good,
vk Novelty Drew Goods, ....
I13.00 Ladies' Silk Coats,
ioc Madras Gingham, ,.
40c Linen Dress Goods,
35c White Waistinga,
Beit Table Oil Cloth,
Horse Department Store.
The Place Where Everybody Likes to Trade.
508-510 Commercial Street
Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c
will be preached. Special music under
the direction of Mr. Geo. C. Watkina.
Sunday achool at 12:20 P. M. A cordial
invitation if extended.
Rev. L D. Mahoue will deliver the
Baccalaudeate sermon this evening at
the Congregational church. ' "'
C. Reed, of Portland, is a guest at
the Occident.
Anton Kuljis, of Clifton, was in the
city yesterday. . . , . .
John Lewis, of Fern Hill, was in the
city yesterday.
C. C. Clarke, of Seaside, was in the
city yesterday.
Hugh McCorraick was in from Young's
river yesterday. ' 'i
Col. John Adair was over from War
ronton yesterday.
William F.. Burke, of Seaside, was' in
the city yesterday.
C. S. Dow, of Lew is and Clark, was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. Bossard, of Warrenton, was in
the city yesterday.
Stephen Pol la r, of Seattle, is visit
ing friends in Astoria.
V. B. Struble and wife, of Portland,
are visiting friends here.
F. R. Madison, of Portladd, registered
at the central yesterday.
F. Wheeler, of Tort land, registered
at the Occident yesterday.
C. D. Colvin, of Portland, registered
at the Parker yesterday. , , w v,(
Perry Titus, of John Day, was a vis
itor in Astoria yesterday.
N. W. Wilson, of Portland, registered
at the Occident yesterday.
E. M. Grimes, of Seaside, was in the
city yesterday on business.
Geo. McFuvlaue, of Green mountain.
was in the citv yesterday.
William Larson,' of Lewis and Clark.
was in the city yesterday.
Jos. Flangos, of Clifton, was in the
city yesterday on business, j .
G. E. Pallen and wife, of Monmouth.
111., are visiting in this city. ,
Mrs. A. J. Taylor, of Flavel, visited
friends in Astoria yesterday.
1 1 - ,.f 1..,. Vi.,,,. in
the citv vesterdnv on business.
F. Btirtoldes, of Young's river, was In
the city yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Burrell, of Port
land, were in the city yesterday.
C. M. Curtwright, of Portland, came
down yesterday on the noon train.
L. C. Tourlettol, of New York, was
among the arrivals in Astoria yesterday.
Dewitt Black, of Denver, was among
the arrivals at the Occident yesterday.
Harry Houseman, a commercial trav
eler from Portland, was in the city yes
Miss Anna Knglish. one of Portland's
belles, is visiting Mrs. Theodore Fred-
ericksou, of Upper Astoria.
C. K. Harry and wife, of Portland.
passed through the city yesterday eniQpposiT
route to Seaside.
Money I
Price List
, I9C
; g19g
Nelson Troyer, of Portland,
the city yesterday and went ever
Seaside to spend Sunday.
Miss Hannah Asp arrived la Falsa,
on May 26, after a moat pleasant wys
age. She left Astoria last month with
Mr. and Mrs August Danklsoa.
Select California
Sweet Wines for
Family Use
We have just added a department of
fine wines and liquors for family trade
only. Orders will be delivered ma
promptly as is our custom in the
grocery department,
PORT WINE, A galloa Sum
PORT WINE, A superior quality, A
Gallon S1.50
OLD PORT, A gallon Sum
SHERRY WINE, A galloa Sx-sa
ANGELICA WINE, A galloa ..Ir-sa
WHISKEY, A gaUon, $3jm
LION BOURBON Whiskey a gaUaa
TILLAMOOK RYE Whiskey, A gal
loa 9oo
Cllon, Its
.0. P. S. MONOGRAM "Whiskey, A
GRAPE BRANDY. A galloa ....ttJ
TULIP GIN, A galloa Soo
Telephone, Main 781.
Groceries, Wines and Liquors.
franklin avenue, Upper Astoria.
! Until Next Thunday
Fronts, many Designs, all aif ea.
Regular, $1.00. : , 5
Special, until next Thursday, or whila
they last
75 cents
! OUTING SHIRTS, with Linen Fronts
several designs, Regular T.h-.
Special, until next Thursday,
50 cents
and over. - Drawers and shirts, the gar
ment. Special, s
ool Commercial Street