3 SATURDAY, JUHE 17, 1905. THE MORNINCI ASTOKIAN A STO R I A ,10 K EGON. Rheumatism Cured Free After year of xlK-iiiiifiilttiK l''VP formulated pa-le, whl.h when applied 1o any iwitton of (Ik- body, .unVring from rliui.iU.n will Im mediately relieve, and eventually iure the nnt -r-l.U-nt of rhcu nmllHttt. If you are n mUleier ami among the flrt lo answer this an ......,.mn. will m vou. I.y tiM ''". ' 'l'rf "1 oil, .11 tlmt I aM In return, i. ' . .. ' . cured) In eotreoiiiling Willi iriB.MTinr riipn.-imi- WO TESTIMONIALS SOLICITED. 10 NAMES PUBLISHED. AH tlmt N required I your ""'. address, full particular regarding your rasa, accompanied by this offer, t ASSOCIATED DRUG STORES, Tim Morning Aslorlan. You The Astoria Restaurant. AN ASTORIA PRODUCT rale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific The Palace Cafe. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. . i:staijlisiu:i 1880. Capital and Surplus $100,000 Wl WANT TO DOUBLt OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW" Of IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THE MORNING ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLI8HED IN ANY CITY OF ITS 8IZE- WILL YOU HELP usr TELEPHONE MAIN 661 and I WILL CILL AND TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. Emil H.ld Adv.rtiaing and Circula tion Mangr, THE MORNING ASTORIAN. P. 8. If you liv. out of town writ, for our plan. the privilege referring lo yon (when .1. - I.. ........ I.-...K1 LOUISVILLE, KY. Can Become An Army or Navy Officer If you are persevering, moral young man, be tween the sge of 17 and 35 year, possessing a good common school education and panning the necessary physical examination. Further particular f four cents in stamp, by addressing II. W. PHILLIPS, Louisville, Ky. If you want a gooil, clean meal or if you arc in a hurry you shouM go to the Astoria Restaurant This due restaurant W thoroughly up-to-date in every detail. EXCELLENT MEALS. EXCELLENT SERVICE Brewing Co. The Best Restaurant. Regular Meals 25c. Everything the Market Affords. Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Palace Catering Co. Feminine Snapshots Good That the Osier Die turn Has Done The htimorntia remark attributed to Professor Osier that man reaches the cllmux of hi power at fort and ut sixty ought to be gently chloroformed off Uw ntHgo bit done a world of good even though, n Dr. Osier claim, be did not really any tbl. Tbe alleged aaylng baa ben printed throughout th United Htate and Europe. In Kng laud It hat stirred up an almost ex citing dlculou. A London paper point out Uiat now men will have a trongT motive even than women to keep young and conceal their age aa tbry approach forty. To woman age mean loa of physical attraction. To men, according to the alleged Oalcr dictum, It will henceforth mean "a serious deprecation In their cab val ue." The writer aaya, "If paU)g forty la to knock a comlderable sunt off a man'a living or perbapa to deprive him altogether of a chance of earning a living. I bave not tbe allgbteat doubt that a great number of men will deem It wtae to remain at thirty-two or aome such age until they are too old to aummon enough breath to gasp out tbe lie." Good I Now let tbe masculine sex aa well aa the feminine wake up to the dlagraeef ulneaa of growing old. Tbe notable point of the quotation from the Engllab paper 1 that the article from which It la taken waa written by a man. at In Switzerland a German noblewom an, Princess Gertrude Ibllipplne Alex andra Mario Auguatlne Loulae Ton Inetnbourg Bueudlugen-Waecbtersbach, baa failed for $15,000,000 and gone Into bankruptcy. No wonder! H The recent antiquated vote on the women taxpayera' bill In the New Tork atate aenate ahowa It member to bave reached that age where they might with advantage be Ovlerlzed. Nice clvlllted country thla! The limb on which a negro waa tuynged In a lynching aome time ago In a certain locality baa been cut from tbe tree and made into "little relic and curloa" by an enterprtalng geulua who will aell them aa aouveulra to all who wlah to buy. Will the fair ladle of that region presently be wearing thee, prectoua ouvenlr attached to gold chain around their anowy neck 7 at at "The funeral of Mr. Brown, widow of Peter Fllklna Brown, will take place Thursday at 11 o'clock at the res idence of her son-lnlaw, Joseph Jen kin Jonea, Esq." Poor "relict T Sbs wa merely Peter Fllklna Brown'a widow and Joaeph Jenklna Jone' mother-in-law. In every atage of Ufa ahe waa only an appendage to aome man, not even allowed to have a name of her own! One man'a widow, anoth er man'a mother-ln-law-that waa all! Really, la a woman anybody 1 t n Mr. Charles Warren Falrbanka, wife of the vice president, makea pub lic apeecbes, and excellent ones, too, thus aettlng an example which other women of high social and official na tion will no doubt follow. In a recent address to a woman'a club Mrs. Fair banks aald: "I believe women ahould eet an example of loyalty and patriot lam In the horn. There la no better way of abowlng your devotion to your country than In helping to purify poli tics. I am In favor of politics for wo men." t at Lately a millionaire fell In love with a telephone girl and married her. He waa attracted to her first by her "sweetly modulated voice" over tbe phone. Thla la good newa. Now we may hope that the present anatlve vo calisation of aome of tbe other tele phone glrla will become aweetly mod ulated. at H What a eight for goda and men It must bave been General Llnevltch In Manchuria passing along the lines of bis army, kissing every soldier In the ranka! at st Queer kind of upslda down, wrong end foremost waya thla feminine world hast At the time a woman needs to brace up and aummon all her energy and grit In the supreme effort to keep young and maintain her activities, men tal and physical, to the and of her days, at that very time her own children com around her and "begin to drive nor out of life. She'a too old to do thla or that, ahe needa rest, ahe need not care any more how ahe looks or what ah wears and at her age thla or that thing la not proper for her. The pity of it la that many a time the mother let herself be governed by the crude, aelflah Inexperience of her children and actually give up all that makea Ufa worth living at a time when her pow era of body and mind are yet In their prime. It la nothing short of a crime for children thua to drive their moth era Into dreary and uaeleaa old age. It looks aa If the children were trying to coddle and "shoo" their mother out of the world Instesd of trying to keep ber young and active. So, mothers, what ever else you do that you ehouldn't don't let your children bos you at any age.. at at Lhave. Just seen the adjertlsernent of a flue aea'slde hotel conducted by "Mrs. J. J. Blank & ftm." Good! ELIZA APX'IIAflD CONNER. Preparing the Case. JOHN AT TWCXTT-rtva-aaBAKTA?. BUCKWHEAT eaka and huI, Doughnut boiled In area, Ham and egg and cofTw And great big whajln' plaoa Of pie with Ma of ahort'nln' And a dozen kind of aplce. Of ronree 'taln't hygienic. But It all fired nice. DIMMSa. Roust jKirtt and cabbage. Gravy fiit and hot, Cold boiled ham and plrkle And of doughnuts another lot; Nine kind of vegetable. Three kind of pie. Of courae 'taln't hygienic. Hut. gosh, It llvln' high! surer. More pie to atart on, With that there nli.-e rich cruit; Biscuit hot and soggy I eat till I 'moat bust. Grn tea, good and (trong; Irearvea and plcklea galor. Of count 'taln't hygienic, But 1 gueae I'll take 'more. Jon r rosTT-nvs. Rheumatl and Bright' dtaeaa. Liyepepny and bad heart, flight and heartn' both ain't good, Meal are far apart Pill and patent medicine Now my diet role WUh't I'd been hygienic 'Btld o' such a fool. -Chicago Record-Herald. A tar. Car.. Jone Can you tell me how I can get rid of that pain in my cheat and that awful tired feeling? Doctor Tea. Have your wife take a course In aome cooking school. St, Louis Poat-DUpatch. A Straace Loaa. A dentist In a weatern town one day had a tall, rawboned, corn fed young woman of about twenty-five years of age come Into bis office with tbe Infor mation that ahe had to bave a "plum new set of teeth." When the dentist came to examine ber mouth be found that she waa wearing a peculiarly 111 fitting set of tipper false teeth, and he aald to ber: "What dentist ever made auch ill fit ting teeth as these for your "Oh, them ain't mine," waa the reply. "I J let got the loan of them for this morning off my aunt" Llpplncott'a Magaxlne. A Hater OU Saa. Scene: A garrison town. Time: Sun act Old Visitor (startled aa the gun la fired at unet Dear me! Whafa thatT Native Oh, If a only sunset Old Visitor Why, doea your aun set ber with a bang like that? It goes down quietly enough at our place. London Tlt-BlU. jlte S. " Teep mourning for a widow mean a heavy crap veil and all that, doean't itr "Yea." "And what doea second mourning mean?" "Well, that usually means she's look ing for a second. "-Catholic Standard and Times. lastetlaieata. Bacon Did yon ever get anything on the installment plan? Elbert Yea; I got my household that way. First I got my wife, then ber fa ther and mother, and now I'm getting her brother and sisters. Yonkera Statesman. As RaraBd. ' Patient Look here, doctor; jou said If I took a bottle of your tonic I would hsre a remarkable appetite. Why, I only eat one soda cracker each week. Doctor Well, don't you call that a remarkable appetite? Chicago Newa. 'i'xfie Daaattiea. "Down In tbe mouth." New York World. DMat Get Kleeed. "If I waa a man I'd like to play po; ker with Jack Handsome. He'a so eas ily bluffed." "How'a that?" ' "I told him I'd be angry last night If he kissed me." Houston PoL 1 'tzzk What Li!e Freddie Knew About Fiures FREDDIES wa a bright boy and at seven years of sge was well grounded in the rudiments of mental arithmetic. It was tbe delight of bl father to try to puzzle blin with txertfae of bl own Invention. One afternoon In aunimer be swooped down upon poor Freddie as he waa playing and, setting him upon his knee, attempted to "show off" bis brilliant son for the benefit of a visiting friend. "Now, Freddie," he said, "how much is two plus two?" "Four," grudgingly admitted Freddie, gazing after bis bappy companions on the lawn. "Well, If I gave you two apples and two plums bow many would you have?" "Four," said Freddie, beginning to wriggle away. "Four what?" asked bis father, tak ing a firm bold of tbe squirming young ster. "Four," obstinately repeated Freddie. "Four what?" Instated bis father. "You can't go till you tell me." Freddie flashed a dlaguated look upon his parent "Four stomach aches, If you must know!" be aald and waa gone. -St Louis Bepubllc Utile la Maea. In a email provincial town the clerk to the magistrates Is much addicted to legal phraseology, and tbe rustics brought before the bench are often quite aghast when tbey hear their of fenses set forth In legal diction. Not long ago a man bad struck his neighbor, wbo bad summoned him for tbe offense, and when tbe case came before tbe magistrates the clerk read the Indictment as follows: "That you. Edward Jones, willfully and with malice aforethought and pre pense did assail, attack. aasaulL beat batter or otherwise maltreat one Wil liam B., with Intent to do tbe aald Wil liam B. bodily harm, mischief or Inju ry, contrary to tbe statute In auch case made and provided." "Are you guilty or not guilty?" asked tbe clerk. "What! Doln' all that?" exclaimed the astonished offender. "Yes; guilty or not guilty V "Why, I only punched Bill'a 'edr- London Tit-Bits. The Oae Ezecptlaa. "Yes," said tbe voluble crank, "I used to be aa bad as you, but I made op my mind to quit smoking, and I did It" "Indeed," remarked Puffer. "I guess a man who can quit smoking could quit almost anything." "Oh, year "Except talking about lt"-Cathollc Standard and Times, Bat Maea ta It "No," aald tbe doctor, n can't make anything out of his case at all It bother me." "Why," replied his wi?e, "I thought It was only a almple cold." "Exactly. That'a why I can't make anything out of It" Philadelphia ledg er. -LOW EXCURSION KATES. Via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. From Chicago to Asbury Park, N. J., and return, $21.35. Tickets good going June 29, 30, July 1 and 2, valid for return un til August 31 by extension. Stop-over at New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Through sleeping cars to Asbury Park. Baltimore and return, $18. Ticket good going July 2, 3 and 4. Valid for return until August 31, by extension. 1 Stop-over at Washington. The only line that operate through trains. Send for circulars to Peter Haway, Pacific Coast Agent, San Fran cisco. B. N. Austin, G. P. A., Chicago Consult your nearest ticket agent for details. Dying of Famine. is in its torments, like dying of con sumption. The progress of consumption from the beginning to the very end, is it long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption in its first stege," write Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., "after trying different medicines and a good doctor in rain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery which quickly and perfectly cured me." Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs cold, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Pos itively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at Chaa. Rogers drug tore, price 60c and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles free. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintain unexcelled service from the west to the east and south. Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are plven their choice of route to Chicago, Loulaville. Memphis and New Orleana. and through these points to the far east. Prospective travelers desiring Infor mation aa to th lowest rates and best routes are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULI Commercial Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. LJNDSET, Trav. Passenger Agent, 142 Third St., Portland. Ore. PAUL B. THOMPSON. Pass'gr. Agent Coleman Building, Seattle, Wash, - A hoii of twine at the Lewi and Clark exposition i an lari a a small cottage, and Is composed entirely of twine halls and hemp. The roof 1 thatched with hemp, and hemp curtain hang over the window. A small car wrich contain 25,000 pound of copper from a Wyoming mine, is exhibited at the Lewi and Clark fair to how the great rishness of the Wyom ing ore. WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WAS 6IYEI IIP TO CIS. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., EvansvUle, lad., writes: "For over fir years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pais and worry. I tost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three ol the best physicians who did mo no good and I was practically given op to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I waa entirely cured.' TWO SIZES, SOc AID $L(KL S0LOAi9BEC8S.mHDBT CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist NEWPOLICY AT THE STAR MATCHLESS ACTS Beginning June 12. Matinee daily at 2:30 p. m. OTTO FLECHTL'S TRYOLEAN QUINTET In English and German Warbling Es pecially. THE SCAFFORD'S GOAT and DOQ SHOW THE MUSICAL THORS The Famous European Virtuoso KELLY AND DAVIS The Greatest Commedians in America. THE SISTERS PERLE AND DIA MANT Parisian Singers and Dancers. LA BARR Novelty Contortion Dislocation Act ARTHUR ELWELL Pictured Melody, "What The Band . Plays." STAROSCOPE "Frills How Jonea Lost His Roll." Admission 10 cens. Reserved Front Rows 20 cents, Matinee 10 cent Any Seat Evening, First Show, 7:30 and 9 P. M. mm First Show at 7:30 sharp.