The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 17, 1905, Image 1

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    cv -
0rt Historical Society 7" '
..VOLUME LVIV. NO. 2 1 1
Expected In Near Future.
Peace Outlook Good.
Japan and Russia Designate
Their Plenipotentiary
If Present Program la Followed Brit f
Armistice Will B Declared. Official
Announcement of Plenipotentiaries J
Will Precede. Japan Anxious for Peace
Washington, June 10, Alone on ihe
plain of Manchuria and midway be
tween the Iwo treat anuie. tlm Uti-iUn
4ind Japanese commander wi if meet t
lgo an armistice which will pine the
vay fr tlm Washington eoiifcreui'e if
the pretcnt tentative program in follow
ed. Kxchange on till point are now In
progre between Tokio and St. Peters
burg, via Washington, but no conclus.
ion ha, a yet. been reached.
It U believed that the he I liferent will
agree that the raBgcment of an arm
,xtk would, b Uet entrusted to fie n
rata Lineviih and Ova ma, the respect
ve commander In-chief, who, in oin h
event, would b deledaUnl ilh ei'ial
power to itn. Tlm time limit for tlx
ermUtire ban nt Iwn llxed, but it will
he comparatively brief, o that the pro
firm of tin' eonfereniv may le niit
l a murh li Mwilile. Trior to tbf
ainiriK of the arinMii-e, however, will
come to the nmVial annoiincemeiit of the
Ruwiiiin and .Iapanee plenitentariea.
lluwia hn indlited that her mixtion
Mill be headed by M. Nrlidoff. Uuxxian
mbaKador to Paria, and it la understood
that the mikado ha reo.ue.ted MnrquU
Ito to head the Japan? minion.
Japan la Satlafled.
Tokio, June 10 - Hurrlii)? ditane and
the cmwipK'noe delay, the Japanese are
entirely aatlafied with the eeleetlon of
"W'aablnKton aa the place to hold the
peace conference. It waa hoped that
nine point In Northern China, piibly
Chefoo would lie choaen In order to jer
tnit the apeedy meetinff of the pleni
potentiaries and the early determination
of the qiieatiun of ienw, or the eontin
nnnco of liottilitiea, but the aeecptam
of VaHhiuton i both t?eneriil and cor
dial. St. ' Petersburg Denial.
St. IVlerbui(, June 111. -OltS inl cb
nial la made that I.lnevitih nnd other
jieneral aent an appeal to the Oar
iigalnat eonoluding jieniw negotiation.
Cen. Maximo Gomes't Hearing Death as
Result of Abcess.
Havana, June Ifl, IAS P. M.). Since
midnight, the condition of General Max
imo domes has steadily grown worse.
It la now apparent that the gangrene re
sulting from the abeets in hi hand for
which he underwent an operation at San
tiago early in May, la retarding the ac
tion of the heart and the other organ,
with the reault that the General' death
may be expected at any time.
Will Elect Five Trustees at Shareholders
Annual Meetings.
Boston, June 16. The almieholdcra of
the Mackny Company, at a meeting In
thi city, provided for the election at
annual meeting of not lea thnn five
trustee, the elimination of the provis
ion which permits the use of "net earn-
ing of the trust of any purl thereof Jo
acquire at miili price a tint trustee
inuy determine, either the preferred 01
common tharc Issued liy the trustee,"
ntul iliif substitution fur the provision
"tli8t any action, vote, or resolution by
the trustee h II have the same validity
iiml effect if done, pnm(l or approved
by all of them." and that " majority of
thi trutee shall constitute a quorum
ml tint vot of a majority of uch quo
runt shall be conclusive." I
The tru4. deed wan notified no a to
retire annual report to be made by
tin truxtce to the shareholder.
Plagua Dui to Files,
Itonton, June 1(1. The American
Itoard of Koreign Miiniix lm received
rcwirt from African tnlaaionarir relat
iiiK to jM'ciiliur diiwaxe known a "tlecp
liiK xiiltiii-xx" which l aeriouxly afTtN t
Ing central Africa, particularly the
Kiti(dom of t'jfanda, 'ri,e rejMirU
xliow that there have been 4!l,0Ml death
Mil hill the kingdom from the iliur, t
i believed that the malady i eonuected
Willi the pretence of the Taetae fly
uhlch hitheito ha not been tuppoxed to
In- harmful to man though futal to cat
tle and hornet. ;
Cause of Explosion.
fiibraltar, June 19, The explotion of
a II inch ahcll on board the llritith bat
Ilccliip Maiiinicnt, duriiiK gun practice
uir the 'IV titan ixlatidt Mat due lo the
cartridge of the ahell mitxing lire. On
ojieninR the breech to ascertain the
raute, the cartridge exploded and Ig
nited two other cartridge lyin In the
raxcnmtea. All of the four officer and
14 men injured were burned. One of the
ortleer and three men have died.
Into Study of Economical Bus!
ness Methods.
Prominent Men Will Constitute Com
mittee for Purpose of Investigating
Modern Business Operations Roose
velt Interested in Economy Not to
Searcb For Irregularities.
Washington, June Id, President
Rotmevelt ha appointed a committee of
five to report tS him on method of do
ing public butinea through various bu
reau, and departments. Charles K.
Keep, aatittant secretary of the treaa
ury, it designated a chairman of the
committee, which will contitt, in addi
tion of the following four gentlemen;
Frank II. Hitchcock, Hint aitnut pot-
pntter general; Ijiwrenee 0 Murray, a-
aintant secretary of the department if
commerce and labor; JumcH It. (iailleld,
commiioucr of corpora lions, and liif
ford 1'ini'hot, of the foivxtry division
of the department of agriculture.
The committee it to ascertain "what
change are needed to place the conduc
ting of the executive business of the gov
eminent in all its branches, on the
economical and effective basis in the
light of the let modern business prac
tice" It i officially pointed out that
the committee ia ot to work to discover
irregularties of business on the part of
any officer, but merely to examine bus!
nea methods.
Geological Survey "Begins.
San Francisco, June 19. In response
to the memorial presented to President
Roosevelt by the California Miners' As
socintion the United States Geological
Survey has begun an investigation into
the conditdons affecting the hydraulic
mining Industry of the state. The mo
tive that inspired the roomorial was
hope that gold now buried in the
ancient river channels of California may
be rescued by the hydraulic mining pro
cess, it being held by miners, that such
deposit can not bo profitably worked
by dredging, drifting or by any proces
except hydrauliclng now restrained by
anti-debris legislation.
Strained Relations Between Ger
many and France.
Officials Admit Difficulties lavolrad But
Protest Atainst Exaggerated Stories.
Preaa Takea Active Part Germany
May Have Submitted Ultimatum.
Paris, J une lo Htralned relations be
tween France and (iermany over Morocco
continue to give rite to serious appre
hensions, but while openly admitting
there are real difficulties involved, offi
cial prote-t against this being made the
bai of exaggerated reports. Huch re
port haie been circulated for several
days past by a smalt and uninflueiitiat
section of the pre, One report which
aid Cvrmany had eubmitted an ulti
matum brought out a formal denial
from the foreign office.
Another report in the Patrie is to the
effect that (iermany ha demanded that
France ami (ireat Hi it a in complete a
guarantee that the Angelo-French en
tente i not in the nature of an armed
alliance againt (iermany. The Presse
asserts that M. IV-leasae, when Foreign
minitter signed a secret offensive and de
fensive alliance with (ireat Hritain.
These report were dismissed in auth
orative quarter aa fanciful enlargements
of the situation.
All parties are making an appeal to
the friendly co-operation of other na
tions so that indirectly all Europe will
particite in the controversy and thi
concerning the rearrangement of political
predict a wide range of speculation
alliances, However, official maintain
that the issue doe not involve such
far reaching questions, but i merely a
renewal of a long-pending struggle over
Morocco in an aggrevated form.
Due of the chief cause of the pres
ent apprehension is the possibility of
some pre verse incident along the Franco
efirman borders which for yesrs have
been garrisoned by formidable forces.
Negotiation! Progressing.
St. Petersburg, Saturday, June 17
Although in the absence of official ad
vices the Russian government is not able
to announce any definite conclusions rel
ative to the arrangement for the meet
In gof the Russian-Japanese plenipoten
taries. The foreign office last night said
negotiations to that end were progress
ing rapidly and issued a statement for
publication in this morning's newspapers
acquainting the public with the speedy
progress being made toward opening the
Count Cassini's reMrt of the selection
of Washington from the cities favored
by Russia has not yet arrived but it is
thought the ambassador is waiting for
the fixing of a date meeting, which again
will depend on the traveling arrange
mens of Marquis Ito, president of the
Japanese privy council, and M. Xelidoff,
Russian ambassador at Paris. After the
final arrangements have been made, the
foreign office will announce Russia's
representative or representatives.
Ambiguoua Comment By First Journals
French Metropolis.
Paris, June 16. Owing to the fact
that the attention of Parisians is turn
ed toward the Moroccan difficulty the
selection of Washington aa the seat of
the preliminary Russo-Japanese peace
conference is not commented on by the
press to any large extent. Most of the
papers, however, agree in considering
the United States as best suited for a
meeting of the plenipotentiaries, though
an undercurrent of skepticism regarding
the results is noticable.
The Petit Journal sayst
"The movement for peace inaugurated
by President Roosevelt, has made an im
portant step forward."
The Petit Parisienne says:
"The movement for peace inaugurated
of the United States causes no surprise.
Kverything seems to indicate that ISaror
fto-n will be one of the plenipotenti
aries," The Figaro say;
"A new and most important atep has
been taken in a pacific sense."
The Kcho de Paris says:
"The choice of Washington seems to
indicate that Russia and Japan intend
to deal quickly with the affair."
The fiiecle says:
"It was our duty during the hostili
ties to observe neutrality. Similarly it
ia our duty pending negotiations, to re
frain from interference.''
Franco-German Estrangement Over the
Moroccan Question the Cause.
Paris, June 10. Much uneasinea pre
vail ia official quarters here concern
ing the Franco-German situation grow
ing out of the Moroccan question and
the continued uneasiness resulting from
M. Ileae' retirement from the for
eign office. Although the conference
between Minister Rouvier and M.radolin.
the German ambassador, continues, they
have not yet brought the satisfactory
res oil that the officials anticipated.
Private advices from Pekin say Germany
does not object to a direct understand
ing with France, but dia-s not abandon
the project of an internation conference
ence on Morocco, insisting that the Paris
Berlin agreement be a simple formality
and that the conference be left free to
decide important issues. The general
feeling here is decidedly peimitic con
cerning the negotiations.
Meeting to Ratify Venezuelan
Bond Issue.
Provide for Guarantee That Will Loan
Garb of Solidity to Castro'i Financial
Transactions British and German In
terested. London, June 16. A general meeting
of the holder of the Venezuelan bonds
has been called for June 21 to ratify
the contract for the settlement of the
outstanding obligations of Venezuela,
signed June 7 by the representatives of
Venezuela and the Disconto Gessells
craft, representing the German bond
holders and the council of foreign bond
holders, representing the British bond
holders. The contract provides for the
issue of 3 per cent bonds to the amount
of 132,(M!l,2l0 bolivers. gold, redeemable
within 47 years. The issue will lie guar
an teed by the irrevocable preferental as
signment of 25 per cent of the ordinary
customs duties, but pending the pay
ment of the liabilities to pay which 30
per cent of the customs receipts of I-ag-
uayra and Puerto Cubello are assigned
under the protocols signed at Washing
ton February 12, 1003, there will lie as
signed to the new issue, in temporary
substitution of this guarantee of 23 per
cent of the ordinary customs, 60 per
cent of the customs of all other ports
of Venezuela. This issue will ever be
exempt from all Venezuelan imports,
etc., and the government of Veneluela
ia precluded from contracting any loan
abroad unless it applies the product
thereof to the repayment of the pres
ent issue. The contract provides that
payments for the service of the debt
shall be made to the German and Brit
ish ministers to Venezuela for transmis
sion to the Disconto Gesseltchaft and
the council of foreign bondholders re
spectively. So apparently the British
objections to this clause have been over
come. Captaia Freese Dead.
San Francisco, June 16. Captain C.
Freese, a well known shin master and
ship owner of this city, who has been
connected with the coast trade since
1802. i dead. He was a native of Denmark."
Accorded Roosevelt by
London Press.
Daily Mail Approves Selection of
Diplomats By Presi
Believed Moderate Demand of Japan
Will Astonish World. No Fear of
Other Powers Becoming Involved
Question of an Armistice Arouses
Keen Inteiest.
London, June 10. The acceptance of
Washington as the place for conducting
the peace negotiations is regarded by
the London morning newspapers as a
great compliment to President Roose
velt's diplomacy and as a further proof
of the growing influence of the United
States in international politic. More
over, it is felt that Japan would have
not proceeded thus far unless convinced
there was a reasonable ( prospect of -the
negotiations bearing friit. It is there
fore concluded that Japan has resolved
to propose moderate ami reasonable
terms. Altogether, the situation is re
garded as much more hopeful than it
was twenty-four hour ago, and as the
Daily News remarked in commenting
on "one of the most momentous diplo
matic actions of modern history." hu
manity "waits for the treaty of Wash
The Daily Telegraph similarly refers
to the 'novel part played by the presi
dent," and expressed satisfaction at the
selection of diplomatists instead of sol
diers to conduct the negotiations be
cause there w ill be less chance of wrang
iltlg over military positions. The Daily
Telegraph further says there i reason
to belle that the Japanese demanrs
will astonish the world by their moder
ation. In view of the Daily Telegrahp'a po
sition, a mouthpiece of the government,
this latter statement is significant Lit
tle attention, however, is paid here to
the sensational stories of European
complications, especially concerning
France and Germany. The Daily Tele
graph says that if peace can be estab
lished firmly in the Far-east there "is
nothing in the relations of the Euro
pean powers which ought to alarm us."
Other paper express similar expres
sion of regarding these rumors.
The question of an armistice excites
keen interest and the practical cessa
tion of all countries from the Manchur
ian battle field is being considered the
harbinger of another tremendous strug
Secretary of Interior Decides Against
State of Utah.
Washington, June 16. The Secretary
of the Interior has decided that the
State of Utah ia not entitled to select
school lands in the Uintah Indian res
ervation, which is soon to be opened to
settlement. The decision is based on
the ground that the law requires that
the Indians shall be paid for all the land.
The decision also holds that persons
taking up land under the homestead law
are required to pay $155 an acre. The
state will be permitted to select indem
nity land outside the reservation
amounting to about 200,000 acres.
Immediate Members of the Family Are
Given Pensions.
Athens, Greece, June 10. The late
Premier Delyannls, who was assassinat
d June 13 by a gambler named Gherak
aria, died in absolute poverty. The
namber will rote a pension to the
immediate members of titer family. One
of the proprietors of the gambling house
with which the murderer was connect
ed, has been arretted. He gave the po
lice the name of the instigator of the
Premier's assassination.
The remains of M. Delyannia were
removed from his residence to the Cham
ber of Deputies in the simplest manner-,
followed" by all the deputies and an im
mense crowd. The open coffin was plac
ed on a splendid catafalque in the mid
dle of the chamber. The public will be
admitted to view the remains today
Railway Completes Negotiations for
Construction of Tunnels.
Reno, Nev., June 16. The announce
ment is made that a contract for the
construction of the tunnels through the
Sierra Nevada mountains lias been let
by the Southern Pacific Company and
that work on them would begin within
a month. There are to be five tunnel
in all and the main one will be five
miles long. The first tunnel will start
a short distance north of Donner lake
and the series will end at the foot of
blue canyon on the American river.
The contract calls for an expenditure
of over $25 000,000.
Pope's Title Valid. .
Rome, June 16. The Italian Heraldic
court has decided, in accordance with
the privilege guaranteed, to the Pope
by the law of guarantees, to corutiuVr
as valid, the title of nobility conferred
by His Holiness. This decision is con
sidered of great importance and is look
ed upon as a new step toward under
standing between church and state. .
Improves Pension Routine.
Washington, June 16. Commissioner
of Pension Warner has" decided that
after July 1 all orders for the medical
examination of pension claims shall era
inate from the medical branch of the
bureau, under direction of the medical
referee. The proposed change will dis
pense with the use of more than 200
examining surgeons.
Army Stores Burned.
Moscow, June 18. FoOr supply depots
belonging to the Army Commissariat
and a mineral water factory were de
stroyed by fire today. Three explosions
preceded the conflagration. Great quan
tities of stores intended for the armies
in the Far East were destroyed. The
cause was not ascertained.
Played Eleven Innings.
San Francisco, June 16 Portland waa
today defeated in an eleven-inning
game y the local team; score, 1 to 0.
Jos Angeles, June 16. Today's game
resulted as follows:
Los Angeles, 6; Oakland, 0.
Seattle, June 16. Tacoma defeated
the home team today in a lively gatuei
Score; Tacoma, 10; Seattle, 4.
Governments Accept Invitation.
Washington, June 16. The depart
ment of State has been officially advised
of the acceptance, by Italy and Austria,
of the invitation to participate in a con
ference for settlement of affairs in Mo
Miller has Resigned.
Washington, June 16. Assistant Sec
retary Melville W. Miller, of the de
partment of the interior, presented hia
resignation to President Roosevelt, ant!
was later advised of its acceptance. In
succession to Mr. Miller, President
Roosevelt has appointed Jeese Wilson,
of Indianapolis.
Denver After Ambassadors.
Denver. June 16. Mayor Speer today
telegraphed, through President Roose
velt, a formal invitation to the Russian
and Japanese plenipotentiaries to hold
their sittings in Denver. The mayor
invitation will be followed by others
from the Chamber of Commerce ami
other oragnizations.