8 THE MOKNINli AM AN. A M ORI A, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1903. 1 Thursday, Friday Saturday Only Wt will sell Green Gage Plums, Invincible bund at I 15c the can. Regular Price, oC. products, every part of tho lew.it Wins utilized. The whales wiii caught by tho modern steam whaler Orion, recently arrived from Europe, which will cruise about off Set-hart, All Clothes Bought at Wise's Light Store Pressed Free of Charge Whenever You Wish. where whales abound in number, lie Accepted by Governor Chamber- Mead of lining small boats in the ehaiw Several Large Chicago Unions Irin on Behalf of State. the whales will lie harpooned by modern devices from the deck of the Orion, and patent reels and special Winchesters will help to take care of the flsh after, ha is conquered. A simikr station may be established next season near Nana iino. Withdraw Aid From Teamsters. PURE MINCED CLAMS, home pro duct, oxnned it Vnrnton, Or, in 3 sixes, t4 sell t ''small size a for tjc, middle w at 1,V. and large siw nt 23 rents the can. CEREMONIES ARE IMPRESSIVE INTERFERED WITH UNIONS OREGON BUILDING WITHDRAW SUPPORT NICE DAIRY BUTTER BOLL. 35 CENTS A I Eloquent Addreesa by the Governor, Alexia Resigns, St. Petersburg, dune 15, Grand duke ASTORIAGROCERY 523 Commercial St - Phone Main 681 President Goode and Jefferson Meyers I Alexis, high admiral, who i an uncle to listened to by Thousands of People the emperor and Admiral Avellnu, head From Every Section of the State. SPECIAL 1 for a few days only . LADIES'-HATS Worth $2.50 fo $15.00 each at BIG REDUCTIONS SEE WINDOW THE FAIR MRS. A. JALOFF, Prop. EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY AT Raaaonabla Prices. TAR THEATER BLOO, ASTORIA. 3 cans for 25c That is the price we have set for this week only on the following goods: Portland, June 15. Twelve buildings erected at the Lewis and Clark expo sition under the supervision of the Ore gon State Commission, were today for mally turned over to the governor of the state amid most impressive ceremon ies, Ihe occasion was noteworthy and. in a measure, commemorative of the sign ing of the treaty with Great Britain, April 15, 1846, following the "50 40 or fighf controversy. rromptly at 2 o'clock Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain, Exposition President Goode, Hon. Jefferson Myers, of the Ore gon State Commission, and a number of prominent residents of Portlaud, assem bled at the Oregon State Building to participate in the joint dedication. Aft er an invocation delivered bv a visit ing clergyman. Governor Chamberlain in a few tersely worded sentences, ac cepted the structures for the State of Oregon. President Goode and Mr. Myers spoke briefly. The Administration band was present and rendered an appropriate ate program. Among the buildings con structed by the Stat Commission are th Palaces of Foreign exhibits, Orien tal exhibits, Agricultural, Mines and Metallurgy, Machinery, Electricity and Transportation, Forestry, the Oregon State building, Festival Hall and the Ad ministration group. of the Russian admiralty department, have resigned. Chicajo Tesmstets' Union Performed Work out of Their Line and Which Rightfully Belonged to Other Unions Who Now Withdraw Support. Today' Weather. Portland, June 15. Western Oregon and Washington, Friday, partly cloudy. Eastern Oregon and Washington, fair and slightly warmer. DELINQUENT SALE Property Sold In New York the First Time in Sixteen Years. PROPERTY USUALLY LEASED Portland, June 15. Three thousand happy, rollicking residents of Corvallis and Independence and the cadets of the Oregon Agricultural college today made the occasion of tlicir vi-.it to the Fair I a memorable event of the e.KH.it ion pediod. From early morning until the gates closed at midnight the visitors made merry. At 10 o'clock this morn ing exercises were held in Festival hall: Exposition President Goode personally welcomed the people of Corvallis and In dependence assuring them the largness MAGIC EARLY JUKE PEAS, none su- . u"'r coni,nSeni PP perior. Regular 10c a can l" by tbe mdllU of the Pition- vpon ine conclusion oi ine ceremonies SPECIAL, 3 for 25c I the visitors sought the exposition pal aces, the lake and last, but not least New York Tax Lawi Provide Heary Pen alty and Interest Against Those Who Do not Pay Their Taxes and the City Derives Revenue By Way of Rents. Cream Corn, Black Hawk brand, guar- anteedfirst quality. Regular price 10c a can. Special 3 for asc STRING BEANS, Piatt's brand; packed in Maryland. Regular 10c a can. n a peo" 3 tor 25c PREMIUM BRAND TOMATOES, regu lar 10c a can. SPECIAL 3 for 25c THE GROCER. Tenth and Commercial Streets. Branch at Unlontown. BUY A WATCH Wear It and Pay for It a Little at a Time. Yon won't miss tbe money, then 1-4 down, balance in small easy payments. Watches for ladies and gentlemen. A watch makes a nice gift. Astoria Loan Office, RELIABLE JEWELERS and LOAN BROKERS. Ml Caaunercfel street. the Trail. A feature of the day was a huge parad which was carried probably the largest banner in the world. This grea,t bunting was supported on poles carried by 200 cadets of the Oregon Ag ricultural College cadets and bore such slogans as . 'Every family in Benton has telephone." Small in area, but large in importance," 'Gold nuggets grow on hop vines in Benton." The cadets will camp at the exposition ten days. NEW WHALING STATION. Large Station Being Built on coast tf Vancouver Island. San Francisco, June 15. Modern whal ing is exemplified in a scheme in opera tion at Secfiart, on the west coast of the Vancouver Island, where a whaling wta- tion costing $80,000 has just been estab lished. One hundred men will be em ployed there in transforming the ear- casses of whales into various profitable Xew York, June 15. For the first time in lo" years a tax sale of delinquent prop. erties has been held at the city hall. The proceeds wi re more than ..Ksi.tKsi. Owinj to the peculiar condition suroundiug Urli sales ill this state some IndiiTiMiiis incidents xfurrcd. AH the city dues is to leas delinquent pros-rtie to bid ders who will pay tin- back 'jsc. The hsMer who offers to pay thou- taxes in rHurn for the shortest leas.- it the win ner. The original owner of tin- property caw redeem it by paying the amount of the t,ie foul by the bidder three and nn- half fit (-rut a&tl a penalty of N pen cent a year tr the bia&fer. Aftr the expiration of two yrarw, when the base goes into effect, the psoperty can be reclaimed only by paying in addition al' seven per cent te the biittkn.. One parwPih Fufton street, near Broad way, was- knocked sown to Daniel Firfi ner. It being near Ihe city ball the buy er strollei around to sutisfy his- cow si ty and fasind part of the National Bunt ttiereom Instead f keeping- his own eoiinsel he hurried to the Iwtik olfiiriil and informed thent of the fact Scant attention was at i'rwt paid! to Pichnor Bot investigation Isy tiie b)U"S lawyers showed that he knew whittt he was tn Iking alx)iit and hsV chtiinj wu nought lrp at a net pndit of $ll'.. Had he maiiiOiined' hi nlieiice for two. yeaTs until U lease Became effective,. Fli-R-ner's pnuflt woijd: nave reached! ai ra sKetitbdi Mm.. Schilling Best so far as h goes,, means. coxn&rt tM cast and economy. lloncy lack.; alyour jroctr's. j Chicago, June 15. Thousands of cir cular have been sent out to architects builders, and labor union members gen erally, containing information that the Associated Building Trades of Chicago and Cook County have withdrawn their moral and financial support from the teamsters. The circulars, which are is sued officially by the Building Trades charge that the members of the Snfu and Machinery Movers and Riggers I'mVsi, which was orgnnued about two years 1 ago, and is made up of teamtcrs, has i been performing work which rightfully I belonged to the memts-rs of the various j trades atlli.itcd with the building trades. It is charged that the Safi and Machiiv ry Movers and Riggers are winking ' under the scale of wages adopted by j their various unions and that the build-, ing trades can not, under die circum stances, recognise them as union men. Th building workers numfsr 4t),tXK), Herman Wise He wcut to market, ' Herman is a dandy, He'll bring the sweetest clothes to town, You'll find them very-handy; Every Dood '11 buy a suit, Suits to suit the dandy; Business men, mechanics, clerks, Will And our clothes so handy. mCFIIISII Wise Social Dance. To be given by Ocean Circle, No. Hi, Women of Woodcraft, at Hasithorn's Mall, Friday evening, June Id. Admis sion 50 sent a couple. An rajoyable evening: A PORCH PAINT must be the best obtainable to procure Satisfactory Results, WoodwerK, Etc., eiposed to the outer air suffers quickly front variuus influmres which deterwra,tion is only prevented when a pusnt is ard which Jim Lard and towgh. PORCHITE is especially mao lor the pitnM and the colsrs whu-h are mails- in eight well-chosen- s fades, last well. One gallon or" PORCHITE will mr-r 350 square fret, two coats, t an average smftre. IRICE: Gallon can lixxt Salf -Gallon eaa lino Qoarter-GaKtt can Jtn Send (or Color Card!. B.F. ALLEN dtSON Walt Paper, Paints, Etc, 365-367 Commercial St- Astoria. Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier. inr- C. W. SPRICGS- J. C. HERTZ WILLIAM IFLIIA CHAS WtKWAN I.EO. WISK Salksmn 1 i.v CLEANLINESS Ut ncrntttf t perfect IleattH end" a essential ekment t Ot lUpj'.IMSt, To prevent sit knc snJ enjoy the comforts of li.c you ihmU eju:p ysur sleeping ajsnrmcnt or Jj-miiig ilutriter with a iBKMvy whise, onc-picse. "Slmdatdr Porcelain Enameled Lr tory and have running hut and ewli wsicr at JsTsn! it your tiuch. We hir samples, i our iliowrswnt anJ will gjadly quote joiu pricev MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. n i S. q. A. MIW1.RV erl,1onl O. 1. 1'KTk.Hnu.V, VWITiwIitesa fRAMK PATTYS. Csshler J. W. SMHNKK, Awtstant CasbU Astoria Savmgs Bank rupltnl I'ntsl In IHOXSs Surplus ana I'nitlrldeii Pvuflu lVl.aO. f Trunin W Ueuiml toiikJDg HuslnnM, Inlermtt fkld on Tims sVpuslU. 168 Tenth Strsrst, ASTORIA, OREGON. Wll 11 letl A O Beer LINGERIE SALE. This Entire Week TLJT Best Muslin Under wear Values Ever Offered. Over 3,000 Pieces of Fine Lingerie Have just arrived and will be placed on sale at unusually low prices. These goods are manufactured by the Defender Mfg. Co. and represent the best values in Night Gowns, Chemises Drawers, Corset Covers and Petticoats. CORSET COVERS Of these desirable garments we have an unusually large line, ranging in price as follows: 10c, lite, 25c, 48c, 95c, 98c, $1.15, $1.73, $2JMu t "i CAMBRIC CORSET COVER With four dusters of fine tucks, full front, neck and arms trimmed with Lace Edge as CENTS CAMBRIC CORSET COVER Fine material, round neck trimmed with yoke of 6 hem-stitched tucks, hem stitched lawn ruffle at neck and at arms 45 CENTS NAINSOOK CORSET COVER Vide Hamburg Ribbon insertion end Ribbon, embroidered edge at neck and amis 75 CENTS FINE NAINSOOK CORSET COVERS Two rows of lace insertion, and one row of ladder beading, ribbon beading and ribbon. Tucked back; lace at neck and arms .95 CENTS PETTICOATS Petticoats at 49c, 75c, 98c, $1.40, $1.75, $2.25, and $5.90. CAMBRIC PETTICOATS With deep lawn flounce, trimmed with 3 clusters of fine tucks, two wide tucks, and 3-inch hem-stitched hem; dui-t ruflle lawn .49 CENTS EXTRA FINE CAMBRIC PETTICOAT Lawn flounce, trimmed with flue tucks and showy Hamburg embroidery Iawh dust ruffle 9 CENTS EXTRA FINE CAMBRIC PETTICOAT Deep lawn flounce of 12 tucks and 2 rows of hem-stitching, trimmed with rufflle of wide Hamburg edge; lawn dust ruffle Ii.95 DRAWERS CAMBRIC DRAWERS Trimmed with Cambric flounce with 5 fine tucks and i 1-2 inch hem-stitched hem 48 CENTS FINE CAMERIC DRAWERS Three clusters of fine tucks in body, deep lawn ruffle with Italian lace In sertion and luce edge 88 CENTS GOOD MUSLIN UMBRELLA DRAWERS Wide embroiileried edge on Cambric ruffle with 2 clusters of 3 fine tucks IMS We have other styles at 19c, 25c, 65c, $1.89 and $2.25. LADIES GOWNS MUSLIN GOWN V-shnpped neck, muslin yoke, 4 clus ters of 3 large hem stitched tucks, Cam bric ruffle nt neck and sleeves 48 CENTS SOFT FINISH CAMBRIC GOWN Kipmre neck, trimmed with 3 rows of asnL wfj'in & y.T -yitfuicy5AS3ft3i This Entire Week Hamburg Insertions. Hamburg edge at neck and sleeves gl CENTS FINE CAMBRIC GOWNS Square neck, fancy yoke of Tambour insertion, line tucks, Hamburg ribbon In sertion and ribbon embroidery to match at neck and sleeves $148 Other garments at 68c, $1.79, $2.50 and $3.50. CHEMISES These desirable garments range In price as follows: 48o, 75c, 08c, $1.10, $1.38 and $1.05. - Step In, we will be pleased to show you tho assortment. .'.'HSXSS KZSSZSSSS