The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 16, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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It looks iust like the real cut irifts hut
ii ir . - o
is not half so expensive, we have new
attractive patterns.
The greatest of all cooking utensils, ab
solutely fire proof. Ask to see the com
bination cooker. Five articles in one
retains all the natural flavor of the food.
Amusomsots Tonight
Star theater. Vaudeville.
Lodgt Meetings Tonight.
Degree u( I'ocoIisiiIm.
Knights of I'ythla. Ator lodge.
Hon of Herman. TcutouU lodgn,
WimnIiim'U of the Win Id.
Women of Woodcraft.
Local Brevities,
iftlee room for rant. (It. W. Hnr-
Astoria Nalloiml llaiik.
meeting (if the tin-in Ix-rt uf the Colli-
incicUl ('lull In-1I last evening,
Mptoit ridchratrtl '!', While House
Ciilli, lliiuii-lt'n Kin vui iii); IMra't. At
Flher Hios.
The Atorin park coiiiiuWniiin hchl an
adjourned meeting hint -ining at the
city Imll.
County Clerk rtlnUm is very imy
irepNrlii for the term uf the circuit
which coiiciic next .Monday.
It wan a holiday at the various eourta
yesterday, no biilnc being transacted
on account of there being none.
There was no change in the run of
aalmon yesterday, fair catches being re
ported by gillnettera and trapneo.
tie trie Paea Ma stag and tealp
treatment) five aprt barber. Bathe.
A full an I complete line of farm imple
nienU, farming tool, wagons, biipjjif a
of all kind, at It. M. Canton' farm im
plement warehouse, 105 Fourteenth.
Some steamer arrive with a ahip
ment of
Fresh Fruits and
If you pane our store any day, stop
a moment and nee If you can find
anywhere a Mtcr diply of fresh
fruit and vegetable, than we have.
If you have never pawed by our
atore, why not make the turn at 12th
atreet the next time you are down
town, and pay ua that proverbial
Firat Viait, whether you want to
buy or nott We would 1 glad of
an opportunity to how you our tock
of good grorerie. too. It will py you
to trade here, where "tioods Cowls"
have won u many goo( customers.
We hope to aee you today, tomor-
hrow or next day, to ahow you the
eclect atock of vegetable.
A big ahipment arrive on today'a
Investigate our prompt and correct
delivery aylem.
Johnson Bros.,
Good Goods
nS-rii Twelfth St., Aitoria.
Hundreds now using this range in their homes
and pronounce it to be the best for cooking. It uses
less fuel than others and will positively out-last three
ranges of any other make.
Let us Demonstrate its value.
Complete House Furnishers.
K. Z. Ferguson, 11. CI. Van Duaen and
Frank Npilt Ui left lust evening to at
tend the Kjiimiijial diocese conference to
le held in Portland commencing today.
Xo dnrk room required If you ue a
llroanie or Kodak Tank Devi-loping Ma
chine. Price. t, tlo. Other photo
graphic supplies, i'ruiik Hurt, druggist.
The family restaurant of Astoria i
reinjfiiitt'd as the Hess restaurant. The
ln-t iik-uU it nil the ln-t service in A
tot (M. lii'l Kleventh street.
When you buy Mission lemons, you
lint only fci t inure juice for your money,
hut you ).i l t hut smooth, ilcliiiitc flavor
which i not (outid In the ordinary lemon.
The funeral of the Into ( nlil ant inc
Wiikkuhi v ill he hchl at ' o'chsk thi
afternoon fimii the l'miii-h church in
l iiiotitoun n n.l the iiitcruieat will be at
It Is reported on goisl authority, that
all the dance hull in Astoriu will be
cloned up commencing next Monday. Thi
will drive uUuit ten saloons out of busi
ness in the lower end of the city.
The trial of E. (1. Hpecht and C. F.
Meliermott, of Wew Astoria, who were
arrested by the sheriff for selling lliior
to minor on Mehorial day, will be held
tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock in the
juli court.
Harvey Allen, W, baa been elected
president of the atudent body of the A
torla high aehool, succeeding Lawrence.
I Rogers, 'OS. Mi Mary Adair ha been
elected vice-president and Joseph Irahy
F. It. Stoke ha returned from a bind
m-M triti to ltm-oda end reportii the lum
lier buinet in Waahington proseroti
and an Increased demand for lunnVr.
The Iluroda mill, in which he i interest
cd, I increasing it business every day
i II. M. lyorntcn received a letter from
U". W. taughery yenlerday elating that
he and Mr. lirnok had killed a large
numlier of eca lion including many fe-
! male. At the recent rate of killing it
will lie but a abort time before the aeal
will be exterminated. Mr. Irnlcn aent
down 1000 roumla of ammunition.
.lame Shittery, who wa lot at S.-a
aide, wa found Wedneaday evening in a
cabin in the vicinity of where he wa
)at aeen. He could give no account of
what had happened after Judge Carey
left him, appearing to be daced prob
ably from the loea of food. After he
we brought to Seanid he recovered hi
natural conditiona.
J. McClean, an old renident of C'lat
op count v. died at the hopital yenter
day morningof cancer. Mr. McClean wa
"1 year old at the time of hi death,
and had resided in Clatanp county for
30 veiirn, numt of the time at Clifton.
He wa foreman in the Cook cannery at
that place for many year. Hi funeral
will h held thi afternoon at 1 o clink
from I'ohlV undertaking parlor.
J. ('. friibli, an employe of Oltcn' log
ging camp on Deep lllver, waa brought
to the bonpilal for medical attention.
While at work up In the camp ha waa
atruck aero tbt forehead by a line
trip, and long gah cut in bia fore
head. lr. I'ilklngtoQ dreaaed the wound,
putting la 10 atiU'hee, and tb young
man U recovering.
At a meeting of the board of pilot
commlftRlnoner held thla week eeveral
application for renewal of branch licen
ces were applied for but were not grant
ed. The law require that the pilot
"Imll report to the communion which
Mime of them have failed to do, and the
Ixmrd ha instructed the clerk to notify
tin-in tlmt no brunches will be renewed
unless the luw i lived up to.
P. Lawler bn nearly completed three
new renldeuce hue on Irving avenue
and ha rented all of them, (tin- in rent
ed to Mr. Ityun, who recently arrived
from the eat Mr, Kyan will locate in
Atoria ari l will open up a gent' furn
ishing goods atore on Ninth atreet next
to the Herald oflh-e. lie wanted to rent
a xtore on Commercial atreet and will
probably do o when opportunity offer.
I-auder Andcron, formerly of Alo-
ria, but who bn been living on Deep
river, wa wriouly Injured Wednewlay.
le wa leading a cow when khe Ijecame
unruly and wound the rope around Mr.
AnedriHin'a liody, nearly ili-emboweling
him. He ua brought to the himpital
yeDlerduy noon. An o"(-rotioii wa jH-r-
fulllicil but the doctor uV that there in
no poible biite for hi recovery. Mr.
Amid n r: hlci in Atoria for a num.
Iier of year and wan engaged in the a-
loon buninenn.
Captain If. A. Miithew piloted the
cruined lto'ton yenterday. He Udd the
captain that he hud a fine nhip and the
captain wanted to. know if he had evel
lien on a man of war before. Mathew
told him that he had been 40 year ago
that he wa with Farragut at Mobile
The captain of the Ronton atated that he
wa there too, and a mutual friendnhlp
prung tip. Capt, Mathew waa royally
treated and npeak in the highest term
of the hospitality extended.
Deputy Fih Warden II. A. Webnter
ymterday arrented Nate Iienk-h and Aug
ut Cimich, two finhermen, for flnhlng
without a licenne. They were arraigned
in the juntice court yenterday and plead
ed guilty and were fined $,0 and conta,
taxed at , which wa paid. Mr. Web
nter ha warrant for th arfVt of aee
eral other finhermen who are fulling
without a licenne, aome of theut having
fictirioii niunlicrn on their Uat. It
cont (.1 for a lii-enne and .'8 to fib
without one, and the law will be atrict
ly enforced.
KxiimluatioiiH in the high achmd have
Wen commenced and will clone next Wed
iicwluy. (hi Sunday night at the Congre
gational church Rev. Luther D. Mahone
will deliver the baccalaureate sermon.
There are fti atudent in the high aehool
thi year, 13 of them will graduate as
follow: Ijiwrence Roger, George Toy
ky, bi Cornuhan, Kmma Shedd, Ienter
Iounnbury, (irace Morton, Kmma Knut
nen, Amy HanneU, ()ra Scoville, l'auline
Kirchoff, Knther Ijtrncn, Ittie Ilea and
Rone Mataon. On next Wedneaday night
the junior will entertain the senium
at Finher'a oera houe. The addren to
the clan will be delivered by Rev. Dr.
Wine, of Portland. Mine La men ia the
clam valedictorian and Mine Mataon the
elan aulutatorian.
Prominent Citiieni Have Agreed to Fur
nish Sand for Mr. Day.
A meeting (f the committee appointed
by the ( Iminln r of Commerce at the
meeting held Wednesday night, wn held
yenicrdny morning at the law ollice of
Smith I trot her. U wa decided to not
fy Dr. Day that the mind would be ready
an noon n the Rack were received
which wa done. It i expected that the
nuck will nrrive by Saturday.
F. A. Finbcr and George Noland have
agreed to furnish a carload of aand from
Seaside, John II. Smith, C. W. Cnrnahan
and other, will furnish a carload from
Clulnop, and C. F. Leter and other will
furnish n carload from Warrcnton and
Ft. Steven. It in expected to have all
three car loaded ready for ahipment by
the Hist of next week. Mr. Ja. W. Welch
who him leen soliciting auWription
to pay the i-xM'nne of loading and unload
ing, ha met with a liberal renjionce from
the btisinea men, allowing that they
have confidence in the project, which
promise much for Clatsop county and
the building up of an important indus
try at very little expense. Should the
lent prove Hntinfaetory, a there in no
doubt they will, it will attract manu
facturer to Astoria to develop the minds
"The opi-n stocking," say the Detroit
Tribune, ''lias come, just n we feared"
That editor deserve to lie stigmatized
as the prize coward of the acuson.
Correspondent Objects to thi
Existence of Dance Halls.
Tbeir Exittence Allowed by the City
Authorities Who Favor a Wide Open
Town an1 Make No Effort to Enforce
tbt Uwi or Have Ketpect for Morality
Lditor Antorian. W hen an abuse or a
nuisance exist an offended public in
atirw lively turn at once to the leading
newapapcr a a medium through which
condition favoring relief may be
brought about. The fact that the Antor
ian i a powerful champion of justice
and morality, and the existence of an
abuse which reek with the odor of its
victim and i an offenne to every roan
woman and child in our t-ity, constitute
the excuse fur thi communication.
Supponing Astoria to be a city of
average morality, can a more dangcroun
crime aguin-t that morality lie imagined
than exint in the four dance halt which
nightly disport the allurement of from
30 to 100 half-clad girl and women a
an enticement for boy, men, ye and for
other girl and women to forsake vir
tue and enter tion their ruin! Would
any other American city at thi day
tolerate auch an abomination? I it not
time Astoria ha forever outgrown thin
canceron and ghastly relic for the pro
prietie? How thi portion of the city could
have been c long auffered to flourish in
a city of ten thousand virtuous and re
apectable religioua people at leant three
fourth of them religioua people i a
mystery. How many Atoria home
would not be highly inaulted if charged
with having any connection with or re
sponsibility for thi outraget And yet
we nurse it and it thrive upon ua.
Seven night in the week boy and girl
are baited to their destruction. Surely
it ia only permitted because universal
condemnation ha not yet produced
unity 1 of action, for no aane person "de
fend auch institution unless pecuniary
Many parent do not know what in
ducement the dance hall extend to
their children. A man who ha frequent
ed these places say:
"You would hardly Wlicve me if I
should tell you the name of the many
boya and girl whom I personally know
made their start in live of sin and dis
grace in these dance halls, for there are
a lot of them. Some people My dance
hall are a necessary evil to attract a
certain claa of men who bring money to
the town, but that ia all rot. If you
could aee the boya many of there from
our ao-called best families who go to
these places, you would say 'close them
up quick.' At first they go only to look
on, and the eight of half-naked girl
and women ia considerable of a curosity
to the average youth possessed with the
usual desire to aee something of the
world, and in the mixture of wine and
women that generally follow modesty
and virtue are destroyed and habit are
formed which separate a boy from his
mother' influence and which would sep
arate him, but too often does not, from
the society of all respectable women.
Manv of these bov would not dare to
go there were it not for the example of
certain men, and may ! often seen in
their haunts regardless of influence such
conduct has lioii the youth who are too
prone to use their example ns an ex
cuse for imitating them. I have often
seen girls of apparently not more thai,
fourteen or fifteen years in the dance
halls. Once they are induced to go there
and dance, then It is good -by girls."
Can it be that the decent people of
Astoria, who are so vastly in the major
ity, have endured this curse so long that
they deem it incurable? So little is
said against them that the proprietor
of these places of vice have come to im
agine the religious and moral people to
lie quite satisfied to have them remain.
Shame on the church people! Is it pos
sible that the city officials, apparently
so fond of running an open town are on
ly waiting for public sentiment to crys
tallize ou these subjects? Or are city
ofiiciul supposed to be possessed of no
personal or officiul discretion in the mat
ter of civic moral welfare?
Sunday Excursions to North Beach.
The Ilwnco nnd Navigation Company
arc selling round trip tickets every Sun
day from Astoria to all point on Long
Dcnch including Nahcottn, at rate ol
one dollar for the round trip.
Unloading Sale
The past week of our unloading sale has made hun
dreds happy.
Be sure and attend this sale this week aud the bar
gains we give you will make you happy.
110.00 Ladita Suits t6 50
$12.50 Ladies Suits $9.50
$1540 Ladiea Suits $11.50
$3.50 Ladies Skirt ,.$2 95
$340 Ladies Skirts $2 99
$3.00 Ladies Skirts ..$1 95
$2.50 Ladiea Shoes $1 50
60c Boya' Waist 25c
75c Fancy Shirts .50o
75c 8traw Hat 25o
35c Novelty Drass Goods.... 23c
$20.00 Silk Suits $13.50.
$25.00 Silk Suits $15.00.
$15.00 Mohair Suits $9.00.
$12.50 Mohair Suits $7.50.
Horse Department Store.
The Place Where Everybody Likes to Trade.
508-510 Commercial Street
Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c
Henry Bultman was over from Ilwaco
IL Alexander, of Ilwaco, is in the city
on buainesa.
Moses Hirschy, of Chinook, was in the
city yesterday.
Erik West, of Marshfield, was in the
city yesterday.
W. O. Baecus, of Portland, was in the
city yesterday.
8. J. Blewett, of Seaside, was . in the
city yesterday.
IL Melender, of Portland, is registered '
at the-Central. - - .. -
Sheriff Flanders, of Cathlamet was in
the city yesterday.
John D. Maneeit was in Portland yes
terday on business.
Jos. Davis, of John Day, visited friends !
in Astoria yesterday.
T. IL Bowman, of Vancouver, u reg
istered at the Parker.
Chaa. Alter, of Seattle, was in the city
yesterday on businesa.
J. N. Young and wife, of Spokane, are
registered at the Parker.
L. Vale, of Gray'a River, wa in the
city yesterday on business.
Monroe Grimes, of Seaside, was in the
city yeaterday on business.
E. P. Murphy, of Portland, registered
at the Occident yesterday.
E. V. Smith, of Cray's River, was a
visitor in Astoria yesterday.
J. H. Going, of Portland, was in the
city yesterday on businesa.
Rev. Gustave B. Rydquist held services
in Warrenton last evening.
C. P. Jordan, of Portland, registered
at the Occident yesterday.
G. E. Sturgiss, of Baltimore, register
ed at the Occident yesterday.
Mrs. Chas. E. Railey, of LewMon, Ky..
is visiting triends in Astoria.
F. A. Peters, of San Francisco, regis
tered at the Occident yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Stanley, of Seaside, visit
ed friends in Astoria yesterday.
Hon. C. F. liestcr, of Warrenton, was
in the city yesterday on businesa.
C. W. Shelly, of San Francisco, was
W are
In thla teVrl.ory for
of aupacior make.
Oue leader is th calibrated STEIN
WAY, which needa no comments. Th'
A. B. Chase, Estey, Emrson, .Hllar,
Richmond and several others are all
the very bast in their class. .Our prices
on these rlanos are lower than ever
before quoted in this a'ate, and we
are In position to nuike nio.U satis
factory terms.
Will gladly mall you catalogue upon
application, ami very cordially Invite
you to cull at any time you may be
in Tortland.
233 Washington Street,
Portland, Oregon.
CO and 70c Novelty Drass
Gocds 48c
$1.25 Shirt Waiat 95o
20o Crap Dress Good 15o
25c Cotton Dresi Goods 17c
35c Silk Taffeta 25c
35c Horn Spun 25c
$140 and $125 Novelty Dress
Goods ..........89c ,
$1.50 8hirt Waists $1.15
$240 Shirt Waiat ...$L4S
I among the arrivals at Astoria yesterday.
Wm. H. Walker and family left yea-
terday for Hillsboro on a visit with
R. M. Wooden, of Jewel, is attending
the reunion of the Oregon pioneers ia
W. Sherwood and wife of LaGrande,
are visiting in the city, the guesta of
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Allen.
Select California
Sweet Wines for
Family Use
We have just added a department of
fine wines and liquors for family trade
only. Orders will be delivered as
promptly aa ia our custom in the
grocery department.
POST WINE, A tallon $uo
POST WINE, A superior quality, A
Gallon .. .. ........ Iijo
OLD PORT, A f allon Sum
SHERRY WINE, A (allon ..... .$1.50
ANGELICA WOTS, A f allon ..I1.50
WHISKEY, A lallon, 3o
LION BOURBON Whiskey tallon
TILLAMOOK RYE Whiskey, A (al
lon ..l4J
Ullon, 4-5
.0. P. S. MONOGRAM Whiskey, ; A
1 allon Is-oo
GRAPE BRANDY. A gallon ... la-oo
TULIP GIN, A tallon ..I4.00
Telephone, Main 781.
Groceries, Wines and Liquors.
Franklin avenue, Upper Astoria,
Until Next Thursday
OUTING SHIRTS, with Fancy Silk
Fronts, many Designs, all sizes.
Regular, $1.00.
Special, until next Thursday, or while
they last
75 cents
OUTING SHIRTS, with Linen Fronts
several designs, Regular T3c.
Special, until next Thursday, '
50 cents
SUMMER UNDERWEAR , regular 50c
and over. Drawers and shirts, the gar
ment. Special, 45c
oo Commercial Street!