The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 15, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 9"3.
f It looks just like
is uot half so expensive, we nave new
attractive patterns.
New opal ware
The greatest of all cooking utensils, ab
solutely fire proof. Ask to see the com.
bination cooker. Five articles in one
retains all the natural flavor of the food.
Amusements Tonight.
Mar theater. Vaudeville.
; rf Lodgt Mtstlngs Tonight. ,
Degree of Honor; ' Charity lodg.
I. O. 0. F Heaver !).
Modern Woodman ( America.
Native Daughter of Oregon.
Young Men' Institute.
Koyal Arcatiium. Clatsop council.
Local Brevities.
Offlca room for rent. 0m. W. imr-
, Astoria National Ilunk.
he W. C, T. I'. will niwt in the Hap
ll iliiiriii m t in UDtiui mm r uniuy,
, 1 . . II . . .
The two new houses Mug Imilt by V.
Ih-r on Irving avenue are nearly com
pleted. I.iptull celebrated 'lean, White Holme
(!olTee, Ilurnett'a Flavoring F.xlract. At
Fisher Hro.
Electrlo Fata Massage and Scalp
treatmonti fiva apr barbart. Baths.
FarmcM roming in from the country
reHirt the road in good condition, A
large amount of road work I being done
In various section of the county.
A full an I complete line of farm imple
menU, fanning took wagons, buggies
of all kind at It. M. tiaston'a farm im
plement warehouse, I OS Fourteenth.
No dark room required if you u a
Hrownle or Kodak Tank IVreloping Ma
chin. Trie, t'2 to !. (Hher photo
graphic impplle. Frank Hart, druggiiit.
Roma steamer arrlvei with a hip
ment of
Fresh Fruits and
If you pass our store any day, atop
a moment ami ac if you can find
anywhere a better display of fresh
fruit and vegetable, than we have.
If you havt never pawed by our
etore, why not make the turn at lith
street the next time you are down
town, and pay ua that proverbial
Ftrit Visit, whether you want to
buy or not? We would be glad of
an opportunity to ahow you our atock
of good grocerlee, too. It will pay you
to trade here, where "Hoods floods"
hare won ua many good customers.
We hope to aee you today, tomor
row or next day, to ahow you the
elect atock of vegetable.
A big hipment arrive on today'
Investigate our prompt and correct
delivery yatem.
Johnson Bros.
Good Goods
11I in Twelfth St., Aitoria.
' Hundreds now using this range in their homes
and pronounce it to be the best for cooking. It uses
less fuel than others and will positively out-last three
ranges of any other make.
Let us Demonstrate its value.
Complete House Furnishers.
the real cut glass but
Alex. S'orinuiiil, Jr., of Olney, has pur
chased the Steve firugg ami I'ete lorilon
farms 011 the lliiiiiluirg near KUie, and
expects to move out there thi summer.
Yhrn you buy Mission Lemons, you
not only get more juice for your money,
but you get that smooth, delicate flavor
which l not fouml In the ordinary lemon.
t'ataiti W. K. Smith, of the custom
house boat I'atrol, yesterday returned
from i'niltand where he attended the
golden wedding of bis father, ('apt, V,
II. Smith.
Invitations have la-en Isaticd for a turn-
pi.'t to In- given by the Alumni Ao
(in I inn of the Astoria hih school to
be held next Fiiduy, .lime 23, at the
Istldcnl hotel.
The hcritT' dcliiuuent tax list will
probably be the smallest this year of
any year In the history of the county
Taxpayer have paid up unusually
prompt this year.
Sylvester IvriiarofT, the man who acliicv
ed considerable notoriety by Is-lnjt knock
ed Ihrougn the gurden scene at ItoMt
oiwra house by John L'Kullivan about
I IK yeara ko, died in the insane asylum
tin week.
Soundiuc on the bur were made ves
I irmjr vj wirni III ine our 1111)11, ine
: L'reateiit depth of water waa found wher
the I hinook 0erated last year. The
channel has shoaled some since the
UiiniMik ceased N-ratlon.
Yesterday waa Salern day at the
Lewi and ( lark fair and it i estimated
that over I.ViO people attended. Wait
until torla ha her day thin fall and
that numlier will tie dimounted.
1 ConManline Wirkala. a ynunif man re
j aiding at Ieep Kiver, aed 17 yearn, died
j in thla city Tuemlay evening a the re.
ult of an operation for apcmlicitu
The funcril will take place today ami
.the interment will lie at (irectiwooi
The thirty-third annual reunion of Urn
Oregon I'ioneer Aociutnon will covenc
, in Portland tixlay. A Iurp nuiiiber will
go up from Atoria. An inU-rei.tiiig pro
gram haa len arranged and pioneer
from all over the Ute will In- preaviit.
j Sheriff l.inville yenterday nrreti-d H
fi. SM-cit and V. V. Mila-rniott. of New
Aotorla, for aelling liquor to minor
on Memorial day. Several lmya Uvniii
intoxicated and their parent made com
plaint. The cane will lie heard in the
jimticc court thi afternoon.
The complet nc and accuracy of the
Aociatcd lre I exemplitlcd in the
Hplcndid aervice the Atorlnn i giving
it ri'inler. The name diNpatchc thut
appear ill the Oregonian appear in the
Atorlnn, with the ext-epiion that they
are more com-iHe, That the Aitoi inn ci'-vii-e
i appreciated i atteHted by the
large niiinU r of aubd'ription coming in
every l'iy.
Work on the new county road around
Smith' point will be completed by the
flrnt of the month. A the Eighth street
road la almoet linpaihle for team, tht
new road will be of great benefit to the
large number of farmer coming in from
Young' river and fowl and Clark.
An alarm of fire wat turned in at noon
yenterday for a fire in the building
aenma from the operahoiwa on Exchange
and Twelfth atreet. The ftr wa in the
roof and wa tanned from the terra cotta
Hue, It wa extinguihed by the chemi
cal. A few thingle will repair the dam
ge. Commencing next Sunday the adini
nlon to the Uwla and Clark fair will
be reduced from SO cent to 23 cent.
A large numlier of people enjoy apt-tiding
Sunday at the fair, but a mt ot
the exhibit are closed on that day.
there wa a general demand for a re
duction. Property owner are paying utreet
anwHuiiii'tiM more prompt than for sev
eral year, tl3.433.5ii ha been paid in
I nee Apiil 1, moot of which i on the
treet recently Improved. The chief
of police ha collected t'oimideruble on
the old olrci-t BM-mcuU, the time for
pu vih eXiii'iii( thi week, after which
the proM-rty will he advcrticd and Mild.
(inventor Chamberluin ha iued
proclamation namiiiK Monday, June 4.
IINNj, a the time for VotiliK 011 the refer
endum Mtilioii Hied with the aecretary
of etate akintf that appropriation bill
be Bubiuitted to a vote of the eople.
Thi i th- bill that carrie the appro
priation for the Mate normal tcliool
to which conxidi-rable objection ha la-en
The (1ntop County Medical KK-i(-ty
were royally entertained lut evening by
the Clataop Hur A-k ution at the office
of F. J. Taylor and (Jeorge N'oland. It
wa in the nature of a moker. Several
short aprechea were made by the mem
ber of both aMM'iation on the end of
man phyklly and financially, although
the question of fee wa not dicu)Md.
A very enjoyable evening wa Kja-nt.
The municipal bond recently adver
tised, amounting to $IU.XJ brought a
premium of about $I3.(X. Judge An
deron, in ha-aklng of the matter yes
terday, stated that in the financial ga
tett iued. it hov that many bond
of eastern cities sell a low a W cent,
showing that Astoria bond are consid
ered better thsn bond in some casterd
cities which appear to be prosperous.
The censu of Clatsop county ha been
completed with the exception of Xew
,toria and precinct No. 3 of Astoria.
(i. W. Iounsherry i taking the census
in No. 3 mill also all the cannerie and
seining ground and it will require about
three week to complete it. He expect
to enumerate fully 2.VKI which will bring
the total ensu of the city up to about
12.300. Thi census of the county will
lie aUmt 18.000.
There are five criminal in the county
jnil awaiting trial. Sherman Smith and
John K. Miller are held for breaking into
cottage at Seaside, C, 0. Re i Icy charged
with burglary in the Tongue Point sa
loon, and C. S. Stockton, who is held
on a charge of obtaining money under
fale pretense. They will prolwtbly be
indicted, and if they pleade guilty, which
is very prolmble. they will be sentenced
next week. If any plead not guilty.
they can not lie tried until the Septem
ber term of court, a t licit) will be 110
jury at th- June term.
Report from the fishermen and the
canneries yesterday was to the effect
that the gillnetters are milking fair
catches, while the trap and sein were
doing licltor thnn lust year. The cold
Htoiiige plant are fur ahead of last year
and there is some talk of their closing
down in the near future. The cannery
pack i short of hist year but with
continuation of the present run, it wilt
not tukc long for them to catch up.
The fishermen report that they are mak
ing more money thi year than last on
account of the large size of the salmon.
Complaint is made by the fishermen
thut the tug Sampson, in towing barges
does not use ordinury rare in protect
ing the lives and pros?rty of fishermen.
The accident mentioned in yesterday's
Astorinn u occurring near Taylor's
seining grounds wa brought to this by
II. A. Hansen. Mr. Hansen say bo was
lyinU close to the spar buoy mid so was
another bout. When the Sampson came
down his biiut was caught Is twccn the
steamer and 11 liaise and several ribs
were broken out of his bout, lie did
not see the other ltont after the acci
dent, but thinks it certainly must have
been run into. Due of the barge ru
onto the spar buoy mid there h a mark
on it where it struck.
Itemized Statement of Bills Al
lowed at June Session.
Many of tbt Bills Allowed art for Con
tract a Made by the County Careing
For tbt County Poor la an Item and
Taking of the Cemui Cost Money.
At the uigent recjuest of many tax
payers the following statement of bill
allowed by the county court of Clatsop
county at its June term is published for
those interested in the business affair of
the county.
Astoria Daily New, letter head,
assessor 10 00
). C. Clinton, stamps, expre and
freiKht paid 20 15
I'ae. State Tel. it Tel. Co., rent
of 'phone and calls 5 23
Astoria Hud'ct. publishing court
proceeding. May S 50
Astoria liudget, publishing court
proceedings, April 8 75
Astoria Budget, call for warrant
treasurer 5 00
The Morning Astorian, call for
waranta. treasurer 10 00
J. K. Dcllinijer Co., call for war
rant M 00
A. McLean, supplies, rep. house . 2 05
(ilus & Prudhomme, permits to '
set fire, etc K 00
Astoria Electric Co., gas cons'md 4 20
Win. Miller, repair court house., i 50
Fisber Ilnw. Co., lock and hinges 1 (15
Herald Publishing Co., publishing
proceeding 14 55
K. L. Mitchell, taking censu. ... "8 00
Fred Parhanieme, on account of
improv. road No. 05 200 00
William Abbott, labor road di.
So. I 4 50
Fred Oman, labor, road di. No. 1 7 50
(i. T. Smith, labor, road di. No. 1 4 60
M. IVveraux, land for approach
to Deveraux bridge 30 00
J. C. Clinton, recording deed to
same 1 00
Special Road Ho. 3.
I. P. Merriflcld, repairing scraers
and plow 2 50
James Sweney, labor 3 50
Special Road, No. 5.
Fisher Bros. Co., nails for road
Di. No. 5 2 85
Special Road No. 9.
R. M. (iaston 1 drag scraper .... 8 23
Special Road No. 10.
Foard & Stokes Co., file and fuse 80
A. Kranti, labor 91 50
Walter Moody, labor 47 25
Wm. Moody, labor 24 75
Andrew- St lire, lubor 21 35
Special Road No. 13.
James Gallagher, labor 3 00
II II. Pope, labor 2 00
Special Road No. 14.
Lars Albertson, labor 35 50
John Antilla. labor 44 00
Charles Hanson, labor 8 00
Henry Hill, labor 52 10
Albert Hill, labor 40 00
John Jortclnnd, lubor 35 00
John Kotka, lubor 87 00
Kinil Koski, lubor 38 00
John Liaho, labor 32 00
II. I.instad, labor 4 50
Andrew 1-aiupi, labor 10 00
Alliei t Olsen, labor 23 00
Henry Tokola. labor 15 00
Special Road No. 13.
It. M. fiuMon, 3 No. 1 drag scrap
ers - 24 00
Fisher Bro's Co.. supplies 20 00
Vigorit Powder Co., 1000 pounds
powder 100 00
Pav roll, labor 203 85
Special Road No. iS.
J. A. Kakin, legul advice road
matter 10 00
Vigorit Powder Co., powder, fuse
and caps 22 85
R. M. C.aston, No. 1 road scrap
er 8 25
John Anderson, labor 9 00
O. A. Borglund, labor 6300
John Kgstrom, lubor 41 00
Albert Krickson, lubor 14 00
Alfred Mattson, lain 30 00
Alex Moody, lubor 42 00
Matt Ruilmlla, lubor 24 00
John Smith, labor 24 tX)
Astoria Road Poll Tax.
I). R. Blount, collecting poll tux 05 00
Meeting of Members and Citirens to Dis
cuss Beach Sands.
There was u large attendance of the
members of the Chuinbcr of Commerce
and citizen hist evening to consider a
request of Dr. David W. lhiy to send
three cur loads of ls-ncli mi ml to Port
land fur th' purpose of making un c.v
Unloading Sale
The past week of our unloading sale has made hun
dreds happy.
Be sure and attend this sale this week and the bar
gains we give you will make you happy.
110.00 Ladies Suit S4 60
I11S0 Ladies Suits 19.50
$15.00 Ladies Suits S11.S0
13.50 Ladies Skirts 2 99
13.00 Ladies Skirts 12 99
13.00 Ladies Skirts $1 99
$2.50 Ladiss 8hos 50
50c Boys' Waista ....... .....25o
75o Fancy Shirts 6O0
75c Straw Hats 25o
35c Novslty Droas Goods.... 23c
$20.00 Silk Suits $13.50. f '
$25.00 Silk Suits $15.00. ;
$15.00 Mohair Suits $9.00.
$12.50 Mohair Suits $7.50.
Norse Department Store.
The Place Where Everybody Likes to Trade."
508-510 Commercial Street
Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c.
pert test to ascertain the mineral prop
erties Short addresses were made by
prominent citizens, all favoring the pro
ject, and many good offers were made to
assist financially. On motion a commit
tee was appointed to make arrangements
to ship three car loada of sand, one from
Clatsop, one from Seaside, and one from
Sand Island. Chairman Welch appoint
ed J. II. Smith, F. A. Fisher and Martin
Foard. The committee will meet this
morning at 9:30 o'clock at the office of
J. H. Smith to make arrangements. It
waa also suggested that inasmuch a
it would require some money to load
and unload the sand, that Jas. W. Welch
Ke a coramitte of one to collect one dol
lar from every merchant to defray the
expenses. Over $20 waa collected in the
chamber before the meeting adjourned.
The government furnishe the sacks and
pays the freight, and the citizens are
supposed to furnish the sand.
There is no doubt but the sands are
rk-h with iron, platinum and gold, and
the experiment may result in bringing
a large number of capitalists to Astoria
for the purpose of utilizing the sands in
manufactured products. Dr. Day has
made an experiment of the sand and
pronounces it unusually rich in minerals
and states that iron can be manufac
tured in Astoria cheaper than any place
in the United States.
Effort Will Be Made by Town Authori
ties to Secure Water.
The common council of New Astoria
are very anxious that the water main
from Astoria be extended to that town.
A communication will probably be sent
to the common council next Monday
night asking them to appoint a com
mittee to confer with a like committee
to be appointed by New Astoria for the
purpose of having the mains extended.
The Xew Astoria people are willing to
grant a franchise over all the streets and
pay the same rate as is charged in A
toria. All the water in New Astoria is
either surface water or is supplied by
rain tanks and the town is grownig and
would be more prosperous if it had good
water supplv. It is probable that the
common council will accede to the re
We are
In thla ten 1 ory for
of superior maks.
Our leader ia th. celebrated STEIN-
WAY, which needs no comments. Tht
A. B. Chase, Estey, Emerson, .Heller,
Riohmond and several others are all
the very best In their elass. .Our prices
on these plunos are lower than ever
before quoted In this s'ate, and we
are In position to make most satis
factory terms.
Will glndly mnll you catalogue upon
application, nud very cordially Invite
you to cull ut any time you may be
In Portland.
233 Washington Street,
Portland, Oregon.
60 and 70c Novelty Dress
Goods . .48o
$1.29 8hirt Waiata 95o
20o Crops Dre) Goods...... 19o
15c Cotton Dress Goods ..... ,17c
35o Silk Taffeta ...25c
35o Homo Spun ........ .....25
$1.00 and $U5 Novelty Dress
Goods .. ........89o
$1.50 8hirt Waiata ....$1.15
$24)0 Shirt Waista $1.4J
"Anyhow' if XMataopuntyTian'tany
exhibition at the fair, the people can
can find out what is going on' in the
progressive counties of the state by
visiting the fair.
TomLawson's expose of Wall street
has been a decided dissapointment to
the people who hoped he was going to
show them how to beat the market ev
ery time.
Select California
Sweet Wines for
Family Use
We hare just added a department of
fine wines and liquors for family trade
only. Order will be delivered as
promptly as is our custom in th
grocery department.
PORT WINE, A gallon ..ti-oo
PORT WINE, A superior quality, A
Gallon S1.50
OLD PORT, A gallon Saxo
SHERRY WINE, A gallon ti.s
ANGELICA WINE, A gallon . .$1.30
WHISKEY, A gaUon, $3.00
LION BOURBON Whiskey a gallon .
...,... 1350
TILLAMOOK RYE Whiskey, A gal
Ion $4-00
gallon, $4-3"
.0. P. S. MONOGRAM Whiskey, A
tallon $S-oo
GRAPE BRANDY, A gallon ....$4-00
TULIP GIN, A gallon I4.00
Telephone, Main 781.
Groceries, Winea and Liquors,
Franklin avenue, Upper Astoria.
Will You Have Time
to Carry a Trunk?
I Every time you go to Portland to visft
the fair. If you haven t the time nor
inclination to carry a trunk, get one of
Hand Bags, Suit Cases or
Large Traveling Bags.
They are handy and serve the purpose
Sold at handy prices, too". "
SUIT CASES at $1.50, f 2.00, fi.30, 14.30,
$5.00, and $5.50. ..
HANDBAGS, at 1 1.45. ti.65, $1.83, and
to $5 50.
o57 Commercial Street.