The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 10, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY, JUNE to, 1903.
Established 1873.
rnbltihtd Dally (Kxrcpl Monday) by
By raall, per year M M
By mail, pr month 60
U7 carrier, per month . (I
By mall per year. In advance ..SI
Entered at the poatoffice at Astoria,
Oregon aa aecond -class matter.
tVOrdxra for the drJiwro of Thi Morxito
Ajto&iax to eitfcor mMMX or place of huonxai
awr be made by postal card or through tote
roona, Auy imjintUntr In delivery Khimki he
Lubadiabnty reported to the office of publication
Telephone Main 181.
u i 1 0 n avl L be
. The opinion expivssod by one of the
largest tax-payers in Clatsop county in
another column, is based upon a strong
presumption of truth ami fact, but it i
no excuse for the iolation of the law
of the state by county assessors, not
only in Clatsop county, but in other of
, the counties of the state. There is no
doubt but assessor Cornelius is as much
interested in enforcing the laws as every
honest, law abiding ritinen; it is equally
true that he represents a constituency
that would no doubt be witling to have
the intent and spirit of the laws lived up
to, provided they were assured that they
would be protected in their rights. It is
to be regretted that such a condition of
affairs exist in Clatsop county as is al
leged by "One of the Victims" and facts
5 have demonstrated that there is good
grounds fox the arguments advanced in
his communication. If what he states
is true, then it is the duty of the tax
payers to remedy the evils complained
It might be opportune to call attention
of our correspondent to the fact, that
the tax-payers of Astoria and Clatsop
county are responsible for the existing
conditions if they exist as he claims,
At every election held in Astoria or Clat-
votes are registered there is a falling off
in the vote, and nine out of ten of the
votes are registdred there is a falling off
in the vite, and nine out of ten of the
stay aways are the large tax-payers. If
meeting is called to make amendments
to tis city charter or suggest legislation,
tha tax-payer is always conspicuous by
bis absence. It is this apparent indiffer
ence that has resulted in the election to
Office of many incompetent men. They
-are no doubt honest and do the best
they can, but they lack business ability
and judgement that is an essential re
quisite in the management of the busi
ness affairs of the city and county. They
permit politics to enter into the trans,
action of the business affairs, that
should be entirely eliminated.
The whole matter resolves itself down
to this proposition. It is admitted that
the laws relative to assessment and tax
ation are violated, and it is an enforeed
Violation because the tax-payers take do
Interest in selecting competent men to
administer the affairs of the city and
county,' Xhat the fact that there is a '
low assessment and a high tax levy miti
gates against capitalists coming here for
location and investment, simply because
the tax payers neglect their duty to the
government. That the fact that the af
fairs of the city and county are admin
istered with extravagance without any
semblance of business principles or in
the interests of the business community,
because tax-payers neglect to go to the
polls and elect competent, men to oflii.
This relieves, to a certain extent, the
county assessor from any blame in not
following the intent and spirit of the
laws; presages a continuation of the
present system of extravagance in the
business affairs of the city and county,
ljy the tax payers remaining away from
the polls and allows the large contingent
tf non tax-payers and non-produeers to
run the polities, and business affairs of
the city and county, in whi-h they hava
no direct interest; inducts political
rwsscs into the controlling power of the
body politic, keeping capitalists and in
vestors away. This, according to the ex
cuses made by "One of the Victims." is
the primary cause of a low valuation
and a high tax levy.
There is no doubt but the tax-payers;
the moral element and the business ele
ment of Astoria are in the majority in
Astoria and Clatsop county when tliev
vill take sufficient interest in the man
agement of city and county affairs to ex
ercise a perogative that will make a
change for the better, but as long as
they remain away from the polls and al
low a class of men who are barnacles on
the body politic; who own no property,
pay no taxes, the vicious and immoral
clement to nominate and elect men to of
fice who do not possess tbe requisite
'luisini'M qualification, just no long will
thi condition of affair rxiM, and Ato
ria nor Clatsop county l in a position
to offer induocinenU for investment 01
homes. Jut M long will the minority
control the politics of the commonwealth
while those that pay the exprnxeii of
maintaining the city and county govern
ment tay at home, apparently indiffer
ent and unwilling to assiot in maintain
ing a government by the people, of the
people and for the people. H in doubtful
if a corporation of bueineaa mea would
allow non-intercRted peraon to dictate
the manageiueut of their huinea af
fair, while they allow it in the buine
affaire of the city and county.
Of course the criminal and the physi
cally incapacitated immigrant should be
excluded at all times, the first because
of his or her purpose to prey upon the
country, and the last for the reason thui
he or she is almost certain to become a
public burden. We have more criminals
and helpless people to resist and support
now than we would have had if in the
earlier days of- immigration a property
restrictive supervision of the inflow of
humanity were enforced. Rut we are
open to another and more serious danger,
because it strikes at the roots of our free
self-governing institutions, by reason of
the very prosperity these institutions
and the splendid volume of high class
immigration coming to our shores within
the past few years. The high wages and
the high standard of living arc attn.rt-
mg the toiling masses of Ettro outside
of the English speaking and Saxon races
iu number so great our power to as
similate them is endangered. The crim
inal and incompetent classes aside, the
kernel of the situation is contained in
the power of assimilation.
These conditions exist more in the
larger cities while in Astoria, where
there ia a large foreign element, there
are very few criminals and paupers. The
public schools make good American ot
the children of immigrants, while the
parents absorbed patriotism and Ameri
can ideas from an environment intensely
patriotic and American By the time
these immigrants came to exercise the
inestimable privileges of American eitl-
tenship, even though the period of wait
ing was but five years, they were often
more American than the native Araeri
cans themselves, as was evidenced by
those who took part in the Memorial
day exercises, and who are always the
most enthusiastic in 4th of July celebra
tions. They had suffered, being mostly
manual toiler of one sort or another,
from the class prejudices and tbe sur
viving remnants of the feudal system in
the older lands and the contrast under
a republican form of government made
them the most rigid sticklers fur the
privileges accorded tbem under tbe new
But a different condition of affairs ex
ists in all the large cities. There are
foreign quarters in all the large cities,
and foreign sections where immigrants
foregather with their own kind, and are
practically excluded from contact with
American life. Of American institutions
they know absolutely nothing. As has
been shown time and time again, where
these immigrants are brought forward
to ie made citizens, they think, many of
them, this country is a monarchy. Men
of this class as citizens are a positive
menance to the republic. Some shrewd
countryman of theirs, who can speak
English, usually brings them up in berds
to receive the rights of citizenship, nd
votes them afterwards verynueh in the
same way. That danger is serious enough
but it is nothing to what may happen
if a glib demagogue should gather their
votes in favor of doctrines utterly an
tagonistic to our American institutions.
Astoria has a laige foreign population.
but a large majority of them have as
similated with the Americans and Im
bibed American ideas. They are in the
most part, home builders. Tbe Finn
population of Astoria is an honor and
credit to the city. They are frugal, in
dustrious end patriotic. True, they re
hide, for the most part, in one section of
the city, but they interfere with no one's
rights, Their children grown occupy
some of th.i Ix-st positions in the com
mercial life and are honest and indus
trious. Tho Norwegians and Swedes are
among our best and most progressive
citizens They appreciate our form of
government anil obey its laws with more
strictness than do some of the native
born. There is no race or class preju
dices in Astoria and its people extend a
cordial welcome to these people to come
and abide with us.
The West Coast Trade cvndently un
derstands the renditions of reciprocity
lietwecn the merchants and farmers in
the following tinely suggestions.
With the coming of the sumer season
the annual problem is up to the mer
chant doing business in the country
towns of providing facilities for handling
the country produce originating in this
territory. Successful merchants are com
ing to regard this factor as an important
element. Tbe store that offers tbe best
1 ....
mitiket to the tanner for the output ol
the garden and dairy ia is pretty sure to
control the bulk of his trade, and tha
town that gets a reputation for paying
good prices for produce baa acquired an
effective advertisement. It ia well worth
the while of the individual merchant to
make an extra effort In this direction,
and it is likewise a good thing for the
retail dealers' associations to take action
along the same lines. One of the counter
argument usually employed by the farm
era, when urged that they owe it to them
selves to stand loyally by the home mer
chant, ia that the home metvhaut doe
not tak enough interest in him to see
that he gets all that is coming to him for
what he has to sell, and that preference
is given to the fruits, vegetables, etc.
shipped in from outside sources. Where
this is true, it is usually largely due to
the. producers themselves, but the mer
chant owe it to the communities in
which they do business to do a little ed
ucational work, in order that local farm
products may be marketed under auch
conditions as will afford the greatest pos
sible profit to the grower. Every ucees
ftil effort to thi end will bring good re
suits. Farmer can afford to buy more
and pay better prices when getting good
returns for what they have to sell, am
it is poor economy to import from abroa
product to compete with and lower thu
price of commodities that are grown at
'home by the best patrons of the dealer.
Enitome of Anecdotes and Incidents
With Contents By a Layman.
Wonder if the czar carries and marine
insurance !
o -
There is nothing to prevent tbe tax
payers of Astoria having a voice in the
selection of city and county officials.
From present indications the men in
the Russian fleet will make no more
draft on the Carnegie hero fund
Admiral Togo's guncotton and lycopo-
dium made oavarie of the Russian llo
Now that the battle is over the ex
citement is over, the public can pick up
the thread of the teamster' strike.
Togo says the victory was due to the
virtue of the Mikado. Thi will head
off any claim Tom Lawson may make in
his next frenry.
In spite of tbe avowed determination
of Nan Paterson, she ha gone on the
stage. In several cities) the people have
demonstrated their good sense in keep
ing awsy and her greedy manager Is
loud in hi complaint of small and un
profitable audience.
The young engineer had been sent to
report on the feasibility of running a
railroad through a hitherto unexplored
country He anticipated immense 1I1IU
culties, but he was pust out of college
and ready for any of them.
Rut his disappointment was greater
than his confidence had been. After
weeks of hard toil lie telegraphed to bis
company :
"Can't build railroad. Country per
fectly Hat and dry, no plains for tunnels
or bridges."
There is a church in Illinois that re
fuse to accept democrat as niemliers.
This prohibition of democrats may not
be a reflection upon their moral worth.
The founders of this unique church may
have been influenced by the scriptural
statement that Christ came not to call
the righteous but sinners to repentance.
Philadelphia has lived to ec the day
when municipal business is transacted
at the city hall instead of the private
office of a boss.
Consolidated Broker I have just made
up my usual balance sheet, and do you
know that on last year's operations I
lost over $250,000? It's a fact, and the
worst of it is that fully $100 of that was
my own money. Ain t it awtun
Grind it at home
(not too fine)
fresh each morning.
Aroma-tight tin. Navtr in bulk. '
J A. Folger dX Co,
KtkltaH4 I isjo
ava Francisco
Mo Secret About It,
It is no secret that for cuts, burns,
etc., nothing is so effective a Riicklin'
Arnica Salve. "It did not take long to
cure a bad sore I had, and it 1 all 0,
K. for aore- eyes, writes L. Urvgory,
of Hope. Texws. 2.1 centa at Charles
Roger' drug tora.
It makes no difference how long you
have been sick, if you are troubled with
iudegestion, constipation, liver and kid
ney troubles, llollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea will make you well. 33 cents
Frank Hart, Druggist.
At Astoria, in the atat of Oregon, st
thu close of business, May JKUli, URU.
Um and discounts $:t80t 07
Overdraft, secured and unse
cured . 23
l S. Bond to secure circula- -
tion 12.M0 00
Stocks, securities, etc .1.:Wt 00
Other real estate owned 0,tM! 00
Due from National Bank (not
reserve agents) B;20J W
Due from state bank and
bankers Tt,17 S!
Duo from approved reserve
agents O.'I.Xl'l
Check and other cash items.. It7 it'
Notes of other national bank 1 Oti
Nickels and cents 411 3!
lawful money reserve in buuk
Some fl'JiUOO 00
Lecal-tendcr note 4.1O 00 1211'J.iO 00
Redemption fund with t. S.
treasurer (5 per cent of cir-
eirculu'ion IVJ") 00
Total $737,033 5t
Capita! stock paid in $ fiO.OOO 0(1
Surplus fund 011,000 uo
I ndivtdcd profit, les expen
ses and txe paid UI
National bank note outstand
ing 12,300 00
Individual depo.
its ubjeet to
check $414,74 07
Vmand certifi
cate of cYposit 150,012 M
knitted check 303 00 500,024 83
Total $737,033 M
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, !
I. 8. S. Cordon, cashier of the above
tamed hanK, do solemnly swear that the
above statement i true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
SuWriti.M snd sworn to before me
thi 2nd day of June, I90.
Notary Public,
Correct-At test:
W. F. McftKEliOR,
At Astoria in the State of Oregon, at the
close of business, May 20lh, IW't.
discount $34.1.Nll S3
secured and Utise-
Loan and
cured 3.H07 HI
, H. Bonds to secure circula
tion '
7-VI 00
35.011 1H
3,05 00
4,375 00
Premium on I'. S. bonds ....
Itonds, securities, etc
Banking house, furniture and
Other real estate owned
Due from national bank (not
reserve agents) 4."(5 22
Dun from state banks and
bankers 7,743 37
Due from approved reserve
agent 11 3.31 W Is
Checks and other cash items. 1,213 4s
Notes of other national bank 073 00
Fractional puix-r currency,
nickels snd cents OHO fill
Lawful money reserve in bank
Specie $ 72,230 20
Legal tender notes ihi n.mi 20
Redemption fund with L'. S.
treasurer (5 per cent of cir
culation) 025 00
Total $000,442 44
Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided prolits, less expen
se and taxes paid Zlfiiii 80
National bank note outstand
ing 11.400 00
Due to approved reserve agents 20,030 73
Individual depos-
.its subject to
check $250,18(1 07
Demand certifi
cate of deposit 24,301 87
Time certificates
of deposit .... 204,13 07
Certified check 1,221 00 470,847 01
Total $000,442 44
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss:
I, J. E. Jliggins, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement' is true to the ls-st of
my knowledge and belief.'
J. K. 1UWI.
Rubscrilied and sworn to before me
this 6th iu." of June, 1003.
Notary Public.
Astoria National Bank
Not the Song of the Shirt
But the Sale of Shirts
Hy mistake the manufacturer has duplicated our order for
Negligee Shirts and rather than have litem relumed ha allowed
us a lug reduction. Consequently we are overstocked with shirts
and will give our customers the benefit of the manufacturer, loss.
We Have Divided Them'.Into
Three Lots.
45 cts.
90 cis.
Every man should see these values in shirts.
Scores of styles arc embraced, in all of the jioj.ular and fashioa.
able materials, plain and pleated bosoms, in neat stripes or
dotted effect!!, attached or tlctatchcd cutis, sics 14 to 17.
OScTThis sale will continue for onc'weck only.
Simple and Reliable. Latest Cot.
f I
NIxpk 1 In 10 II. !., Slnirltt CjltMer.
NizcH ft to 40 II. II., Doulilo Cylinder.
Telopbone 22L
Allgoodsshlpped toourcara will rwelve special attention.
709-715 Commercial Street.
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, CftrringCH Rap;gng Checked niul Transferred Trucks and
Furniture Wagons- Tianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street phone Main 121
JOHN FOX, Pres. oml Kiiyt. A . T . POX e Trcs
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Enginesand Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished.
CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Tool ofFourth Street Aatoria, Ore.
65 cts.
Imi Parti is Cat Out
f Or,
Mors Powtr with LtM
UkiUm Guotin.f
Undrri Parftd Cea.
Quid Exhsuit. "
Aiiy" Sjwi'd'from 100
to 1000 revolution
ptr mlnuU.J