The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 10, 1905, Image 1

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    On Ili.torfcaJ 8ocl.ty fSfVvC
" Tli Si i vvj fV,F .VMP7
gtuiiHtt run. a.ooiat-d mis mwbt
j , i I ,-
JTC"2aA 3
- - - " i
Russian Emperor Agrees
to Peace.
li.r, who has Wn manager of tlit Pacific
Count Elevator Company' business at
liurfli ia for tli mt yar, wa arrested
at Palouse yesterday on a t-hrK" of lar
ceny by embeuleinent. The complaint
was sworn out by 8. C. Armstrong, an
tral msnegcr for Washington, lor me
Paelfla Coast EUivator Company. The
complaint charge Taylor with embewl
Inn $103.73. The arre.t caused some
what of a sensation.
Accepts Presidency Equit
able Assurance
Will B Compelled to Close For Want of
necessary Funds. Or.. June 9.-Whether the Drain
normal, or any normal achool of the state
I . i.- -..i;..n th nassaire
IexlM unni mr '- i -
of the general appropriation bill ha.
. .1.1 ...i., .I.t.m.ln.! nr the leffis-
dent Roosevelt to Russia
and Japan.
and laid with heavy rail for ue of the
leitrii; road on whih the merchandise
will be carried, forty feet benetth the
level of the dty'e atreeta.
Wn ultimately determined or the legl
l.tum nrovldc funda for Ita aupport, ae
pend. whether the nece.sary funda for
-.tni.nanee ran I raised from an oui
ThU I the decision reached
i tu-inl nf Mllirfttloll. M VO.0
ID J I IIP PWW a--. -
ed In the presence of the board of regents
of the Drain Normal rxnooi av wiu ;---
terday. at a meeting lield to discuss the
waya and nwana of continuing thai in
- . . 1. 1 .liiulinn
Inatractioni Have M to ""-"",... 4,.,.rm.n ,lf Wrd
Been Definitely Decided -"' , m .
ultv fur the ensuing nchool year, pro
vidrd fund could lie raided from privat
u-.i.;-.,i..n .lime 0 -The White II.iUV r public source to compensate them f
. ' . !! I.. .-..r.l.r.
tmiL-ht ue out the Mnteouni tun- the i-rvur. or pnnm. - w
talninu tbe dl.pat.h aent ,y I'r-Mdenl f Mate eould he aliown that he t.a. tl
It.Hwevelt to tlie J a pa ! and ltn.lin
gtivi-rninent ufKinK them nt only (t
their own iMke, but in tl tnter.-i oi
the whole ilviliwd world, to o-n m -
f.f with on unothiTt
I" Ulll'n " .. - - -
trlvrn out.
"On Juno 8 the following di-patvn w
aent bv Pr.ident Hiamevell U'"''v
diolomatio ehanneU to the Japanese and
Kuian Bovernmelita! "The prwu.iem
m i. ik.. tl.. tiiim Im nillie when, i"
irrin inn n
the Intrreat of all mankind, he nmt in
deavor to aee If it la poible to bring an
nd to the terrible and lamentable eon
Bin nw wm . M
With both nuia and Japan iue lAPANtlt AKMI AUVVMUPIU
. , 1 1 '
United SUtea ha inherited ue oi irii nu
ahlo and irtKxl will. It ho for the proa
i. ..I u..U.ra nf u,'h. Slid it feci
ptrruy u -
that the progreaa of the wori.i t ? sklrmiihM tha Pait Few Daya Indicatt
k . t . Lri.n i mm Im'Ol . ... i f a. 1
All the Vice Presidents of the
Society Tender Their Resignation.
Atreed to Dtipoae of Majority of HU
Stock to tbe Policy Holders Represent
ed by Tbomai F. Ryan and it U Be
lier-ed the Difficulty is Settled.
authority t i"" certificate
. . ... ...i...- ....I..
Illlll HClKHtlD B lO UI'-i "...
to nor-inotitU'
Several Skirmishes andlRussians
Repulsed and Driven Back.
great nation. The president ae.-or.ling
I urirea tho Ruian and Japanene gcT
rnmenta not only for their own aakea,
but In the Intercut of the civilued worn,
to own direct neirotlatlon for peace with
one another. The pre.ldent euggeete
that theae Deaee neiiotlatlona be conduct
ed directly and exolualvely between bel
ligerenta, In other word, that there may
that a Big Battle is Imminent U the
Near Futnrt Between BussUn and Jap-
neae armiea.
Toklo, June 9, 9:30 A. M. Army head
Quarter have Klven out the following:
"A detachment of our forcea which ad
11", 1U V , I ..... . -I
' . . I .. ff 1.-. Mhn. ft ttt'A tnilt
be a meting of Japanese and Kuwian vam-ea nu w-.....u.w....m,
.1..-U- ... .l..l..m.t without et of uiencnanciu, umuugvu "
! au.. in r.l..r t aee if it Pny of foot and one company of horne
la not poaalble for thee repreentatlve men of the enemy, holding the hill north
of the two power, to agree to term of of that place, at 3 o'clock on the morn-
peace The president earneatly iim mg w i "
th.f the (KuHslanl (Japanese) govern- of Chupengan and four milea northcaat
. j. .-r tn ..., h mpot no and oi iviiencneiiBiu
U ..klrnr the JuiancHe and Buaaina gov "At 0 oVIuek on the aame morning th.
.... ... ., iii,uiii enemv nUempted an attacK on nouiau
crnineuv. w I . M . .i
While the president doe not feel that K"'. h"'c -
,ny intermediary should 1 called with i , .....r . ..-.- v..-.w
respect to peace negotiations thciusclvee. ui "i on n.u.u...... -
he Ih entirely willing to do what lie prop i anoum
lv can. if the power concerned f.-el "All ntla.k were repulsed.
ii... i.i. ....n.i.u ..Ml lu .r .iiTM't In nr.
illHb III" W'l t urn nui .r. I...- ...
s l.t tin.. ..,! the ALPH0H5E UttUKAitU
IMIIIll jMriiiniimin " ' " -
..1 ,.t ...! I....
I I M . Va..a,.l.J Q.e T amaH WAKtlttW
But If even these preliminaries can lie Koyauy n.nieri..n y
i .i:..iu iu.utit.ii Dm iwn now. at Banquet
. or In anv other way. the president Un.l.m. June 9.-1 he days fcstivltie.
.... ... -1...1 .nu m.r.t,..,, 1. ,. in honor of Klnir Alphonse close tonight
Will OT Kllt'li " '--- I . .. . .
brlmr about a meeting which the whole with a dinner at Malborough house and
iTllted world will pray may result In .LU ball at Buchingham pa.ace. a.
I i .liwuiruinH With th
I1 ......... . K Kino P.lwant
When President Roosevelt left Wash- royai
. - ,io' irin t. Vlr. and members of hi. suite reveivea a nura
ginia he w.. confident that the result ber of high order. The royal visitor.
B I it a r 1... 1aasmui a. rtrl u.-ill SkB ll
of international negotiation, for peace win leave wmoou
bad been aucce.sful and the final blow In at noon for Dover. King Edward ac-
.v. r, .r hnd Wn struck, eepted from AlpUonso a coioneicy in
HID mmvw ' "- . . r-l.- I.!
White extreme reticence i. manifested chief of a fcpnnish regiment, ine
In every official and diplomatic quarter, and queen of Mgiana ware "" '"
i. i. , that exchnnce. visit Spain and probably the Invitation
Jb IB I1W"H nuuiv.ii.7 n - -
-which have been in progress during the win pe aecepicu t t..e ... vrr.. -....,.
past ten day. between the Wasinngton rZ..-,
- , .n,l ih. nnwer. of the world INSURGENT KILLED
la tintl fwAtl BUS-
-.....i i ,,nn.cted decree. Chief of the Samar Tribe la Manila and
VVEMSIUI KV ....... - fj
39 Men Killed.
Manila, June 9. Enrique Dagubob, the
leader of the insurgent chief movement
Pacific Coaat Elevator Company Accuse, on the Island of Samar, wa. killed with
An Emolove 3" or nm lonowor. uun- -, .n.v.t....B
rnlfax. Wash.. June 9.-George E, T.y advice, pust received.
MIm WyI CuBniataam, of San Fran
' eUc Fonnd Daad
Portland. Juno .--Tbe body of Miaa
Wavel Cunningham, the young woman
arreted fa San Francisco last wee for
passing bogus ebecks on a Portland Jew
elry bouse, waa found in a local todg
in- house here today. Bhe nad com
mitted aukide by inhaling ga.. The girl
wa not prosecuted for ber crime, ine
matter having been compromised, hei
father making good the check. Her par
ent reside in Pendleton. She waa I
student of Stanford University.
. I
Cunninaham waa an orphan, her
parent name being Hammond, bow oi
whom are dead. Bhe waa adopiea 07 w
Cunningham.. Sba wa. quite well known
in Astoria, having visited here several
Three Tcirltorics Damaged
by Floods.
charged with abducting hi. own wa
Taken prison with Click wa. hi year old
son, John, who wa. given in the care 01
the Gerry society. Click declared that
his arrest was outrageous and he had a
perfect right to take hi. own child if
he did not see fit to leave it in its moth
er', ears. Mx. Click and her husband's
brother are on their way from Erie to
this city.
Estimated that the Fhods Have
Caused a Damage of Five
Million Dollars.
Hadley, Formerly of Tillamook, Loses From Evsry Section of Oklahoma, New
Mexico and Indian Territory Come Re
ports of Damage to Property and Rail
road Companies are Heavy Losers.
Sew York, June 9. Paul Morton ha.
grcejited tlm position of chairman of the
Uwird of director of the hquitable Life
Assurance Society. Immediately follow
ing the acceptance of Morton, the resig
nation, were tendered of President Alex
ander. First Vice President Hyde, Sec
ond Vice President Tarls-ll; Third Vice
President Wilson and Fourth Vice Pres
ident Mclntyre. The resignation, were
tendered to Morton who accepted the po
sition of chairman on the condition that
he should have a fre hand a. to mea.-
ures and men.
Hvde ha agreed. It is said, to divest
himself of hi. stock in the manner out
lined by the auperintendent of Insurance,
namely: that the policy holder, have a
representation of 28 director, against
24 director, for the stockholder.. Hyde
ha. agreed to dispose of a majority of
hi .tock to the policy holder, repre
sented by Thoma. F Ryan.
All of the resignation, .ubmitted to
the meetina are subject to the pleasure
of Chairman Morton, none of which has
a. yet been accepted. Just what action
Morton will take as to these resignations
ha. not been disclosed, but it is strongly
intimated that President Alexander and
Vice President. Tarbell, Wilson and Mc
Intyre retired with the belief that their
executive relation, with the Equitable
had ended. The interest, to which Hyde
disposed of hi .tock number some two
.core of individuals, led by Thoma. F
Rvan. Vice President of th Morton
Trust Company, which ha. close rela
tlon. with the Mutual, Life Insurance
Company, one of the Equitable", princi
ple rival
Ryan is said to be heavily insured in
the Equitable, as are, according to re
oorts. manv of the other, who acted
with him in the purchase of Hyde's hold
ink's. The price paid for the Hyde es
tate stock, which is to be trusted prac
tically in perpetuity, was not disclosed
Imt estimates vary from $3,.HH),000 to
Saloon at Bend
Bend. Or., June 9.-HadIcy k Stevens'
saloon burned, with all content., caus
ing a loss of 19000; insurance, $4000.
The fire wa. discovered about 3 A. fl
.ml is believed to have originated from
. i f.....:... a... Ttt. ailinininir DrooertV r:nh.ri. Okln.. June 0. It is now an
UClt'lllW WW. i O " T 1 " .
wss saved by the atrenuou work of the parFnt that the damage from the flood
bucket brigade. Had it not been that an jn southern and western Oklahoma, In-
: n.n. ulrirnr side other I .lion forrititrv unit Yew Meiien will reach
irrijtuiiuu uiti ' - n . ... .. .......
building would have been burned. This very done to the $3,000,000 mark. This
i. ii.. m.nA Mwnl nr. for IK'tlU. ixnu fimirp in ilwwiwllv mnservative II the re-
I. I III mmn. . " - - - "
being saloons, situated on corner, of the porta are true that have' been received
Mine block. today, i rom every section come tan. oi
brooks and creek, being converted into
. - . . .. t .1 t -..
I rainn. ifirnni ami ill i niiiinniiii u, kifb
IV1I I Nil T Yl r I II of f"rm Und Mng wept hJ flood nd
II 1 1. 1, I ill I 1ILLU all vestice of vecetation carried away.
i - - . "
Only five person, nave oeen arownea i
Oklahoma and Indian territory. Thou,
and of cattle, many hone., farm imple
Ifi.- fW- will Nnt Abdicate the ment., barn, and fence, have been car
""3 wv- .k. - a-i sun
Throne Norway. more nin b looked for tnd there u vcry
little chance of the water aubsidmg.
Xone of the railroad, operating in this
section is running on anything like sched
OBJECTS ule time. Washouts are reported all
.lone the various systems and what
train, are moving are compelled to pro
ceed at a .nail, pace with a pilot en
Understood That Arrangements Have gine a few yards ahead. Along the
Been Made for a National Convention course of the Wahita river alone the dam
Russian and Germany Refuse to Re- age to crop. i. more than $500,000, while
cognise Norwegian independence. line ooum lanaaian river na. oeen con
verted into a lake more than five mile,
wide. Both stream, are cutting new
.1 1- . I. L . t 1 1
i cuauneis uirvugu iue ivwiauu isruis, anu
rnivnhOTn. June 9. All nooe OI Mna .l. v a.i - .li.
vt o-". . i 1UHUV vi in- aritiri. ui.p uru iu luib
Oscar or Crown ftince GusUv. yielding cit and decUre that thm ja UM of
to the request of the Norwegian .torth- their to their olding8 ta
ing to place a prince of the house of Ber- tbey',re already bankrupt.
madotte on the throne of Norway ha. The Fe railroad is a heavy loser
disappeared According to high authority nd its engineer are already at work
the Danish royal laniuy aiso nave ei preparing piaM for the construction of
the stamp of disapproval on the accept- gygtem of dyke, which will protect it.
a nee of the throne oy tne iwnisn prince. track9 5n the future nHfe
It is understood that arrangement, are adopt the Mme pian and jt i estimated
actually being made for a national con- lhat this MTt of work wilj necw8itate
vention and this will inevitably result in the MInditure of at least $1,000,000
... . .. - ' '
the declaration of a republic. According
Genua Prince Von Buelow Receives No
tice of Hia Fortune.
Berlin. June 9. Prince Von Bueloir,
tho German chancellor, received notice
June 8 that the amount of his inheri
tance under the will of the late Hen
Godfrey, the Hamburg millionaire, 11
$1,376,000 This waa the same day that
Emperor William gave him his patent ot
Prince. The prince wa. comparatively
a poor man, relying almost wholly upon
hia salary as chancellor and the allow
ance tto!id to the position. Two reas
ons, it was formally said, why Von Bue
low preferred not to be created a prince
were that the dignity of the ranx re
quired a large fortune to properly sus
tain it and that be had no children w
whom he could transmit the title. Here
Godfrey, entire fortune i valued by the
executor, at about $6,500,000, of which
$2,500,000 goe. to the other heirs and'
$2,300,000 to charities.
Chilan Cabinet Resigns.
Vew York. June 9. The Chilean cab
inet ha. resigned, according to a Herald
dispatch from Valparaiso. The cause ia
said to have been some trilling incident
the nature of which i not stated.
Jersey City Poorhouse Inmates
, Follow American Custom.
Paupen Detailed as Bakers Organise and
Elect a Walking Delegate and Kefuse
to Kneed Almshouse Dough Unless put
on the Poorhouse Payroll
Chicago Subway Railroad Co Ready Foi
Business ia August
Chleairo, June 9. By the last of Aug
ust the Chicago Subway Railroad Corn-
pan will be handling freight to and from
practically all of the railroad terminal,
of Chicago. Work on the Bore is being
rushed day and night an added impetus
having been given by the teamster,
A remarkable record in tunnel con
truction ha. been made in the last two
months, more than five mile, of under
ground passage, having been finished.
The strike bgan just bafore thia period
of unusual activity. In the last two
month. 60,000 cubic yard, of material
have been excavated. The concrete haul
ed through tunnels to flnsih the new
working amounted to 25,000 cubic yards.
The company ha. now nearly thirty
two mile, of bore, interlacing the dis
trict bounded by Twelfth and Halsteat'
streets, Chicago avenue and the Lake
Thi. ia being equipped with trolley wire
to well informed persons here, Russia
and Germany will refuse to recognize the
Norwegian government until King Oscar
consents to a disruption of the union.
Strong efforts are being made to secure
similar action by other government, in
eluding that of Denmark and these ef
forts are meeting with great encourage
Women Garment Makers Organise An
International Union.
New York, June 9. The International
Woman'. Garment Workers Union now
in convention here, has appointed a com
mittee to confer with the Lnited Gar
ment Worker, and the Jounrneymen
r.u.!...:.:. o tw ...K-i;i..inn Custom Tailor." Lnion with a view to
. Ill inUHIIM, HUUC ff. lire v.. i
of the Norwegian tri-color for the union amalgamation of the trade bodies If
flag occurred throughout the country to- inuccwuiiuj cameu nuvuga u- umu.u
,i in mH hr Dr. IWr-1 will make an international organisation
V - ' -- o 1 . . ... . ... . ..
..n. former premier. Mr. Berne r. ureal- coining worxera wun a memoersu.p
L. . .v. i.-i.n,i tt.. nw I of 300.000. The Custom Tailors' Union
foreign minister and other prominent and the United Garment Workers have
politicians, they all disavow any idea of aireaay .ppoinieu uiueiru w.u.u.w
war with Sweden or complication, with A pian oi amalgamation win oe PrrF.-u
foreien power.. Premier Berner decler- ana suomiuea 10 a ram
. ii,. vv.t will continue to nre- The union also decided to levy a pe
serve the strictest neutrality, keeping capita tax of ten cent, a month on every
outside all combination, with other na- mermier, ior a swikb lunu.
tion., only endeavoring to discus, with
Sweden and Denmark the best mean, of
.cting together for the common good.
Mother and Gather Fight Over Posses
sion of Heir Apparent.
New York, June 9. Ulysses S. Grant
Glick a promoter and western mine own
er, who resided in Chicago for 12 year..
College Alliance.
Eaton, Mas.., June 9. The trustees of
the Massachusetts Institute of Treh
. . mulinii thia afternoon de
.!,ii in f.vr nf ho nronosed alliance prior to January last, is under arrest
a-ith Harvard, provided there are no le- here on the telegraphed complaint of
nil obstacles. -' PoUce W8ner' of "le r
New York, June 9. Considerable mer
riment has been caused by a strike of the
paupers in a county alms house just out
side of Jersey City The men detailed to
act as bakers organized and elected a
walking delegate who notified the coun
ty board, in charge of the institution
that his fellows would not knead the
alms house bread until their names were
put on the payroll with the attendants
and other employes.
The delegate explained to the commit
teemen that the bakers were entitled to
pay, because, unlike many other pau
pers, they do not desert the institution
during the summer months to recuper
ate at the seashore and in the mountains,
but remain at their duties in the bake-
shop and work faithfully for the county.
The committees reply to the strikers
was that they would be put to work In
the stone quary if they did not return to
work in the bakeshop.
Court Holds Tobacco Trust Man No Bet
ter than Aayone Else.
New York June 9. Edward T. Vak,
the tobacco company official who refused
to answer questions put to him by the
federal grand jury in connection with
the investigation of the so-called tobacco
trust, must answer these questions, ac
cording to a decision of Judge Wallace
in the United State, circuit court, it
is believed that the case will now go to
the United State, supreme court for a
final decision
Typographical Union.
Chicago, June 9. The 8-hour confer
ence of the International Typographical
Union in the Central District, which In
cludes Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri, opened
here today. Where the book and job
shop, have been working a 9-hour day
the union ask. an 8-hour day.
- -i