FRIDAY, Jl'NE 9, 190J. 1J1E MORNlMi A&TOlllAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. A iStrenuous Effort on our part In Your Behalf secured us another carload of those nice, white mealy COLORADO POTATOES They are selling fast and will soon be gone, so you had better place your order now. This is positively the last of the season. ROSS, HIGGINS Co. Amusements Tonight. Star Ttier. Vaudeville, l-islgti Meeting Tonight l)egrce of 1'omlmtiUK. Knight of Pylhia. Alor lodge. Son of lb-mian. Teutonia hslge, Wodliien ( I lie W ollil. I'lilliiU camp. Local Brevities. Office room! tor rent. o, W. kr. AlrU NVIonal ItaiiH. County Commissioner C. C. Claik took out 11 Jiuiurr' liivnw yesterday, l)tliuc was at the county clerk's nilir,. uinl nothing w.n doing at C polilC voiitt l.iptoti celehuted T'-. W Coffer, Ittirrtt-t l' 1'lavoriiiK Fisher l!ro Co. lit.' ll.niw Extract F. A. r'i!n'r yesterday sold to Ilolx-rt Carrulhrr lot 1, 2, .1, an! 4 in block (lit, ShMev Astoria for fi'M. Dr. .J. A. Fulton ha Wn 'Hilnt-J county health oflWr under the provision of an act i-d by th )at legislature. Eleetrla Fee Masaagt and tealp treatment) five expert barber. Baths. OCCIDENT HOTEL BARBER SHOP. Saturday will be the lat day to pay water rent and avoid the penalty ot 25 rent rhatged against all delinquents, R. M. Gaton carries a full lint of farm Implements, alo wagons, bur gles an4 fanning tools of all kind. 10S Fourteenth street, SPECIAL For Today and Tomorrow Only -A BREAKFAST DELIGHT" i our PERFECTION BLEND MOCHA AND JAVA COFFEE. Price, , 40 cent a pound To introduce it we will give Free With Every 2 Pounds of thl coffee ' . One-half Pound of Tea worth 60 cents a pound Take your choice of Gunpowder, En gliith Hreakfant, Vncolored Japan, Ja pan, Spiderleg or Baket fired tea. Johnson Bros., Good Goods 118- 122 Twelfth St., At4ori. THE MONARCH OF ALL IS THE rameus Rinorch Hundreds now using this range in their homes and pronounce it to be the best for cooking. It uses less fuel than others and will positively out-last three ranges of any other make. Let us Demonstrate its value. CHAS. HEILBORN SON The Ilremner logging company received carload, of mil yesterday for th tension of their logging road. They will be taken out to till fit 1 1 1 t todiiy. No. Folding Ilrowule Cumera, for 2xS picture, $5. Also full lliif of other photographic supplies ami kod ak at Frank Hart'a drug ator. Th Ileas rcMuurartt, on Eleventh trtt, li conaldercd the family restau rnt of Astoria. The best meal ami lh best aervli, In Astoria, 120 Kleven th atrt Contractor K. (iustuNon will take a fiiri of ini'ii over to Ft. Coluinliia toddy and coiiienincc (lie r-u it i n of tlx- wharf. It in expected Ui have it completed liy ti.e llit of July. V.. It. Itu.lil, a prominent railroad man. lino lieeii apHiinted tlcriutclldcnt of the lluuiii branch of the O. 11. & N. Iine with headquarter at Ilwacu, He suc ceed Dorscy Smith, who him been pro moted. Johnnon Ilrothrr make a Keciu an nouncement, in tiKluv' paM-r, which will lie of intercut to every hopper. A av ing of 30 rt-nt i worth looking up when only a mull invmtment I involved. See their add. Tl.r great unloading ale at the Morae Department atore i attracting buyer who are taking advantave of the liar gain being offered. Then aperial aale have made thl popular trading empnr ium famou. The indication are that quite a mini tier of Atorian will leave tomorrow morning for Atoria day at the Lewi and Clark fair. Mayor Surprenant ha been untiring in hi effort to eiun a lurge delegation , The Lonhoremen't union by their of fitvr, had p conference with CapU Con way of the 0. K. A N. and Mr. Duten ol San Francinco and I'ortland line with refurene to the retvnt utrike. The re ult of the conference wa not made known. Kt Mary'n ehureh wa crowded lut evening to attend the miion wrvice which were conducted by Father Ahofl of Seattle and Father Chxiton. Ad elo quent nerrnon w deljtred and great in terent wa manifeKted. The uual wr vice will take place tonight. County Judge Trenehnrd and Commit Rioner Iimcn will leave on a tour of in pei'tion to the Nnhalem valley next week. They will vixit the new road at KUie and alxo go to Veper where the farmer are anxioti to have ome road Improvement made They witl be absent alwut a week. He i juit a young a he tied to lie. notwithtanding yentcrdny wit the (Mlth aimivenary of the appearance on earth of Capt. II A. MnthcwN, the genial bur pilot. He wa the reccipietit of many congratulation from hi friend ye- terdny and boro the proffered honor! with becoming dignity. An nutomoliile accident occurred In I'oi tluml yesterday in which John H loeii, formerly 01 CiaUop county, wa a participant, It lit claimed that he wan going at an unusual rate of iecd and ran down - man named C. K. Obrist. The difference were amicably adjusted and no arreU were made. Her old mission and her famous lem on have made Santa Barbara famous. Tourist from all over the world have gone to see her mission, and her lemon have gotie all over the world to satisfy the tourist, a well a thoe living the "niinple lift." You fan get her mission lemon from your grocer. A number of the iiiemlii-r of the Ineal Mge of Odd fellow left for Portland on last niltt train to participate in Odd Fellow' day at the Lewi and Clark fair. There will ) representative from all part of the state there, in addition to the inemU-t of the grand lo. I ye which ha been in session for the pant two day. City Survey Tee is working making a trial M-nment for the improvement of Irving avenue from Kighteetith street to Fortieth street. If the proterty will tund the assessment for the improve ment, the common coiinril will order it improved. The rejiort will Is? ready to lile at the next regular -meeting of the common council. S. S. f.ordon, who wot wrionly In jured Wediiewluy night by lieing thrown Irom h hoie, i resting ea-y at the u I. Dr. the celebrated I'm t land surgeon, wa wnt for and ar rived ycfttcrdiiy noon and held a conul t id ion with Dr. Fulton. lie aUted that all wii iM-ing done that could be for the piexent. anl it U difficult at present t determine the reult of the injury to hi elbow. Iawrcnce F.llion of the Cape Diap poiutment Life Saving Station, wa in the city ye.terday making arrangement to end Alfred K. Andenwin to hi home in Norway. Mr. Andenon suffered a paralytic utroke alxiut three year ago from which he ha never recovered and he U incapacitated from work aad i i' nirou of leturning to hi home. Ar rangement were made and he will leave for Norway tomorrow. Kd. I welly n received a telephone mea age from llwaeo lut evening from (liar ley Scahorg, Mating that the body found on l-ong llcach wa that of Robert Broom. Mr. Scalmrg went over yester day afternoon to identify the body, but when he arrived it had been buried. The watch and oilier thlng In bin pocket were shown to $eaborg ml he Identified all of them a belonging to Bloom. The body will be dug up and brought to Axtoriu today and be buried in Green wood. There wa a continuation of the in creased run of salmon in the river yea- terduy, nearly all of the gill net fishermen reporting increased catches. The muddy water, together with a alight freshet. proliably produced from the Kastern Ore gon cloudbursts, have brought the sal mon in and a continuation of the present run is rvpected to last the remainder of the week. The canneries were running for a longer time yesterday and the cold storage plant received all the fish they could handle. Coroner Poll I received word yesterday that the body of a young man had wash ed ashore upon the beach at Long Iteach yesterday. The body was taken to ll waeo to await identification. The de scription sent over is that he was a young man 5 feet 0 inches high, wore a light shirt, dark trousers, Xo. 8 hiec shoes, and he hud two Htcket knives, n leather purse and a watch in his pockets. The description tallies with that of Rob ert Ri'oom, who was drowned with Anna Seaborg on May 30th near the railroad draw bridge. In Effect Monday. Manager (JerrurU returned yesterday from a business trip to Seattle where he completed arrangement for adding to the attractions of the Star theater. An entire change will be made in this popu lar play house commencing with next Monday' matinee. Instead of being four different acts, and a program of one hour. there will lie eight act and the program will require an hour and a half. The first performance will commence at 7:30 and the second at 0 o'clock. Bv this hange, Mr. flervurta ha been able to secure the best and highest-clns vaude- ille attraction that usually only go to the larger cities, but Astoria is growing and he intends to give it a metropolitan entertainment The price of admission will be 10 cents, and a few seat in front ill be reserved for which 20 cents will tie charged. The admission to matineet will lie 10 cents to all part of the heater. The efforts of Mr. Ocrvurti to FIRST PIPE ORGAN First Lutheran Church Crowded to Doors Last Night. ORGAN RECITAL A SUCCESS Profeor Frederick W. Goodrich and Sunset Male Chorus Render Attractive Program Audience Well Pleated Ovtr Recital and Prospect of Others. At the Firt Lutheran church in Upper Astoriu there acmhlcd last evening at 8 o'clock a lurge audience, consisting of memls'rs of the church and many outsid ers. Among thifse present, orominent merchants and clergy from the churches were to lie recognized. The occasion for this gathering was an unprecedented one in Astoria. The Dorcas Society of the church saw accomplished what it had been patiently working for ever slm its re-organization a year ago. The object attained, it was no more than right that the public should Is' permitted to participnte in the joy of the Dorcu Society, th congregation and its be loved pastor, Rev. Gustave E. Rydquist. The piM- organ, for which they had all faithfully labored, had been erected in the church and hist night's assemblage wa present to judge of its tone am! action It is not surprising that the gathering was large for it was the first pipe organ which many of Astoria's res idents were destined to hear lust night The pastor briefly introduced the par ticiNtnts in the program shortly after eight. He wa followed br Professor Frederick W. Goodrich, organist and choir director of St. David' church, Portland and also conductor of the Williamette Valley Chftatiqua Festival. Mr. Good rich soid that having tried the organ earlier in the day he could, without lies Station, congratulate the congregation upon possessing an organ of beautiful tone and perfect action. The organist promised at the beginning an unusual feature, that of a conversational render ing of the program, in other words, ex plaining the number before he played each one. Thus the "March of the Magi Kings" an! other important numbers were heard with due appreciation of thei: merit For the Barcarole, by Tchaikovsky Mr. Goodrich substituted that of Hoff man. a he had errouneously brought' the music for the latter. The audience wa not disappointed, as Hoffman' Barcarolle wa beautifully rendered. L. Wely' Offertory in G. Major wa the opening number of the evening and wa of such scope a to permit the organ 1st to show that he was master of his art. The second number, spoken of before, wa the March of Magi Kings which elicited much applause, bring forth an encore. An unusual feature of the even Ing wa that all applause was given in the form of the chautanqua salute at' the request of the pastor. The Sunsc; Male Chorus deserve much credit for their excellent work. The mixed choir had also been augmented and carefully trained for the occasion. Just before th last number the Rev C. J. Renhnrd. pastor of F.mmannel Luth eran church of Tort land, made a short address. At th conclusion of the pro gram the pastor of the local church thanked the Dorcas .Society for their splendid work w hich made, thi occasion a possibility, as well a an accomplished fact. He also expressed his and the con gregation's Appreciation of the kindness of the Sunset Mule Chorus and Professor Goodrich who rendered such an excellent program. Before closing we will call attention io another number which brought forth much applause. It was the third num lier, entitled "Jesus Shall Reign," which wa sung by the chorus and choir, accom panied upon the organ by Professor Goodrich. The feature of the number wa ita music which wa set to the tune or "America." Washington's Advantage. The newspaper of Washington have decided advantage over the Oregon news paper in the pronunciation of the Rus sian name of admiurl and war ships. Some of the name of rivers and towns in Washington appear a though they had been enjoying a Russian bath. Hen- are some of them; Puyallup. Duwamish. Snohomish. Snoqualmie, Skykoinih,Still luguamish, Skagit, Noosack, Xisqually Ozette, Quillnyute, Soleduck, Kechewhelt lloh, Quintiult, Iluinptulips, Hoqttiani Whishkaw, Cowlitz, Chchali. Wvmochce SECOND WEEK OF THE Unloading Sale The past week of our unloading sale has made hun dreds happy. THE BARGAINS DID IT. Be sure and attend this sale this week aud the bar gains we give you will make you happy. 110.00 Lad! Suits 6 50 112.50 Ladita Suit $9.50 $15.00 LadM Suit ..$11.50 $3.50 Ladi Skirt $2 95 $3.00 Ladi Skirt $2 93 $3.00 Ladiea Skirt $1 95 $2.50 Ladle Shot $1 50 50c Boys' Waists 25c 75o Fancy Shirts 50c 75c Straw Hats 25c 35o Novelty Drs Good.... 23c SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS $20.00 Silk Suits $13.50. $25.00 Silk Suits $15.00. $15.00 Mohair Suits $9.00. $12) Mohair Suits $7.50. Morse Department Store. The Place Where Every body Lifees to Trade. 508-510 Commercial Street Mail orders solicited. New Idea Patterns 10c PERSONAL MENTION. Bert Allen will spend Sunday in Port land. Mrs. W. C. Logan is viaiting friends in Portland. J. L. Murphy, of Portland, is registered at the O-itraL A. H. Davis, of Portland, is registered at the Occident. E. L. Weaver, of Clifton, was in the city yesterday. A. IL Saloman of Portland is in the city on business. S. Lundlierger, of Xehalera, is in the city on business. ' J. T. R. Webber, of San Francisco, was in the city jesterday. E. C Bratt and son of Spokane are in the city on a visit. W. L. Edwards of Bellingham was in the city yesterday. William H. Short, of Cosmopolis, i registered at the Parker. W. H. Hatzard, of Portland, registered at the Occident yesterday. X. A. Weber, of Vancouver, was a vl itor in Astoria yesterday. X. P. Sorcnsen, of Portland, was in the city yesterday on business - Mrs. Lally, of Hammond, was in the city yesterday on business. Hon. J. G. Megler was over from Brook field yesterday on business. J. C. Ricrson, of Elsie, is in the city. He will return home today, F. P. Wetherby, of Bostor, registered at the Occident yesterday. T. S Jewett, of Hammond, was in the city yesterday on business. J. Sckavc and family of Stella ar rived in the city last evening. J. Q. A. Bowlby was a passenger for Portland on last night's train. D. B. Allen and wife will go to Port land tomorrow to attend the fair. J. H. Walker, of Portland, was among the arrivals in Astoria vesterdiiv. Mr. Duscn, of the S. F. & P. line, wa in Astoria vesterdiiv on business. Capt. Conwav. of the O. U. & X. Co.. in the city yesterday on hus'uass. A. J. Sternman, of Sun Francisco, reg istered at the Occident vesterdiiv. Mr. F. A. Fisher and son Earl left W. ar SOLE AGENTS In this ten I ory for ' PIANOS AND ORGANS of superior mak. Our lade i th elebratd STEIN- WAY, which needs no comments. TIK B. Chat, Ettty, Emtrton, . Heller, Richmond and several others are all I the very bt in thir class. .Our price on these pianos are lower than ever before quoted In this slate, and we are In position to make most satis factory terms. Will glnUly mall you catalogue upon pplication, and very cordially' Invlt you to call at any time you may be In Portland. 60 and 70c Novelty Drt Good .48a $1.25 Shirt Waittt , 95o 20c Crept Drew Good 15o 5c Cotton Drett Good t7o 35c Silk Taffeta 25o 35c Horn 8pun .25c $1.00 and $1.25 Novelty Dr Good ,89s $1.50 Shirt Wai.t fl.15 $2X0 Shirt Wai'tt. ...$1.43 yesterday morning for Portkarf, M. Gorman returned from Seaside yvav terday and left for Cathbunet bat not ing. Win. Anderson and wife of TJfeey Efrw . arrived in the city last evening aad 3 leave for Portland thi mormlnj Frederick W. Goodrick, ( PorUaadL i in the city and conducted the organ ia cital at the First Lufheraa kndt baft evening. THE SECRET of the good worK done oa A NEW ROYAL SEWING MACHINE is to be found in its perfect workiag parts. You seldom hear of a Hew Royal Iwing out of order. Therefore the ubject of buying a NEW K0YAL SEWING MACHINE is always ia order. ' SOLID GOLDEN OAK CABINET, DROP HEAD Equal to any oa tie Market Regular $30.00 SPECIAL PRICE ............ taajwl GOLDEN OAK FINISH JCABIN1T Drop Head Regular, $2;.00 SPECIAL PRICE ...J,. Iiuoo We have ttiree wagons and cater to your trade. A large up-to-date store with a full line of food groceries. Telephone if you can not come. We will call for your order. Tek-phaate Main 781. GEO. LINDSTROM & CO, Franklin Avenue, Upper Aatoria. WiD You Have Time to Carry a Trunk? Every time you go to Port lu ml to visit the fair. If you haven't the time nor inclination to carry a trunk, get one of our Hand Bags, Suit Cases or Large Traveling Bags. They are handy and serve tJie parpew Sold at handy prices, too. SUIT CASES at 1 1.50, fi.oo, HsVn, I5.00, and $5.30 HANDBAGS, at Ims. I '-6 J. J a-05- LARGE TRAVELING BAGS, at l3-J to 15.50. SEE THE WINDOW. CHAS. LARSON THE WORKINGMEN'S STORE