The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 09, 1905, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JUNE g, 1905.
' Ettabtiahtd 1873.
Published Pally (Except Monday) by
By mall, per year If 00
By mall, per month 50
By carrier, per month .......... (0
By mall, per year, In advance ..$1 00
Entered at the poatofflce at Astoria.
Oregon aa aecond-claaa matter.
Ordwt f- th iMIrmnjr of Tin Moaxim
AfTOftUK to either rrwdeoc or place of huima
Mj b made by postal cant or throurti tele
phone. Any bmicularlty in dellwy ahould ba
Iwawllatory reported to the office of publication.
Telephone Main 661.
To those not accustomed to the politi
cal intrigue of the Oreponian. the read
ing of it apoloyic for the defeat of
Mayor William would incline one to the
belief that a new humorous writer had
been engaged. The principle excuse ad
vaneed 1. that the republican did not
iuru oiu to vote, there was enough of
them turned out to eleet the entire re
publican city ticket with the exception of
mayor by majorities from 2.000 to 9.000.
The fight was on the mayor. There were
two Important questions involved. One
-was the question a to whether Portland
was to be wide-open or a closed town.
On thin question the Oregonian was in
consistent. It had assisted the moral
element in closing tip gambling, yet it
-was a well known fact that Mayor Wil
liams represented the open town element
and it supported Williams. When Mayor
Williams ran the first time he had the
support of the moral and church element
but this year that element was antago
nistic to him. partly because of his atti
tude toward them and partly of the roast
ing the Oregonian administered to Rev.
Toy and other revivalists.
Another cause for the defeat of Wil
liams was the fact that a large majority
of the rank and file of the republican
party in Multnomah county will not tol
erate political dictation by Harvey Scott,
an aspirant for fniM States senator,
and Francis Henery the carpet bagger
politician imported from Alaska to kill
the republican party in Oregon and build
upon its ruins a Scott oligarchy. They
prefer that all of the offices of the city,
county and state be in the hands of the
democrats than in the hands of the Scott
Heney Trust Company. There are honest
The Oregonian intimates that now that
the democrats have control of the mavor.
sheriff, district attorney, chief of police
and the governor, that the democrats will
carry the state at the gubnatorial elec
tion next June. There is only one way to
prevent this, and that is for the Oregon
ian to support the democratic ticket. It
complains bitterly that the thugs and po
litical boosters in the north end were
prevented from voting by Sheriff Word.
The sheriff could not and would not pre
vent any man from voting that was le
gally entitled to vote, but he had a right
to stop the floaters from voting, not
withstanding they had been bought up
by the machine.
Every republican in Oegon regrets the
defeat of Mayor Williams, the grand old
man of Oregon They also regret that in
his later years he should have chosen for
his companions and allied himself if he
did to the carpet bagger regime of Port
land. It is to be regretted that he for
sook his early piety and refused to rec
ognize the protestations of the church
element for purification of the morals
of the city. It is to be regretted that
whether at his solicitation or that of the
Oregonian. he overestimated the strength
of the wide-open town contingent and un
der estimated the strength of the closed
town contingent.
Another important factor in the defeat
of Mayor Williams was the refusal of the
republican common council to listen to
the appeal of the moral element to pro
hibit the establishment of fifty or sixty
dead-falls and saloons at the gates of the
Lewis and ( lark fair. The council even
refused to hold a meeting to permit a
petition to le filed to submit the ques
tion of grunting licenses to a vote of the
people. This enraged and antagonized
the entire anti-saloon element and the
moral contingent agaiiiht the republican
mayor and administration, and as nine
out of ten of this element are republi
cans, accounts to a great extent for the
defeat of Mayor Williams
There wns the Morrison street bridge
scandal and the Tanner creek sewer
scandal, all laid at the door of Mayor
Williams This was too great a load for
an old man to pack and when the addi
tional burden of being a pack-animal for
the Scott-Heney carpet-bagging contin
gent, it was no wonder that the grand
old man of Oregon wa crushed under it
heavy weight. The Oregonian may make
every possible excuse for the defeat of
the republican mayor, and may back it
up with plausable statement and sar
castic editorials, but the people of Ore
gon know the true cause of the defeat.
The Oregonian was responsible for the
defeat of the republican candidate for
coventor three years ago W. .1. Kurnih
and his me talk influence with the Ore
gonian resulted in hi nomination over
T. T. Oeer, who could have been re-elected
governor of Oregon, but the man in
the tower refused to allow him the nomi
nation to which be wa entitled. The
people, of Oregon rebelled against such
methods and they will continue to do so.
when iodine comes in contact with hunuiti
bhuxl it immediately combine with the
alkaline elements to form alkaline iodi
des, the disinfecting properties of which I
are very small.
No Secret About It.
It is no secret that for cuts, burn
etc., nothing ia so effective as llticklin's
Arnica Salve, 'it did not take long to
cure a bad sore I had, and it is all O.
The crushing defeat of the republican
machine in Philadelphia wa the fore
runner of a similar defeat to the Scott
Heney earxt bag ring in Portland
Philadelphia is rubbiag its eyes in
amazement. Its staid and peaceable cit
izen can scarcely realize that their fight
against machine spoliation has been won.
The completeness of the victory is almost
staggering. 1-eaa than three weeks ago
the city seemed hopelessly in the grip
of the bosses who controlled its muni
cipal council. These 1hism had railroad
ed through a ga grab ordinance which
virtually took $100.0K.iKK from the tax
payer and gave it to the I'nited States
C.a Improvement Company. Tle shame
les sell-out commanded over a four
fifths vote in each branch of the city leg
islature, and the machine leader who
had planed the raid on the city treasury
boldly announced that if the mayor veto
ed the ordinance they would force it
passage over hi veto. Ten days ago
these bosses laughed contemptuously at
the public's protest and cynically declar
ed, "We are the people. Philadelphia.
patient and long suffering, was stirred at
last to wrath. It arose against it op
pressors at first disparingly, then hope
fully, then with the determination and
passion of giant who ha suddenly re
discovered his strength. Within a week
the impossible has been accomplished
The gas lease lias been withdrawn, the
bosses" have surrendered at discretion
and the machine, which for years has
domineered in city polities, has been
smashed to fragments.
The difference between Portland and
Philadelphia is that in the latter the
machine was smashed by the republicans
while in the former it was smashed by
the democrats, assisted by the better
element of the republican party. Phila
delphia, under Mayor Weaver's leader-
I ship, will doubtless utilize to the full the
splendid victory it has gained over its
despoilers; but whether it does or not
the moral value of that victory remains.
The Quaker City has shown that no mu
niciality can be betrayed with impunity
by a corrupt political machine. However
great the power of a dishonest organiza
tion, it cannot defy public morals and
public sentiment. If under conditions
such as existed in Philadelphia popular
sovereignty can be so overwhelmingly
vindicated, no city need dispair of freeing
itself from the rule of unfaithful and
mercenary politician. Philadelphia s re
volt is an inspiring example to every
American community which honestly
seeks to master the force which are de
bauching municipal government
"Professor Levi haa recently succeeded I K. for sore eyes, write P. L. (iregory,
in preparing iodine in such a manner as of Hope, Texas. 23 cent at Charles
to deprive it of this property and to I Rogers' drug store.
cause it. in circulation unmixed through
the tissues of the human frame, to come U makes no difference now long you
in contact with the tubercular microbe have been sick, if vou are troubled with
and bring to War against them all its indegestion. constat ion. liver and kid
curative power. ,.y trouble. Hollister's Rocky Moun
"The professor states that after b tiu Tea will make you well. 33 cent
taming satisfactory result with animals Frank Hart, Druggist.
suffering from tuberculosis he applied hi
method to human patient with great
success, especially in the cicatrisation of
spreading lesions and the formation of
new and healthy tissue. These, result
were proved by the examination of many
patients and by autopsies made by a
commission of doctor on animal exper
mented upon. ,
"The professor has already received
several offers from foreign countries for
his secret remedy, which he will probably l!. 8. Bonds to secure circula-
First National Bail
At Astoria, in the state of Oregon, at
the close of business, May iilUh, llHW,
Loans and discount :t2Sm 07
Uverdrafta, secured and unse
cured 45H7 23
accept in order to make hi discovery
more widely known."
Epitome of Anecdotes and . Incident 1
With Comments By a Layman.
And now the Oregonian want a wide Check and other cash item
ois-n town in Portland. Everyone knew
that before the election Monday That is
why lame wa elected.
The Koebtirg Review publishes an
article, "Time for drafting." That wa
Is-fore the election in Portland.
A man named "Kraps" has opened a
school in Salem. Thought gambling had
becu cloned in that city.
turn 12..VKI 00
Stock, securities, etc 73.3NO 00
Other real estate owned 0,000 00
Due from National Banks (not
reserve agents) , flu
Due from state bank and
hankers 7l,OI7
Iue from approved reserve
agent n;i,s(i tw
107 70
.Vote of other national bank 1.24.-5 00
Nickels and cents 441 'M
Lawful money reserve in bank
viz: ,
Specie $l2tl,J0O 00
Legal -tender notes AM) INI L'IV.150
bedemptlon fund with V. S,
treasurer (3 per cent of cil-
circulation fi23 00
Total ;37,Sl:l3 54
Capital stock paid in $ .10,000 00
I understand Dyer has sold out to the ?.,,r!11! funJ Mt W
1 nuivmeu pronis, les expen
ses and txca paid 29,400 01
National bank nutes outstand
ing 12.300 00
Individual depos
its subject to
check $444,748 07
Vmand certifi
cates of i'epoit 130.912 (HI
Yrtiued check 303 00 31X1,024 0.1
trust. How much did he get!"
"Ten million in stock and $1000 in
A Portland man's mother-in-law not
only lives with him, but she make him
ask blessing at every meal.
"Oh, I know what's the matter with
you," said an I'pper Astoria wife to her
husband yesterday morning
'Z'at sho?" gurgled the man behind his
paper. "Wats matter wiz me?"
"Oh, it is plain enough, you'r holding
that paper upside down"
Yesh! Well-er I'm tryin' sholve a
puzzle. Picture of Roosevelt wixout hat;
musht find hat."
Total 1737,933 34
In Arkansas a law has been passed (Seal)
compelling a man who wished to imbibe KTect Attest:
intoxicating liquor to take out a county
license and pay t5 therefor. If such a
law was passed in Astoria, what a rush
of business the chief would do, and the
city would be out of debt within a week.
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, as:
1, . s. (.onion, cashier of the above
tamed banK, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
01. -t. . .
nuoscriikM ami sworn to before me
this 2nd day of June, 1903.
Notary Public,
w. f. m.;kh:or,
Astoria Nationa
1 Bank
It would lie interesting to know just
how much of the sympathy with Japan
among Englishmen and American is at- At Astoria in the State of Oregon, at the
tributed to a desire to get the trade In " n,,im,HB. y M, 1 90S.
the Orient whic h Russia hopd to secure. nrwirn j
Loan and discount ... tuiuii hi
Astorian who visit the Lewi and (Overdraft, secured and nnse-
lark fair and come home with a dejected cuu''1 3.H07 91
Not the Song of the Shirt
But the Sale of Shirts
By mistake the manufacturer has duplicated our order for
Negligee Shin and rather than have ihem returned hai allowed
u a big reduction. Consequently we arc overstocked with shirts
nd will give our customer the benefit of the manufacturer'! Ion.
Wo Have Divided ThenVInto
Three Lots. '
45 cts. 65 cts.
90 cts.
Every man should see these values in shirts.
Scores of styles arc embraced, in all of the popular and fashion
able material, plain and pleated bosoms, in neat stripe or
dotted effects, attached or detatched cuffs, sizes 14 to 17.
JSLTThis sale will continue for one'week only.
Simple and Reliable. Latest Cut.
The Tacoma Ledger print an article on
the cure of consumptiuon in which it
states, that the latest remedy for con
sumption i one that a Professor Levi, of
Milan, i reorted to have discovered. The
remedy consists of nothing but hypoder
mic injections of a preparation the com
position of which is still a secret, hut the
main ingredient of which is allotropic
iodine. It is said that after ten or fifteen
injection an astonishing increase in the
weight of the pationt results, and after
forty to fifty injection a complete cica
trization of the tubercle takes place, anil
it followed by a complete cure.
Professor Levi discovered the extraor
dinary healing properties of iodine
twenty years ago when making experi
ments with reference to glanders in
horses. He extended his experiment to
tuberculosis of cattle, which showed that
iodine resulted in rapid improvement of
the animals.
Encouraged by these surprising results
the scientist made the first e.H'riment
two years ugo with human patient with
favorable result Twenty person have
so far submitted to the injections, some
of whom were in an advanced stage of
tuberculoid of the lungs. Professor Levi
made hi first report concerning hi dis
covery to King .Victor Kmuniic and will
shortly proceed to Pari to deliver a lec
ture, on his discovery before the Academy
of Medical Sciences.
These fact are reported by the Ameri
can consul general at Frankfort, Or
many. A correspondent of the London
Daily Mail, who interviewed Professoi
Ivi. gives the following additional par
'Hitherto the disinfecting power o
iodine has never been successfully util
ised in curing infectious internal disease
in human beings, for the reason that
look, lay it to the pink lemonade.
If no wonder Alfonso isn't worrying
about a little thing like bomb when
matrmony i staring him in the face.
SomelMidy has started a goat ranch on
Long Island. It will never succeed it's
too far away from Harlem.
U. S. Itond to secure circula
ti"i I2..VNI IK
rremium on 1 . is. bond 7.V) imi
Ilonds, securities, etc U.Y'.MI !M
Ranking house, furniture and
fixtures 3,11s.-) K)
Other real etate owned 4X3 fHI
Due from national banks (not
reserve agents) 4,MfI.t 22
Due from state bank and
banker 7,743 37
Due from approved reserve
a iron! d 111 4im lu
n..I.l.- I. . i. - ii.i,.hki in
"""" "SIS worried.' saill Clmrh.p fWL (in, I nth..r .....I. i
.Notes of other national banks
Fractional paper currency,
nickel and cents
Lawful money reserve in bank
Specie 72j2.'W 20
Legal tender notes 2..";I iki
Redemption fund with I'. S.
treasurer (5 per cent of circulation)
('ammel to Chief Hallock
"Ye, be lost a lot of
"C 'ambling;'
"No; by leaving it in his
pocket when he retired."
money last
1.21.1 4H
075 (Mi
IW0 ."ill
7-l.Him 20
I 1
lu Parii U Ci Out
f Oritr,
Mora Power with Law
UmiUu GaMlint f
UiwJ; rfci Can.
Quiet EfthiutL
Any Spttd'Uow, KH
to 1000 revolution
per minute.
Klren 1 to 10 II. I, Hingis t'll'iler.
Bir.rn 10 111 11, n., iiouiiie Cylinder.
fl2: mi
Total !KMIvt4 44
The honeymoon had gone the way of
all honeymoons.
"Anyway," he growled, "you did half
the courting yourself."
'Oh, I don't know," she replied. You
weren't n lazy then as you are now."
"What is a bachelor, pa!" asked the in
quisitive small boy.
'A bachelor, my son," replied the par
ent, "is a man who has resisted all en
deavors on the part of woman to render
his life miserable through marriage."
And what is a bachelor girl, then pa?
Tt 1.:-- it..
.v r.j, p,u,u,-i.iiiiiK in mis newspaper
about bachelor girls."
"A bachelor girl, my child." a n we red
the bright boy's mother, looking up from
the book she was reading, "is a girl who taUf r,'"n- Crnmty of Clatsop, ss
has resisted all endeavors on the part of ' J.' ,K Vi,lFim "'",',,i"r "f th" U,",VI
man to render her life miserable through
t apital stock paid in $ 50,000 Of)
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Lndivided prrfits, less expen
se and taxes paid 3l,')(i3 8(1
National bank note outstand
ing 11,400 (X)
Due to approved reserve agent 2l,(i.'(0 7.')
Individual depos
it subject to
check ifS.'iO.lSfl 07
Demand certifi
cates of deposit 24,:t01 87
Time certificates
of deposit 204.1.1H 07
Certified check 1,221 00 470,847 01
Total (iO!l,442 44
The small boy looked puzzled, and well
he might.
Oirls, if you want red lips, laughing
yes, sweet breath and good looks, use
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The 1
greatest oeautiner known. 35 cents
Tea or Tablets, at Frank Hart'a drug
named bank, do solemnly swear that th
above statement i true to the best of
my knowledge and Miff.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 5th Ja." of .June, 1005.
Notary Public.
Telephone 221
All goodaslilppedtooureare will receive ipeclal attention.
709-715 Commercial Street.
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, CarriagefH-Baggag' Checked and Transferred Trucks
urniture Wagons- Tianoa Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street
Phone Main 121
JOHN FOX, Tres. and Suyt. A. L. FOV Vle T.
L A&MA$nff BAN; Trea. "
Designers and Manufactorers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Enginesjand Boilers
f 1 1 e .... t
wompieie cannery Uutfiti Furnished.
-.. . .u uhoiu ABlOna, Vttm