The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 08, 1905, Image 1

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' 1 ' " i i- r
President Roosevelt's Of
fer Declined.
Vhco they Want Peace they Will
Talk With Japn Without
Balleved that th Ultimatum Fiom Em
peror Nlchola haa been Tranaraitted
to Wathlngton But hat not Been vt
llvered to Preeldent Roossvtlt.
Illtllllcated t) tlm diplomats most Inter
...i..l. It was not long Mi the Rn
.iun finlrnxxy wa besieged with caller
i...t i'u amUssador we without ad
vu oo the subject, though for arviral
day pant ha haa been anxiously await
ing th acknowledgement of hi cable-
gram detailing hla conversation with tht
nre.ldent laat Friday.
In expectation of the message o r"
Lter in tha evening aavaral
returned to tha embay 'te?r dinner pre
pared to translate tha dispatch a on
it .reived. Count Calnl haa not yet
made an appointment at t White
H..ii. Tha president confided to an
ambaador who called t the White
ii....- tl,.l hi Instructions to amlma
l..e M..ver did not provide for a formal
tender of good office. It U ImpoaalM
to give their text, but they may i cor
,.,Htf narmhraaed In these word!
"Kind out, from tha war what we rati
do to aUl early peace."
King of iUlf Subscribe to Inatituto of
Rome. Juna 7.-I a penary mating
M il.i. conference on International Agri
culture It a announced that it waa the
Intention of King Victor Kmaunel to
place tha revenue from one of hi large.
est estate at tha disposal or me pro
posed International Institute or Agri-
I culture.
to hla bed for noma month and no im
mediate anticipation of hia serious con
dition was entertained.
Patriotic Demonstration
For King Oscar.
j Stockholm Papers Commenting
Take Extreme View
of Crisis.
Opinion Prevail That Sweden Will not
Insist on Norway Remaining in tu
Union but ABaira Will be Settled at
Extraordinary Session.
Vienna, Juna 7. It waa learned her
tonight thai tha Uuian government ha
Informed It diplomat!" representative
abroad, Including Count Caini. ami-
ador at Washington, that the time for
ltulA to rolicludu peace ha not Jed
coma, and when it doe arrive, Ilui
will open peace negotiation with Japan
indeKndent of foreign Intervention.
St. Petersburg," June f With Am-
laaador Meyer' delivery to tlie emrntr.
or yte rday afternoon of 1'realdent
llooeevelt'i meag tendering him hl
-good ofl(, pro)ct of the president'
efforta to bring tha lieltigerenta together
In peace negotlationa la believed to be
distinctly better. It la equally evident
that the altuation U an exceedingly del
icate one. AmWaeador Meyer, when
aeen by an Aociated Preaa repreaenU
tivo tonight, absolutely declinel to ay
a word regarding hi vUit to Tarkoe
fieio, about the mllon with which he
wa charged, or the emeror' repone;
Tlte renter of Interest I again tran-
ferred Wk to Vahlngton. Count Caa
inl haa doubt lea received Inatructiona.
from the emperor. However,, it ia poa
aible that It will require aome little time
to finally decided whether euece ahall
crown the prealdent'aa effort and end the
Preliminary peace negotiation be-
iween Ruaian and Japan I generally be
lieved to be under way and It la conced
ed that Preldent Roosevelt In all prob
ability will act, not a mediator, but a
"tho friendly channel of eomuntcation."
There ia yet no official admlaslon that
Huaaia haa accepted what Count CassinJ
aent in a cable to Count Lamadorff lat
week decrllHd aa "the offer of good will
of the president," although Instruction
to the ambassador are bulieved to have
reached here tonight in a long cablegram
received at the Russian enhnssy quite
lute and hud before the am!utndor just
before he r-tlred. Immediately after hi
return from a long conference with the
president Mr. Takahlra Wgan the prep
aration of a dispatch to hla government,
upon which he waa occupied until quitt)
late. At the White House up to a t
hour It waa declared that the important
telegram from Mr. Meyer hud not reach
ed the president and If received will not
be presented to the president until mori
St. Petersburg, June . Aa a result of
a meeting of the minister today the
lluasian ambaador at Washington and
Parla have been telegraphed that Russia
la deslroua of learning Japan a peace con
dition. The dinlomatlo aervice In Washington
1m aroused tonight to a poi"1 of '"P0"'
Uncy unequalled einee the Inception 01
the war In the far east by the newa from
fit. Petersburg of the crnr'a wish to know
Japan's peace term. This interest wa
heightened by a call which Takahira. the
Japanese minister, mad at the White
House by appointment during the even
ing. He remained with the president
about twenty minute. When the mln
ister left he declined to answer any que
tiona about the call. .
Peace terma were Iraroeditely com-
ItaUao Difficulty With Turkey Bat Been
i Iiima TTI statement that
ivimir, " - -
lmlv ha aent warship to Yemen, Ara
bia, a reported In Vienna, la untrue. Aa citien wa killed there ty
take in the middle of May, but the lo
cal luthorttle gave Mtlafaction and tlie
Incident wa closed amicably.
William F. Karr of Smithsonian
Institute an Embezzler.
Admit Tht Ha U an Embeixler in th
Sum of 146wo Which He Saya Hat
Ben Going on fqr th Paat rifteen
Ytari and Not Diacowed.
Wahlngton, June 7.-Wlillam F. Karr,
an accountant with the Smithsonian In
stitute, and ditributlng for the gov
eminent bureau at Washington, I un
der arrest here today charged with em-
beulement, which, according to hi con
feaiona made tonight aggregate $46,000
The stealing, he confessed, ha leen
going on for the pat fifteen year. It
1- . 1,. l,af other nrominent ofliciul
n i.ft.v f .
in the Smithsonian Institute are impli
cated and nn investigation ha been or
dered. '
Chines Cook Stabbed and Aaaailanta
Eacap aa Uiual.
Ran Francisco. June 7. Sing Ram. wife
of Chlng Jing Mm, who ia employed a
a nook on one of the United State war
ships, waa atabbed to death Ut night
at the corner of Jackson and Mocmon
streeta. The police are unable to cer
tain who committed the crime, but two
itnese who reported the matter will
be held and It i expected they may give
the information that will lead to uw
identity of the aasassln.
Russian Centra) At Moscow Reaigni Hia
St. Petersburg, June 7.-U i report
ed that General Koxtoff, Governor gen
oral of Moscow, haa resigned.
The newsoapera here have been tor-
bidden to mention the all Russian Zam-
stvo congrea at Moscow.
The newa ha been received here of a
public demonstration at Nijl Novgorod,
nguiimt the war and the autocracy. ,
Stockholm. June 7.-The Norwegian
coup d'etat was answered here tonight
by a great patriotic demonstration of
loyalty to and sympathy with King 0
car. A irreat procession, accompanied
by band, a formed and went to Roe
endal eatle where the band played na
tlonl air.
In a few minute the king and other
memliera of the royaf family appeared
on the balcony of the castle and were e
thulatkJ1y cheered by the demonstra
tor, while a number of ladle advanced
from the crowd and presented the king
With a boqnct.
Thoueh ereatly excited over the ait-
nation, the populace remain outwardly
calm. King Oeear held a council this
evening at which the situation waa con
sidered. The newspaper of Stockholm
commenting on the action of the Nor
wegian Storthing take an extremely
aerioua view of the erisla, Th Nyal
DnffliBt Allehang aaya:
The Norwegian government exceeds
The Norwegian government exceed
ed all limits, but undoubtedly acted ac
eordinir to it conviction that it waa for
the country' welfare, and no party of
political faction will attempt 10 per
auade or compel Norway to maintain the
union which has become a burden. The
Swedish diet will meet in extraordinary
session In a fortnight and apeak in the
name of Sweden. Meanwhile the king
of the union will apeak in the name of
the union end haa protested against the
revolution now contemplated in hia or
weirian kintdom.
The Daublad save: The revolutionist
have now unmasked themselves and
trampled under foot the union and upon
their oath of allegiance to the king. A
soon aa p0sihle all Norwegians employ
ed in the diplomatic service must be re
moved. Sweden can not be represented
by men belonging to a country which
orennizc revolution, dethrones it king
and break all the tie of the union.
Upon the king' refusal to sancton the
the bill for a separate consular service
the storthing today dissolved the union
of Norway and Sweden.
From many part of the country tele
irrams are beinn received expressing the
enthusiastic popular aympaehy with the
declaration of the ahorthing. 1 he wnoie
populace appears deeply moved with a
sense of the eriounea of the occasion
Special mission will b aent to all the
great power asking them to recognixe
Norway's Independence. The announce
ment that Emperor William haa'abaa
doned his projected visit to Norway has
given rise to a feeling that there will be
trouble in the future.
Effort bin Mad t lar Kisf Oacar
London. June 7. Tha Daily Mail's
correspondent at Christiana aya:
Everything b quiet ber and there i
a eeneral desire to find a peaceful SO
lutioa of the crial. Considerable favor
la &rese-l for an arrangement wher
br Kint- Oscar ahall adbicate in favot
for Instance, the Crown Prince' son.
The Christiana corresondent of the
Times aay he haa good authority for
savins that Sweden ha Indirectly as
sured Norway that no forcible measures
will be employed to keep her within the
bond of the present union.
The correspondent add that the gov
ernment will today (Wednesday) def
initely place its resignation in the hands
of the storthing.
Order For 1,000 Cara ia Given to a Firm
In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, June 7. Orders for 1,
000 cars for the Imperial Japanese Rail-
railway have just been placed with tne
Pennsylvania car building companies
Five hundred of the cara will be of the
Condoli c',a. The remainder will bt
of the box car variety.
Contracts' for 800 additional box cars
for quick delivery will be made in a
few day.
Wall Street Lot Brings
Big Price.
$100,000 FOR ONE LOT
New York Business Lot Sells at
the Rate of Four Dollars
1 an Inch.
crawled under. It i believed they had
matches, for toon the brush wa ablaze
and before the boy could crawl out
they were cremated. Their bodie were
scarcely recognizable.
Claimed that th Morocaa fuestioa Waa
set Considered.
New York, June 7 According to the-
Pari correspondent of the Time the
chief cause for Foreign Minister Del
case' resignation was not the state of
Morocoan affair, but bi refusal to in
ternationalize the Abssinian railway.
Both in Fraace and England, the corres
pondent asserts, strong financial influ
ence wa brought to bear to render M.
Delcasse' scheme in respect to the rail
way abortive." It i now expected, the
dispatch idd, that the negotiation
which have been proceeding with Rome
and London on the subject of Amby
inia will now have a different issue than
was at flrtt expected.
Proerty waa Pnrchated by the Stillman
Family in 187 and Has Been in the
Possession of the Family Ever Since,
the Owner Refuting to Sell
New Office Created.
St. Petersburg, June 7. An imperial
ukase issued today create the post bt
chief of police of the Caucasua and al-
Iowa :0,000 per annum for secret police
Portland Wife Beater Receives
Twenty Ltshes on Back.
Charles McGinty Arrested for Having
Repeatedly Struck Hia Frail Wife and
Blackened Her Eye Because Sh Would
Not Give Hia Money to Squander.
Editor and Publisher of th Washington
Pott It Detd.
Washington, June 7. Beriah Wilklnt
owner, editor and publisher of the wan
ington Tost, and formerly representative
in ennui-ess from Ohio, died suddenly to-
day of heart failure at his residence In
hi. eitv." Wilkins suffered a troe
paralysis two years ago while on a visit
to New York. He has not been confined
1 '
Portland, June 7. The whipping post
law passed at the last session of the leg
Islature in Jaunary, last, was carried in
to effect for the first time today in the
Multnomah county jail upon Charles Mt-
Gintv, convicted of wife beating. Mc
Ginty was convicted in the atate circuit
court and sentenced to receive twenty
lashes, the maximum punishment. The
lashing was performed by Jailor Grafton
under the direction of Sheriff W ord and
under supervision of th assistant coun
ty physician, McCormack.
McGinty, after receiving nis enienw.
was hustled to jail where he was strip
ped to the waist, hi hands manacled
and tied to the door in the jail corroaor.
Mah ahove hi head. Although no at
tempt was made to be unreasonably
cruel, the beating was as severe as w
powerful jailor was capable of adminis
tering. McGinty endeavorea 10 or k
throughout the whipping but the Buf
fering endured made him wrime mi
groan and strain at the manaclca which
were binding hie wrists. When the pun-
Ltinwnt waa concluded, Mct.inty waa re
leased from the manacles and with but
slicht assistance, left the jail.
McGinty, who i a strapping young
follnW. wa punished for naving re struck hia frail wife and for
having blackened her eye because he
waa not given her earning to squanuer.
New York, June ".The sale to the
Xferchantile Trust Company of St. Louis
just reported, of the famous plot of real
estate at No. 1 Wall street at tne cor
ner of Broadway, ha given rise to in
inUrestina compilations showing me
irreat rise in property value in this cuy
n "... . -
At the fimire named in the iranseciwn
tTdOOOO. the plot brought about $4 a
quare inch, possibly the highest price
.vr naid in the world nisiory.
property measure only ao ie
Broadway side and ha a ironwg
Wall street of 39 feet, ten inches. It
Mintjiin 1.170 square fet.
The next biifhest figure on record in
connection with real estate transactions
in this eitr wa that paid in IS. oy
Anthony J. Drexel for the sight of the
fnroan Bankina House on Broad ana
W.ll etreets. This property, measuring
17 square feet, brought S347.0. a square
Said the attorney who conducted the
Tnul rnmnanv's negotiations:
r- " . ......
"I have not the slightest douDi wai i
have secured for our client the most
valuable piece of real estate m the whole
nrld. There is only one croaaway
ni one Wall atreet and only one No
" ' .1.1
1 Wall street on earth. It is liseiy iu
,. nresent lease will be allowed to run
to a close. Then of course the property
will be improved in a manner in seep
with its value and location."
For many year a drug More oecup.
th store room on the corner which faces
old Trinity. Recently a cigar company
..ind this room and now noias a
lease for three year. The building i an
old-fashioned four-story bncK aimo.
lt to view among the sky scraper
It wa erected more than 73 year ago
a am AAit 4lf M.T0O. Today the annual
taxea on the property slightly exceed
that figure. The ground was oougni u,
f the Sillman family in 1827 at a
f S18573. It has remained in the'. nosses8ln since that time. The
oldest existing deed in connection with
.1,. nh.t dstes from the beginning 01 me
eighteenth century when it wa sold for
$500 by a Dutch settler 10 au ronr-
... . , s- util
Benjamin Sillman. wno aiea ia " the nroDertV to a sister, refused
many fabuloua offer for the ground but
for ome unknown reason wouiu.
sell. One instance U related of a joker
having offered him gold coin enougn
i cover the entire ground 10 wmcn
agreed, providing they were set upon
Russian Transport Bold Up British
Steamer Near Wooaung.
Nagasaki, June 7, 7 p. m. The British
steamer Cilurnum, chartered by the Nit-
sui Russian Steamship Company of To-
kio, bound from Shanghai to Kebe, Jap
an, waa stopped on June 2, eighty mile
from the ball buoy off the entrance to
Woosung, by the Russian transport
A boarding party after the steamer
papers had been examined, removed her
hatches and threw overboard 411, bag
of beans, ; 125 bales of cotton and 12
boxes of antimony.
The Russian left again suddenly, stat
ing that the steamer was released. It
ia supposed that they received a wire
less message announcing the approacn
of Japanese warship.
Leaves for France to Bring Body
of John Paul Jones.
Admiral Sigsbe Expect to Make the
Voyage ia Thirteen Day and Will
be Met in the French Water by the
French Warship for Final Tribute,
Baseball Score.
San Francisco. Oakland 0, San Fran
Los Angelc-rortland 0, Los Ange
lea 1.
Tacoma. -Seattle 1, Tacoma 11
Built a Brush Heap, Crawled in and the
Fir Did the Rest.
AM.ntie Citv. N. J., June 7.-Two
hv. have ment a horrible deatn oy ere
mation on the beach nere. mry
Ordner J. Delaney and William Jefferles.
Kih f this city, aged 7 and 5 year re
spectively. The two boys were insepa-.-Kl.
mnnnions. They had gone to a
brush heap of pine tree on the beacl
front, at Newhampahire avenue, wmcn
treea'were to be used to build a jetty.
They dug a hole beneath the pile and
New York, June 7. The second squad
ron of the North Atlantic fleet, consist-
inff of the armored cruiser Brooklyn
and the protected cruiser Chattanooga,
Galveston, and Tacoma, selected by the
navr department to bring the body. of
John Paul Jones from France, will as
semble off the naval anchorage at Tom
pkinsville, Staten Island, today, and will
proceed on Thursday to ea on tne way
to Cherbourg. The casket containing the
body Will be transferred to the Brook
lyn. Rear Admiral Sigsbee, who win De
in command, will board hi flagship off
Tompkinsville this evening. At the
Rrnoklvn navy yard, carpenter nave
been busily engaged on the flagship
.omDletimr an oaken platform which i
called the "Mahogony earophagus,"
meaning the mahogony casing that is w
receive the leaden coffin containing the
body of the commander of the Bon
homme Richard.
Admiral Siffsbee expects to make the
vovane from Sandy Hook to the Cher-
bourg breakwater In about 13 day.
On it arrival at Cherbourg me qu.u
ron will be met by the French warships
that are to participate m the flnaie ixid
ute in French waters. Ten days after
it arrival the squadron, it is expected.
will sail for Annapolis.
Admiral Enquist Notified by Russia to
Remain At Manila.
XT.;. .Line 8.-Admiral Enquist re
ceived this morning the following cable-
gram from St. Petersburg:
'Remain at Manila at disposition of
American government. Effect repair
as much as possible."