The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 07, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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There onlv one coffee that has the
particular blend, appreciated by par
tirular coffee drinkers. That's MOCHA
and JAVA. We have the best of the
tot pound can 40 cents
Twe poanit 80 cents
Ground to order, if you like without
extra charge.
823 Commercial St.
Phone Main 681
Our Footwear
Gives That Air
of distinction which is appreciated
by the particular dresser.
Our prices for shoes and Oxfords
f enality are no higher than are
charged elsewhere for inferior footwear.
Aged Woman Guilty of Misuse of
Government Mail.
Circulated Literature Tended to Injur
the Mariace Relations and While
Others Testified that the Published
Books Were Uplifting.
.21 L'ouiiwrciHl Street.
w&kb were made last week on the bal
ance of. our stock of this season's
las' brought many shrewd buyers to our
tore and still
Do not wait until the season closes,
when you can get stylish summer hats
at present prices. Shapes for street and
sires lata, trimmings, etc., also greatly
Reasonable Prices.
A Good Roast
So trouble to roast meat, chicken
or-tbrfivj when you have a
Otdy 19, 1808, this Double Roaster
embodies all that is best in any
roast pan, and is superior to any
other muke. In it not an ounce of
the savory substance of fowl or
game is lost, while all other roast
ers waste 10 to 20 per cent of it.
No water, grease or attention of
any kind required. Just put in your
neat, put in the oven, go to church
or anywhere else. When time for
roasting is up, take out and inspect
the best ROAST you ever liad.
Easily cleaned, a no corners or
seeams become filled with burned
$1.25, That's All.
TentH and Commercial Streets.
Branch at Unlontown.
Why Not
Wear a Watch
While Paying
for It?
A few cents a day
4 down. Balance in small, cat
payments. Watches for ladies and
Step in and find out.
Astoria Loan Office,
Ml Commercial street.
Chicago, June 6. Judge S. IVthea, in
the federal court has rendered a verdict
of guilty against Pr. Alice B Stockham
71 years old and Edward B. Beckwith
manager of the Stockham Publishing
Company, charged with circulating 1111
roper literature by the mail and ex
In deciding the ease Judge IVthea said :
"When the laws were framed it wa
not believed the general discussion of the
marriage relation was advisable. If the
lersons believe they are right in teaching
these subjects so that the young may
learn of them they should have their
doctrines interwoven in the law of the
land. What we have to do is to uphold
the law as it stands."
Among the witnesses for the defense
was the Rev. Hiram W. Thomas.
Dr. Thomas testified that he believed
the woman's work was uplifting instead
of harmful to the young, and that Mr.
Stockham has for years been doing a
work which is to be commended and not
scoffed at.
It was asserted by Dr. Stockman am.
her witnesses that she has been in the
Dublishins business several years and
never had been questioned by the govern
ment in regard to mailing what she said
to W medical advice. She declared she
received hundreds of letters from (arsons
who had rend her books, thanking hei
for helping them.
H. G. Van Dusen Files His Report For
Month of May.
Master I'ish Warden Van Dusen yes
terday filed his. report for the month of
May with the secretary of state. It
shows the total receipts in district Xo. 1
to have been: fines and forfeitures, $7.";
licenses issued, $1 199.00; and in district
Xo. 2: from licenses, $1375.10, making
a total for the month of $2050.50. The
following is the report of operations:
Salmon River Hatchery.
At the Salmon river hatchery the work
collecting steelhead salmon eggs began
March 2 and lasted until April 30. The
result of the season's work shows that
l,00o300 eggs were taken from 3ti5 fe
male salmon.
With the silverside eggs that were col
lected at this hatchery last fall and
winter 1,188,110 fry were successfully
raised and turned out into the Salmon
river in the immediate vicinity of the
iiatchery. The first plant was made on
April 4 and the last May 10.
McKenue River Hatchery Station
I concluded to work the McKenzie
river this year at the island a couple of
miles below CJate creek and got the muin
racks in across the river and the salmon
stopped May 30. The people in the
neighborhood report the river as being
full of salmon this year, but it is rath-
r early for salmon to get that far up
the river, and we hare nothing autlien
tic to substantiate the report. We have
in a good set of racks and will, no doubt,
stop and hold all the salmon that come,
for indications are to the effect that the
river will gradually fall from now on
and will carry no more freshets this
Wallowa River Hatchery.
On the Wallowa river we are at the
present time putting in our racks in
hopes of being able to stop and hold
some of the liluehack salmon headed
for the Wallowa hike. These racks will
also stop and hold the chinook, which
should get that far up the river by July
The contract for the hatchery build
ing was let May 25 to Mr. J. 1. Ijimbert.
of La Grande, who made the lowest bid
for its construction. The contract calls
for the building to be ready for the
hatchery troughs, which are to occupy
the building, by the 15th day of August,
and 'fully completed by the 10th day of
Ontario Salmon Hatchery.
At Ontario, with the exception of the
15,000 fry that we are keeping to mark,
the last of the chinook fry were liberated
April 27, the total output being 4,230,
H!2. The work putting in the racks for
the coming season will lie started about
the Hist of July, and sooner if the water
will permit.
Yaquina Hatchery.
At the Yaquina hatchery this spring
we eouecieu i-in,.i".i sicciuciiti eggs
:W,(XX of which were traitplantcd to
Cortland for the Lewi and Clark fair.
I hose remaining are cared for at the
hatchery and the fry derived therefrom
will be liberated into the Big Klk river
and the Vuiiiina river.
Umpqua River Hatchery.
The work on the north fork of the
I'mpqua river was taken up May 1 and
the rack pit ten in and the salmon stop
bed Mav 7. The first salmon seen there
after was ou the 12th, and report since
ivcoived show that they are getting a
great many salmon in their corral and
that indications nre very good for a large
take of eggs this year.
South Coos River Hatchery.
At the South Coos river the numU-r of
chinook fry that were successfully raided
and liberated amounted to tl, 117,172. Of
these 250,000 were transported and plant
en in Ten-Mile lake. The remainder were
distributed between the tributaries of
Coo bay and Cotiuill river. The last
were turned out April 23.
Very respectfully submitted,
(Signed) 11. t'i. VAX Dl'SEX.
Master Fish Warden.
Kansas Zephyrs.
The recent tornadoes in Kansas lead
The Kansts City Journal" to tell of the
experience of a Kansun crossing the At
lantic in rough weather. One morning
he went on deck when a big gale was
blowing. Nobody was in sight except
the captain.
"(!o below there!" the captain shouted.
The wssenger looked around to ce
whom he was talking to.
'You mean me!" he yelled back
when he saw there was no one else in
'Of course I do; go below." and the
captain came alongside.
'Well I guess not," protested the
KansAn. "I'm up here to see how your
mountain high waves and 'teritllc gales'
compare with what we have In Kansas
in the way of cyclones. This ain't a
patch to what I've seen out our way."
A big wave broke over the deck, sweep
ing the Kansan att. J ney picKeu mm
up with a bioken leg. a twi-ted writ. a
sprained wrUt, and his face looking as if
it had Is-en drugged backwards through
ii briar patch. When ne came to he saw
the captain.
"By gravy, cap" he aid. feebly.
'that reminded me of home, only it was
a dern sight wetter."
ciovrrment Report of Cotton
Crop Conditions Erronious.
Secretary of Southern Cotton Growers
Association Charges the Department
At Washington with Manipulating the
Figures Making False Reports.
Fair Not Ready.
W. J. Ingalls, of the lewis and Clark
returned veterdav from Portland where
he visited the fair. He report that very
few of the buildings hare been com
pleted and proliably will not be much
before the first of July. Many of the
foreign exhibits have arrived but have
not been placed in position, waiting for
the carpenters to complete the booths.
The California and Washington building
are nearly completed and the government
building is finished and the exhibit most
all placed. Considerable complaint wa
made that the exhibits were not open
Sunday, as there are many people who
can not attend the fair on any other day.
Girls, if you want red lips, laughing
eves, sweet breath and good looks, use
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The
greatest beautifier known. 35 cents
Tea or Tablets, at Frank Hart's drugstore.
are the daintiest effects
by artist's brush
reproduced la wall capers
Step In and see the pretty patterns
Just received.
having; the elegant shades of plain
Ingrain with pretty figured effects.
DUPLEX A pretty and service
able wall itaper, shewing double
tint effects on Initiation Ingrain
stortr. on defective walls It over annoying shortcomings, so
often liotlcc-d In other papers.
Cloth Effects
IN WALL PAPER are among the
latest productions of leading manu
facturers. Designs approaching in
.;; tnoss of the elegant tailor
mad suitings.
Step inard see them all
We are alBo "nts for .
Descriptive folder mailed) on re
Wall Paper, Paints, Etc.,
365-367 Commercia' St., Astoria.
New York, June 6. Richard Cheatam
of Atlanta, secretary of the Southern
Cotton Growers' Association, who i in
this city, ha declared hi intention of
calling President Roosevelt's attention to
what he considers gross Irregularities
in both toe preparation and the publi
cation of the government cotton report
issued last Friday. Mr. Cheatham will
make no charges of bribery or any other
crime, but his intention is to ask for a
rigid investigation and that the resig
nation of one of the important employe
in the statistical bureau of the depart
ment of agriculture be determined. It
i understood that he charges some one
in the department with having manipu
lated the figures and given them in ad
vane of publication to certain brokers
for u in depressing the cotton market
The Southern Cotton Growers' Ao
iation i an organization of planter
and southern brokers whose object i te
regulate so far a possible the acreagt
of cotton and to protect the planter and
other southern cotton interests from
manipulation of the market tending ti
lepress the price of the staple. OllWer
of the association declare they have a
many experts a the department of ag
riculture and make every elTort to e
ure the most trustworthy information
reimnliiiLf the condition of the crop. For
several months the statistics gathered
by the association have Is'en at variants'
with those emanating from Washington
ami the officer of the association, to-
cether with brokers and cotton men
chants in this city, have conducted 1
secret investigation in the hop of as
certaining the reasons for the discrepan
A prominent broker, it is now assert
ed, ha gathered the most important of
the documentary evidence in th case.
From employe of the department of ag
riculture, h" says, some of whom are in
the habit of making frequent visit to
the city, he learned that advance infor
mation in regard to the report rmtle
be secured. He followed up this line
by inquiring whether or not the rrport
could not be changed and allege he wa
successful in thi endeavor also, receiv
ing letter from at least one of the em
ploye of the department and learning
that at least one of the prominent firm
of cotton broker in thi city had sucn
an understanding with at least one official.
Mr. Cheatham wa notified of the al
leged discoveries by telegraph and made
a hurried trip to this city. After many
hours sient in consultation he journeyed
to Washington, remained a few hour
and returned to New York, saying he
uesired signatures to a document in hi
possession .
It is said Mr. Cheatam will charge that
the figures of the bureau of statistics
have been manipulated in the interests
of a certain bearish clement in the mar
ket here ami thi charge will include not
only the furnishing of" advance informa
tion pertaining to the government ...
ure but also falsification of these figure.
In the ease of the report issued last
Friday he will charge that plan were
laid practically a month in advance.
Maintains unexcelled service from th-
west to tho east and south. Making
close connections wl'.h trains 01 an
transcontinental lines, passengers nre
given their choice of routes to Chicago,
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans,
and through these points to the far
Prospective travelers desiring Infor
mation as to the lowest nitn and best
routes are Invited to correspond with
the following representatives:
B. H. TRUMHUL-U Commercial Agent,
J42 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. MNDKKY, Trav. Passeng'r Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
PAtTL B. THOMPSON. Pass'gr. Agent,
Coleman Building, Seattle, Wash.
Honesty is the best policy i
Schilling's Best:
All Clothes ought t Wise's Light Store Pressed Free
of hjrge Whenever You Wish.
Astoria - Day
JUNE 10, 1905.
Heronn Wise will jive his customers a
reduction of
15 to 20 per cent.
lerman Wise
Astoria's "RELIABLE" Clothier.
On the Trail at the l air Ground, Portland.
KRUSE'S Grill Room and Restaurant.
Fourth and Stark Streets, Portland.
Gcarhart Park, Catiop Reach.
Henil for II ns'ratetl Menu
ml Moeoml Dally Bill of are,
M iled free upon iejust.
Ad 1 1 ess all correspondence to
and Stark 8u , Portland. Ore.
Krnse's I test uit runt at Fourth and 8Urk Str-t
In i popular priced eatablUhnirnt.
rilcee at all establishments are within the reaoh of the purse of the aver aire
trsveler lair cbaruea at any f the abova places , eiosllente c(
cuisine and first c as scrvics oonsli e ed.
It a necetilty to perfect Health and an essential element
of Happiness. '
To prevent ilckneii and enjoy the
comforts of life yon should equip your
sleeping apartment or drilling chamber
with snowy white one-piece
, 'JtMsisjrf" Porcelain Enameled Lava '
tory and have running hot and cold
water aj deiired at your touch.
We have samples In our showroom
and will gladly quote you prices.
w a 1.
J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or.
Pale Boh em imi Beer
BciHt Iu The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
baking J
vgriaf wncis
Your grocer's; money back.
Weirihard's Log
The Astorian 60c Month.