1 HE .VOKNiyO ASTOR1AN, AfcTORlA.ORKO.N. TUESPAY, JUNE fl, 1905. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. rnbllshed Dally (Except Moodajr) by NK J. . BELLINGER COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION RATES. -jr mil. per nw wr Bftu. pr nontn f oarrier, par month M M to M WEEKLY ASTORIAN. 7 snail, per year. In adranca , Enter at tht poatofflc at Astoria, -Oregon aa aecond-claaa matttr. Kr-OrdarttortbcdeUrtiniitof Tai Mokxim AaroauM to IUwr naUeac or place of btaiaraa tl A,aI mm! m ihnMiBk t-U. t- Any trreruTarity U delivery should be 11B1117 npnmn (osotnceoi puoueouoB. Telephone Main M1. NUMEROUS DESCENDANTS. Whenever a wealthy man dies e pecially in California there are a num ber of adventurers who claim to lie either hi legal wife or his common law wife. A legal wife is defined to be from a legal marriage by a regular ordained minister of the gospel, or some official authorized to perform the manage ceremony. A common law wife exists principally in California and is what i denominated polygamy in Utah. Most of the wealthy men in California had a legal wife and a num ber of common law wives on the side. This is evidenced by the number of beautiful young widows who have ap pealed to the courts for a slice of their quasi husband's property. Sometimes they get a slice, and sometimes they don't But the latest thing in numerical descendants, is the large number that made application to the Lewis and Clark fair committee to sell relics af Meriwether Lewis, claiming that they are descendants of Mr. Lewis and there fore entitled to recognition. The claimants of the Lewis toga are almost without exception mercenary, and their wants as explained by letter are many and varied. A resident of Hick ley, L tah, wants to exhibit a cane, to secure a competency sufficient to visit which he says was made by Captain another similar exhibition in the future. lcwis aiier ms return to l trgima. irc unnici 111 II in.. 9 IK IB a K' TM I - nrif-n ft-t .... . f , ... I it-ut, im nan. piBuuauu vi iuc r.vyiurrr. Anoiner man also a grand-son, says he has the identi eat swora witn which Lewis slew an fair, for its siuivsa doiemW upon the at tendance and the resultant gate receipt. Several prominent eiticens of Astoria have visited the fair and in everv in stance they have been charged from 2.50 to 14.00 for a room. These peo ple will not again visit the fair, and their statement of the outrageous ex tortion will deter many others from go ing. If the fair is to be run for the financial benefit of the Portland hotels. it will not subserve the ends for which it was originated If a man takes his wife to the fair and remains two days, the least possi ble expense is $44.00 If lie takes hi children the rata is correspondingly in creased, making a visit to all of the poorer classes absolutely prohibitive. The result will be that the safes of the hotels will be full of gold, while the treasury of the fair management will be empty. This condition of affairs will deter thousands of people from going. Many clerks and men can not afford to take a full month's salary to uav for two days' visit at the fair. The Lewis and Clark fair is vtrtuallv an international exhibit and is a grand educational institution for the boy and girls, but if they are prohibited from at tending, which thousands of them will be, it will fail of its mission. The Port land pre have called attention to the extortion practiced by the Portland ho tels, but it has had no effect and instead of decreasing, it is increasing. As a rule such actions would result in the decrease of business at the hotel after the fair is over, but the indications are, that every hotel man will be a multi-million aire when the exposition closes and can retire from business. Those who have visited the exposition from Astoria speak in the highest terms of it magnitude, its granducr and mag- niflence, equal in proportion to anv ex position ever held. It is an exhibition of not only the grand resource of the state of Oregon, but of many of the states of the union. It shows the nro out the war, and whose powerful in lluciice has exideiitly been reeogniwd by the .lrttame by allowing the first news of Togo's victory to be sent abroad through the American minister at Tokio and the American consul at Xsgassaki. It is to be hoped that France and Germany, as well as Great llritain, will back UD President R.uu. rail's m.rinni. .Iu,l.l n ..ISundaV excursions from VaM t.i - - - iv II I 1U " ' v make any, and certainly the American i"00 A" th saloons in Washington inM him gwuiy puinu vj ineir pres uuuuaj. OUT OF THE ORDINARY, Epitem of Aneedotes and Incidents with Comment! by a Layman. If the IVrttand hotels would give ex cursion raxes mere would be more people attend the fair. It might be a good scheme to run idrnt in any efforts he may make to bring about peace. For Russia to ob stinately continue the itruerU under existing circumstances would be noth ing less than criminal folly. While Russia has been considered one of the most powerful nations of the world it must be remembered that its soldiers and marines have nothing to fight for. No man can be a hero and fight for a country that he hates. No people will consent to be reduced to a condition of absolute serfdom, with no oice in the administration of govern- mental affairs, without freedom of press or speech, and fight for such a country or the malntainence of such laws. No people will contribute from their scanty earnings each month to keep a coterie of licenciou dukes in luxury while their families are suffering for the necessi ties of life, and in thi, more than anv other cause, lie the Russian defeat on land and sea. After a man Is hit by a Portland ho tel nan, ha has'nt enough left to kit 1 the trail. King Alfonzo is learning Enclii from a man in Milwaukee. He nrob- a ably speaks it with a SchliU accent, Charles (Shubert a eoumr man from Chattanooga. Tenn., was fined 120 last week for snoring In church, the trial judge holding it to be a breach of the peace. It would cost Tom Lioville an even thousand, but the law is not en forced in Astoria. ONE PRICE TO ALL-GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Not the Song of the Shirt if s But the Sale of Shirts Bv mistake th minr..ti,... v.. j 1; 1 . v. - - .Myi.iiuiti nas uufniaicu wur orucr tor Negligee Shirti and rather than have them returned hat allowed ' u a big reduction. Consequently we are overstocked with shirts nd will give our customers the beoeftt 0 the manufacturer's loss. Philadelphia will be spared all the oot&er some day when it get big enough to use electric light. l.alileo's tower ha been converted into a restaurant. This goea to show that American methods are rapidly ta king root in Italy. In Arkansas some of the legislators have been accused of selling their vote at 1123. Indignation is rife among those pillars of the state who held out for the union scale Astoria man So your wife went :X)D ROADS. The Raker City Democrat savs: While most people recognize in an ac ademic way the advantage of good roads, very few realize the actual cash profit to a community or a state of tirst-cluss highway lines of transporta tion. In new and eomnarativv L . ' , , ' m ine roriJanu lair to study nature? Oarst-lv scltlnl rm,.n (I.. -I I . ' ' ' ' -I'uivi.iwil III nn,,k . V -l n ..... 1 iwi. miku -i in, anil irtim uie construction adopted are usuallv 1 l v . t . -.. wsslrflll in.il.nn.t ...l 1- i I . " among ' ' ' I1 1 the six best mIVim. run. cosuy. insieaa 01 DUilding perma nrnl roaooeus, u ,s ln, custom for au- With the eountr. hulMi. thorities to limit the expenditure to Ln ..i .v. i ." i j i . . . . I . i i .v ., . . ..I "" """"injf mu mucn Kirsa anu ueveionmeni in in, science i uhiiciuu aim nieinou inai m ii. n.iiii. . i . ... . . I ' I issirr oeiween .ew lork and Clik'Siro and mechanical; the habits and custom, enough for short periods, but require it wi , : , .... I as to who wil get the Jiu jitsu hold . , . " I. , " -I anu annex me outer euucationai aavanuges for every visitoi always costly, it is difficult to build man. woman ana child, and it is to be ana maintain permanent roadways, but The astronomers st Flagstaff have regretter that the averaeiou hotel kings education in the best methods of con- succeeded in photoeraDhin the r.n.1. h.r. ..,.t it t tk. .....i. .i. t, ..jj ,i..u...- . . r " ..uv . viit ui nit i-avu ui i iic iiviui- "imiii nuuiu uuuuurM itsuii in anion Mara V H.,n' L-.,.u . , ... . i ' - v-" .iww m.iuv Ulr er classes, out it may be an object les- improvement throughout the state and I kodaking rules up there, but hoj no r.i. ..mioui ure using gi-nrraiion I iv urure oi me gooa roau I trouble Will result. 10 worK wun increased energy in order I movement. henever a policy of per- mament, high-class construction ha been adopted it has been found highly profitable. The cost to the farmer of reaching the markets with his products is reduced, the value of the property accessible by the better road is ad vanced, town merchants share the ad vantage in increased trade, the comfort We Have Divided ThcriVInto Three Lot. LOT ONE LpT TWO 415 cts. .65-cts, - LOT THREE U.S. MHBMaHMBMMa-JHSBBHBHaHaasai Erery mm should see theie ?s!aei in shirts. Scores of styles are embraced, in all of tbe popular and fashion. 'll S S as, " aoie maicriaii, piain ana pleated bosoms, in neat stripes or dotted effects, attached or detatched cuffs, siies 14 to 17. BcTThis sale will continue for one'weck only. S. DANZIGER & CO. ASTORIA'S GREATEST CLOTHIERS 490-500 COMMERCIAL ST. Latest reports from Japanese sources . . 1 . ... sword with which Tu ia l . I increase tbe overwhelming mamilmls Indian chieftain, and he weuld like to ' tbe R"n disaster, notwithstand .... I. . I ' .ivt jia 11,1 1 ,.ai:u uwir, UIV TOIIlluri sell the sword. A third grandson ,nK reported escape of one or two n, Kvino : v.i. t ..a j .I.;. .... v. iL r.)i!n. vi.j: ...1, tu " J ""i""' . w n " "U':n aienwem- ' w ' jiib rAienii everv ni v il.ul fr...tA .1,. i avia aft-nsu AU. 1 t I nf TwW'a Innaaa -m ! ! tS a si. C wvic uu iuc mt mora Die jour-1 luniniiMLmnw anu BPT tCrOflS thff mnntitalna in 1QA.4 ne fdoes not Bem DOHlhU that in m.K ' aU I r ----- . m and he too would realize revenue from trriffic battle he could have escaped me sale ot tbe heirloom. wlln ucn a slight loss, but official dis When it is considered that Meriweth- P41" confirm his statement. The er Lewis lived and died a bachelor, it is escpe of a few cruisers and one battle . . ' l.l.: !., , . . . , passing strange where all of th ""'P ' " nussia no lastine trood. as grandsons came from. There is no ev- tiey wi" an1 r today, virtually 1 . - . - " idence that Lewis was ever in Califor- bottleI UP t Manilla a the first fleet ma, and it is well known thaat he was ' ' Port Arthur, and in the end they never married. Perhaps some ChU-aon wiI! either become Japanese prizes or - Astoria Crandpa When I was a lit tie boy like you I used to go down in the kitchen and watch the cook mash potatoes. Astoria kid Yes, grsndps, but I love to go down and watch her mash Charlie I Gam me!. leflt of the expenditure." a McBSIDE ENDORSED. Astoria Bar Association Name T. A Bride for District Judte. - .H "i mc Asmria uar asso- I . ciation held last evening the following r" 0'rtifi,t '! forgotten the lot... . . , Idate. thin i aik I. i. reiii-i . uirecieu lo be sent to I're. I ' v mill , Mc- The Chicago Western Union messen ger boys struck because a non-union driver delivered a load of coal at the office. Are the bottle babies of Chica go sure the nipples they use are union made? Let me see, said the Tpper Astoria minister as he was filling out the mar coiiege professor can explain the sci entific principles of how a bachelor can nave grandsons, but it is too difficult a problem for the average editor to com bat, even more intricate than "How old was Ann." Had Mr. Lewis ever lived in California, there might be some ex will have to be dismantled until after the close of the war, and will probably become the property of Japan as a part of the indemnity of the war, should peace be declared. The vital thing now is, that the war is practically over, and that the time ident Roosevelt indorsing Judge Thos. A. McBr.de for Lnited State District judge Astoria, .,une 4. The President. Whit 1 ' - - House, Washington. Sir: At a special meeting of the Clatsop liar Association of Clatsop county, Oregon, called for the purpose of reeommeding to you a sujt Xo, sir, said my third. the bride, this is only cuse for these extraordinary heirlooms, ,la" rrived for making peace. Of course Ilryan bought a Jersey hull calf for $50. It was reported in some of the papers as a heifer calf and the price at $500. Mr. Bryan has set the matter able man lor appointment to the office K t3on"""w. nd the in. i- of rniil Mu. ,.. . . .. "nt closed and the countrv is satis. - ana the only reasonable deduction to be made from the claims of these mer cenary individuals and grand sons, is that they had better be more thorough ly informed on the early history of ex piorers, before they make any such rash breaks. the absurd Count Cassini savs the ef' feet of Piojestvensky's defeat will be in definite prolongation of the war, and he declares that Russia must fight on per haps for years, until the tables are turned, but his utterance do not rep resent the people of Russia nor the peo- A few years ago. there were over f'e "f the world who can see the utter imrty one thousand of the famous n"P "'saness of the Russian cause. It hatchets I list Henrae Vuul.inrr,.n .. I represents the tn-nml link ... ...jfc. uniting ufii tut I f down the cherry tree with, although in who' 'n t'1" event of Japan's ultimate inutw. 1... 1 .e ... I ,-;..,..-. ..-Ml 1. 1; 1 r j"'1 '"c jn-ujue 01 Astoria it may I " uuum, oe uiHKseu irom 1.- . . . 1 11 . I . .... niaieu, mat none ot them were ever l'uwcr can no longer live in lux- found here. They were owned only by ury off tne earnings exacted from tyran truthful men. It was afterwards dis- ia' Russia off the wage earners, and it covered, that there was a manufactory ' im-redi table that the count even be in Xew Jersey that was turning out his own statements, for he must original George Washington hatchets know that with Japan in complete con Astoria his afforded a good field for tro' of the was, with Russia depending disposing of stock in Washington trout "Pn a side tracked railroad for sup farms and southern Oregon gold mines, P''e and reinforcements a prolongation and California oil wells, and cashing of t,ie ' utterly hopeless, fiurely Saturday night bank checks, but it the St. Petersburg authorities are wiser cannot plead not guilty to ever purchas- than tne ambassadors to the United ing any of the original Geo. Washington States, and even the pur-blind czar hatchets, and there arc nn rrranilunna tJ I OUL'ht to see tlmt, the autiiemliii n.m Meriwether Lewis living here, and for has pretty nearly arrived at its lirnita- mese small oiessinss we should he tni. lions, Ln,tl states District Judge for the mstnet of Oregon, was held in this eit v this day, and, Hon. Thomas A. McRriil the present judge of the circuit court of the fifth Judicial District of Oregon, was unanimously endorsed for that do sition. Respectfully submitted. CLATSOP COUNTY BAR ASSX'IAT'N Iv thankful. INJURE TIIK FAIR. There is no one that desires to inten tionally detract one iota from the great Lewis and Clark exposition in Portland, but there is an apparent determination in the part of every one to contribute It is encouraging to hear that peace talk has been revived in Kurmw ami there is an intimation that President Roosevelt is prepared to take the inia- tive in suggesting a speedy end of the war. He had a prolonged discussion with the Japanese minister, as pub 'ished in the Astorian dispatches and 1 to its success. It is very probable that I has also had a conference with the Urit- the exposition management can not con trol the prices charged by the Portland hotels, but it is inevitable that a contin uation of the extortion being practiced will mitigate against the success of the Card of Thanks. The undersigned desire to em,. their sincere and heart felt thanks to the many kind neighbor and frieml. for their assistance and words of m. fort during the illness and death of theii daughter, Evalina Jeanette Fannon, and to the (.. A. R. and W. R. C. a(i ... sure them that their kindness will neve lie forgotten. MR. and MRS. THOS. FAWOV And Faniilv God hath called thee, darling Lena. rrom this world of jfrief and nain: To lie with Him in endless glory, Where we all shall meet 11 It 11 in Oh, how glorious shall be that meeting. rather, mother, sister, friend; AH forgot, then, this sad parting Jn that bright world without pain. Sleep on, then, sainted Una. Angels guard thee evermore; And when to our call from Ood we ans wer, Thy face wilt welcome at the door. MRS. ELLA DOXXKKA. fled. The tendency of women to invade and monopolize every walk in life is given new emphasis by the threatened re vival of the hoopskirt. Mrs. Ace living in Portland recently gave lirth to four boys. Four aces are hard to beat. BENTON'S NEW VALVELESS GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple and Rellsblt. Utttl Cot - fS I Us Parti la Cet 0t f Order, MWwmfiPsrU. Power wit Um wtlght. I'miUu Caieflne. UihK Ptrftd Coe. trot Qui Exhsuit Any Spud from M0 to 1000 revolutions ptt mlnuU. Mzen 1 to 10 II. v., Klngta ( j Under. Hlie ft to 40 II. Double, Cj Under. KNAPPT0N, WICK POUR CYLINDERS TO ORDER TO 100 M0RSE.P0WER. IIIUll I BENNETT. RECORD BREAKING WEEK AT THE STAR All the Latest Attractions From th Best Theaters Matinee daily at 2:4f p. m. MEIJIOY TRIO Oever singing and dancing comedy act THE GREAT LEXART, Cliampion Wire Walker KOSURE AXI) CHAPIX, Comedy Sketch Artists. BABY FERX HART, The Wonder of the Age on the Trftiez ish and German ambassadors. The of fer of friendly services could not come from any quarters with greater grace than from the Lnited States, which has maintained perfect neutrality through' ARTHUR ELWELL, Pictured Melody, "Tell Me That Beau. tiful Story." The Hess restaurant, on Eleventh street, la considered the family restau 8TAROSOOPE, ' saiuu ICBiaiJi I " rant of Astoria. Tke beet meals and 1 "Unlucky Burglars" and "The Bigamist" th best oervlce In Astoria, 120 Eleven- j . th Street ' Admission. Anv Reo 1A r.nl. PRAEl & EIGNER TRANSFERRO. Teleplione 221. D RATING G EXPRESSING LIVERY STABLE Allgoodsflilpped toourcsra will receive special attention. 700-715 Commercial Streets Sherman TransferjCo. IHENRY SHERMAN. Manager Hacks, CarriagesBaggag. Checked and TransferredTrucks and F urniture Wagons- Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street lipped. Phone Main 121 ASTORIA IRON WORKS p BISHOP fiJ,nd Snyt' A- T- F0. Vl-e Pres. F L BISHOP. Secretary ASTORIA HA VINOS BANK, Trea. Designers and Manufacturers of inE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Enginesd Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. ' CORRESPONDENCE S0UCTED. Foot ofFcrth Btr.t Asloris, Ore.