THE MORNING ASTORIA Nt ASTORIA, OREGON. SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1903. CHANCE SHOTS By the .. SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE DISPLAY. One of the most effective displays of inexpensive millinery, ever seen ly the el man in any city to the I'nion, is now shown in the window of the Fair Mil linery Store in the Star Theater Build ing. It is exquisitely dainty and the firm deserve eredit for it, especially le cause the window is small and it takes quite a little thought to produce a good effect without crowding the window full of goods. The Lewis and Clark Fair hats are very appropriate at this time. O . A GAS AD THAT PULLS. . The Cit (sens' Light and Traction Co.. of Salem, Oregon, used over a half page in last Friday's Statesman to advertise gas ranges and incidentally to boom the nse of gas. There ean be no question that this ad, which was well written, will bring returns, especially as the(ly original feature in their fine, new company's ad is to be found in the store. It is a regular smoking room, Salem papers quite frequently, always with- interesting copy 0 NOTHING SMALL ABOUT THIS. The Tradesman, which recently pass ed into the hands of Orno Strong, says that: "Tlie Schwabacker Co.. Walla Walla, general merchants, has arranged to give its salesmen an opportunity to visit tlie Portland fair under very fav orable conditions. The concern will close its store from July 1 to duly 5. and has chartered a special car in which employes will be taken to the fair citv." 0 THE LOST CHORD. There is an opportunity for some local firm to advantageously advertise farm ing implements, wagons, etc. It pays to bring these' articles before the read ers of a good daily paper. Not infre quently the farmer, like others, delays the purchase of new implements, merely because he hasn't read about the ad vantages of discarding the old one. Some day lie notices a hay-rake or a cream separator or something else ad vertised in t'le mail-onW magszlr.? and when he needs such an article, farmer's ready money goes to other eities, while the merclutnts at home for get to cater to his wants. The Mitchell, Lewis 4 Staver Company of Salem, Ore gon, use their home papers quite fre quently with half-page announcements of this class of goods. 0 THERE ARE NEVER TOO MANY. When edvertising journals are as good Printer's Ink. there are never too many. It is published every week, and costs nly $2.00 a year. It is the most useful magazine, a retailer ean buv. It never i jars the nerves,, while it often nerves you op, to boost your bnsinesa where it most needs boosting. The address is 10 Fpruce street, Xew York. Some retailers subscribe for their clerks in order to brighten things up. DRIVE PEDDLERS FROM BUSINESS. Mr. Orno Strong says in West Coast Trade: . "While it is apparent that from a competitive standpoint the grocer and provision dealer can not be expected to take independent action in the matter of outside idiows they are to be eon mended for the progressive and public spirited stand they are taking through their associations to abate a practice which must be more or less detrimental to the public health. And as there is no sacrifice without a corresponding gain, it may be that the grocer and pro vision dealer stands to be benefited by the abatement of this practiiv, for in any reform of this nature it should not be forgotten that foodstuffs are con stantly carted about the streets in open wagons, subject to all the contain nations of the city air and streets. One of the liet methods of meeting the com petition of the street peddler is to keep the fresh vegetable and fruit stock in the stoles in Mich a condition that con tamination is imMihlc. '' O A CROP TAKES TIME. Xo man expects to gather grain a week after the seed i sown. Vet some advertisers expect a big harvest a day after their ad appears for the first time. O APPROPRIATE WINDOWS. A few of Astoria's stores took occas ion to put into their windows a little of the Decoration day spirit. The Bee Hive had in a window the wax model of a young lady dressed in mourning with a few of the nation's (lags. In the windows of the Morse Department store and Herman Wise a few flags were also noticable, while C. H. CK.)er' large windows were for tlie occasion backed with extra large flags of the United States. The entrance was also draped in a similar manner. The un usually large flags of good material pro duced quite a good effect. The Foard 4 Stokes Co. had in one window the counterpart of a mound (grave), very effectively strewn with greens and flo.v- Ad Man. ... voting lady was shown in wax, anpar ently bringing fresh flowers to the sol dier's grave. Another wiudow contain ed an Indian teut and uarup-ftre effect which rivalled the pioneer days. O A HELP TO ADVERTISERS. White's Sayings. puMUhed in Seattle j Wash., is a handy little monthly publi eat ion which will prove useful to any 1 advertiser. It's worth the subscription I price, if only to know what Rusty Mike has to say in it. The cost is only 2J cents a year. Cheap as dirt, yet better than niost things for that little money. if you want to make advertising pay, 0 SOMETHING NEW. According to the Grocer and Country Merchant, the B. Beroeieh Cigar Co., of Oakland, Cal., have installed one entire SxlO. furnished in the most sumptions stvle. All the metal work will 1 of brass finish, and the flooring will be of mosaic tiling. 0 DID YOU SAY BRICK BLOCKS? Connell is reported to be the first town in Franklin county, Wash., to have a brick blink, which is known as the Staples block and is constructed of red brick with white brick trimmings and large plate glass windows. The Bank of Connell brick building, which is under construction, will lie the sec ond. 0 A DRIVE. The "special bargain'' or drive has its uses which the most conservative deal er can appreciate, even when the special cut is made by some competitor. When it is used by one's self, its objectionable features are hard to perceive. The chronic cutter may or may not be a nuisance, but the "specials" or "drives" used l retailers, especially by department stores, are capable of dnitij: much good. Take cases of over pro duction, when the markets are slump ing ami the stocks of psnls affected are hrinking in value every week. When. at such times, a big purchase is made and the lot is offered at a big reduction from the regulur price, the effects are usually seen in a quick recovery of mar ket conditions and the enhancement of the value of the same kind of good is each retail store. SKIN TORTURES Thousands of wretched ceocle are miser able driven almost mad by the terrible itching and burning sensation of Eczema and other skin diseases; many imagine they are suffering from bad blood, whea as a matter of fact the blood has nothing 10 do with it These awful tortures are caosed by little germs that attach the skin exter nally, which can be rooted out in a borrr, leaving the skin dear, soft and healthy. Such misery now cleared away as surely as the ton shines above. Not merely atlesspt ed, not a matter of improvement merely, not a temporary relief bat a clearing of it all away absolutely and permanently. THE Ob D D PRESCRIPTION a specific formula, pot tap in sealed bottles with authentic label, baa. proven to be the only certain enre for these diseases. Its record of cures is astonahing, amazing, al most miraculous. It is a liquid, used e ternally, non-greasy. Cliantid vritMi ent recall For a number of years mr husband fees been suflenntf witn a terrtnie case or eczema. Me but doctored with the bent skin speoiaJints In the city, but they could not even scop the tub ing. I wan told by a friead of ths D. Ik D. treat ment and began uslnv kt at once; the first few application eased ths Lichlae. and in a mootfe's time bis flesh was as clear as could bet Yourtnily. MRS. S. J. HBATH. CI Pine St. Rutland. Vt. Oct. 17. 190. D. D. D. costs but SI.00 a bottle, and Is guaranteed to cure or money refunded. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist WE WANT TO DOUBLE OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW" OF IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THE MORNING ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN ANY CITY OF ITS SIZE- WILL YOU HELP usr TELEPHONE MAIN 661 and I WILL CALL AND TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. Emil Held Advertising snd Circula tion Manager, THE MORNING ASTORIAN. P. S. If you live out of town writs JINGLES AND JESTS. Km her Veird. "10 ashes come from AshevllUf" Asked Sam of pa one day. "Oh. Rsoitnesa! What a question!"" Bald pa. "Child, run and play." TK tin cans rome from Kansas?" Asked Itttla Sammy nr "Bon, that will do," pa uiJTwcred. Poor pa i getting vexed. TV quinces come from QuIneyT" Then came from little Sam. "Oh. I don't know." yelled father. "And 1 don't give a-rup!" Kansas City Times, Ghaut of a t ha ace. First MtHlimii-I tell you that's go ing to be n pretty searching Investiga tion tonight Do you thluk we'll coiuo through It nil right? tooomi .Medium Oh. I gtiesa we ve got a ghost of a chance! Judge. Eeart Bacon When be was out camping did your brother kill much? Egbert-Sure! He nearly killed er- erybody In the camp! lit was the took! Yonkers Statesman. Two Ratal. When In doubt Tlay a trump. But It's optional with you. When In love Play a chump That's what you're bound to do! New Orleans Times-Democrat. The Mailt. Gunner They say Cogg Is an auto mobile fiend. Buyer Aud so be la; sleeps In his goggles and bas gasoline sprinkled on his pillow. Boston Herald. Apt Emplovmeat. A cunnln;: oh! crono of Dululh. Finding out that she had but one tooth. Made her living- with ease lilting holes In Bwl cheese Now. wasn't th-t clever, forsoef " Z3L. For Porch and Summer Home Bamboo Furniture .gives that refreshing touch to the weary and tired person. Settees, Roman Chairs, Hall racks, etc., etc. Step In mid ex amine the line. Did you buy that Chocolate set yet? Yokohama Bazar CT. Commercial Street, Atorl Headline Week AT THE STAR KM the Latest Attractions From the Best Theaters Week Begfnninr May 21. Matinee Dally at 2:45 P. M. GERMAIN E BRf.JS America's Greatest Acrobat MONTGOMERY & CANTOR Ragtime Monarch BURTON BELL. RINGERS Melody Made From Metal A. J. ELWEIJL Pictured Melodies "Always In the Way" Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPB Clown Sldn'y Admission. Any Seat. 10 cents. THE UFIND mi k m mciise Htwk of nliert iniiMc tin; (argent in the city All the lute Popular Hal lails, Rttl Time Melodies, Coon Nontf. et Also a lurj;e assortment of Classi cal Music. We invariably retail AH Populat Music at City Prices (onc-luilf off). We also have over -1'HKi copies of an edition of 10c music, excellent for be ginners. Come in ami look over tlie stock. If we can not supply your wunt in the store, it will Is- a pleasure to order if for you without extra charge. Latest Music in Show Window today and tomorrow, J. N. GRIFFIN Show window full of them. Telephone your want advertisement to the office of The Morning .tor ian. Telephone Main tltil. When you need help or want to sell or exchange anything. Somebody may be looking for work or wish to en change something for un article which yod have. HELP WANTED. POY WANTED printing office, office. TO WOItK IN Apply at Astorlnn FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2 HORSES. WEIGHT 2800 Por.NPH; true pullers; would be suitable for s Inlnn price, $120; fAr further par ticulars write or call on Wm. Mcfol him, Mayger, Ore. FOR SALE HIGH COUNTER, long. Apply at Astor- about 8 feet lan office. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL umn newspaper outfit; complete ex cept prss; cheap. Inquire at this of fice. INCUIJATOR FOR SALE 400 EGGS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; first-class condition. Ad dress A, Astorlan Offloe. OLD PAPERS FOa SALE AT THIS ! Office; tic per hundred. SINGING. Voice Culture AnJ Slngine Instructions. Individual or cSass Instruction. Special terms to classes of tkree pupils, entering to gether. Private Instruction at reason able rates. MRS. R. E. PA SLAY. No. 677 Esehanire St., Phone Red 206L BIDS WANTED. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING (JL'AR- mns'.er, Astoria, Ore.. June 2, 1905. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., June 16, 1905. and then opened for electric light fixture, and Install ing exterior and Interior lighting sys- Km at Ffrt Stevens, Ore. Cnlted States reserves the right to reject any or all projiOAHl. Plans can be seen and specifications obtaJned nt this of fice. Information furnished on ap plication. Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for tlectrlc work" and addressed Capt. Goodnte, Quarter, Astoria, Ore. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUA It- termnster, Astoria, Ore., June 2. 1905. Sealed proposals, In trlpllcat". will be received at this office until 10:30 oclock a. m., June 16, 1905, and then opened for Ins ailing heating sys tems In two barrack buildings and six ofTlcfTs' quarters at Fort Stevens, Or. United St.iree reserves the right to re ject any or all proposals. Plutis can be seen and specifications obtained nt this office. Information furnished oil application. Envelopes should be marked "Propti'nlg for Heating Sys tems" and addressed Captain Goodnle, Astoria, Oie. Oflue Oeitffu'-tlng Qu;rtet tT. Astoria. Or'., June 3, ISfl.V Keiil.-d proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived at thin office until 10 o'clock 11. m Jane 17, l0f, arid then opened, for the construi-tlori of a wharf itnd approach, and a boat house at Fort Stevens, or. United States reserves the right to rej"( t any or all proposals. Pluns can be seen and sp'clflcatlons obtained ut this office. Information furnished on application. Envelopes should be marked "Construction of Whnrf nnd Honthouse," nnd addressed Captain Goodal , Quartermaster, As toria, Ore, Wbea Danger Signals your liver out of order, con stipation, or your stomach not working right, it's a sign of distress which, unheeded, will lead to trouble it is time to take Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and 2Cc Situations Wanted Advertisements I Twice Without Charge. ONE FIRM HAD THREE vertlscnient In One Day. Answers were In be-fore noon. One appll cant got the joh,aolorkahlp In a Oroeery Hlore. Quick lies n It 1 are Oblaintd by Advertising In the wswt Columns of Ths Mowlwf Attoritn, . DAILY 7,000 READERS f TOR RENT-ROOMS. WH KENTLA IK IS FttONT ItOOM; fire and electric light; finest view In city. Address C. A., AstorUn. REAL ESTATE. 11ER.M08A PARK LOTS, TUG MOST exclusive property at Seaside. Ore. Fat-In the l'aclflo ocean In Oregon's prettiest summer resort, then lots are a food Investment at 1150 to 1350 each. Inspection Invited. A. Gilbert. Jr. Seaside, Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar SL Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything rirst Class. tlnxil brands of Liquors and Cigars ELECTRICIANS Kt Makes estimates and executes erdsri for all hinds of electrical installing and repsiriitg. Supplies In Stock. We ssll L. .-I -a. . 1 run a . n I umr. K. W. Cyrus, Manager. 428 Bono ST. PHONE 1161 LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In ths city. Dose, the best work at reasensbls prices and as M every way wcrthy of your patroaege. 10th and) DUANE Sts Phone 1991. MILK DEALERS. Milk Inspectors of Xew Ynrk city have just toniplct -il an investigation of the htiilditiK" in bull milk, for tlie general consumer is handled. We never fear the critical eye of the im-K-ctr or visitor. We keep our 'building and OUR MILK PUSE. MiirniiiK ur ni'ht delivery, THE SLOOP-JEFFER8 CO., 10th and Dunne streets. MEAT MARKETS. FRESH AND CURED MEATS YVIioIihiiIfhwI IteUill Ships, Logging Camps and Mills Sup plied on Short Notice. Liv Slock Dourt snd Sold. WASHINGTON MARKET CHRISTEN8EN & CO. Central Meat Market G. W. Morton A Jao. Fuhrmin, Prop'i. CHOICEST KRE8II AND HALT MEATB PROMPT DELIVERY. 542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321 RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. ' 434 Bond St. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-ccnt meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. i EfeclncQ Hi Inserted BROKERAGE. C. J. TRENCH A RI) Real Estate, Insurance, Cemmlsslen and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE 1R0KER. Offlee 193 Ninth Street Neat to Justlee Offloe. ASTORIA, OREGON. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Finest Hotel In the Northwest The Tired Traveler Is ever happy to And ft comfortable stopping place. Where to put up la the la the , JottV ra prevalent question after a long ney. Teu can solve the problem Astoria by going to Ike PARKER HOUSE Whose genial host, Ur. T. 3. Broem. sr. Is an experienced hotel man and who on April 1 took carg of thla popular hostelry and has Inaugurated a new feature to the house by opening the dining room In connection with the hotel and la now able to give his pat. rons board and lodgings, the best la Astoria, for II and I US per day. Sat. Isfactlon guaranteed. Rooms at IS, SO, 71 and 11. free 'bus te and from the hotel. J. T. DROEMSER. FURNITUAI. ROBINSON ft H1LDE8RAND Qoodmae Bldg. 6&t Commsseial St. FURNITURE, Carpet. Siding. Stovee, Matting, Window Shades, LINOLEUM, Ete. BLACKSMITH. ANDREW - ASP, Blacksmith. Having instsllsd a Rubber Tirlno Machine of the latest patter am prepares! te do all kinds ef werk at reasonable priess. 12lh and Duan Sta, WOOD YAROS. WOOD! WOOD' WCODl Cord weei, mill weed, hex weed, any kind ef weed at leweet prleee. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phene 2211 Uses, tarn en Twelfth, eppeeMa epera PRptfESSIONAl CAJtDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. I). PUYSICIAN AND MUKOEON Acting AmHuiit Suiumo U.8. Marios Iloipimi Hrrvlce. ' Offloe hours: 10 to II a.m. 1 to :I0 p.m. ill Commercial Street, tnd Floor. OSTEOPATHICS. Dr. klxxla t:. Ilirki, ir. J. ! gnyder OSTEOPATHS. Olttr MunsU liUL Phone Vlack 20S 573 Comnifrclal St., Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, j.'4 Commercial St Arltrint Oicsnit. Dk. VAUCIIAX, ' Ukntist Tythiau Bulliliiii;, Astoria, Orepon. Dr. W. C. LOU AN DENTIST Commercial St., Hhnnahan Building BUSINESS COLLEGES. BUSINESS In this Vfr of ken competition a fluHlness Education Is an Indlspensnble ndjuiiit to ',hj mnliltlnus youiiR man, or younit woman who wlxhcs to succeed In business life. We have the reputa tion of being the LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. OUR GRADUATES ARE ALL EM PLOYED Our teachers are all prnc tlcal men and specialists in their par ticular lines. If you are thlnkln df afford to iKnore the Bclmke-Walkcr Business College. era. To enlarge upon the feature, a for our pan. 612 Co-mercial Sul, p.,'