The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 03, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, JUNE J, 1905.
Fruit and Flowers With Comment
, on Culture and Care.
Exptrltnoss of Thos Engsgsd in Rais
ing Flowrs nd Fruits for the Bene
fit of Those ConUmplating Going In
to tho Business at Astoria. .
WbVu'biosiioms appear toe first year
tho Crult stems should be rut off or
jiluchwl out 11m first niuww should
be allowed to Brow-may not liv any
nmmd. As rule, each parent plant
oliould bo permitted to ft eight plants,
which will wake your rows about
4'lghiM-u Inches In width. If on a steop
hillside or where you cannot get wheat
atraw for iiiuli-hlug, now oats between
the row about Aug. 10 to 15. If tbe
ground la dry after killing front,
inulrb; If not, wait until tlie first bard
frwse. Tut tnoro straw between Urn
rowa than In tttotu Jimt enough to hide
tho plants-and then It la not necessary
o remove It the followlug spring.
Karh Individual baa different meth
d of hsadllng the berries. A few
tilings must not b done-plcklng when
tho Ix'rrlfS aro wot from dew or rain;
long oipoauro to the direct raya of tbe
nun; pruning and ahort packages. Dcr
rtt for homo use or ahlpm-nt must
t bandied painfully, conscientiously.
Healthy plantations and those compar
atively free from weeds can very often
bo worked over by first mowing and
then burning tho cured tops and mulch,
nd throwing tbe dirt away from tbe
rowa of old plant until tho row or
lidgo left la about a foot In width.
Then follow cultivation aa with a new
ly act plantation. Wo apray twice with
the bordeaux tnlitnre. first when tbe
fruit buds appear, second when growth
lias ceased In the fall. Qur plantations
are healthy, and our yields have been
very blgh.-Frult Grower.
Hardy 11 Us Estremelf Ormtl
' aad Kaelly Orsws,
Tbe genua diauthus contains many
of our most ornamental and easily
grown flowering plants. Our magnifi
cent modern carnatlona can only be
successfully grown under glass, but
there la a host of bardy varieties of
the greatest diversity and beauty.
Croat advance have been made In
hybridising various species and garden
trains, so wo now have perpetual flow
ering strain of clovo or grass pluka
and Margaret carnation, all com lug
Into bloom la four to aereu months
from the seed. Most of these are de
lightfully fragrant. There Is continual
Improvement In tho Chinese pink.
3, Q. A. tlOWt.HY erenldfilt
a. I. 1'ETMIHUN,. Vice-President
Astoria Savings Bank
rspllnl Paid In 111)0,000. Hurplii and Undivided Prodis ;rt,nX).
Transacts a Cenernl Bunking Buhtnenn. Interest Paid on Time Deposit.
168 Tenth Street,
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Weinhard's LorCc.
The culture Is of the alrnpftmf."' Heed
limy Im sown In a flue seed bed In the
garden. When large enounh the plants
should be set lu well enriched soli
''I ' 'I hi n in. ii i JyjjiM
bout a toot ftiart'm'b way. The
hiooin i constant and 'brilliant as aoon
as a little growth la made. Tbe only
fnatur lacking I fragrance, wblcb la
very alight In tbla aectlon. A very
charming novelty In Chinese pink en
graved from dried flower grown In
tier many Is shown In the cut. It orig
inated la Japan and la first sent out
Oils season under tbe name of Dlsn
thus laclnlatua mlrabllls, or Marvelous
pluk. The fresh bloom aro as 14 to
reach three to four Inches In diameter
on long, stiff stems. Tbe petal aro
deepty cut Into fin strip or thread
like frluge which are twisted In all
direction. The colore range from
white to rose and purple red, with dark
one, Ilural New Yorker.
Ooe nimbi- Viae.
Kalloon vine, canary blfU creeper,
cypress vine, hyacinth bcaua, Japa
iicm! hop vine, Japanese bop, variegat
ed; thunbcrgl, nasturtiums, morning
glory, Japan morning glory, mixed;
Allegheny vine, scarlet runner, wild
"ucumber. slender growing gourds.
To stir the soli ami break tho crus!
that forms after rain 1 one of the first
rules of successful gardening.
Remove the blossom from newly aet
strawberry plant.
Mulch bearing plantation of straw
berries with salt uiurnu bay or clean
straw. Mulching keep down weeds,
conserves moisture and keeps the ber
ries cleun.
Hellebore will kill tbe worms on tbe
currant bi'slics, but should not be used
later limit two week before picking
For scurfy and oyster shell bark
louse on the apple apray with whale
oil soap one pound to seven gallons
of water or kerosene emulsion gen
erally the latter part of May or 1st of
Hpray tbe blackberries wltb bordeaux
for leaf spot when the leave art half
grown and repeat In two or three
week If necessary.
Bpray tho currant early for anthrac
nose and leaf spot. Before tho leavea
appear la beat, followed by another
spraying when tho leavea are unfolding
and every two or thro week till tho
fruit beglna to ripen.
The Best Restaurant.
Regular Meals 25c.
Everything the Market Affords.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Palace Catering Co.
If you want a good, clean meal or if you
are in a hurry you should
go to the
Astoria Restaurant
This Tine restaurant is thoroughly up-to.
date in every detail.
Fit ASK PATTON, Cinhler
J. W. (JAKNKK, A"lUnt CuMiliT
A Frernt Old Ka.liloned Ii
Pupular la Kaglaad.
The wallflower Is a well knowip
herlmreou perennial much prized for
the odor of the dowers, which are pro
duced In spring and early summer.
Wallflower are more popular In Eng
land than lu America, for tbey thrive
best In a moist atmosphere. There are
dwarf and double flowered varieties
and Innumerable forma ' la varloas
shades of yellow, brownish and even
plant of a double yellow wallflow
er In full bloom la shown In tbe ac
companying Illustration from Ameri
can Agriculturist l'lanta are best
frown from aeed every year or every
second year, aa after the second flow
ering tbvy do not bloom so well.
A Row Terk FTalt Orewee tore All
t'p Date reroters Srar.
Tbe number of fruit growers In tbla
vicinity (northwestern Columbia and
southern Rensselaer counties) who
apray la gradually lacreaaing. I think
It aafo to say tbat practically all the
good up to date farmer art now apray
Ing. Bpraytug la comparatively a new
thing. It la a disagreeable Job and
cornea In tbe most busy time of tbe
year. One la working by faith, not by
sight, always a harder task. Most of
the pumps and appliance for apraylng
are too weak and Imperfect
Then, too. It la not rare to meet a
man who thinks bordeaux mixture will
kill InsecU and parts green destroy
plant lice. Nevertheless better and
more Intelligent work la being done
earb year. That the advantage la real
and apparent la evidenced by tbe fact
Just cited that apraylng la Increasing.
Another very significant fact la that
tbe best buyers will hardly go to look
at an orchard that baa not been spray
ed. Tbe spread of tbe San Jose scale
la compelling many to apray who nev
er did ao before, and tho very thorough
work that must be done to have any
effect on tbla pest means better spray
ing all along the llne.-H. E. Van Al
ityne In Rural New Yorker.
iRraflaST tk. Apple.
In apraylng tbe apple for scab an4
rust for the first application apray with
copper sulphate solution or, better, with
strong bordeaux mixture before the
buda start For the second application
give another apraylng wltb bordeaux
mixture aa aoon as the bios soma have
fallen. After tbla two or three apray
Inga wltb bordeaux mixture may be
given at Intervale of three or four
For the bod moth add parla green
or lead arsenate to bordeaux mixture
for first and aecond sprayings given for
For the codling moth add parla green
or lead arsenate to the aecond apraylng
wltb bordeaux mixture. Give a like ap
plication after about two months to
catch later broods of tbe Insect It Is
recommended for tbe first apraylng giv
en that a nosale throwing a rather
coarse apray be used, so that larger
quantities of the poison will be depos
ited In tbe calyx end of the apple,
where the caterpillar of this Insect usu
ally enters. A. E. Stone, Rhode Island.
Freak Remedlea.
Of all tho freak remedies that are
lometlmes proposed for sick house
plants those which are reconinieudcd
for rubber plants are the worst They
ruu all the way from applying beef
steak and castor oil to the roots to coat
lug tbe leaves with milk. Give your
plants a properly prepared soli and suf
ficient light Co over the plants dally
wltb a soft cloth and remove any Indi
cation of dust, scale or Insects. Coun
try Life In America.
Free Fro at Peats.
One of tbe strongest claims made for
tbe peony aa a garden plant la Its re
markable freedom from all aorta of
pests. Insects or fungus, and It la a
very valuable feature. Tbe plant flour
tshea when all around It will be chewed
up by one or another of the boat of In
sects that come to keep the gardener
Wlmt.r Kllllaar of ko Peaek.
After an entire season's study of the
winter killing of the peach In Ohio the
horticulturists of the state station ar
rive at tbe conclusion that only upon
one point do a number of conservative
peach growers seem to agree vis, that
trees and orchards of low vitality, gen
erally speaking, suffered most severely.
R. M. Gaston carries a full line of
farm implements, also wagons, , bug
gies and farming toots of all kinds.
10S Fourteenth street.
9 r
The Crafty Old Fox
It 1 well known in Japan that, al
though foxes can delude human be
togs, tbey can never deceive a dog.
I There was once a thrifty poulterer
who, In carrying bis fowls to market,
bad to pass near tbe lair of a very
rrafty fox, but as be was accompa
nied by a good bunting dog be bad nev
er Buffered any mishap.
One day, however, the fox, whose
mouth watwd at tbe eight of the fat
ducks and chickens, bit upon a scheme
to obtain them. Taking bla eldest son,
promising young cub, wltb him, be
stationed himself near the road and
watched. As soon aa tbe poulterer
came In sight be told tbe cub to run
Across tbe road. Tbe dog promptly
gave cbaae, and tbe old fox, assuming
tbe form of a beautiful woman, step
ped forward and accosted tbe poulterer
wltb timid courtesy.
I "Do you know that there Is a mis
chievous fox near here, good air?" aaid
be. "You would better look out for
your fowla."
"Ob, my dog just ran after him, so
there la no danger," answered tbe poul
terer. - -1-T V .' -
"But If he hurts' the fox tbe other
foxes will seek to be revenged. Hadn't
we bettef go by the other road It Is
shorter and leads past shrine of tbe
ajoddess Kuannon, who can deliver us
from the power of all foxes."
Hbe led the way under tbe trees, fol
lowed by tbe amazed poulterer, who
wondered that be bad never beard of
this road before, but be waa too charm
ed by her beauty to make any objec
tion. ' Bo deluded was he that the narrow,
muddy patch seemed to him a broad,
level road, and before long tbey arrived
t tbe ahrlne of the goddess. After of
fering their prayers tbey sat down at
ft table In an adjoining room wblcb
7aa covered with all the delicacies of
the season and feasted to their hearts'
: Then the cunning fox-woman slipped
unpercelred from tbe room and, tak
ing tbe form of a bozu (Buddhist
priest), rushed back, demanding In a
terrific voice wbut any one meant by
stealing the food of the goddess Kuan
non and threatening tbe poor, deluded
man with instant death.
Tbe poulterer fell on bis knees and
begged plteously for bis life.
'I will pardon you this once," said
tbe bozu, "on condition that you con
sent to be my disciple."
Greatly relieved, he submitted will
ingly to having his bead shaved clean.
When tbe bozu left the room be flung
himself on a richly covered couch and
soon was fast asleep.
What was his amazement on waking
to find himself half lying In a ditch
of muddy water In front of an old, de
serted straw hut No trace was left of
his fowls, and, putting bla band to bis
bead, be discovered that all bis hair
was gone. Then be knew that he had
been deluded by the crafty old fox of
which he bad so often beard.
For Bora to Tklok Over.
One of our great American leaders
says a boy should learn
To let cigarettes alone.
To be kind to all animate.
To be manly and courageous.
To ride, row, shoot and swim.
To build a fence aclentlflcally.
To fill tbe wood box every night
To be gentle to bla sisters. ' ' '
To shut a door without slamming.
To sew on a button.
To do errands promptly and cheerful
ly. To have a dog and make compan
ion of blm.
A Riddle.
What crosses the water without mak
ing a shadow? A eound.
n ' f ' ' I" ,Y
Kitchen Tragedy
There were great doings in tbe kitch
en of the big bouse the other day. Tho
cousins were coming, and tbe cook was
manufacturing all sorts of delicious
little surprises. Among them were
funny pie crust man with very crook
ed arms and legs and a wondrous gin
ger bread elephant with raisins for eyes
and cloves for toes.
These were lying side by side on the
fable where tbe cook bad placed them
as they came out of tbe oven. No soon
er had the cook left tbe kitchen for a
few minutes than tbe I. C. M. jumped
up and ran to tbe other end of tbe ta
ble. Being still warm and soft, bis legs
were not strong. Therefore his gait
waa quite unsteady.
Tbe O. B. E., following tbo man's ex
ample, rose to bis feet and looked wltb
amusement at the P. C. M.'s antics.
"You csn't walk straight yet," trump
eted the O. B. E. across tbe table.
"Tbsfs all yon know about It," waa
the retort And to show what ft reso
lute r. C. M. can do be started to make
a B line along a crack In tbe table.
Tbe G. B. E. atarted along the same
Crack to go the other way.
Of course tbey met Of course nei
ther one would get out of the way.
And that made the collision. Tbe P. C.
XI. raised bis arms as If be were aim
ing a giro. But the G. B. E., not car
ing to be shot, even with pie crust bul
lets, seized tbe P. C. M. on bis trunk
and tossed blm Into the buttermilk jar.
Naturally tills brought the P. C. M. to
bis senses. He surrendered and began
to cry ut In despair that be waa all
coming apart.
Tbe 0. B. E. was just Inflating him
self to shout victory when a little boy
came In and ate blm up. So ended tbe
P. C. SI. and tbe G. B. E.
Sparrows mm Coo4 Baaaaritaaa.
The sparrow has never been noted
for its good works and kind deeda, but
the following little story throws a new
light on tbe despised little scrap
pers: Last spring a young robin was found
floundering about a gentleman's lawn.
It was unable to fly and bad evidently
fallen from Its uest Fearing that the
cats might devour It lu tbe night, this
gentlemax took the bird to the rear of
his yard am placed It in an lnclosure
covered with a wire screen. While
dressing the next morning be looked
out of bis window and waa amazed at
the action of a couple of sparrows who
were carrying norma to tbe young
robin In tbe lnclosure. Tbey would fly
away only to return a few moments
later with worma, which they dropped
through the screen Into the upturned
mouth of tho captive. .Tbey kept up
tbla charitable feeding until the robin
was liberated, and even men they hov
ered around like self appointed guard-
law. -,
. 'rke Amaalaa; fyldor,- ---
The bread spider will prove ft simple
and amusing , little toy suitable , for
boys and girls, but not beneath the no
tice of their elders. Roll some bread-
crumbs Into a small pellet Color these
black with some Ink, leaving two white
dots for eyes. Take three small hair
pins of the kind called "Invisible" and
bend them Into the semblance of alx
Terrific Race With Death.
"Death was fast approaching.,
writes Ralph F. Fernanda of Tampa,
Fla,, describing his fearful race with
death, "as a result of liver trouble and
heart disease, which had robbed me of
sleep and cf all interest lnlfe. I had
tried many different doctors and sev
eral medicines, but got no benefit, un
til I began to use Electric Bitters. So
wonderful waa effect, that in
three days I felt like a new man, and
today am cured of all my troubles.
Guaranteed "at Chas. Rogers drug '
store: price 50c'
Of BarflHda to la Clrlag It Tkoiw
oSk TriaL
TWa la onlr one teat by which to
Juds of tbo efflcioncr of any article ,
and tbat is or lis awiuy 10 ao inai
which It Is intended to do. Msny hale
visors saay look nice and amen nice,
but the point Is do they eradicate Dan
druff and stop falling hair?
No. tbey do not. but Herplclde does.
because It goes to th. root of the stU
and kills tho germ that attacks tho
papilla from whence tho hair gets its
Ufa. -
Letters from vromlnent people every
where are dally proving that Newbro'S
Herpldde stands the "test of use."
It Is a delightful dressing, clear, pur
and free from oil or grease.
Sold br lesdlne druriists. Send 10c in
stamps for sample to Tho Herpldde Co.,
Detroit. Mich. -
Eagle Drug Store, 151-15! Bond St,
Owl Drug Store, HI Com, St, T. 1.
tftarln. Prop. "Special Agent"
Man people who are neglecting
symptoms of k i d n e y trouble,
hoping "it will wear away," are
drifting towards Bright'i Disease,
which is kidney trouble in one of
its worst forms.
stops ' Irregularities strengthens
the urinary organs and builds up
the worn-out tissues of the kid
neys so they will perform their
functions properly. Healthy kid
neys strain 'out -the imparities
from. the blood as it passes
through them. Diseased kidneys
do not, and the poisonous waste
matter is carried by the circulation
to every part of the body, causing
dizziness, backache, stomach
trouble, sluggish liver, irregular
heart action, etc.
, If you have any signs of Kidney
or Bladder trouble commence tak
at once, as it will cure a slight dis
order in a few days and prevent
a fatal malady. It is pleasant to
take and benefits the whole system
How to Find Outs
You can easily determine U your kid
aeys art out of order by setting asido
for 24 hours ft bottle of the urine passed
upon arising;. If upon examination It
la cloudy or milky or haa ft brick-dust
sediment or small particles float about
in it, your kidneys are diseased, and
taken at once.
SL B. Bornaas Testifies After
Four Tears.
a t. softest sf Osribh) Certw. It T, Tltsst
"About (our Tears aco I wrote too statins thai
I bad been entirely cured of a sersre kidney
trouble by taking; less than two bottles ot Foley's
Kid nay Cure. It entirely stopped the brick
dust sediment and vain and symptom of kidney
disease disappeared. I am glad to aay that I
have oerer had a return of any ot thoe. symp
toms during the four years that hays elapaed.
and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and
heartily recommend Foley 'a Kidney Cure to anj
as. auSerlng from kidney or bladder trouois."
Two 01100, SOo and 100.
CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist
The Crime of the
The June Everybody's has the oilman
of this Terrible Story, as told by
Thomas W. Lawson.
If you have been following the story
you have probably rushed to the store
and bought your copy already, so much,
was your interest In the remainder.
However, if you have not, the story
is very plainly set forth In this num
ber Practically a summing up of the
story without the detail, so that ono
can easily see bom the people were
ruthlessly robbed of thousands upen
thousands of dollars. Price 13c.
Show window full of them.